Using EF with stored procedure and getting error as New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session - entity-framework

In Entity framework, I have implemented generic repository and unit of work pattern.
Below is related stuff from unit of work:
public IRepository<TEntity, TKey> GetRepository<TEntity, TKey>() where TEntity : class
if (_repositories == null)
_repositories = new Dictionary<string, object>();
string key = String.Format("{0}|{1}", typeof(TEntity).Name, typeof(TKey).Name);
if (_repositories.ContainsKey(key))
return (IRepository<TEntity, TKey>)_repositories[key];
Type repositoryType = typeof(Repository<TEntity, TKey>);
_repositories.Add(key, Activator.CreateInstance(repositoryType, _dataContext));
return (IRepository<TEntity, TKey>)_repositories[key];
From Manager layer, entity framework is call as below:
IRepository<tablenameEntity int> _tableEntityRepository = _unitOfWork.GetRepository<tablenameEntity, int>();
Error is as follow:
An error occurred while starting a transaction on the provider connection. See the inner exception for details.
{"New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session."}.

Actually, I just did as below,
remove stored procedure and function from model browser and added procedure and function again.
run custom tool on edmx file.
It just work out.
I am not sure, what was the issue. did that before also, but it was not work.. now, it works and not produce after that.


Debugging Code Called by EF Core Add-Migrations

I have an Entity Framework Core database defined in a separate assembly, using the IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<> pattern (i.e., I define a class, derived from IDesignTimeDbContextFactory, which has a method called CreateDbContext that returns an instance of the database context).
Because the application of which the EF Core database is a part utilizes AutoFac dependency injection, the IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<> factory class creates an AutoFac container in its constructor, and then resolves the DbContextOptionsBuilder<>-derived class which is fed into the constructor for the database context (I do this so I can control whether a local or an Azure-based SqlServer database is targeted, based on a config file setting, with passwords stored in an Azure KeyVault):
public class TemporaryDbContextFactory : IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<FitchTrustContext>
private readonly FitchTrustDBOptions _dbOptions;
public TemporaryDbContextFactory()
// OMG, I would >>never<< have thought to do this to eliminate the default logging by this
// deeply-buried package. Thanx to Bruce Chen via
LoggerCallbackHandler.UseDefaultLogging = false;
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
_dbOptions = container.Resolve<FitchTrustDBOptions>() ??
throw new NullReferenceException(
$"Could not resolve {typeof(FitchTrustDBOptions).Name}");
public FitchTrustContext CreateDbContext( string[] args )
return new FitchTrustContext( _dbOptions );
public class FitchTrustDBOptions : DbContextOptionsBuilder<FitchTrustContext>
public FitchTrustDBOptions(IFitchTrustNGConfigurationFactory configFactory, IKeyVaultManager kvMgr)
if (configFactory == null)
throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(configFactory));
if (kvMgr == null)
throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(kvMgr));
var scannerConfig = configFactory.GetFromDisk()
?? throw new NullReferenceException(
"Could not retrieve ScannerConfiguration from disk");
var dbConnection = scannerConfig.Database.Connections
.SingleOrDefault(c =>
?? throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
$"Cannot find database connection information for location '{scannerConfig.Database.Location}'");
var temp = kvMgr.GetSecret($"DatabaseCredentials--{dbConnection.Location}--Password");
var connString = String.IsNullOrEmpty(dbConnection.UserID) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(temp)
? dbConnection.ConnectionString
: $"{dbConnection.ConnectionString}; User ID={dbConnection.UserID}; Password={temp}";
optionsBuilder =>
Needless to say, while this provides me with a lot of flexibility (I can switch from local to cloud database just by changing a single config parameter, and any required passwords are reasonably securely stored in the cloud), it can trip up the add-migration commandlet if there's a bug in the code (e.g., the wrong name of a configuration file).
To debug those kinds of problems, I've often had to resort to outputting messages to the Visual Studio output window via diagnostic WriteLine calls. That strikes me as pretty primitive (not to mention time-consuming).
Is there a way to attach a debugger to my code that's called by add-migration so I can step thru it, check values, etc? I tried inserting a Launch() debugger line in my code, but it doesn't work. It seems to throw me into add-manager codebase, for which I have no symbols loaded, and breakpoints that I try to set in my code show up as the empty red circle: they'll never be hit.
Thoughts and suggestions would be most welcome!
Add Debugger.Launch() to the beginning of the constructor to launch the just-in-time debugger. This lets you attach VS to the process and debug it like normal.

EF Core 2.0: How to discover the exact object, in object graph, causing error in a insert operation?

I have a complex and big object graph that I want to insert in database by using a DbContext and SaveChanges method.
This object is a result of parsing a text file with 40k lines (around 3MB of data). Some collections inside this object have thousands of items.
I am able to parse the file correctly and add it to the context so that it can start tracking the object. But when I try to SaveChanges, it says:
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.
I would like to know if there is a smart and efficient way of discovering which object is causing the issue. It seems that a varchar field is too little to store the data. But it's a lot of tables and fields to check manually.
I would like to get a more specific error somehow. I already configured an ILoggerProvider and added the EnableSensitiveDataLogging option in my dbContext to be able to see which sql queries are being generated. I even added MiniProfiler to be able to see the parameter values, because they are not present in the log generated by the dbContext.
Reading somewhere in the web, I found out that in EF6 there is some validation that happens before the sql is passed to the database to be executed. But it seems that in EF Core this is not available anymore. So how can I solve this?
After some research, the only approach I've found to solve this, is implementing some validation by overriding dbContext's SaveChanges method. I've made a merge of these two approaches to build mine:
Implementing Missing Features in Entity Framework Core - Part 3
Validation in EF Core
The result is...
public override int SaveChanges(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)
return base.SaveChanges(acceptAllChangesOnSuccess);
public override async Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess, CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken())
return await base.SaveChangesAsync(acceptAllChangesOnSuccess, cancellationToken);
private void ValidateEntities()
var serviceProvider = this.GetService<IServiceProvider>();
var items = new Dictionary<object, object>();
var entities = from entry in ChangeTracker.Entries()
where entry.State == EntityState.Added || entry.State == EntityState.Modified
select entry.Entity;
foreach (var entity in entities)
var context = new ValidationContext(entity, serviceProvider, items);
var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
if (Validator.TryValidateObject(entity, context, results, true)) continue;
foreach (var result in results)
if (result == ValidationResult.Success) continue;
var errorMessage = $"{entity.GetType().Name}: {result.ErrorMessage}";
throw new ValidationException(errorMessage);
Note that it's not necessary to override the other SaveChanges overloads, because they call these two.
The Error tells you that youre writing more characters to a field than it can hold.
This error for example would be thrown when you create a given field as NVARCHAR(4) or CHAR(4) and write 'hello' to it.
So you could simply check the length of the values you read in to find the one which is causing your problem. There is at least on which is too long for a field.

Should DBContext be globally defined or explicitly created every time?

I'm a SQL guy who's tinkering with Web API and Entity Framework 6 and I keep receiving the error "The operation cannot be completed because the DbContext has been disposed" when I my code is:
namespace DataAccessLayer.Controllers
public class CommonController : ApiController
public IQueryable GetCorrespondenceTypes()
using (var coreDB = new coreEntities())
var correspondenceType = coreDB.tblCorrespondenceTypes.Select(cor => new { cor.CorrespondenceTypeName });
return correspondenceType;
But if change my code around a little and try this it works:
namespace DataAccessLayer.Controllers
public class CommonController : ApiController
readonly coreEntities coreDB = new coreEntities();
public IQueryable GetCorrespondenceTypes()
var correspondenceType = coreDB.tblCorrespondenceTypes.Select(cor => new { cor.CorrespondenceTypeName });
return correspondenceType;
My question is why does the second one work but not the first? Is it better practice to have a global connection string or call DBContext explicitly each time?
Your are getting error because you are returning the IQueryable for which Entity framework has yet not executed the query and DbContext has been disposed when that query needs to be executed.
Remember Entity framework will not execute query until collection is initialized or any method that does not support deferred execution. Visit this link for list of Linq deferred execution supported method.
why does the second one work but not the first?
In first code snippet you are returning an instance of IQuerable which has not executed DbQuery and then after it just fires dispose on your context (coreDB). So then after whenever your code iterate over the collection it tries to fire DbQuery but finds that context has already been destroyed so you are getting an error.
In second case when ever you are iterating over the collection coreDB context must be alive so you are not getting an error.
Is it better practice to have a global connection string or call DBContext explicitly each time?
Answer to this question is based on developers taste or his own comforts. You can use your context wrapped within using statements as below:
public IList GetCorrespondenceTypes()
using (var coreDB = new coreEntities())
var correspondenceType = coreDB.tblCorrespondenceTypes.Select(cor => new { cor.CorrespondenceTypeName });
return correspondenceType.ToList();
As shown in above code snippet if you would use ToList before returning it would execute query before your coreDB got destroyed. In this case you will have to make sure that you returned materialized response (i.e. returned response after executing the DbQuery).
Note: I have noticed most of the people choose the second way. Which targets context as an instance field or property.

Entity Framework Db.SaveChanges() not working?

Can u tell me what is the problem?
If you are using two different instances of the DbContext (the db variable as you named it) then nothing will be saved when you call SaveChanges on a context different than the one where your entities are tracked. You need to use the Attach method first.
However I think in your case you can avoid the attach step if you refactor a bit you code and don't use the DbContext from the entity itself.
Before going through my answer, you must check, if you are attaching the item as shown in excepted answer or check this code:.
if (dbStudentDetails != null && dbStudentDetails.Id != 0)
// update scenario
item.Id = dbStudentDetails.Id;
_context.Entry(dbStudentDetails).State = EntityState.Modified;
// create scenario
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
If above solution doesn't work, then check the below answer.
Saw a very wired issue, and thought to must answer this. as this can
be a major issue if you have lots of constraints and indexes in your
db.SaveChanges() wasn't throwing any error, but not working (I have tried Exception or SqlException). This was not working because the Unique constraint was not defined properly while creating the Entity Models.
How you can Identified the issue:
I connected my SQL Server and opened the SQL Profiler.
Just before the db.SaveChanges(), I cleared all my profiler logs and ran the db.SaveChanges(). It logged the statement. I copied the script from the profiler and ran the script in SQL Server.
And bingo, I can see the actual error, which is being thrown at SQL Server side.
(images: have some hints, how you can get the execute statement from Profiler and run on sql server)
What you can do For Entity Framework Core:
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<Students>().HasIndex(p => new { p.RollNumber, p.PhoneNumber }).IsUnique(true).IsClustered(false).HasDatabaseName("IX_Students_Numbers");
What you can do For Entity Framework 6 and below:
using System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration;
internal partial class StudentsConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Students>
public StudentsConfiguration()
HasIndex(p => new { p.RollNumber, p.PhoneNumber }).IsUnique(true).IsClustered(false).HasName("IX_Students_Numbers");
Try to query your entity by Id, eg:
entity = this.repo.GetById(;
entity.is_front = false;
if (dbSaveChanges() > 0)

RIA Services EntitySet does not support 'Edit' operation

Making my first steps in RIA Services (VS2010Beta2) and i encountered this problem:
created an EF Model (no POCOs), generic repository on top of it and a RIA Service(hosted in an ASP.NET MVC application) and tried to get data from within the ASP.NET MVC application: worked well.
Next step: Silverlight client. Got a reference to the RIAService (through its context), queried for all the records of the repository and got them into the SL application as well (using this code sample):
private ObservableCollection<Culture> _cultures = new ObservableCollection<Culture>();
public ObservableCollection<Culture> cultures
get { return _cultures; }
_cultures = value;
//Get cultures
EntityQuery<Culture> queryCultures = from cu in dsCtxt.GetAllCulturesQuery()
select cu;
loCultures = dsCtxt.Load(queryCultures);
loCultures.Completed += new EventHandler(lo_Completed);
void loAnyCulture_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e)
ObservableCollection<Culture> temp=
new ObservableCollection<Culture>loAnyCulture.Entities);
AnyCulture = temp[0];
The problem is this: whenever i try to edit some data of a record (in this example the first record) i get this error:
This EntitySet of type 'Culture' does not support the 'Edit' operation.
I thought that i did something weird and tried to create an object of type Culture and assign a value to it: it worked well!
What am i missing? Do i have to declare an EntitySet? Do i have to mark it? Do i have to...what?
Thanks in advance
It turns out that in the DomainService class one has to implement (or at least to mark "placeholder methods") as "Edit", "Delete",... eg
public void DeleteCulture(Culture currentCulture)
throw new NotImplementedException("UpdateCulture not Implemented yet");
public void InsertCulture(Culture newCulture)
throw new NotImplementedException("InsertCulture not Implemented yet");
This way the OrganizationDomainContextEntityContainer class creates an EntitySet with parameter EntitySetOperations.All (meaning that all the CUD operations are available).
Hope it's useful for someone in the future!