Call to a member function getDateFormat() on null, laravel/passport install - mongodb

I am getting a
[Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError] Call to a member function getDateFormat() on null
when running "php artisan passport:install" on a laravel/mongodb api project. I have tried changing "use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;" to "use Jenssegers\Mongodb\Eloquent\Model as Model;" in my user and client.php but it still throws the exception.
any ideas??

I also encountered this problem while developing a same type of project. This occurs because Laravel Passport doesn't support Jenssegres\laravel-mongodb. It uses the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model by default.
Now there are two solutions to this.
You can go on changing every Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model to Jenssegres\Mongodb\Eloquent\Model in the Laravel Passport's vendor folder(there are about 6 files you will have to change), but this is not recommended, as when you will try you push this project on the production server, the vendor folder is ignored, and you will have to do all the changes again. Also if they change something and you update it, all the changes will be lost.
Another way of doing this, which I would recommend is, using designmynight/laravel-mongodb-passport package. This package will do the above-stated things and will do it efficiently. Installation is also pretty simple. You can go through the documentation here and you can have it up and running in no time.
Hope this can solve your problem.
Documentation link:


How to remove "algolia/algoliasearch-client-php" completely from my Laravel 8 project

I have already removed algolia/algoliasearch-client-php package by using the composer remove command from my Laravel 8 project, but I am still getting below error while calling delete(), redirect().
Please help me to fix the below error.
Exception Please install the Algolia client:
In the composer.lock file; We have below the message. It can create problem plz confirm also:
"suggest": {
"algolia/algoliasearch-client-php": "Required to use the Algolia engine (^2.2)."
If you are not going to be using algolia anymore then you don't need scout most likely. Your models are still setup to use scout which will still be looking for the algolia drivers.
Perhaps you want to remove Searchable from your Models if you are not planning on using any of these services for search indexing.

Is it possible to provide seprate server for each user in oracle 10g?

I am getting error whenever i recompile my workflow package.
to solve this error i have to bounce the server which is used among no of users.
if it is possible to get separate server so i can bounce and test it without disturbing DBA/system admin.
Aha; it seems that you posted two questions for the same problem; this is another one.
As of your problem: Oracle says this:
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "APPS.ATL_OARR_PCKG" '
Why wouldn't you make sure that all objects, referenced by your package, exist before you compile it? What benefit do you see in having an invalid package? You can't use it anyway, you can't test it, you can't do anything.
Therefore, having yet another server most probably won't fix that problem, because I suspect that missing package (if that's what ATL_OARR_PCKG is) won't automagically appear on the new server.

Class 'kartik\base\InputWidget' not found

In my Yii2 apps I add extension select2, since composer not successfully downloaded all the needed librarys. So I do it manually but I have still have error. Any help is BIG THANKS.
Here is my error.
I think since you did it manually you
forgot to add this file: input widget file
or did not specify proper path to it.
Check these and come back if any issues prevail.And always try to use composer as it's better to solve composer errors than finding what is missing after doing the entire set up.Isn't it? ;)

Sentry Raven inside Firefox Addon SDK

I am making a Firefox Extension and I want to log the errors/messages/exceptions produced by the extension code using Sentry.
I tried the JavsScript Raven client but I guess its not really made to live inside the "Content" context.
The error I get is: message = "debug" is read-only, but my actual question is, how do I go about integrating Sentry in a Firefox Addon?
PS: No, this wont go into general distribution, my api keys are safe.
What I did was just to omit calling .install() and just use the error/message reporting.
There will be no automatic catching and source code but it works for my purposes.

Sample Component with Content Versioning from Joomla Site not working correctly

I was trying to restore a version of a content I am editing.
in my administrator/components/com_joomprosubs/tables/subscription.php
in the construct function I added this following line:
'JoomprosubsTableSubscription', array('typeAlias' =>'com_joomprosubs.subscription'));
from what I have read in this link:
but when I try to restore a version, an error is displayed:
"Error restoring item version from history."
I have followed the procedures step by step from that link. The storing of content history works, the only problem is when I try to restore the older versions. I even downloaded the finished sample file on the link's above.
The error is being return due to the blank value of typeAlias. I don't know where I got it wrong. from the code that I added above, I have included the typeAlias with its corresponding value. The weird thing is, if my code above does not work, it would not been also able to store content history.
Has anybody tried adding versioning in their custom component in Joomla? Please leave your comments.
For now, I temporarily overridden the loadHistory function from the Base Class.
from there, i passed the alias as 'com_joomprosubs.subscription'. The restoring of version history is now working.
Is there a disadvantage in my resolution?