How to replace broccoli-sass with broccoli-ruby-sass - ember-cli

I've been told I need to replace use broccoli-sass with broccoli-ruby-sass, due to bug/lack of support with #extend functionality in LibSass.
So .. do I just install broccoli-ruby-sass with npm? Also uninstall broccoli-sass? Or do I need a more complicated approach in my brocfile.js as outlined here?
Any help appreciated. I'm pretty much a noob here and need all the help I can get.

I got a chance to try a few things. The following seemed to work:
$ npm install broccoli-ruby-sass --save-dev
Remove dependency for broccoli-sass from package.json
So pretty easy. I should have had a bit more courage.
Note to readers who may wish to do the same: LibSass is noticeably faster than Ruby Sass, but I understand it is newer, still lacks some features, and in my case had apparent bugs. So I had no choice.


What are the libraries used by Pony ORM?

In other words, what other packages are automatically installed when I use pip install pony?
I googled this, searched stack overflow, and looked for this on the pony ORM documentation page, but couldn't find anything. Any help would be much appreciated.
Nowadays Pony doesn't require anything but standart library. But when migrations will be released, some dependecies may be added. Like: docopt and contextlib2.

How can I tell the lowest required version number of a Perl module?

I'm writing a Perl module and right now I'm including in Makefile.PL all of the dependencies. The only problem is I have all of the latest versions of the modules required, but I don't want to limit anyone who has early versions (and either can't update them or requires older versions for old code). Is there any way to find out what would be the lowest version usable with my module without downloading and testing all of the versions? Thanks!
No, there is not an automated way to tell. You probably want to start with reading the Changelog for each module and seeing what changes have occurred.
Ever heard of Dist::Zilla? It won't help you with the version problem... but it helps you with a lot of other stuff for creating, maintaining and releasing modules. As mentioned by others, the only way to know the versions working is write tests and test against them...

Where can I find a concise guide to converting an existing CPAN module to use Dist::Zilla?

I have read, at various times, both the documentation and a number of blog posts on Dist::Zilla. I have never felt confidence in my understanding of it.
In response to another question, #Ether raised the possibility of converting Crypt-SSLeay to use Dist::Zilla.
So, where can I find a concise guide showing me how to convert an existing CPAN module to use Dist::Zilla? Does the question even make sense?
The Makefile.PL for Crypt-SSLeay does a lot of work (a lot of it seems unnecessary and I am trying to prune it) to find platform specific include and lib directories, to deduce the version of OpenSSL on the machine where it is being installed. How can I include that functionality if I use Dist::Zilla?
The Dist::Zilla Choose Your Own Tutorial has a page on Converting a Dist to Dist::Zilla. One thing it doesn't mention there is my VersionFromModule plugin, which is useful if you want to replicate the way many people use MakeMaker, with the distribution taking its version number from the main module. (Many people use dzil the other way, with the version in dist.ini and a plugin to stick it into the module, but either way works.)
If I need a more complex Makefile.PL than the one dzil generates, I switch to Module::Build and use my ModuleBuild::Custom plugin, which lets me write my own Build.PL and have dzil drop in metadata like the prerequisites.
The MakeMaker::Awesome plugin lets you do something similar with Makefile.PL, but it wasn't quite what I wanted. Instead, I wrote a MakeMaker::Custom plugin that works much like my ModuleBuild::Custom plugin. The big advantage of
MakeMaker::Custom over MakeMaker::Awesome is that it makes it possible to build your dist for testing purposes without having to do dzil build. For an XS module that has to be rebuilt after every minor change, this is a big win.
These are the sites I have found the most helpful so far, as I'm in the middle of converting a CPAN distribution I comaintain to use it, as a learning exercise. I'm not there yet, but I haven't hit any super tricky bits so far!
The official Dist::Zilla site's Choose your own tutorial's guide to Converting an existing distribution
CPAN Dist::Zilla::Tutorial
Dave Golden's Why I'm using Dist::Zilla
Also, the #toolchain and #distzilla channels on are full of helpful people, including the authors for Dist::Zilla and other related tools.

How do I use to download other Perl modules?

I'm new to Object-Oriented programming and the perldoc page on confuses the hell out of me. My program needs to download a couple of modules if they don't already exist. Is this basically just:
or is there more to it? Does that download the package, unarchive it, and install it, or just one or two of those steps? If it's not all three, how do I do the other one (or two)? I would like it to make sure it doesn't try to re-install anything if the package is already there - is this the default behavior of the function or no?
And how can I tell if Perl couldn't connect to CPAN to get the package?
No one else has mentioned it, but you have to load the CPAN config first:
use CPAN;
# now do your stuff
You can also look at the cpan(1) script that comes with to see a lot of the programmer's interface in action. I also wrote on article for the latest issue of The Perl Review showing examples of the programmer's interface to
However, you might not need to do any of this. Why is your program downloading modules on its own? Are you trying to create a distribution that has dependencies? There are better ways to handle that so you don't have to repeat the work that's already done in other tools. For instance, see my article Creating Perl Application Distributions. You treat your program as if it's a module and get the benefit of all the cool module tools so you don't have to reinvent something.
If you tell us more about the problem that you're actually trying to solve, we might have other good answers too. :)
Good luck,
the perldoc page on confuses the hell out of me.
Yes, documentation of the CPAN API is still a bit lacking. It wasn't every really designed for programmatic use by others. You might have better luck with CPANPLUS, if that's available to you.
My program needs to download a couple of modules if they don't already exist. Is this basically just: CPAN::Shell->install("Module::Name::Here");
Yes, that's pretty much it for the simplest possible thing. In fact, that's pretty much all the 'cpan' command line program does when you type "cpan Module::Name::Here". However, you will need to have configured in advance.
Does that download the package, unarchive it, and install it?
Yes, all three.
I would like it to make sure it doesn't try to re-install anything if the package is already there - is this the default behavior of the function or no?
Yes, the default behavior is not to install anything if the module is up to date. You can actually check that yourself with the "uptodate()" method like this:
my $mod = CPAN::Shell->expand("Module", "Module::Name::Here");
$mod->install unless $mod->uptodate;
And how can I tell if Perl couldn't connect to CPAN to get the package?
That's hard to do programmatically in a way that would be simple to explain. You either need to look at the output or else just check $mod->uptodate afterwards;
my $mod = CPAN::Shell->expand("Module", "Module::Name::Here");
if ( ! $mod->uptodate ) {
die "Problems installing" unless $mod->uptodate;
Best of luck!
Basically using CPAN is the following:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
if this is the first time you are running it, it will ask you a few questions and save the results in a configuration file.
then to install PGP::Sign just type:
install PGP::Sign
and you're set.
As for you last question, don't worry, it will say to you whether it can connect or not.
As you can tell, most of us use only use in the interactive mode, however, you're on the right track.
Things I can point out for the moment:
Yes, calling CPAN::Shell->install() will download, compile, test and install a package. It should also do the same for any dependencies the package has, recursively.
The default behaviour is to not install anything which is already installed (unless a newer version is available).
I'm not strictly sure how the error handling works - I'll look into it, and report back.
It might prompt your user, though.
Keltia has it right. I'll add that his first instruction is done from the command prompt, usually as root, but not necessarily so. The second command is done from the CPAN prompt. You can also do it all on the command line, but I usually don't.
If you're using windows, your best bet is to use PPM, but its repositories are annoyingly out of date most times.

Which framework should I use to write modules? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What's the best framework for writing modules -- ExtUtils::MakeMaker (h2xs) or Module::Build?
NOTE This advice is out of date. Module::Build has been removed from the Perl core but lives on as a CPAN module. The pros and cons still stand, and my opinions about MakeMaker still stand.
As the former maintainer of ExtUtils::MakeMaker, I like to recommend Module::Build because MakeMaker is a horror show. Module::Build is so much better put together. But those aren't your concerns and I'll present my "least hassle for you" answer.
Executive Summary:
Because Module::Build support is not 100% in place through all of Perl, start with MakeMaker. If you want to do any customization at all, switch to Module::Build. Since their basic layout, options and interface are almost identical this will be painless. As seductive as it looks, avoid Module::Install.
Fortunately, Module::Build can emulate MakeMaker which helps some, but doesn't help if you're going to do any customization. See Module::Build::Compat.
For CPAN releases using Module::Build is fine. There's enough Module::Build stuff on CPAN now that everyone's dealt with getting it bootstrapped already.
Finally, the new configure_requires option lets CPAN shells know to install Module::Build before they can start building the module. Unfortunately only the latest CPAN shells know about configure_requires.
Oh, whatever you do don't use h2xs (unless you're writing XS code... and even then think about it).
MakeMaker Pros:
Comes with Perl and used by the Perl core (therefore it is actively
maintained and will remain so forever)
Everything knows what to do with a Makefile.PL.
Most module authoring documentation will cover MakeMaker.
Uses make (those who know make can debug and patch the build
MakeMaker Cons:
Requires make (think Windows)
Difficult to customize
Even harder to customize and make cross platform
Difficult to debug when something goes wrong (unless you understand make)
Module::Build Pros:
Easier to customize/subclass
Pure Perl
Easier to debug (it's Perl)
Can emulate MakeMaker in several ways
The CPAN shell will install Module::Build for you
Module::Build Cons:
The Module::Build maintainers (and indeed all of the Perl Toolchain Gang) hate it
Older versions of CPAN clients (including CPANPLUS) don't know anything about Module::Build.
Module::Install Pros:
Slick interface
Bundles itself, you have a known version
Everything knows how to deal with a Makefile.PL
Module::Install Cons:
Requires make
Always uses bundled version, vulnerable to external breakage
Difficult to customize outside its interface
Mucks with the guts of MakeMaker so a new MakeMaker release will eventually break it.
Does not know how to generate a META file using the v2 meta-spec
(increasingly a problem with newer tools)
There are two questions here.
First, never use h2xs. It's old outdated nastiness, though I suppose if you're actually trying to turn a header file into XS code, it might be useful (never done that myself).
2011 update: I strongly recommend taking a look at Dist::Zilla, especially if you think you'll be maintaining more than one module.
For creating a new module, use Module::Starter. It works great, and has some nice plugins for customizing the output.
Second, you're asking what build system you should use. The three contenders are ExtUtils::MakeMaker (EUMM), Module::Build (MB), and Module::Install (MI).
EUMM is a horrid nasty piece of work, but it works, and if you're not customizing your build process at all, works just fine.
MB is the new kid, and it has its detractors. It's big plus is that if you want to heavily customize your install and build process, it's quite possible to do this sanely (and in a cross-platform manner) using MB. It's really not possible using EUMM.
Finally, MI is basically a declarative wrapper on top of EUMM. It also packages itself along with your distro, in an attempt to work around problems with users trying to install modules with old toolchain modules. The downside of the "package self" trick is that if there's a bug in MI itself, you have to re-release all your modules just to fix it.
As far as customization goes, there are some plugins for MI, but if you want to go beyond them you'll be back at the problem of dealing with Makefiles and build tools across a dozen+ platforms, so it really isn't going to help you too much in that realm.
I just uploaded Distribution::Cooker to CPAN. It's what I use to make new distributions. The nice thing about it is that your distributions can be whatever you like: you're just cooking some templates. I don't care if anyone uses it. For me it's simple, low tech, and doesn't cause extra problems.
You might start with something like Module::Starter to make your starter templates then add your own boilerplate and favorite way of doing things. You choose not only whatever you want in each file, but which files show up in the distro. As you figure out how you like to do things, you simply update your own templates.
As for Makemaker and Module::Build, the future is Module::Build. It's only us old guys using Makemaker anymore. :) There are ways to use both (or pretend to use both) at the same time. Look at the Module::Build, Module::Build::Compat, and Module::Install docs. Module::Build was kicked out of Perl's Standard Library and it's future is uncertain. It's back to Makemaker as a build system.
Although this is a bit of a cop-out answer, try using each just to get a little experience with each.
You also might want to look at Dist-Zilla which is a new author-only tool to create distributions. Because it just helps build the distribution, it doesn't ship with your code or do any installation, it can do a lot of powerful stuff.
The only trouble with compatibility regarding Module::Build is when a user tries to install modules without updating their CPAN client ( or If they are installing your module from the CPAN, they can just as easily upgrade their client from the same mirror.
If you don't want to do anything complicated in your build process, sure: use EUMM. But if you have a build problem on a different target platform, you might end up in the Makefile, which is different on every variation of make.
Module::Build gives you lots of features (anything you can think of if you extend it) and is all perl so you never end up debugging a makefile. Module::Install gives you features, but you have to bundle it and everything ends up running through 'make' in the end.
I also recommend Module::Build and Module::Starter (with the TT2 plugin).
Module::Build is better by any means, but it is less widely supported than ExtUtils::MakeMaker (more specifically, older versions of Perl don't support it out of the box). It depends on your needs.
Personally, I recommend Module::Install, as do a lot of folks I know - the likes of the Catalyst and Moose folks also use it.
Here's a little clarification of the direction I hoped the responses would take:
pros/cons of various of frameworks
compatibility/install base of frameworks
suitability for internal (local) vs. external (CPAN) releases
not bare "use X" answers
Dave's answer has some good pro/con info. Leon's answer alludes to compatibility but isn't explicit. As brian d foy mentioned, only the old hats use EUMM, but I'm not convinced that MB is a good framework for things destined for CPAN due to it not being part of the core until 5.9.
There are pros and cons to both. These days I use and recommend Module::Build and Module::Starter.
EU::MM still seems to be the most widely supported and popular one, but Module::Build is catching up. Also, check out Module::Starter for a module that will help you get started.