Using command line to remove text? - perl

I have a huge file that contains lines that follow this format:
What I'm trying to do is narrow it down to just this:
Can anyone help with this?

Using GNU awk:
awk -F\- 'NF--' OFS=\- file
Set the input and output field separator to -.
NF contains number of fields. Reduce it by 1 to remove the last field.
Using sed:
sed 's/\(.*\)-.*/\1/' file
Simple greedy regex to match up to the last hyphen.
In replacement use the captured group and discard the rest.

Version 1 of the Question
The first version of the input was in the form of HTML and parts had to be removed both before and after the desired text:
$ sed -r 's|.*[A-Z]/([a-zA-Z-]+)-L0.*|\1|' input
Version 2 of the Question
In the revised question, it is only necessary to remove the text that starts with -L00:
$ sed 's|-L00.*||' input2
Both of these commands use a single "substitute" command. The command has the form s|old|new|.

The perl code for this would be: perl -nle'print $1 if(m{-.*?/(.*?-.*?)-})
We can break the Regex down to matching the following:
- for that's between the city and state
.*? match the smallest set of character(s) that makes the Regex work, i.e. the State
/ matches the slash between the State and the data you want
( starts the capture of the data you are interested in
.*?-.*? will match the data you care about
) will close out the capture
- will match the dash before the L####### to give the regex something to match after your data. This will prevent the minimal Regex from matching 0 characters.
Then the print statement will print out what was captured (your data).

awk likes these things:
$ awk -F[/-] -v OFS="-" '{print $(NF-3), $(NF-2)}' file
This sets / and - as possible field separators. Based on them, it prints the last_field-3 and last_field-2 separated by the delimiter -. Note that $NF stands for last parameter, hence $(NF-1) is the penultimate, etc.
This sed is also helpful:
$ sed -r 's#.*/(\w*-\w*)-\w*\.\w*</loc>$#\1#' file
It selects the block word-word after a slash / and followed with word.word</loc> + end_of_line. Then, it prints back this block.
Based on your new input, this can make it:
$ sed -r 's/(.*)-L\w*$/\1/' file
It selects everything up to the block -L + something + end of line, and prints it back.
You can use also another trick:
rev file | cut -d- -f2- | rev
As what you want is every slice of - separated fields, let's get all of them but last one. How? By reversing the line, getting all of them from the 2nd one and then reversing back.

Here's how I'd do it with Perl:
perl -nle 'm{example[.]com/bp/(.*?)/(.*?)-L\d+[.]htm} && print $2' filename
Note: the original question was matching input lines like this:
The -n option tells Perl to loop over every line of the file (but not print them out).
The -l option adds a newline onto the end of every print
The -e 'perl-code' option executes perl-code for each line of input
The pattern:
/regex/ && print
Will only print if the regex matches. If the regex contains capture parentheses you can refer to the first captured section as $1, the second as $2 etc.
If your regex contains slashes, it may be cleaner to use a different regex delimiter ('m' stands for 'match'):
m{regex} && print
If you have a modern Perl, you can use -E to enable modern feature and use say instead of print to print with a newline appended:
perl -nE 'm{example[.]com/bp/(.*?)/(.*?)-L\d+[.]htm} && say $2' filename

This is very concise in Perl
perl -i.bak -lpe's/-[^-]+$//' myfile
Note that this will modify the input file in-place but will keep a backup of the original data in called myfile.bak


GREP Print Blank Lines For Non-Matches

I want to extract strings between two patterns with GREP, but when no match is found, I would like to print a blank line instead.
This is very new
This is quite old
This is not so new
Desired Output
is very
is not so
I've attempted:
grep -o -P '(?<=This).*?(?=new)'
But this does not preserve the second blank line in the above example. Have searched for over an hour, tried a few things but nothing's worked out.
Will happily used a solution in SED if that's easier!
You can use
s='This is very new
This is quite old
This is not so new'
sed -En 's/.*This(.*)new.*|.*/\1/p' <<< "$s"
See the online demo yielding
is very
is not so
E - enables POSIX ERE regex syntax
n - suppresses default line output
s/.*This(.*)new.*|.*/\1/ - finds any text, This, any text (captured into Group 1, \1, and then any text again, or the whole string (in sed, line), and replaces with Group 1 value.
p - prints the result of the substitution.
And this is what you need for your actual data:
sed -En 's/.*"user_ip":"([^"]*).*|.*/\1/p'
See this online demo. The [^"]* matches zero or more chars other than a " char.
With your shown samples, please try following awk code.
awk -F'This\\s+|\\s+new' 'NF==3{print $2;next} NF!=3{print ""}' Input_file
awk -F'This\\s+|\\s+new' 'NF==3{print $2;next} {print ""}' Input_file
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, setting This\\s+ OR \\s+new as field separators for all the lines of Input_file. Then in main program checking condition if NF(number of fields) are 3 then print 2nd field (where next will take cursor to next line). In another condition checking if NF(number of fields) is NOT equal to 3 then simply print a blank line.
sed -E '
/This.*new/! s/.*//
' file
first line: lines not matching "This.*new", remove all characters leaving a blank line
second lnie: lines matching the pattern, keep only the "middle" text
this is not the pcre non-greedy match: the line
This is new but that is not new
will produce the output
is new but that is not
To continue to use PCRE, use perl:
perl -lpe '$_ = /This(.*?)new/ ? $1 : ""' file
This might work for you:
sed -E 's/.*This(.*)new.*|.*/\1/' file
If the first match is made, the line is replace by everything between This and new.
Otherwise the second match will remove everything.
N.B. The substitution will always match one of the conditions. The solution was suggested by Wiktor Stribiżew.

remove last delimiter in sed/awk/perl

An input file is given, each line of which contains delimited data with extra delimiter at the end in data/header with or without enclosures.
Extra delimiter at the end it can contain with/without spaces.
Scenario 1 : Header & Data contain extra delimiter at the end
Scenario 2 : Header doesn't contain extra delimiter at the end
Scenario 3 : With enclosures
Final output has to be like
Scenario 1 :
Scenario 2 :
Scenario 3 :
Solution which i have tried so far. But below solution won't work for all three scenarios is there anyway which i can make single command to support all the three scenarios in Sed/Awk/Perl
perl -pne 's/(.*)\|/$1/' filename
Could you please try following.
awk '{gsub(/\|$|\| +$/,"")} 1' Input_file
gsub is awk function which Globally substitute matched pattern with mentioned value.
Explanation of regex:
/\|$|\| +$/: Here there are 2 parts of regex. First is /\|$ and second is +$ which is segrigated with | where 1st regex is for removing | from last of the line and second regex removes | with space at last. So it basically takes care of both conditions successfully.
perl -lpe 's/\|\s*$//' file
will do it. That only removes pipes followed by optional whitespace at the end of each line. Note the $ line anchor.
I added the -l since each line's newline will get removes by the s/// command, and -l will put it back.
All you need is this:
sed 's/|$//'
A bit more generic. Let's assume you have the same problem, but with different field separators in different files. Some of these field separators are regular expressions (e.g. a sequence of blanks), others are just a single character c. With a tiny little awk program you can get far:
# remove_last_empty_field.awk
# 1. Get the correct `fs`
BEGIN { fs=FS; if(length(FS)==1) fs=(FS==" ") ? "[[:blank:]]+" : "["FS"]" }
# remove the empty field
{ sub(fs"$","") }
# Print the current record
Now you can run this on your various files as:
$ awk -f remove_last_empty_field.awk f1.txt
$ awk -f remove_last_empty_field.awk FS="|" f2.txt
$ awk -f remove_last_empty_field.awk FS="[|.*]" f3.txt
perl -pi -e 's/\|$//' Your_FIle

Extract filename from multiple lines in unix

I'm trying to extract the name of the file name that has been generated by a Java program. This Java program spits out multiple lines and I know exactly what the format of the file name is going to be. The information text that the Java program is spitting out is as follows:
Generated file YANNANI-0008876_17.xml.
I'm capturing the output in a variable and then applying a sed operator in the following format:
sed -n 's/.*\(YANNANI.\([[:digit:]]\).\([xml]\)*\)/\1/p'
The result set is:
However, my problem is that want the extraction of the filename to stop at .xml. The last dot should never be extracted.
Is there a way to do this using sed?
Let's look at what your capture group actually captures:
$ grep 'YANNANI.\([[:digit:]]\).\([xml]\)*' infile
Generated file YANNANI-0008876_17.xml.
That's probably not what you intended:
\([[:digit:]]\) captures just a single digit (and the capture group around it doesn't do anything)
\([xml]\)* is "any of x, m or l, 0 or more times", so it matches the empty string (as above – or the line wouldn't match at all!), x, xx, lll, mxxxxxmmmmlxlxmxlmxlm, xml, ...
There is no way the final period is removed because you don't match anything after the capture groups
What would make sense instead:
Match "digits or underscores, 0 or more": [[:digit:]_]*
Match .xml, literally (escape the period): \.xml
Make sure the rest of the line (just the period, in this case) is matched by adding .* after the capture group
So the regex for the string you'd like to extract becomes
$ grep 'YANNANI.[[:digit:]_]*\.xml' infile
Generated file YANNANI-0008876_17.xml.
and to remove everything else on the line using sed, we surround regex with .*\( ... \).*:
$ sed -n 's/.*\(YANNANI.[[:digit:]_]*\.xml\).*/\1/p' infile
This assumes you really meant . after YANNANI (any character).
You can call sed twice: first in printing and then in replacement mode:
sed -n 's/.*\(YANNANI.\([[:digit:]]\).\([xml]\)*\)/\1/p' | sed 's/\.$//g'
the last sed will remove all the last . at the end of all the lines fetched by your first sed
or you can go for a awk solution as you prefer:
awk '/.*YANNANI.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.xml/{print substr($NF,1,length($NF)-1)}'
this will print the last field (and truncate the last char of it using substr) of all the lines that do match your regex.

Printing all words that start with "#" using sed in BASH

I have a file with a lot of text, but I want to print only words that contain "#" at the beginning. Ex:
My name is #Laura and I live in #London. Name=#Laura. City=#London
How can I print all words that start with #?.I did this the following and it worked, but I want to do it using sed. I tried several patters, but I cannot make it print anything.
grep -o -E "#\w+" file.txt
Use this sed command:
sed 's/[^#]*\(#[^ .]*\)/\1\n/g' file.txt
Explanation: we invoke the substitution command of sed. This has following structure: sed 's/regex/replace/options'. We will search for a regex and replace it using the g option. g makes sure the match is made multiple times per line.
We look for a series of non at chars followed by an # and a number of non-spaces #[^ ]*. We put this last part in a group \(\) and sub it during the replacement \1.
Note that we add a newline at the end of each match, you can also get the output on a single line by omitting the \n.

How to use sed-awk-gawk to display a matched string

I've got a file called 'res' that's 29374 characters of http data in a one-line string. Inside it, there are several http links, but I only want to be display those that end in '/idNNNNNNNNN' where N is a digit. In fact I'm only interested in the string 'idNNNNNNNNN'.
I've tried with:
cat res | sed -n '0,/.*\(id[0-9]*\).*/s//\1/p'
but I get the whole file.
Do you know a way to do it?
perl -n -E 'say $1 while m!/id(\d{9})!g' input-file
should work. That assumes exactly 9 digits; that's the {9} in the above. You can match 8 or 9 ({8,9}), 8 or more ({8,}), up to 9 ({0,9}), etc.
Example of this working:
$ echo -n 'junk jumk http://foo/id231313 junk lalala http://bar/id23123 asda' | perl -n -E 'say $1 while m!id(\d{0,9})!g'
That's with the 0 to 9 variant, of course.
If you're stuck with a pre-5.10 perl, use -e instead of -E and print "$1\n" instead of say $1.
How it works
First is the two command-line arguments to Perl. -n tells Perl to read input from standard input or files given on the command line, line by line, setting $_ to each line. $_ is perl's default target for a lot of things, including regular expression matches. -E merely tells Perl that the next argument is a Perl one-liner, using the new language features (vs. -e which does not use the 5.10 extensions).
So, looking at the one liner: say means to print out some value, followed by a newline. $1 is the first regular expression capture (captures are made by parentheses in regular expressions). while is a looping construct, which you're probably familiar with. m is the match operator, the ! after it is the regular expression delimiter (normally, you see / here, but since the pattern contains / it's easier to use something else, so you don't have to escape the / as \/). /id(\d{9}) is the regular expression to match. Keep in mind that the delimiter is !, so the / is not special, it just matches a literal /. The parentheses form a capture group, so $1 will be the number. The ! is the delimiter, followed by g which means to match as many times as possible (as opposed to once). This is what makes it pick up all the URLs in the line, not just the first. As long as there is a match, the m operator will return a true value, so the loop will continue (and run that say $1, printing out the match).
Two-sed solution
I think this is one way to do this with only sed. Much more complicated!
echo 'junk jumk http://foo/id231313 junk lalala http://bar/id23123 asda' | \
sed 's!http://!\nhttp://!g' | \
sed 's!^.*/id\([0-9]*\).*$!\1!'
cat res | perl -ne 'chomp; print "$1\n" if m/\/(id\d*)/'
The trouble is that sed and grep and awk work on lines, and you've only got one line. So, you probably need to split things up so you have more than one line -- then you can make the normal tools work.
tr ':' '\012' < res |
sed -n 's%.*/\(id[0-9][0-9]*\).*%\1%p'
This takes advantage of URLs containing colons and maps colons to newlines with tr, then uses sed to pick up anything up to a slash, followed by id and one or more digits, followed by anything, and prints out the id and digit string (only). Since these only occur in URLs, they will only appear one per line and relatively near the start of the line too.
Here's a solution using only one invocation of sed:
sed -n 's| |\n|g;/^http/{s|http://[^/]*/id\([0-9]*\)|\1|;P};D' inputfile
s| |\n|g; - Divide and conquer
/^http/{ - If pattern space begins with "http"
s|http://[^/]*/id\([0-9]*\)|\1|; - capture the id
P - Print the string preceding the first newline
}; - end if
D - Delete the string preceding the first newline regardless of whether it contains "http"
This version uses the same technique but is more selective.
sed -n 's|http://|\n&|g;/^\n*http/{s|\n*http://[^/]*/id\([0-9]*\)|\1\n|;P};D' inputfile