java 7/8 for Eclipse luna on Mavericks - eclipse

I'd like to upgrade my eclipse from Kepler to Luna on my OSX Mavericks. I also have some web apps that do not seem to work with Java upgraded beyond the 1.6.0_65 level. Is there a method for installing Java 8 for use with Eclipse Luna, but still retain the 1.6.0_65 version as a default.

Yes, you can have multiple JVMs installed. To set the default JVM to 1.6, set JAVA_HOME to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.6.0_65.jdk/Contents/Home.
To set Eclipse's JVM, follow VonC's instructions for editing eclipse.ini.
However, Eclipse's JVM1 is not tied to the JVM which Eclipse uses when running your Java applications. Those are configured in Eclipse Preferences, under Installed JREs.
1 Eclipse is, of course, a Java application itself, so it runs in a JVM.


Which JDK Distribution is pre-installed in Eclipse?

Which JDK(Oracle OpenJDK, Oracle JDK, Amazon Correto ...) is pre-installed in Eclipse?
I found I can change JREs and compilers from [Window]/[Preference].
Eclipse does not have any pre-installed JDK.
A suitable Java must be installed before you can install Eclipse.
You can configure Eclipse to use any JRE/JDK that you have installed for each of your projects. You can tell Eclipse about multiple Java installations.
Eclipse has its own Java compiler which can be set to be compliant with the different releases of Java.
You can refer for more information on eclipse installation here [][1], JREs and JDKs are installed on eclipse on a need basis, so none is pre-installed.
An instruction from the eclipse wiki:
If you intend to use Eclipse for Java development, then you should
install a JDK. If you aren't planning to use Eclipse for Java
development and want to save some disk space, install a JRE
These Installation instructions for all platforms will make your life easy:

PyDev miss configuration with EClipse kepler

I have installed java 8 ,Eclipse Kepler and Python34.Now i have installed Pydev through EClipse>>Help>>install new software but it is not showing in File >>New Project or Windows>> Open Perspective. I have installed Pydev many time but it's not showing and i have seen also many of stack over flow but still iy's not working.
please crosecheck that Eclipse take Java 8 version only .because pydev needs Java 8 version. Even if you installed java 8 in your system. But check that the Eclipse took Java 8 version nothing else.If not then uninstall the eclipse and again install it so that it will take system java 8 version.
After this if still issue persist, then try with Eclipse Luna. I am facing the same issues.Now it is working for me.

Can we use different JDK's for Spring tool Suite based on eclipse and eclipse luna

I have some projects in my eclipse Luna that are based on Java 1.6 and I am trying to learn the latest spring boot which uses Java 1.8 , I am learning spring boot on spring tool suite which is based out of eclipse ,I tried installing Java 1.8 in my system and I have successful install both 1.6 and 1.8 Java in my system but when I try to open Spring tool suite it says JDK version should be 1.8 or higher I know I have the classpath set as 1.6 but is there anyway we can set the classpath 1.6 for eclipse Luna and Java 1.8 classpath for spring tool suite because I constantly change over projects as because Java 1.6 is my production environment in Java 1.8 is something like a test where I am trying to learn spring tool suite.
Is there any way we can achieve this without having to change the classpath everytime I Switch between spring tool Suite and eclipse Luna
The first thing to understand is that Eclipse itself requires a JRE to run (preferably a JDK), and that JRE can be different than the one that your projects in Eclipse are configured to use - they are intentionally separate.
To specify the JRE that Eclipse itself runs in, you should specify it in eclipse.ini. Read that page carefully, the format is very particular. Once you've done that, your system classpath or JAVA_HOME or PATH will not matter, Eclipse prefers its own ini settings.
With that done, the default JRE/JDK used for your projects in Eclipse will be the same as the one Eclipse itself is running in. But that's only the default, you can add more JRE/JDKs and configure individual projects to use them.
The point is, each instance of Eclipse can be configured to run in a particular JRE/JDK you have on your system (although there's really no reason not to use the latest for running all Eclipse instances), and then within each Eclipse instance, each project can be configured to use a specific JRE/JDK (which may or may not be the same one that that Eclipse instance is running in).
For example, you should probably configure both Eclipse Luna and STS to use the JDK 8 you have, via their .ini files. Then in Luna you can add a JRE config for JDK 1.6 on your system and set projects to use that one. The projects don't have to use the same JRE/JDK that Eclipse itself is running in.

Upgraded to Pydev 3 not working with eclipse 4.3 Kepler on Mac 64 bit cocoa

I have tried using a clean workspace and a fresh installation of eclipse with nothing but pydev. In all cases, I don't get the pydev configuration options or preferences or views. The plugin install goes through without a hitch and I can see pydev in the installed software also. Anybody else face the same?
PyDev 3 requires Java 7 to function. Unfortunately, the version of Java that is installed on Mac OS X is not a compatible or recent version.
You can check the current version of java on your system by typing java -version in the terminal. In order to run PyDev 3 you should have version
To update Java you will need to install a Java Development Kit (JDK), since just installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) will not update the symlink at /usr/bin/java on OS X. If you think that you have installed Java 7, but java -version still gives you a version of then you probably installed the JRE instead of the JDK.
I agree with pseudocubic, In my case I just downloaded JDK8 : which by the way includes the JRE8 so pydev worked without trouble in my mac . I had to do this after installing JRE7 but when checking in console java -version it was returning 1.6 version (despite the fact that checking at java icon in system preferences says 1.7 was installed)
Install JDK8 and it's done

How to execute eclipse under java VisualVM

I developed couple of plugins specific for my project and I think I have some leackage because my eclipse slow down after long using time, so I want to profile it. I can run eclipse from eclipse (in plugins development mode) and connect it to JVVM, but problem (slow eclipse) occurs after long time of "normal" development, so I want to start my "normal" eclipse and connect to VisualVM.
Problem is that eclipse appears in VisualVM as and I can't profile it in any way (I see only number of classes loaded, heap and threads).
My JAVA_HOME is set to JDK, I put the same JDK to eclipse.ini under -vm parameter and from the same JDK I am starting VisualVM.
Does someone know what should I do?
Are you using Windows? It looks like VisualVM is running under 32bit JDK, while Eclipse is running on 64bit JDK (or vice versa). Check 'Overview' tab when you open Eclipse and VisualVM in VisualVM. This will tell you, which JDK is used.