Remove subcategories form Vanilla Forum sidebar - categories

I wish to display root categories in the Vanilla sidebar, however both categories and subcategories are displayed. The admin panel only gives the option of removing the sidebar all together or display root categories as headings.
I've narrowed down the PHP file responsible for this section of the sidebar it's located at: applications/vanilla/views/modules/categories.php
How would I modify this to prevent subcategories being displayed?

You can use CSS, for example if you are using the Bootstrap theme, you can do this with:


Give a class to specific Page in Main Menu in Typo3

I want to achieve having a menu with 2 levels, and some should always be expanded - some shouldn't. Is there any way I can hand over a class or something, if possible set up in the backend, to be able to choose which menu links should be expanded?
For example:
Menu Link 1 with no subitems
Menu Link 2 with subitems expandable (sublinks only visible on click)
Menu Link 3 with subitems always expanded (sublinks always visible)
Sub link 1
Sub link 2
In general you need to add a class to the link or the litag so CSS or javascript can decide which parts are visible.
A similar question would be to have some submenus not rendered at all, but as you want these submenus to be visible on a click they must be rendered anyway. so it is only the question how to get this information into the rendered menu. it should be a flag which can change the visibility. that could be done with CSS and javascript.
You can sore this information in the pagesrecord, where you can use any otherwise unused field (example would be layout). The realisation depends on the way you generate the menu.
Meanwhile you have two options:
classic: with typoscript
fluid: menu-processor
With both options you can add classes to the menu-items, where the JS can work on.

How do I add navigation menu on sidebar in TyPO3

I want to add a submenu on sidebar in some selected pages. The idea is like the following:
How can I do that on TYPO3?
For buildung menus there a two ways.
1) The traditional way is by using typoscript and HMENU. Here you find the documentation:
2) The alternative is to use MenuProcessors. Here you find the documentation:
To show only the subpages of a special page you can use a condition in your fluid template where you integrate your menu:
[PIDupinRootline = uid]
... here is your menu ...
The uid belongs to the page from which you want to display the subpages.

Magento 2 remove the unwanted sidebar div displaying something I don't know where come from

the image attached shows the sidebar in a category page that lists all its products with this sidebar that shows search block and compare block then this div that shows that error. I don't know how this been generated but I want to remove this error info div
additional sidebar div
Turn on path hints
Get file template
Copy template to your theme and remove your div.

TYPO3 TCA - Display or hide tabs at treelevel

For an project, I have extended the TYPO3 TCA with a extra extension, named "project_extends". Now, I have all new TCA Objects - sorted in tabs - on every Treepoint/Contentpage, to configurate some fluid templates or extensions.
For example: I have three tabs, named "Tab1","Tab2" and "Tab3".
Now I want to display Tab1 and Tab3 at the second tree-level of the contentpages, but not at level one.
I don't found a understandable solution via google & co and hope here of helpful solutions :)
That's simple, to hide whole tab you just need to disable ALL fields which are visible on it.
To do this open page properties, find Page TSconfig field and for each field you want to disable add something like this:
TCEFORM.tt_content.list_type.disabled = 1
in this sample tt_content is a required table and list_type is the field. Normally (without above config) it should be visible as only field on the Plugin tab when inserting TT content with type Insert Plugin , however while you disabled it will be hidden and also tab will disappear.
Tip: you can recognize these values using some browser inspection tool, i.e. FireBug of Firefox.

Use the sitemap content element to load content of the referenced pages

I use the sitemap content element so that the editor can explicitly reference to individual pages in my page tree. Of course those pages do contain content elements (Textpic, Media, all the good stuff...) in their "normal" section. I need advice on how to modify the sitemap content element that it will output the content of the referenced pages.
I know there is already a plugin called "kb_sitemap" which basicaley does this job... but it does not handle the output of images or media (flash-, quicktime movies..) elements which is absolute necessary. The rendering relevant stuff is handled by Css Styled Content (CSC) which is necassary for me because it renders the media content element.
Do you use templavoila ?
Ok, go to page properties -> General tab (bottom part of the tab) and then you'll find all containers that possibly contain CEs, click to the lil folder icon and you may select content elements from any other page.
EDIT: added screenshot, page properties...
Note, showcase, maincontent, right content are just my names for my TV elements, could of course be name differently.