Entity Framework Db.SaveChanges() not working? - entity-framework

Can u tell me what is the problem?

If you are using two different instances of the DbContext (the db variable as you named it) then nothing will be saved when you call SaveChanges on a context different than the one where your entities are tracked. You need to use the Attach method first.
However I think in your case you can avoid the attach step if you refactor a bit you code and don't use the DbContext from the entity itself.

Before going through my answer, you must check, if you are attaching the item as shown in excepted answer or check this code:.
if (dbStudentDetails != null && dbStudentDetails.Id != 0)
// update scenario
item.Id = dbStudentDetails.Id;
_context.Entry(dbStudentDetails).State = EntityState.Modified;
// create scenario
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
If above solution doesn't work, then check the below answer.
Saw a very wired issue, and thought to must answer this. as this can
be a major issue if you have lots of constraints and indexes in your
db.SaveChanges() wasn't throwing any error, but not working (I have tried Exception or SqlException). This was not working because the Unique constraint was not defined properly while creating the Entity Models.
How you can Identified the issue:
I connected my SQL Server and opened the SQL Profiler.
Just before the db.SaveChanges(), I cleared all my profiler logs and ran the db.SaveChanges(). It logged the statement. I copied the script from the profiler and ran the script in SQL Server.
And bingo, I can see the actual error, which is being thrown at SQL Server side.
(images: have some hints, how you can get the execute statement from Profiler and run on sql server)
What you can do For Entity Framework Core:
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<Students>().HasIndex(p => new { p.RollNumber, p.PhoneNumber }).IsUnique(true).IsClustered(false).HasDatabaseName("IX_Students_Numbers");
What you can do For Entity Framework 6 and below:
using System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration;
internal partial class StudentsConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Students>
public StudentsConfiguration()
HasIndex(p => new { p.RollNumber, p.PhoneNumber }).IsUnique(true).IsClustered(false).HasName("IX_Students_Numbers");

Try to query your entity by Id, eg:
entity = this.repo.GetById(item.id);
entity.is_front = false;
if (dbSaveChanges() > 0)


EF Core 2.0: How to discover the exact object, in object graph, causing error in a insert operation?

I have a complex and big object graph that I want to insert in database by using a DbContext and SaveChanges method.
This object is a result of parsing a text file with 40k lines (around 3MB of data). Some collections inside this object have thousands of items.
I am able to parse the file correctly and add it to the context so that it can start tracking the object. But when I try to SaveChanges, it says:
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.
I would like to know if there is a smart and efficient way of discovering which object is causing the issue. It seems that a varchar field is too little to store the data. But it's a lot of tables and fields to check manually.
I would like to get a more specific error somehow. I already configured an ILoggerProvider and added the EnableSensitiveDataLogging option in my dbContext to be able to see which sql queries are being generated. I even added MiniProfiler to be able to see the parameter values, because they are not present in the log generated by the dbContext.
Reading somewhere in the web, I found out that in EF6 there is some validation that happens before the sql is passed to the database to be executed. But it seems that in EF Core this is not available anymore. So how can I solve this?
After some research, the only approach I've found to solve this, is implementing some validation by overriding dbContext's SaveChanges method. I've made a merge of these two approaches to build mine:
Implementing Missing Features in Entity Framework Core - Part 3
Validation in EF Core
The result is...
public override int SaveChanges(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)
return base.SaveChanges(acceptAllChangesOnSuccess);
public override async Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess, CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken())
return await base.SaveChangesAsync(acceptAllChangesOnSuccess, cancellationToken);
private void ValidateEntities()
var serviceProvider = this.GetService<IServiceProvider>();
var items = new Dictionary<object, object>();
var entities = from entry in ChangeTracker.Entries()
where entry.State == EntityState.Added || entry.State == EntityState.Modified
select entry.Entity;
foreach (var entity in entities)
var context = new ValidationContext(entity, serviceProvider, items);
var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
if (Validator.TryValidateObject(entity, context, results, true)) continue;
foreach (var result in results)
if (result == ValidationResult.Success) continue;
var errorMessage = $"{entity.GetType().Name}: {result.ErrorMessage}";
throw new ValidationException(errorMessage);
Note that it's not necessary to override the other SaveChanges overloads, because they call these two.
The Error tells you that youre writing more characters to a field than it can hold.
This error for example would be thrown when you create a given field as NVARCHAR(4) or CHAR(4) and write 'hello' to it.
So you could simply check the length of the values you read in to find the one which is causing your problem. There is at least on which is too long for a field.

Using EF with stored procedure and getting error as New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session

In Entity framework, I have implemented generic repository and unit of work pattern.
Below is related stuff from unit of work:
public IRepository<TEntity, TKey> GetRepository<TEntity, TKey>() where TEntity : class
if (_repositories == null)
_repositories = new Dictionary<string, object>();
string key = String.Format("{0}|{1}", typeof(TEntity).Name, typeof(TKey).Name);
if (_repositories.ContainsKey(key))
return (IRepository<TEntity, TKey>)_repositories[key];
Type repositoryType = typeof(Repository<TEntity, TKey>);
_repositories.Add(key, Activator.CreateInstance(repositoryType, _dataContext));
return (IRepository<TEntity, TKey>)_repositories[key];
From Manager layer, entity framework is call as below:
IRepository<tablenameEntity int> _tableEntityRepository = _unitOfWork.GetRepository<tablenameEntity, int>();
Error is as follow:
An error occurred while starting a transaction on the provider connection. See the inner exception for details.
{"New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session."}.
Actually, I just did as below,
remove stored procedure and function from model browser and added procedure and function again.
run custom tool on edmx file.
It just work out.
I am not sure, what was the issue. did that before also, but it was not work.. now, it works and not produce after that.

Entity Framework Update/Insert

We are using EF 4.0 for performing database operation. we are using following code to save products to database :
public void SaveProduct(Product updatedProduct)
using (model)
Product originalProduct = model.Products.Single(p => p.ProductID == updatedProduct.ProductID);
But while attaching a product, I am getting following error :
An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager.
The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same
Im a little surprised by the code. Would not work in EF6.
Single returns 1 entry or Exception if not found.
EF 4.x had SingleOrDefault, which returns a null if not found.
IEnumerable.Single extension returns T.
Are you sure T supports Any().?
Clearly the error is you cant put the record in to the context twice.
If the single worked but Any() test didnt, that might explain.
See SingleOrDefault.
Consider test for Null instead of any.

Silverlight 4 Entity framework issue

I have created a sample application in Silverlight with RIA services. I am using entity framework for CRUD operation but it does not work for INSERT Operation with following Exception, "Submit operation failed validation. Please inspect Entity.ValidationErrors for each entity in EntitiesInError for more information." I have not apply any validation but don't know how the error occurs.
I have tested that when I create an object of DB entity and assign values to it and then save by calling object.SaveChages(), it works fine. But its default method does not work. Any help is appreciated.
The SubmitOperation callback has an EntitiesInError property which you can use to iterate thru the entities. That's the way of getting the "real" error.
Here's the method I have to show the user what went wrong...
public static bool WasSubmittedOK(SubmitOperation so, string errorMessageHeader, out string errorMessage)
errorMessage = string.Empty;
if (!so.HasError)
return true;
errorMessage = "An unknown error has occurred";
if (so.EntitiesInError.Count() > 0)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendFormat("{0}\r\n", errorMessageHeader);
foreach (Entity item in so.EntitiesInError)
builder.AppendFormat("\r\nFor {0}", item.GetType());
foreach (ValidationResult error in item.ValidationErrors)
builder.AppendFormat("\r\n- {0}", error.ErrorMessage);
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error in {0}:'{1}'", string.Join(",", error.MemberNames.ToArray()), error.ErrorMessage));
errorMessage = builder.ToString();
else if (so.Error != null) { errorMessage = so.Error.Message; }
return false;
Are you able to drill into the validation errors? I actually have an article about this coming in December MSDN Magazine Data Points but I bet you don't want to wait, right? :)
Even if you haven't applied any specific validations, there are things like foreign key contsraints that EF will still check. If you can see what the error is that will be ultimately useful in solving your problem. Debug into the exception. See if there is a DbEntityValidationException available...maybe it's in an innerexceptoin. DbEntityValidationException will have one or more EntityValidationErrors. Each of those contains a list of all of the errors found for one instance. That means expanding the EntityValidationErrors items one at a time and looking at the ValidationError items contained within.

How do I delete multiple rows in Entity Framework (without foreach)

I want to delete several items from a table using Entity Framework. There is no foreign key / parent object, so I can't handle this with OnDeleteCascade.
Right now I'm doing this:
var widgets = context.Widgets
.Where(w => w.WidgetId == widgetId);
foreach (Widget widget in widgets)
It works, but the foreach bugs me. I'm using EF4, but I don't want to execute SQL. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything -- this is as good as it gets, right? I can abstract the code with an extension method or helper, but somewhere we're still going to be doing a foreach, right?
EntityFramework 6 has made this a bit easier with .RemoveRange().
db.People.RemoveRange(db.People.Where(x => x.State == "CA"));
Warning! Do not use this on large datasets!
EF pulls all the data into memory, THEN deletes it. For smaller data sets this might not be an issue but generally avoid this style of delete unless you can guarantee you are only doing very small changes.
You could easily run your process out of memory while EF happily pulls in all the data you specified just to delete it.
using (var context = new DatabaseEntities())
context.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM YOURTABLE WHERE CustomerID = {0}", customerId);
Addition: To support list of ids you can write
var listOfIds = String.Join(',',customerIds.Select(id => $"'{id}'").ToList());
var sql= $#"DELETE [YOURTABLE] WHERE CustomerID in ({listOfIds})";
Note: if CustomerID Is a string, you should double-check for potential SQL injection risks, for integer CustomerID it’s safe
this is as good as it gets, right? I can abstract it with an extension
method or helper, but somewhere we're still going to be doing a
foreach, right?
Well, yes, except you can make it into a two-liner:
context.Widgets.Where(w => w.WidgetId == widgetId)
I know it's quite late but in case someone needs a simple solution, the cool thing is you can also add the where clause with it:
public static void DeleteWhere<T>(this DbContext db, Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter) where T : class
string selectSql = db.Set<T>().Where(filter).ToString();
string fromWhere = selectSql.Substring(selectSql.IndexOf("FROM"));
string deleteSql = "DELETE [Extent1] " + fromWhere;
Note: just tested with MSSQL2008.
The solution above won't work when EF generates sql statement with parameters, so here's the update for EF5:
public static void DeleteWhere<T>(this DbContext db, Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter) where T : class
var query = db.Set<T>().Where(filter);
string selectSql = query.ToString();
string deleteSql = "DELETE [Extent1] " + selectSql.Substring(selectSql.IndexOf("FROM"));
var internalQuery = query.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(field => field.Name == "_internalQuery").Select(field => field.GetValue(query)).First();
var objectQuery = internalQuery.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(field => field.Name == "_objectQuery").Select(field => field.GetValue(internalQuery)).First() as ObjectQuery;
var parameters = objectQuery.Parameters.Select(p => new SqlParameter(p.Name, p.Value)).ToArray();
db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(deleteSql, parameters);
It requires a little bit of reflection but works well.
If you don't want to execute SQL directly calling DeleteObject in a loop is the best you can do today.
However you can execute SQL and still make it completely general purpose via an extension method, using the approach I describe here.
Although that answer was for 3.5. For 4.0 I would probably use the new ExecuteStoreCommand API under the hood, instead of dropping down to the StoreConnection.
For anyone using EF5, following extension library can be used: https://github.com/loresoft/EntityFramework.Extended
context.Widgets.Delete(w => w.WidgetId == widgetId);
Entity Framework Core
3.1 3.0 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.1 1.0
using (YourContext context = new YourContext ())
var widgets = context.Widgets.Where(w => w.WidgetId == widgetId);
Removes the given collection of entities from the context underlying the set
with each entity being put into the Deleted state such that it will be deleted
from the database when SaveChanges is called.
Note that if System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbContextConfiguration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled
is set to true (which is the default), then DetectChanges will be called once
before delete any entities and will not be called again. This means that in some
situations RemoveRange may perform significantly better than calling Remove multiple
times would do. Note that if any entity exists in the context in the Added state,
then this method will cause it to be detached from the context. This is because
an Added entity is assumed not to exist in the database such that trying to delete
it does not make sense.
Still seems crazy to have to pull anything back from the server just to delete it, but at least getting back just the IDs is a lot leaner than pulling down the full entities:
var ids = from w in context.Widgets where w.WidgetId == widgetId select w.Id;
context.Widgets.RemoveRange(from id in ids.AsEnumerable() select new Widget { Id = id });
Finally bulk delete has been introduced in Entity Framework Core 7 via the ExecuteDelete command:
.Where(w => w.WidgetId == widgetId)
Something to note here is that ExecuteDelete does not need a SaveChanges, as per its documentation:
This operation executes immediately against the database, rather than being deferred until DbContext.SaveChanges() is called. It also does not interact with the EF change tracker in any way: entity instances which happen to be tracked when this operation is invoked aren't taken into account, and aren't updated to reflect the changes.
I know that the question was asked for EF4, but if you upgrade this is a good alternative!
EF 6.1
public void DeleteWhere<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate = null)
where TEntity : class
var dbSet = context.Set<TEntity>();
if (predicate != null)
// Delete where condition is met.
DeleteWhere<MyEntity>(d => d.Name == "Something");
// delete all from entity
For EF 4.1,
var objectContext = (myEntities as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext;
objectContext.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from [myTable];");
The quickest way to delete is using a stored procedure. I prefer stored procedures in a database project over dynamic SQL because renames will be handled correctly and have compiler errors. Dynamic SQL could refer to tables that have been deleted/renamed causing run time errors.
In this example, I have two tables List and ListItems. I need a fast way to delete all the ListItems of a given list.
CREATE TABLE [act].[Lists]
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IU_Name] ON [act].[Lists] ([Name])
CREATE TABLE [act].[ListItems]
ON [act].[ListItems] ([ListId], [Item]);
CREATE PROCEDURE [act].[DeleteAllItemsInList]
#listId int
DELETE FROM act.ListItems where ListId = #listId
Now the interesting part of deleting the items and updating Entity framework using an extension.
public static class ListExtension
public static void DeleteAllListItems(this List list, ActDbContext db)
if (list.Id > 0)
var listIdParameter = new SqlParameter("ListId", list.Id);
db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("[act].[DeleteAllItemsInList] #ListId", listIdParameter);
foreach (var listItem in list.ListItems.ToList())
db.Entry(listItem).State = EntityState.Detached;
The main code can now use it is as
public void DeleteAllItemsInListAfterSavingToDatabase()
using (var db = new ActDbContext())
var listName = "TestList";
// Clean up
var listInDb = db.Lists.Where(r => r.Name == listName).FirstOrDefault();
if (listInDb != null)
// Test
var list = new List() { Name = listName };
list.ListItems.Add(new ListItem() { Item = "Item 1" });
list.ListItems.Add(new ListItem() { Item = "Item 2" });
listInDb = db.Lists.Find(list.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(2, list.ListItems.Count);
listInDb = db.Lists.Find(list.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(0, list.ListItems.Count);
You can use extensions libraries for doing that like EntityFramework.Extended or Z.EntityFramework.Plus.EF6, there are available for EF 5, 6 or Core. These libraries have great performance when you have to delete or update and they use LINQ. Example for deleting (source plus):
ctx.Users.Where(x => x.LastLoginDate < DateTime.Now.AddYears(-2))
or (source extended)
context.Users.Where(u => u.FirstName == "firstname")
These use native SQL statements, so performance is great.
This answers is for EF Core 7 (I am not aware if they merged EF Core with EF now or not, before they kept the two separately).
EF Core 7 now supports ExecuteUpdate and ExecuteDelete (Bulk updates):
// Delete all Tags (BE CAREFUL!)
await context.Tags.ExecuteDeleteAsync();
// Delete Tags with a condition
await context.Tags.Where(t => t.Text.Contains(".NET")).ExecuteDeleteAsync();
The equivalent SQL queries are:
FROM [Tags] AS [t]
FROM [Tags] AS [t]
WHERE [t].[Text] LIKE N'%.NET%'
If you want to delete all rows of a table, you can execute sql command
using (var context = new DataDb())
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE [TableName]");
TRUNCATE TABLE (Transact-SQL) Removes all rows from a table without logging the individual row deletions. TRUNCATE TABLE is similar to the DELETE statement with no WHERE clause; however, TRUNCATE TABLE is faster and uses fewer system and transaction log resources.
You can execute sql queries directly as follows :
private int DeleteData()
using (var ctx = new MyEntities(this.ConnectionString))
if (ctx != null)
//Delete command
return ctx.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM ALARM WHERE AlarmID > 100");
return 0;
For select we may use
using (var context = new MyContext())
var blogs = context.MyTable.SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM dbo.MyTable").ToList();
UUHHIVS's is a very elegant and fast way for batch delete, but it must be used with care:
auto generation of transaction: its queries will be encompassed by a transaction
database context independence: its execution has nothing to do with context.SaveChanges()
These issues can be circumvented by taking control of the transaction. The following code illustrates how to batch delete and bulk insert in a transactional manner:
var repo = DataAccess.EntityRepository;
var existingData = repo.All.Where(x => x.ParentId == parentId);
TransactionScope scope = null;
// this starts the outer transaction
using (scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
// this starts and commits an inner transaction
// var toInsert = ...
// this relies on EntityFramework.BulkInsert library
// any other context changes can be performed
// this starts and commit an inner transaction
// this commit the outer transaction
catch (Exception exc)
// this also rollbacks any pending transactions
In EF 7 you can use bulk delete
var ids = widgets.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
await _mrVodDbContext.Widgets.Where(x => ids.Contains(x.Id)).ExecuteDeleteAsync();
EF core generate
FROM [Widgets] AS [i]
WHERE [i].[Id] IN (4,3,2,1)
More about deleting or updating in release notes. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/what-is-new/ef-core-7.0/whatsnew#basic-executedelete-examples
You can also use the DeleteAllOnSubmit() method by passing it your results in a generic list rather than in var. This way your foreach reduces to one line of code:
List<Widgets> widgetList = context.Widgets
.Where(w => w.WidgetId == widgetId).ToList<Widgets>();
It probably still uses a loop internally though.
Thanh's answer worked best for me. Deleted all my records in a single server trip. I struggled with actually calling the extension method, so thought I would share mine (EF 6):
I added the extension method to a helper class in my MVC project and changed the name to "RemoveWhere". I inject a dbContext into my controllers, but you could also do a using.
// make a list of items to delete or just use conditionals against fields
var idsToFilter = dbContext.Products
.Where(p => p.IsExpired)
.Select(p => p.ProductId)
// build the expression
Expression<Func<Product, bool>> deleteList =
(a) => idsToFilter.Contains(a.ProductId);
// Run the extension method (make sure you have `using namespace` at the top)
This generated a single delete statement for the group.
I came up with a great library Zack.EFCore.Batch. It will convert your expression into simple DELETE FROM .... WHERE query. (Like some answers proposed) https://github.com/yangzhongke/Zack.EFCore.Batch
The usage example:
await ctx.DeleteRangeAsync<Book>(b => b.Price > n);
The Zack.EFCore.Batch library has lots of benefits over Z.EntityFramework.Extended https://entityframework-extensions.net/ which does not have true Async methods. (They are just wrappers around sync methods) You can get lots of unexpected issues by using this library in high load environment.
EF 6.=>
var assignmentAddedContent = dbHazirBot.tbl_AssignmentAddedContent.Where(a =>
a.HazirBot_CategoryAssignmentID == categoryAssignment.HazirBot_CategoryAssignmentID);
Best : in EF6 => .RemoveRange()
db.Table.RemoveRange(db.Table.Where(x => Field == "Something"));
If you are using Generic Repository:
Inside Generic repository, following could be new method.
public void RemoveMultiple(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
IQueryable<T> query = _context.Set<T>().Where(predicate);
_unitOfWork.YOUR_ENTITY.RemoveMultiple(x => x.AccountId == accountId);
context.Widgets.RemoveRange(context.Widgets.Where(w => w.WidgetId == widgetId).ToList());
See the answer 'favorite bit of code' that works
Here is how I used it:
// Delete all rows from the WebLog table via the EF database context object
// using a where clause that returns an IEnumerable typed list WebLog class
public IEnumerable<WebLog> DeleteAllWebLogEntries()
IEnumerable<WebLog> myEntities = context.WebLog.Where(e => e.WebLog_ID > 0);
return myEntities;
In EF 6.2 this works perfectly, sending the delete directly to the database without first loading the entities:
With a fixed predicate it's quite straightforward:
context.Widgets.Where(w => w.WidgetId == widgetId).Delete();
And if you need a dynamic predicate have a look at LINQKit (Nuget package available), something like this works fine in my case:
Expression<Func<Widget, bool>> predicate = PredicateBuilder.New<Widget>(x => x.UserID == userID);
if (somePropertyValue != null)
predicate = predicate.And(w => w.SomeProperty == somePropertyValue);