What are the libraries used by Pony ORM? - ponyorm

In other words, what other packages are automatically installed when I use pip install pony?
I googled this, searched stack overflow, and looked for this on the pony ORM documentation page, but couldn't find anything. Any help would be much appreciated.

Nowadays Pony doesn't require anything but standart library. But when migrations will be released, some dependecies may be added. Like: docopt and contextlib2.


Devpak for Allegro 5

Hello community of stackoverflow. I've been using Allegro 4 and Dev-C++ 5.5.3, until I noticed that there's a new and better version of the library avaliable. I tried to download and install Allegro 5, but I got confused with so many ways to do it, and I have to admit that I have no idea of building it with cmake or something, but it seems it requires to do a lot of downloading which I can't afford.
However, I heard that there's a DevPak version of Allegro 5 avaliable, some people (even in this community) declared that they downloaded the devpak version of the library, but I can't find a reliable link to download it no matter how much I search for it. Having it will make things a lot easier to me, so I wish you could give me a reliable and updated link to download the devpak, or at least to guide me through it's building and installation.
I've downloaded what I think is the allegro source code (maybe for building it) from this link but actually I don't know what to do with it. If you can help me with that version I downloaded, or at least guiding me to finally get the Allegro 5 library, I will thank you very much.
I used that 5.0.10 devpak for a long time. By the way, I don't think there is still people doing new devpaks.
You can download a pre-compiled version of allegro here: https://github.com/liballeg/allegro5/releases
You may also need to download an updated version of mingw to match the allegro build you just downloaded. Then at Dev-C++ you create a new compiler set and configure the search paths to point to your mingw and allegro folders (use your current compiler set as a reference).
Well, seen that I've got no answers (searching the matter in Google results in this unanswered question) I'll post the link that I've found, hoping that it will be useful to anyone who has the same problem.
I've downloaded the devpak from this link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/devpacks/files/allegro5-5.0.10-1aved.DevPak/download which is the version 5.0.10 of allegro, but as I noted, there's a newer release available (though I don't know if there's a devpak version of that one). If someone knows a way of getting a more updated devpak, please post it here anyway. However, I think that's something, and I hope it will help those in my situation

How to replace broccoli-sass with broccoli-ruby-sass

I've been told I need to replace use broccoli-sass with broccoli-ruby-sass, due to bug/lack of support with #extend functionality in LibSass.
So .. do I just install broccoli-ruby-sass with npm? Also uninstall broccoli-sass? Or do I need a more complicated approach in my brocfile.js as outlined here?
Any help appreciated. I'm pretty much a noob here and need all the help I can get.
I got a chance to try a few things. The following seemed to work:
$ npm install broccoli-ruby-sass --save-dev
Remove dependency for broccoli-sass from package.json
So pretty easy. I should have had a bit more courage.
Note to readers who may wish to do the same: LibSass is noticeably faster than Ruby Sass, but I understand it is newer, still lacks some features, and in my case had apparent bugs. So I had no choice.

Find out play! version number (e.g. 2.1.3) in application code

Does anyone know how to find out which version of play! an application is running with during runtime? I thought there might perhaps be something like play.api.Play.current.frameworkVersion.
I searched the API doc at http://www.playframework.com/documentation/api/2.1.x/scala/index.html#package for anything useful, but could not find anything.
I think I probably could hack together something like writing the SBT plugin version into a file during the compile/stage which I can then read at runtime. But I was hoping there would be a less cumbersome way of doing this...
Cheers, Alex
How about:
found in: http://www.playframework.com/documentation/api/2.2.0-M2/scala/index.html#play.core.PlayVersion$

How can I tell the lowest required version number of a Perl module?

I'm writing a Perl module and right now I'm including in Makefile.PL all of the dependencies. The only problem is I have all of the latest versions of the modules required, but I don't want to limit anyone who has early versions (and either can't update them or requires older versions for old code). Is there any way to find out what would be the lowest version usable with my module without downloading and testing all of the versions? Thanks!
No, there is not an automated way to tell. You probably want to start with reading the Changelog for each module and seeing what changes have occurred.
Ever heard of Dist::Zilla? It won't help you with the version problem... but it helps you with a lot of other stuff for creating, maintaining and releasing modules. As mentioned by others, the only way to know the versions working is write tests and test against them...

Is there a beginner introduction to writing Eclipse plugins?

I have tried and failed to create to find any good tutorials on writting plugins for Eclipse and the closest I have assumed a large degree of knowledge about the internals of Eclipse.
For what it is worth I have the programming skills to write the plugin. I need help with getting it plugged into Eclipse correctly.
The best tutorial I've found is Lars Vogels Plugin tutorial. Have a look at his other other Eclipse tutorials aswell. Alot of good content there.
Maybe this could be an interesting site for you:
It covers setting up your plugin to advanced plugin tutorials.
I personally use it all the time.