FakeRequest comes from artifact play-test and is added to the project only in the test scope... but I need to create a kind of fake request just to invoke a method that takes an implicit RequestHeader:
import play.api.test._
implicit val request = FakeRequest(
// createToken takes an implict RequestHeader
createToken(TokenType.Reset, account).map { token =>
EmailHelper.sendPasswordResetEmail(user.email.get, token.asJwt)
How do I import FakeRequest in the compile scope? Is there a better option? Or shall I invoke the controller's method directly?
Add the following to your Build.sbt
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.typesafe.play" %% "play-test" % "2.2.1" % "compile"
Make sure to change "2.2.1" to be whatever version of Play your are using.
This should expose the play test classes to the compile scope.
I want to validate a downloaded Json file from server during build time and failed the build, if there are any errors.
Is it possible to parse/validate Json in build.sbt?
Your build.sbt is scala code so it can do everything you can do with other scala code.
You should be able to add dependencies (e.g. a json parsing library) of your build.sbt code in project/build.sbt since sbt is recursive.
Here is an example to supplement Jasper-M's answer.
For example, add liahoy's requests-scala HTTP client library, and upickle JSON deserialisation library to project/builds.sbt
libraryDependencies ++= List(
"com.lihaoyi" %% "requests" % "0.6.0",
"com.lihaoyi" %% "upickle" % "1.1.0"
Then under project/Preconditions.scala add the following object which will contain assertions you want to check before running the build
object Preconditions {
import scala.util.Try
import requests._
import upickle.default._
case class User(login: String, id: Int)
implicit val userRW: ReadWriter[User] = macroRW
def validateUserJson() = {
val result = Try(read[User](get("https://api.github.com/users/lihaoyi").text)).isSuccess
assert(result, "User JSON should be valid")
Now these facilities will be available to build.sbt under the root project. Lets create a task in build.sbt to run the assertions
lazy val checkPreconditions = taskKey[Unit]("Validate pre-conditions before building")
checkPreconditions := {
println("All preconditions passed!")
and finally lets make compile task dependant on checkPreconditions task using dependsOn like so
Compile / compile := (Compile / compile).dependsOn(checkPreconditions).value
Now executing sbt compile should check pre-conditions before proceeding with compilation.
I would like to use ws in a standalone application. Trying this code, copied from https://gist.github.com/cdimascio/46b2b7d2986636c1189c :
import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig
import play.api.libs.ws.ning._
import play.api.libs.ws._
// provide an execution context
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
object WSStandaloneTest {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// set up the client
val config = new NingAsyncHttpClientConfigBuilder(DefaultWSClientConfig()).build
val builder = new AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder(config)
val client = new NingWSClient(builder.build)
// execute a GET request
val response = client.url("http://www.example.com").get
// print the response body
response.foreach(r => {
// not the best place to close the client,
// but it ensures we dont close the threads before the response arrives
// Good enough for the gist :-D
Results in the following error:
[error] object ning is not a member of package play.api.libs.ws
[error] import play.api.libs.ws.ning._
In my build.sbt I have this:
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.play" %% "play-json" % "2.6.1"
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.play" %% "play-ws" % "2.6.1"
What am I doing wrong?
NingWSClient is deprecated in Play! 2.5.x.
In 2.6.x
The ning package has been replaced by the ahc package, and the Ning* classes replaced by AHC*.
There is a migration guide available in the official doc.
So you can choose to downgrade to 2.5.x and use ning or update the code.
I'm trying to write a test case for a simple REST API in Play2/Scala that send/receives JSON. My test looks like the following:
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.specs2.matcher.JsonMatchers
import org.specs2.mutable._
import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner
import play.api.libs.json.{Json, JsArray, JsValue}
import play.api.test.Helpers._
import play.api.test._
import play.test.WithApplication
* Add your spec here.
* You can mock out a whole application including requests, plugins etc.
* For more information, consult the wiki.
class APIv1Spec extends Specification with JsonMatchers {
val registrationJson = Json.parse("""{"device":"576b9cdc-d3c3-4a3d-9689-8cd2a3e84442", |
"firstName":"", "lastName":"Johnny", "email":"justjohnny#test.com", |
"pass":"myPassword", "acceptTermsOfService":true}
def dropJsonElement(json : JsValue, element : String) = (json \ element).get match {
case JsArray(items) => util.dropAt(items, 1)
def invalidRegistrationData(remove : String) = {
"API" should {
"Return Error on missing first name" in new WithApplication {
val result= route(
FakeHeaders(Seq( ("Content-Type", "application/json") )),
status(result) must equalTo(BAD_REQUEST)
contentType(result) must beSome("application/json")
However when I attempt to run sbt test, I get the following error:
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=384M; support was removed in 8.0
[info] Loading project definition from /home/cassius/brentspace/esalestracker/project
[info] Set current project to eSalesTracker (in build file:/home/cassius/brentspace/esalestracker/)
[info] Compiling 3 Scala sources to /home/cassius/brentspace/esalestracker/target/scala-2.11/test-classes...
[error] /home/cassius/brentspace/esalestracker/test/APIv1Spec.scala:34: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type org.specs2.main.CommandLineAsResult[play.test.WithApplication{val result: scala.concurrent.Future[play.api.mvc.Result]}]
[error] "Return Error on missing first name" in new WithApplication {
[error] ^
[error] one error found
[error] (test:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 3 s, completed 18/01/2016 9:30:42 PM
I have similar tests in other applications, but it looks like the new version of specs adds a lot of support for Futures and other things that invalidate previous tutorials. I'm on Scala 2.11.6, Activator 1.3.6 and my build.sbt looks like the following:
name := """eSalesTracker"""
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick" % "3.1.0",
"org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.4-1206-jdbc42",
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % "1.7.13",
"ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.1.3",
"ch.qos.logback" % "logback-core" % "1.1.3",
specs2 % Test,
"org.specs2" %% "specs2-matcher-extra" % "3.7" % Test
resolvers += "scalaz-bintray" at "http://dl.bintray.com/scalaz/releases"
resolvers += Resolver.url("Typesafe Ivy releases", url("https://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/ivy-releases"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
// Play provides two styles of routers, one expects its actions to be injected, the
// other, legacy style, accesses its actions statically.
routesGenerator := InjectedRoutesGenerator
I think you are using the wrong WithApplication import.
Use this one:
import play.api.test.WithApplication
The last line of the testcase should be the assertion/evaluation statement.
e.g. before the last } of the failing testcase method put the statement false must beEqualTo(true) and run it again.
I'm trying to get a simple "hello world" server running using spray with scala 2.11:
import spray.routing.SimpleRoutingApp
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
object SprayTest extends App with SimpleRoutingApp {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
startServer(interface = "localhost", port = 8080) {
path("hello") {
get {
complete {
<h1>Say hello to spray</h1>
However, I receive the following compile errors:
Multiple markers at this line
- not found: value port
- bad symbolic reference to spray.can encountered in class file 'SimpleRoutingApp.class'. Cannot
access term can in package spray. The current classpath may be missing a definition for spray.can, or
SimpleRoutingApp.class may have been compiled against a version that's incompatible with the one
found on the current classpath.
- not found: value interface
Does anyone know what might be the issue? BTW, I'm very new to spray and actors, so I lack a lot of intuition for how spray and actors work (that's why I'm doing this simple tutorial).
Finally found the answer myself. I needed to add the spray-can dependency to my pom file. Leaving this question and answer in case anyone else runs into the same problem.
SBT example:
scalaVersion := "2.10.4"
val akkaVersion = "2.3.6"
val sprayVersion = "1.3.2"
resolvers ++= Seq(
"Spray Repository" at "http://repo.spray.io/"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % akkaVersion,
"io.spray" %% "spray-can" % sprayVersion,
"io.spray" %% "spray-routing" % sprayVersion
I want to send XML over HTTP POST request to server using spray-client with some headers set etc. However, only examples that I can find are for JSON requests.
Can somebody provide a simple snippet of code for XML over HTTP POST communication using spray-client?
Here is a small code sample for creating a spray HttpRequest that has an xml NodeSeq based payload. Let me know if you this helps or if you need more code (like submitting the request):
import spray.httpx.RequestBuilding._
import spray.http._
import HttpMethods._
import HttpHeaders._
import MediaTypes._
object SprayXml {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val xml = <root>foo</root>
val req = Post("/some/url", xml)
The two dependencies I was using to make this code work are spray-client and spray-httpx.
The relevant pieces from my build.sbt are:
scalaVersion := "2.10.0"
resolvers ++= Seq(
"Scala Tools Repo Releases" at "http://scala-tools.org/repo-releases",
"Typesafe Repo Releases" at "http://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/releases/",
"spray" at "http://repo.spray.io/"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"io.spray" % "spray-httpx" % "1.1-M7",
"io.spray" % "spray-client" % "1.1-M7",
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.1.0"
With a hacky way to be specific about the content type. Note payload can be string or xml literal.
import spray.client.pipelining._
import spray.http._
val pipeline: HttpRequest => Future[HttpResponse] = {
addHeader("My-Header-Key", "myheaderdata") ~>
((_:HttpRequest).mapEntity( _.flatMap( f => HttpEntity(
~> sendReceive
"http://www.example.com/myendpoint", <MyXmlTag>MyXmlData</MyXmlTag>