How to calculate the color based on given fgColor indexed - openxml

I am working on Open XML,
<x:patternFill patternType="solid">
<x:fgColor indexed="46" />
<x:bgColor indexed="64" />
Above is a office 2007 document that converted from office 2003.
According to
Indexed attributes only used for backward compatibility purposes.
Above is my code, how to calculate the #Hex Color Code for indexed = 46?

I made this class for myself. Hope I save someone some trouble
public class IndexedColours
static Dictionary<string, string> Data;
if(Data == null || Data.Count == 0)
Data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Data.Add("0", "000000");
Data.Add("1", "FFFFFF");
Data.Add("2", "FF0000");
Data.Add("3", "00FF00");
Data.Add("4", "0000FF");
Data.Add("5", "FFFF00");
Data.Add("6", "FF00FF");
Data.Add("7", "00FFFF");
Data.Add("8", "000000");
Data.Add("9", "FFFFFF");
Data.Add("10", "FF0000");
Data.Add("11", "00FF00");
Data.Add("12", "0000FF");
Data.Add("13", "FFFF00");
Data.Add("14", "FF00FF");
Data.Add("15", "00FFFF");
Data.Add("16", "800000");
Data.Add("17", "008000");
Data.Add("18", "000080");
Data.Add("19", "808000");
Data.Add("20", "800080");
Data.Add("21", "008080");
Data.Add("22", "C0C0C0");
Data.Add("23", "808080");
Data.Add("24", "9999FF");
Data.Add("25", "993366");
Data.Add("26", "FFFFCC");
Data.Add("27", "CCFFFF");
Data.Add("28", "660066");
Data.Add("29", "FF8080");
Data.Add("30", "0066CC");
Data.Add("31", "CCCCFF");
Data.Add("32", "000080");
Data.Add("33", "FF00FF");
Data.Add("34", "FFFF00");
Data.Add("35", "00FFFF");
Data.Add("36", "800080");
Data.Add("37", "800000");
Data.Add("38", "008080");
Data.Add("39", "0000FF");
Data.Add("40", "00CCFF");
Data.Add("41", "CCFFFF");
Data.Add("42", "CCFFCC");
Data.Add("43", "FFFF99");
Data.Add("44", "99CCFF");
Data.Add("45", "FF99CC");
Data.Add("46", "CC99FF");
Data.Add("47", "FFCC99");
Data.Add("48", "3366FF");
Data.Add("49", "33CCCC");
Data.Add("50", "99CC00");
Data.Add("51", "FFCC00");
Data.Add("52", "FF9900");
Data.Add("53", "FF6600");
Data.Add("54", "666699");
Data.Add("55", "969696");
Data.Add("56", "003366");
Data.Add("57", "339966");
Data.Add("58", "003300");
Data.Add("59", "333300");
Data.Add("60", "993300");
Data.Add("61", "993366");
Data.Add("62", "333399");
Data.Add("63", "333333");
public static string GetIndexColour(string Index)
var d = new IndexedColours();
var res = "";
var exist = Data.TryGetValue(Index, out res);
if (exist)
return res;
else return "000000";
Method to use the above code:
public static string GetCellColour(this Cell cell, SpreadsheetDocument d)
if (cell != null && cell.StyleIndex != null)
var valcell = cell;
var styles = d.WorkbookPart.WorkbookStylesPart;
var ss = styles.Stylesheet;
var formats = ss.CellFormats;
var cf = (CellFormat)formats.ElementAt((int)valcell.StyleIndex.Value);
var fill = (Fill)styles.Stylesheet.Fills.ChildElements[(int)cf.FillId.Value];
var fgc = fill.PatternFill.ForegroundColor;
var cl = fgc == null || fgc.Rgb == null ? "FFFFFF" : fgc.Rgb.Value.Remove(0, 2);
if (fgc != null && fgc.Indexed != null && fgc.Indexed.HasValue)
cl = IndexedColours.GetIndexColour(fgc.Indexed.Value.ToString());
return cl;
else return "FFFFFF";

Solved my problem, there is color indexes online. just search for it.


How to get list from docx file?

How to determine whether a list is bulleted or numbered? I use OpenXML
In general, what will be the list determines NumberingDefinitionsPart, I thought to find out the Numbering of a certain element, but this method did not work
I am processing the list in the recommended way, but I need to know which way it is
`public void ParagraphHandle(Elements.Paragraph paragraph, StringBuilder text)
var docPart = paragraph.DocumentPart;
var element = paragraph.Element;
var r = element.Descendants<Numbering>().ToArray();
var images = GetImages(docPart, element);
if (images.Count > 0)
foreach (var image in images)
if (image.Id != null)
string filePath = _saveResources.SaveImage(image);
_handler.ImageHandle(filePath, text);
var paragraphProperties = element.GetFirstChild<ParagraphProperties>();
var numberingProperties = paragraphProperties?.GetFirstChild<NumberingProperties>();
if (numberingProperties != null)
var numberingId = numberingProperties.GetFirstChild<NumberingId>()?.Val?.Value;
if (numberingId != null && !paragraph.IsList)
paragraph.IsList = true;
paragraph.List = new List();
_htmlGenerator.GenerateList(paragraph, text);
_htmlGenerator.GenerateList(paragraph, text);
if (paragraph.IsList)
paragraph.IsList = false;
_handler.ParagraphHandle(element, text);

Dart : Convert From Iterable<ActivityModel> To ActivityModel

I have model Like This :
class ActivityModel {
String idActivity;
String titleActivity;
String dateTimeActivity;
int isDoneActivity;
int codeIconActivity;
String informationActivity;
String createdDateActivity;
ActivityModel.fromSqflite(Map<String, dynamic> map)
: idActivity = map['id_activity'],
titleActivity = map['title_activity'],
dateTimeActivity = map['datetime_activity'],
isDoneActivity = map['is_done_activity'],
codeIconActivity = map['code_icon_activity'],
informationActivity = map['information_activity'],
createdDateActivity = map['created_date'];
Map<String, dynamic> toMapForSqflite() {
return {
'id_activity': this.idActivity,
'title_activity': this.titleActivity,
'datetime_activity': this.dateTimeActivity,
'is_done_activity': this.isDoneActivity,
'code_icon_activity': this.codeIconActivity,
'information_activity': this.informationActivity,
'created_date': this.createdDateActivity,
I want get data where dateTimeActivity is before than date now, then i update isDoneActivity = 1 with this code :
Source code
final passedDateItem = _selectedActivityItem.where((element) {
DateTime convertStringToDateTime =
return convertStringToDateTime.isBefore(;
if (passedDateItem != null) {
print('Not Null');
} else {
return null;
The problem is , passedDateItem return Iterable[ActivityModel] , it's possible to convert it to ActivityModel? So i can easly update like this ?
if (passedDateItem != null) {
passedDateItem.isDoneActivity = 1; <<<
// return => e.isDoneActivity = 1);
// final testtt= passedDateItem.
print('Not Null');
} else {
return null;
Iterate through passedDateItem
for (var activityModel in passedDateItem) {
activityModel.isDoneActivity = 1;
If you are only interested in the first/last element of passedDateItem
passedDateItem.first.isDoneActivity == 1
passedDateItem.last.isDoneActivity == 1
make sure passedDateItem is not empty in that case.

Getting WorkbookPart from row

I am writing and extension for OpenXML like shown in the sample. I would like to avoid having to pass the WorkbookPart as parameter. Is there any way to get the WorkbookPart directly from the row?
public static string GetCellTextValue(this Row row, WorkbookPart workbookPart, string column)
var cells = row.Elements<Cell>();
var cell = cells.Where(p => p.CellReference == column + row.RowIndex.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
if (cell.DataType != null)
if (cell.DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
int id = -1;
if (Int32.TryParse(cell.InnerText, out id))
SharedStringItem item = workbookPart.SharedStringTablePart.SharedStringTable.Elements<SharedStringItem>().ElementAt(id);
if (item.Text != null)
return item.Text.Text;
else if (item.InnerText != null)
return item.InnerText;
else if (item.InnerXml != null)
return item.InnerXml;
return string.Empty;
Unfortunately, none of the strongly-typed classes of the Open XML SDK (e.g., Workbook, Worksheet, Row) have properties pointing back to the OpenXmlPart (e.g., WorkbookPart, WorksheetPart) in which they are contained or any other part related to their immediate container. Unless you amend your API in other ways, you will have to pass that WorkbookPart.

I am getting multiple headers and footers in word document, getting null in policy.GetFirstPageHeader() using NPOI

I am getting multiple headers and footers in a Word document; I cannot differentiate the firstpage, default(odd), or even headers.
When I am trying to call policy.GetFirstPageHeader() I am getting a null value.
XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy policy = new XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy(document);
var headerList = document.HeaderList;
var footerList = document.FooterList;
var firstPageHeader = policy.GetFirstPageHeader();
var firstPageFooter = policy.GetFirstPageFooter();
XWPFHeader header = policy.GetDefaultHeader();
XWPFHeader even = policy.GetEvenPageHeader();
XWPFHeader odd = policy.GetOddPageHeader();
I am getting null values. Can any one suggest how to differentiate headers in a Word document?
var listOfheaders = new List<CT_HdrFtrRef>();
foreach (var par in document.Paragraphs)
var ParagraphsectPr = (CT_P)par.GetType().GetField("paragraph", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(par);
if (ParagraphsectPr.pPr.sectPr != null)
foreach (var headerref in ParagraphsectPr.pPr.sectPr.headerReference)
foreach (var list in listOfheaders)
var relatedPart = document.GetRelationById(;
XWPFHeader hdr = null;
if (relatedPart != null && relatedPart is XWPFHeader)
hdr = (XWPFHeader)relatedPart;
// Assign it
ST_HdrFtr type = list.type;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdr.Text))
if (type == ST_HdrFtr.first)
firstPageHeadr = hdr;
else if (type == ST_HdrFtr.even)
evenPageHeader = hdr;
defaultHeader = hdr;

E4X to JSON conversion fails for duplicate xml elements

Kindly see below code I am using to convert Mirth xml to JSON.
function E4XtoJSON(xml, ignored) {
var r, children = xml.*, attributes = xml.#*, length = children.length();
if(length == 0) {
r = xml.toString();
} else if(length == 1) {
var text = xml.text().toString();
if(text) {
r = text;
if(r == undefined) {
r = {};
for each (var child in children) {
var name = child.localName();
var json = E4XtoJSON(child, ignored);
var value = r[name];
if(value) {
if(value.length) {
} else {
r[name] = [value, json]
} else {
r[name] = json;
if(attributes.length()) {
var a = {}, c = 0;
for each (var attribute in attributes) {
var name = attribute.localName();
if(ignored && ignored.indexOf(name) == -1) {
a["_" + name] = attribute.toString();
c ++;
if(c) {
if(r) a._ = r;
return a;
return r;
My concern is
<AdditionalMessageInformationCount AdditionalMessageInformationCount="02"><AdditionalMessageInformationQualifier>01</AdditionalMessageInformationQualifier><AdditionalMessageInformation>MEMBER MUST USE MAIL ORDER.</AdditionalMessageInformation><AdditionalMessageInformationQualifier>02</AdditionalMessageInformationQualifier><AdditionalMessageInformation>PLAN LIMITATIONS EXCEEDED</AdditionalMessageInformation></AdditionalMessageInformationCount>
Here AdditionalMessageInformation elemt is used two times so function fails to create JSON.
Kindly help if anyone have converted XML in json usingg javascript code not any API
We've had success with this version:
function E4XtoJSON(xml, ignored){
var r, children = xml.*,
attributes = xml.# * ,
length = children.length();
if (length == 0)
r = xml.toString();
else if (length == 1)
var text = xml.text().toString();
if (text)
r = text;
if (r == undefined)
r = {};
for each(var child in children)
var name = child.localName();
var json = E4XtoJSON(child, ignored);
var value = r[name];
if (value)
if (value instanceof Array)
r[name] = [value, json]
r[name] = json;
if (attributes.length())
var a = {},
c = 0;
for each(var attribute in attributes)
var name = attribute.localName();
if (ignored && ignored.indexOf(name) == -1)
a["_" + name] = attribute.toString();
if (c)
if (r) a._ = r;
return a;
return r;
With the release of Mirth Connect version 3.3.0, you can use Mirth Connect to set your channel's interior data type to JSON. This will all be done for you.