Google.GData.Documents.DocumentService.Query() hangs in multithreading - gdata

I am tying to download documents of multiple users simultaneously using threading.
The application download documents for some users and eventually all the threads get stuck at the following statement.
However if I try to download them one user after the other (no threading). It downloads just fine. Every thread has its own instance of DocumentFeed, DocumentsListQuery,Document Service etc
The application is developed in c#. What could be the possible reason for it to get stuck on the "query()" statement?


Can I create a background service that always run even if flutter app is not running?

I want to create a Background service which is always running even if app is not running in background , so that I can manage different features in my flutter , is there any way to do that?
There are several ways of doing this.
You can check out flutter_background_service. It's a new package.
background_fetch is another package that can help you out.
Additionally if you're only planning to execute a task when you get some new information from a remote server, firebase data message can be used too, where you'll run a function upon receiving a data message. link

QBFC: Can I call multiple concurrent calls to quickbooks through one session?

I am currently creating a new quickbooks session for every unique "thread" coming into my SDK app. In that session, I do some quickbooks stuff.
It seems to be working well, allowing multiple things to happen at the same time. The problem I have, is that the session sometimes takes a while to "open".
If I create a single "global" session, can I call that concurrently form my individual threads? Will quickbooks allow me to make concurrent sdk calls through the same session?
I would like to get some insight into this before I go and change my currently working code...
Yes, you can make multiple calls under one session open. They have to be sequential. They cannot run in parallel. So you can only have one connection open to QB at a time.

Is it possible to have an "internal" cron in mysql5?

The other day a friend suggested to play a web browser game called OGame. If you don't know it I'll tell you what it is:an rts game where you have to build things like mining factories, barracks and so on. The interesting thing that every building has a build time and you can log off while it's building because it will keep going.
Something like this I would believe is managed via dbms. I have my records where I have the end time of a costruction. How do I check when to update a building? Do I need an external application that checks every seconds what record needs to be updated? Is it possible with mysql5 to have an internal scheduler that launches a procedure on this table? And if so, is it a best practice?
I have built a similar game and I stored the construction end times (and other events to be fired) in an events table. I wrote a PHP daemon which regularly checks the events table for expired records and acts on them accordingly.
I couldn't find a way to do it in the database itself (and if I later wanted to migrate to another DB it would need rewriting). A cron'd script may overlap. A daemon can keep track of everything all the time, and output debug information if events are queuing faster than they're being processed. I also added a cron to check periodically that my daemon is still running, otherwise start it.
Creating a daemon in PHP (if you're using PHP)
Hope that helps.

Downloading multiple items in package

I need to allows users to download multiple images in a single download. This download will include an sql file and images. Once the download completes, the sql will execute, inserting text into an sqlite database. This text will include references to the download images. The text and images are rendered in a UIWebView.
What is the best way to download everything in a single download? I was thinking to use a bundle since it can be loaded at runtime but not sure of any limitations/restrictions in this scenario. I have tested putting the bundle into the Documents folder and then accessing resources inside of it. That seems to work fine in a simple test.
You're downloading everything through a socket, which only knows about bytes, so a bundle, or even a file, doesn't "naturally" transfer through, the server side opens files and encodes and sends them into the connection, the client reads from the socket and reconstructs the original file structure.
Assuming the application has a UI for picking which items needs to be transferred, it could then request all items to the server, and the server could then send all the items through the single connection with some delimitation you invent, so that the iPhone app can split the stream back into the individual files.
Or another options is that the client could just perform individual HTTP requests for the different files, through pretty straightforward use of NSURLConnection.
The former sounds like an attempt to optimize the latter. Have you already tested and verified that the latter is too slow/inefficient? It definitely is more complex to implement.
There is a latency issue with multiple HTTP connections that you run in a sequence, however you can perhaps mitigate it by running multiple downloads connections in parallel -- for example through an NSOperationQueue with a limit of 2 to 5 concurrent download operations.

iPhone offline application with synchronization

I'm looking into building an application which works just as well offline as it does online. Since the application cannot communicate with the server while in offline, there is some level of synchronization which needs to take place.
What are some good tools to read about and start thinking about when planning offline operations with synchronization for your iPhone?
What tools would I have to create on my own, versus tools that apple already provides to help with this particular issue?
I've been working on an app that handles this exact behavior for the last 2 months or so. It has a small subset of functions which are online only and a large set of functionality that is offline/online.
I'm using sqlite for local storage as suggested here with a modified version of the sqlitepersistentobjects library. The base version of sqlitepersistentobjects is not thread safe so watch out if you are using it. (check out objectiverecord in: objectivesync for a thread safe alternative but be prepared to dig into the code). If you are willing to develop for the 3.0 sdk then core data is another possibility for a sqlite library.
The overall architecture is simple enough I have modeled local storage using sqlite and remote interaction using objective resource against a rails app and REST api. It can use either xml or json for data serialization.
When an object is modified locally the change is first saved to the sqlite database record for that object and then added to a queue which is serialized and stored in the local sqlite db as well. (The queue can then be processed at any time)
If there is a connection available any queued local changes are deserialized and added to an NSOperationQueue which then processes them in the background.
In order to make this all work I've subclassed NSOperation so that it can support several types of remote queue operations - create, update, delete essentially using objective resource to make the remote requests.
The nice thing about using NSOperationQueue and NSOperation is that they handle the background threading for you so I'd highly recommend having a look at the apple docs for those classes and also at the apple threading guide.
When the application loads there is a bit of remote checking done and processed in the background to pull down the latest data - although to be honest I am still changing the way this behaves a bit.
That's a quick overview of what I've had to deal with so far...hope it helps a little.
there are plenty of application on the app store which rely on both online as well as offline data
what you should really be doing is on start of your app, run a background thread (which runs silently so your user never sees any delay). this thread downloads the latest data from your server and pushes it into your local database (sqlite is the best choice)
make sure you implement some kind of data versioning so that your app only downloads data which is actually changed since last download - else you would unnecessarily be downloading the entire dataset which can be quite huge (depending upon your app requirements)
also make sure to test for internet connectivity when doing this. if no internet is available, alert the user for sure
this way you get the best of both worlds. users when away from internet can still use your app with their local sqlite data
in iphone os 3.0 apple has introduced push services - where you can simply "PUSH" your data instead of doing a "PULL" however this is not available in the current iPhone OS (2.x.x)
Push is probably not a viable option here, since the amount of data you can push is miniscule, and basically comes back to "tell my app to make a server call". We use an online/offline model in Satchel. Whenever we have to communicate with the server, we bundle that communication (a URL and possibly some POST data) and store it to a database. If we're online, we pull it right back out, send it, and when we get a valid response back, we remove the record from the database. If we're offline, those rows build up, and the next time we ARE online, they get sent out. This is not a workable model in all situations, but can be adapted to most.
In 3.0, you've got access to CoreData, which is a great data management tool. Other than that, the NSURLXXX family is your friend.
I would store all the information I gather while offline in a SQLite database. Then, on user 's request, you can SYNC all the stored information with a server using HTTP or a custom TCP/IP protocol you can come up with.
I have been using this approach on Palm OS applications for almost 10 years now, and they do work very effectively.
As far as I know, the only "tool" you will have to accomplish this is plain old OBJECTIVE-C with Cocoa Touch. Although you could use some TCP/IP C++ libraries that will make your life easier if you decide to implement your own protocol.
Wonder if you have considered using a Sync Framework to manage the synchronization. If that interests you can take a look at the open source project, OpenMobster's Sync service. You can do the following sync operations
one-way client
one-way device
Besides that, all modifications are automatically tracked and synced with the Cloud. You can have your app offline when network connection is down. It will track any changes and automatically in the background synchronize it with the cloud when the connection returns. It also provides synchronization like iCloud across multiple devices
Also, modifications in the Cloud are synched using Push notifications, so the data is always current even if it is stored locally.
Here is a link to the open source project:
Here is a link to iPhone App Sync: