EF is not saving changes - entity-framework

I really hope someone can help me. I have following controller-action:
public ActionResult Edit(EditViewModel vm)
Item item= db.Items.Find(vm.ItemId);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//breakpoint 1 --> everything works fine, if its debugged step by step from here
//if item´s contact is null or different from viewmodel --> override it
if (item.Contact == null || item.Contact.ContactId != vm.ContactId)
item.Contact = db.Contacts.Find(vm.ContactId);
//if the viewmodel have a ContractUnit set and its different from item´s --> override the contractunit
//is the ContractUnit in viewmodel null set item´s null too
if (vm.ContractUnitId.HasValue && ((item.ContractUnit != null && item.ContractUnit.ContractUnitId != vm.ContractUnitId) || item.ContractUnit == null))
item.ContractUnit = db.ContractUnits.Find(vm.ContractUnitId);
if (!vm.ContractUnitId.HasValue)
item.ContractUnit = null;
//same as above just for Building
if (vm.BuildingId.HasValue && ((item.Building != null && item.Building.BuildingId != vm.BuildingId) || item.Building == null))
item.Building = db.Buildings.Find(vm.BuildingId);
if (!vm.BuildingId.HasValue)
item.Building = null;
//same as above just for EconomicUnit
if (vm.EconomicUnitId.HasValue && ((item.EconomicUnit != null && item.EconomicUnit.EconomicUnitId != vm.EconomicUnitId) || item.EconomicUnit == null))
item.EconomicUnit = db.EconomicUnits.Find(vm.EconomicUnitId);
if (!vm.EconomicUnitId.HasValue)
item.EconomicUnit = null;
//breakpoint 2 --> (no changes to item, if its the first breakpoint)
item= vm.GetItem(item); //override non relational data
db.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Method GetItem from EditViewModel:
public Item GetItem(Item item)
item.DateReported = this.DateReported; //Datetime
item.Description = this.Description; //String
item.FirstDeadline = this.FirstDeadline; //Datetime
item.SecondDeadline = this.SecondDeadline; //Datetime
item.ThirdDeadline = this.ThirdDeadline; //Datetime
item.ReplacementDeadline = this.ReplacementDeadline; //Datetime
return item;
The Problem: EF is not saving the changes to item.Building, item.ContractUnit or item.EconomicUnit. But it does when i am debugging it step by step.
There is no error or exception thrown and the viewmodel and model is filled properly.
I really hope someone can help me to solve this...

I removed the relations from the item-model and now only save the ids in a "long?" attribute. Well, its now additional work to get the related data but at least it works.

Try calling
db.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified;
Maybe this helps.


telerik mvc Create CompositeFilterDescriptor and append it to existing datasource request filter

I am having some issues creating a CompositeFilterDescriptor from scratch.
The scenario: We have date filters on the grid, but are showing date time fields.
When Someone filters to a specific date, we show all records for that day.
when someone filters greater than that day, we edit the filterDescriptor for that filter and add one day to it.
when someone filters to less than or equal to that day, we edit the filterdescriptor for that filter and add one day to it.
Here is the problem: when someone selects "not equal to", the solution would be to create a compositeFilterDescriptor containing two filters. One for less than that day, one for greater than that day.
I may ore may not be doing this part properly. I can not figure out how to add the new compositeFilterDescriptor to the existing dataSourceRequest.
Here is what I have:
static public DataSourceRequest FixDateFilters(DataSourceRequest request, string[] optionalFields = null)
if (request?.Filters != null)
List<string> matchingFields = new List<string> { "utc", "time" };
List<FilterDescriptor> newDescriptors = new List<FilterDescriptor>();
//if any fields specific to a page have been passed in, append them to the list.
if (optionalFields != null)
foreach (string field in optionalFields)
foreach (string matchingField in matchingFields)
List<FilterDescriptor> descriptors = new List<FilterDescriptor>();
FilterDescriptor descriptor1 = FindFirstFilterByMember(request.Filters, matchingField, true, null);
//there could be up to two filters on a matching field. Get the 2nd one if it exists.
FilterDescriptor descriptor2 = FindFirstFilterByMember(request.Filters, matchingField, true, descriptor1);
//turn the matches into a list for iterating
if (descriptor1 != null)
if (descriptor2 != null)
if (descriptors.Count != 0)
foreach (FilterDescriptor descriptor in descriptors)
DateTime? utcDate = (DateTime?)descriptor?.Value;
if (utcDate.HasValue)
utcDate = Core.DateHelper.ToUTC(utcDate.Value, HttpContext.Current); //make sure date ranges are one day ranges in local time
if (utcDate != null)
if (descriptor.Operator == FilterOperator.IsLessThanOrEqualTo)
utcDate = ((DateTime)utcDate).AddDays(1);
descriptor.Value = utcDate;
else if (descriptor.Operator == FilterOperator.IsGreaterThan)
utcDate = utcDate.Value.AddDays(1);
descriptor.Value = utcDate;
else if (descriptor.Operator == FilterOperator.IsEqualTo)
descriptor.Operator = FilterOperator.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo;
newDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor(descriptor.Member, FilterOperator.IsLessThan, utcDate.Value.AddDays(1)));
else if (descriptor.Operator == FilterOperator.IsNotEqualTo)
CompositeFilterDescriptor cfd = new CompositeFilterDescriptor();
cfd.LogicalOperator = FilterCompositionLogicalOperator.Or;
cfd.FilterDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor(descriptor.Member, FilterOperator.IsLessThan, utcDate.Value;));
cfd.FilterDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor(descriptor.Member, FilterOperator.IsGreaterThan, utcDate.Value.AddDays(1)));
newDescriptors.Add( cfd);
//equals matches add a new descriptor so add them after the foreach is done so they don't affect the foreach.
foreach (FilterDescriptor newDescriptor in newDescriptors)
if (newDescriptor.Member != "") //a blank descriptor has a emptry string for member
return request;
static public FilterDescriptor FindFirstFilterByMember(IEnumerable<IFilterDescriptor> filters, string findMember, bool partialMatch = false, FilterDescriptor previous = null)
FilterDescriptor ret = null;
foreach (var filter in filters)
var descriptor = filter as FilterDescriptor;
if (descriptor != null
&& (descriptor.Member == findMember || (partialMatch == true && descriptor.Member.ToLower().Contains(findMember.ToLower())))
&& (previous == null || previous != descriptor))
ret = descriptor;
else if (filter is CompositeFilterDescriptor)
ret = FindFirstFilterByMember(((CompositeFilterDescriptor)filter).FilterDescriptors, findMember, partialMatch, previous);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
The second function is a recursive one for getting the filters by string.
The problem section is the "isNotEqualTo" comparison. I don't know how to save the composite filter into the existing request. It gives me a casting error.
Ok it turns out all i needed to do was create a new list of CompositeFilterDescriptor type and append that when necessary. The .add function took both. Sigh.
foreach (CompositeFilterDescriptor newCompositeDescriptor in newCompositeDescriptors)

FATAL_ERROR|System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 201

I am getting too many SOQL queries 201 error in apex class
I tried to check the no of queries within loop
Below is exact error -
11:48:43.9 (2785518121)|FATAL_ERROR|System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 201
Class.GEN_CalculateActToWinScores.calcUserEligible: line 1343, column 1
Class.GEN_ActonFactsScoreUserEligibleBatch.execute: line 74, column 1
11:48:43.9 (2851114444)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|GEN_ActonFactsScoreUserEligibleBatch
11:48:43.9 (2852614277)|EXECUTION_FINISHED
Below is the code for method GEN_CalculateActToWinScores.calcUserEligible -
// Method for set user as ready for AoF
public static void calcUserEligible(List<User> usersList ){
List<Act_on_Facts__c> actOnFactDelete = new List<Act_on_Facts__c>();
Set<String> oppOpenStageNameSet = new Set<String>();
Set<String> oppReadOnlyRecordTypeNameSet = new Set<String>();
if(usersList.size() > 0){
List<Id> idList = new List<Id>();
Integer countResult = 0;
List<User> newUserList = new List<User>();
Integer limitQuery; //10000 //2001
Integer limitResult; //2000
if(CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('QUERY_LIMIT') != null){
limitQuery = Integer.valueOf(CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('QUERY_LIMIT').Value__c);
if(CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('MAX_QUERY_RESULTS') != null){
limitResult = Integer.valueOf(CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('MAX_QUERY_RESULTS').Value__c);
Boolean eligible = true;
for (User userElement : usersList){
String logDetail = ' QUERY_LIMIT:limitQuery: '+limitQuery+' MAX_QUERY_RESULTS:limitResult: '+limitResult;
logDetail += ' userElement.id: '+userElement.id;
eligible = true;
CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c userEligible = null;
if(CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c.getValues(userElement.id) != null){
userEligible = CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c.getValues(userElement.id);
CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c profileEligible = null;
if(CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c.getValues(userElement.ProfileId) != null){
profileEligible = CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c.getValues(userElement.ProfileId);
List<Act_on_Facts__c> actonfacts = [select id from Act_on_Facts__c where Lookup_User__c = : userElement.id limit 1];
if(userElement.ManagerId == null){
userElement.Line_Manager_Optional__c = true;
userElement.Act_On_Facts_Manager_List__c = null;
if(userElement.Default_Macro_Segment__c == null){
userElement.Default_Macro_Segment__c = 'None';
if (userElement.IsActive == false){
eligible = false;
}else if(profileEligible != null || userEligible != null) {
eligible = false;
countResult = [select count() from Account WHERE OwnerId = :userElement.id LIMIT :limitQuery];
logDetail += ' Account.countResult: '+countResult;
if(countResult!=null && countResult > limitResult ){
eligible = false;
if(oppOpenStageNameSet !=null && oppOpenStageNameSet.size()>0 && oppReadOnlyRecordTypeNameSet !=null && oppReadOnlyRecordTypeNameSet.size()>0){
countResult = [select count() from Opportunity WHERE OwnerId = :userElement.id AND StageName IN:oppOpenStageNameSet AND RecordType.DeveloperName NOT IN: oppReadOnlyRecordTypeNameSet LIMIT :limitQuery];
logDetail += ' Opportunity.countResult: '+countResult;
if(countResult!=null && countResult > limitResult ){
eligible = false;
userElement.Act_on_Facts_Eligible__c = false;
// remove user from Act on Facts
if(actonfacts != null && actonfacts.size()>0){
for(Act_on_Facts__c a : actonfacts){
userElement.Act_on_Facts_Eligible__c = true;
logDetail += ' userElement.Act_on_Facts_Eligible__c: '+userElement.Act_on_Facts_Eligible__c;
ApplicationLog.logEntry(ApplicationLog.SEVERITY_INFO, 'A2WBatch', 'GEN_ActonFactsScoreUserEligibleBatch:'+userElement.id+': ', logDetail);
update newUserList;
system.debug('HC Update- newUserList ' + newUserList);
delete actOnFactDelete;
system.debug('HC Update- actOnFactDelete ' + actOnFactDelete);
}catch (Exception e){
system.debug('Error updating user ' + e);
Code for GEN_ActonFactsScoreUserEligibleBatch.execute-
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){
CSH_A2W_Settings__c a2wCS = CSH_A2W_Settings__c.getInstance();
if(scope != null){
List<User> userList = scope;
if(CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('run_userTrigger') != null){
CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c run_userTrigger = CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('run_userTrigger');
run_userTrigger.Value__c = 'false';
update run_userTrigger;
//GEN_CalculateActOnFactsScores.calcUserEligible(userList); //Commented as part of Decommission activity of AoF
if(a2wCS != null && a2wCS.Enabled_in_Batches__c == True){
I am trying to analysis what will be the best possible ways to remove these errors or is there any alternate way to implement the same.
All these are queries in a loop:
for (User userElement : usersList){
List<Act_on_Facts__c> actonfacts = [select id from Act_on_Facts__c where Lookup_User__c = : userElement.id limit 1];
countResult = [select count() from Account WHERE OwnerId = :userElement.id LIMIT :limitQuery];
[select count() from Opportunity WHERE OwnerId = :userElement.id AND StageName IN:oppOpenStageNameSet AND RecordType.DeveloperName NOT IN: oppReadOnlyRecordTypeNameSet LIMIT :limitQuery];
As a very quick & dirty solution you can change the batch's size (how many records are passed to each execute). Default is 200.
Call your class with optional parameter Database.executeBatch(new GEN_ActonFactsScoreUserEligibleBatch(), 10); and see if it helps.
"Proper" fix would require some restructuring, taking queries out of the loop, maybe using some Maps where user's id is the key...
If these were custom objects a "pro" Apex developer would cheat, make these queries in one go, pulling user and related lists, something like
(SELECT Id FROM Accounts__r LIMIT 1),
(SELECT Id FROM Opportunities__r WHERE ... LIMIT 1),
(SELECT Id FROM Act_On_Facts__r)
WHERE Id IN :scope
This won't work here because relation from Account to owner doesn't have a nice name ("Accounts" won't work). You should be still able to do it on the custom object (last subquery in my example, you can call it outside of the loop)
You might still be able to pull something like that off but it'd probably require looking at sharing-related tables... I'd say doable but if you have time to play with it. If you don't - change scope size and call it a day. Will execute bit longer but 1-liner fix is a win in my book.

Only Update Entity (Parent or children) if Property Values Have Changed with EF

As I build a project with Entity Framework 6 (using EF for the first time), I noticed that when I only Update the relationships of an Entity, EF updates the main Entity too.
I can tell this is happening because I'm using System Versioned tables on Sql Server 2017.
This is a made up scenario, but most of the concept is here.
public async Task<ActionResult> Edit([Bind(Include="Id,Name,LocationTimes")] LocationViewModel locationVM) {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
var location = await _db.Locations.FirstOrDefaultAsync(l => l.Id == locationsViewModel.Id && l.UserId == UserId);
if (location == null) {
return HttpNotFound();
location.Name = locationsViewModel.Name;
// ... other properties
foreach (var day in locationsViewModel.LocationTimes.Days) {
var time = new Time {
Day = day.Day,
OpenTime = day.OpenTime,
CloseTime = day.CloseTime,
// Find current Time or keep newly created
time = await time.FindByTimeAsync(time, _db) ?? time;
// Find LocationTime with same day
var locationTime = location.LocationTimes.FirstOrDefault(lt => lt.Time.Day == day.Day);
// If all times are the same, skip (continue)
if (locationTime != null && locationTime.Time.OpenTime == time.OpenTime && locationTime.Time.CloseTime == time.CloseTime)
if (locationTime != null && (locationTime.Time.OpenTime != time.OpenTime || locationTime.Time.CloseTime != time.CloseTime)) {
// Remove, At least one of the Times do not match
locationTime.Time = time;
_db.Entry(locationTime).State = EntityState.Modified;
} else {
location.LocationTimes.Add(new LocationTime {
Location = location,
Time = time,
_db.Entry(location).State = EntityState.Modified;
await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
I assume, that by marking the entire Entity as Modified, EF will call the update statement.
How can I avoid an UPDATE to the parent Entity, if no properties have changed on the parent, but still Add/Update the child relationships?
I assume I have to check that each property has not changed and therefore I should not be setting location state to Modified, but how would I handle the newly added Times?
Update #1
So I tried what I mentioned and it works, but is this the correct way to do this?
public async Task<ActionResult> Edit([Bind(Include="Id,Name,LocationTimes")] LocationViewModel locationVM) {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
var location = await _db.Locations.FirstOrDefaultAsync(l => l.Id == locationsViewModel.Id && l.UserId == UserId);
if (location == null) {
return HttpNotFound();
This is new part
if (
location.Name != locationsViewModel.Name
// || ... test other properties
) {
location.Name = locationsViewModel.Name;
// ... other properties
_db.Entry(location).State = EntityState.Modified;
} else {
_db.Entry(location).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
foreach (var day in locationsViewModel.LocationTimes.Days) {
var time = new Time {
Day = day.Day,
OpenTime = day.OpenTime,
CloseTime = day.CloseTime,
// Find current Time or keep newly created
time = await time.FindByTimeAsync(time, _db) ?? time;
// Find LocationTime with same day
var locationTime = location.LocationTimes.FirstOrDefault(lt => lt.Time.Day == day.Day);
// If all times are the same, skip (continue)
if (locationTime != null && locationTime.Time.OpenTime == time.OpenTime && locationTime.Time.CloseTime == time.CloseTime)
if (locationTime != null && (locationTime.Time.OpenTime != time.OpenTime || locationTime.Time.CloseTime != time.CloseTime)) {
// Remove, At least one of the Times do not match
locationTime.Time = time;
_db.Entry(locationTime).State = EntityState.Modified;
} else {
location.LocationTimes.Add(new LocationTime {
Location = location,
Time = time,
/* removed, added above */
//_db.Entry(location).State = EntityState.Modified;
await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
So after trial and error, I guess I misunderstood how EF handles the EntityState. I though if a child was Modified, you had to set the parent as Modified as well.
Gladly, that's not the case and the code below works as desired.
public async Task<ActionResult> Edit([Bind(Include="Id,Name,LocationTimes")] LocationViewModel locationVM) {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
var location = await _db.Locations.FirstOrDefaultAsync(l => l.Id == locationsViewModel.Id && l.UserId == UserId);
if (location == null) {
return HttpNotFound();
This is new part
check if at least one property was changed
if (
location.Name != locationsViewModel.Name
|| location.Ref != locationsViewModel.Ref
// || ... test other properties
) {
location.Name = locationsViewModel.Name;
location.Ref = locationsViewModel.Ref;
// ... other properties
// Tell EF that the Entity has been modified (probably not needed, but just in case)
_db.Entry(location).State = EntityState.Modified;
} else {
// Tell EF that the Entity has *NOT* been modified
_db.Entry(location).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
foreach (var day in locationsViewModel.LocationTimes.Days) {
var time = new Time {
Day = day.Day,
OpenTime = day.OpenTime,
CloseTime = day.CloseTime,
// Find current Time or keep newly created
time = await time.FindByTimeAsync(time, _db) ?? time;
// Find LocationTime with same day
var locationTime = location.LocationTimes.FirstOrDefault(lt => lt.Time.Day == day.Day);
// If all times are the same, skip (continue)
if (locationTime != null && locationTime.Time.OpenTime == time.OpenTime && locationTime.Time.CloseTime == time.CloseTime)
if (locationTime != null && (locationTime.Time.OpenTime != time.OpenTime || locationTime.Time.CloseTime != time.CloseTime)) {
// Remove, At least one of the Times do not match
locationTime.Time = time;
_db.Entry(locationTime).State = EntityState.Modified;
} else {
location.LocationTimes.Add(new LocationTime {
Location = location,
Time = time,
/* removed, added above */
//_db.Entry(location).State = EntityState.Modified;
await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction("Index");

"the operation cannot be completed because the dbcontext has been disposed entity framework" error is no var userinfo line

Error happens on the var userinfo line... I'm new to ASP.NET MVC and I'm trying to create a sample project to learn ASP.NET MVC, but got stuck here. I searched other posts with similar errors, but the issue was with not saving .
public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel c)
using (db = new DBEntities())
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(c);
// error happens on this line of code
var userinfo = db.e_usr.Where(m => m.usr_ename == c.Email && m.usr_pswd == c.Password).FirstOrDefault();
if (userinfo != null)
Session["LoginID"] = userinfo.usr_ename;
Session["LoginUser"] = userinfo.usr_pswd;
return Redirect("Home/Index");
return null;
You're missing a code block (by specifying { .... }) after your using statement. Therefore, the db is valid for only the next statement - the check whether your ModelState is valid or not. After that, the db variable is gone.
Change your code to:
public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel c)
using (db = new DBEntities())
{ // <<<==== add this leading curly brace!
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(c);
// Simplify your LINQ here - define the condition directly
// in the ".FirstOrDefault()" method
var userinfo = db.e_usr.FirstOrDefault(m => m.usr_ename == c.Email && m.usr_pswd == c.Password);
if (userinfo != null)
Session["LoginID"] = userinfo.usr_ename;
Session["LoginUser"] = userinfo.usr_pswd;
return Redirect("Home/Index");
return null;
} /// <<<==== add these closing curly braces

How to calculate the color based on given fgColor indexed

I am working on Open XML,
<x:patternFill patternType="solid">
<x:fgColor indexed="46" />
<x:bgColor indexed="64" />
Above is a office 2007 document that converted from office 2003.
According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/documentformat.openxml.spreadsheet.foregroundcolor.aspx
Indexed attributes only used for backward compatibility purposes.
Above is my code, how to calculate the #Hex Color Code for indexed = 46?
I made this class for myself. Hope I save someone some trouble
public class IndexedColours
static Dictionary<string, string> Data;
if(Data == null || Data.Count == 0)
Data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Data.Add("0", "000000");
Data.Add("1", "FFFFFF");
Data.Add("2", "FF0000");
Data.Add("3", "00FF00");
Data.Add("4", "0000FF");
Data.Add("5", "FFFF00");
Data.Add("6", "FF00FF");
Data.Add("7", "00FFFF");
Data.Add("8", "000000");
Data.Add("9", "FFFFFF");
Data.Add("10", "FF0000");
Data.Add("11", "00FF00");
Data.Add("12", "0000FF");
Data.Add("13", "FFFF00");
Data.Add("14", "FF00FF");
Data.Add("15", "00FFFF");
Data.Add("16", "800000");
Data.Add("17", "008000");
Data.Add("18", "000080");
Data.Add("19", "808000");
Data.Add("20", "800080");
Data.Add("21", "008080");
Data.Add("22", "C0C0C0");
Data.Add("23", "808080");
Data.Add("24", "9999FF");
Data.Add("25", "993366");
Data.Add("26", "FFFFCC");
Data.Add("27", "CCFFFF");
Data.Add("28", "660066");
Data.Add("29", "FF8080");
Data.Add("30", "0066CC");
Data.Add("31", "CCCCFF");
Data.Add("32", "000080");
Data.Add("33", "FF00FF");
Data.Add("34", "FFFF00");
Data.Add("35", "00FFFF");
Data.Add("36", "800080");
Data.Add("37", "800000");
Data.Add("38", "008080");
Data.Add("39", "0000FF");
Data.Add("40", "00CCFF");
Data.Add("41", "CCFFFF");
Data.Add("42", "CCFFCC");
Data.Add("43", "FFFF99");
Data.Add("44", "99CCFF");
Data.Add("45", "FF99CC");
Data.Add("46", "CC99FF");
Data.Add("47", "FFCC99");
Data.Add("48", "3366FF");
Data.Add("49", "33CCCC");
Data.Add("50", "99CC00");
Data.Add("51", "FFCC00");
Data.Add("52", "FF9900");
Data.Add("53", "FF6600");
Data.Add("54", "666699");
Data.Add("55", "969696");
Data.Add("56", "003366");
Data.Add("57", "339966");
Data.Add("58", "003300");
Data.Add("59", "333300");
Data.Add("60", "993300");
Data.Add("61", "993366");
Data.Add("62", "333399");
Data.Add("63", "333333");
public static string GetIndexColour(string Index)
var d = new IndexedColours();
var res = "";
var exist = Data.TryGetValue(Index, out res);
if (exist)
return res;
else return "000000";
Method to use the above code:
public static string GetCellColour(this Cell cell, SpreadsheetDocument d)
if (cell != null && cell.StyleIndex != null)
var valcell = cell;
var styles = d.WorkbookPart.WorkbookStylesPart;
var ss = styles.Stylesheet;
var formats = ss.CellFormats;
var cf = (CellFormat)formats.ElementAt((int)valcell.StyleIndex.Value);
var fill = (Fill)styles.Stylesheet.Fills.ChildElements[(int)cf.FillId.Value];
var fgc = fill.PatternFill.ForegroundColor;
var cl = fgc == null || fgc.Rgb == null ? "FFFFFF" : fgc.Rgb.Value.Remove(0, 2);
if (fgc != null && fgc.Indexed != null && fgc.Indexed.HasValue)
cl = IndexedColours.GetIndexColour(fgc.Indexed.Value.ToString());
return cl;
else return "FFFFFF";
Solved my problem, there is color indexes online. just search for it.