FreeRDP USB Redirection Not Working on Hyper-V? - redirect

I have compiled FreeRDP from the tip of the Master branch on (and for), an ARM v7 processor, (see cmake command line below).
It all seems to build correctly and the basic xfreerdp client works for a full remote desktop.
I cannot however determine how to get the USB redirection working with a remote virtual server running under Microsoft Hyper-V. I have tried many different command line switch options all without any success, (they also don't produce any error messages).
Reading the "USB Redirection" wiki entry it appears that there should also be a kernel module and service as well as the FreeRDP plugin. I haven't been able to locate any further information on these?
I have also provided a typical xfreerdp command line, (see below), that I have been using in my testing. The remote Hyper-V virtual server is a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine which has been tested and is fully functional with the Microsoft RDP client.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
My CMAKE Command Line:
/usr/local/bin/cmake -DVENDOR=CloudTerminal -DTARGET_ARCH=ARM
My XFREERDP Command Line:
/usr/local/bin/xfreerdp /bpp:24 /f +compression -clipboard -fonts
-aero -decorations -window-drag -menu-anims -themes -wallpaper /t:"Test Terminal" /cert-ignore /sec:tls /d:"DOMAIN"
/v:"" /usb:id,dev:0c45:6128
I've also tried other USB redirection switches such as:
/usb:id,dev:0c45:6128 /rfx
/dvc:urbdrc,id,dev:0c45:6128 /rfx
/usb:id,dev:0c45:6128 /vc:usbrdr
My XFREERDP Response:
loading channel drdynvc
Unable to find a match for unix timezone: Etc/UTC
Loading Dynamic Virtual Channel urbdrc
VID: 0x0C45 PID: 0x6128
Regist Device: Vid: 0x0C45 Pid: 0x6128 InterfaceClass = 0xFF

I eventually got it working by following the Serial Redirection instructions on this page:
The USB device I was trying to redirect was an FTDI USB-RS232 adaptor.
BTW: This was the only Serial Redirection reference I could find which actually shows a correct example of the command line syntax...
Note: In my case I didn't have to manually map the remote COM port.


error during e2e tests: USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection [duplicate]

We recently upgraded our Windows 10 test environment with ChromeDriver v87.0.4280.20 and Chrome v87.0.4280.66 (Official Build) (64-bit) and after the up-gradation even the minimal program is producing this ERROR log:
[9848:10684:1201/] [01:32:33.170] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
Minimum Code Block:
from selenium import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, executable_path=r'C:\WebDrivers\chromedriver.exe')
Console Output:
DevTools listening on ws://
[9848:10684:1201/] [01:32:33.170] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
[9848:10684:1201/] [01:32:33.173] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
Anyone facing the same? Was there any change in ChromeDriver/Chrome v87 with respect to ChromeDriver/Chrome v86?
Any clues will be helpful.
However these log messages can be supressed from appearing on the console through an easy hack i.e. by adding an argument through add_experimental_option() as follows:
options.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-logging'])
Code Block:
from selenium import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
# to supress the error messages/logs
options.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-logging'])
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, executable_path=r'C:\WebDrivers\chromedriver.exe')
My apologies for the log spam. If you aren't having issues connecting to a device with WebUSB you can ignore these warnings. They are triggered by Chrome attempting to read properties of USB devices that are currently suspended.
After going through quite a few discussions, documentations and Chromium issues here are the details related to the surfacing of the log message:
[9848:10684:1201/] [01:32:33.170] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
It all started with the reporting of chromium issue Remove WebUSB's dependency on libusb on Windows as:
For Linux (probably Mac as well), both WebUSB notification and communication works correctly (after allowing user access to the device in udev rules).
For Windows, it seems that libusb only works with a non-standard WinUsb driver (
When the hardware is inserted and the VID/PID is unknown to the system, windows 10 correctly loads it's CDC driver for the CDC part and the WinUSB driver (version 10) for the WebUSB part (no red flags). However, it seems that chrome never finds the device until I manually force an older WinUSB driver (version 6 - probably modified also) on the interface.
The solution was implemented in a step-wise manner as follows:
Start supporting some transfers in the new Windows USB backend
Fix bulk/interrupt transfers in the new Windows USB backend
[usb] Read BOS descriptors from the hub driver on Windows
[usb] Collect all composite devices paths during enumeration on Windows
[usb] Remove out parameters in UsbServiceWin helper functions
[usb] Support composite devices in the new Windows backend
[usb] Detect USB functions as Windows enumerates them
[usb] Support composite devices with multiple functions
[usb] Hold interface requests until Windows enumerates functions
[usb] Add direction parameter to ClearHalt
[usb] Count references to a WINUSB_INTERFACE_HANDLE
[usb] Implement blocking operations in the Windows backend
These changes ensured that the new backend was ready to be tested and was available through Chrome Canary and chrome-dev-channel which you can access manually through:
More change requests were submitted as follows:
[usb] Mark calls to SetupDiGetDeviceProperty as potentially blocking: According to hang reports this function performs an RPC call which may take some time to complete. Mark calls with a base::ScopedBlockingCall so that the thread pool knows this task may be busy for a while.
variations: Enable NewUsbBackend in field trial testing config: This flag was experimental as beta-channel uses this change configuration as the default for testing.
As the experimental launch of the new backend appeared to be stable, finally these configuration was enabled by default so that the chanege rolls out to all users of Chrome 87 through usb: Enable new Windows USB backend by default. Revision / Commit
The idea was once this configuration becomes the default for a few milestones, Chromium Team will start removing the Windows-specific code from the old back-end and remove the flag.
Road Ahead
Chromium Team have already merged the revision/commit to Extend new-usb-backend flag expiration within Chrome v90 which will be available soon.
As per #ReillyGrant's [Committer, WebDriver for Google Chrome] comment :
..." it would be good to reduce the log level for these messages so they don't appear on the console by default but we haven't landed code to do that yet"...
You can find a couple of relevant detailed discussions in:
Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning error using ChromeDriver Selenium on Windows OS
Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning error using ChromeDriver Chrome through Selenium
I encounered this problem yesterday,and I has fixed it by update all available windows update.
A partial solution that worked for me
I was getting this error too. It was stopping my program running.
I unplugged all my USB devices, ran the program, with no error.
Plugged the devices back in, ran the program. I am still getting the error, however, the program finished without the error stopping the program.
Note: For WebdriverIO on Windows 10, this suppresses the error messages for me:
"goog:chromeOptions": { "excludeSwitches": ["enable-logging"] }

Is there a library for MSR605X that works with Raspberry Pi?

I have been trying to locate a working library for the MSR605X magnetic card reader/writer. At time of writing, I have tried five separate libraries. Only two of these were explicitly for the 605X the other three were for the older 605. All the libraries I have tried either did nothing at all or errored before completing a command (can't figure out the errors either).
I am running Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ the MSR605X communicates via a USB connection.
So far the library that seems to be most complete is:
However, I can not get this library to read or write (either nothing happens or I get a Serial exception "cannot reconfig port).
Any help or links to documentation for this reader is welcome.
EDIT: Adding the commands ran with the above library
msrx -D /dev/input/event4 read
msrx -D /dev/input/jso0 read
The -D is to specify the device path (default is /dev/ttyUSB0 which doesn't exist on my system). I obtained the above two paths by searching for USB serial devices then matching the search result to the device ID which I obtained from lsusb.
Running these commands results in a serial exception (could not reconfig port) which I assume means that I have the wrong device path. I have also checked for any tty* device paths that are changed when I plug in the reader. I consistently get a permission denied error whenever trying to run the above commands with a tty* device path (I am root on this system).
msrx author here — MSR605 requires an external 9V power injected into its cable (via the barrel jack port), otherwise it won't power up properly.

Failed to load the provider SiloedPackageProvider.dll and metaDeployProvider.dll

Trying to simulate Raspberry Pi in windows 10 laptop with windows 10 IOT Core.
I found this article very useful but has used pre-built image “For MinnowBoard Turbot/MAX”.
I get these errors and other errors too.
Failed to load the provider SiloedPackageProvider.dll and metaDeployProvider.dll
CFfuMiscHelpersT ValidateNotOnTheSameDisk#904 failed with 0x80070001.
while executing this command from winpe.
Dism.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:"d:\Flash.ffu" /ApplyDrive:.\PhysicalDrive0 /SkipPlatformCheck
Failed to load the provider SiloedPackageProvider.dll and metaDeployProvider.dll
Also please tell me a way to copy logs from the VM running though HyperV.
This issue occurs when you try to back up a specific library or when you accept the default settings in Windows Backup and Restore.You may try to follow up this document to fix the issue.
There are various ways exist to copy data between a Hyper-V host and its guest machines. You can search the ways from internet, or open a new issue for help.

Using MPI with two RaspberryPi

I am trying to make a 'dual core' RaspberryPi for a project I am working on. I had followed this tutorial by Simon Cox. Unfortunately I could not get the two RasPi to talk to each other. (This was using Hydra as the process manager)
After looking more carefully at the MPICH installers guide, which can be found here, I tried to use the -phrase to pass the passphrase I had created. However I could not find it as part of the hydra commands. So I re-installed with smpd and after many compiling attempts. I configured with:
/configure -prefix=/home/pi/mpich-install --with-pm=smpd --with-pmi=smpd
I also had to install libbsl-dev to get the MD5 that smpd requires. I also exported the path that the commands mpiexec and mpicc are in. After setting the passphrase I copied the image to a second SD card and put it in a second RasPi. I then set up the passphrase using ssh-keygen.
I was able to run the cpi program on the master Pi and the slave Pi individually but when I tried to run multiple processes on both at the same time I got the error
Fatal error in MPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack:
MPID_Init(139)........................: channel initialization failed
MPIU_SHMW_Seg_create_attach_templ(637): open failed - No such file or directory
Can someone please suggest how I can either fix this problem or get the RaspberryPis to communicate using MPICH?
If anyone else has this problem make sure your hosts don't have the same name!
You can change it by following this tutorial

Remote debugging, creating a server

I'm following some WinDbg instructions from the CodeProject tutorial.
To start a server, I can get this to work from the command line fine:
WinDbg –server npipe:pipe=pipename
(note: multiple clients can connect).
Where do I enter this from the windbg UI? I tried the command browser window, but that didn't seem to do anything:
.server npipe:pipe=pipename
(note: single client can connect)
This question is related to creating the server from WinDbg UI, not connecting from the client.
I am assuming that you are referring to usermode debugging here, so I will respond with that in mind.
From windbg attached to your program that you want to remote:
If you want to use symbols that are cached on the target, then run:
from the Command Window's prompt type .server npipe:pipe=YourPipeName
If you have another machine with with a larger symbol cache, then on the target run:
dbgsrv -t tcp:port=4000
This sets up a thin debug client (a.k.a. remote stub)
Then on the machine running the debugger, open Windbg > File > Connect to remote stub
tcp:server= machine_running_dbgsrv ,port=4000
Now hit F6 and attach to the process you want to debug.
Note: the versions of windbg have to be the same on the machine running dbgsrv and the one running windbg. If they don't match, when you get to part where you hit F6, you end up with no processes in the process list.
File -> Connect to remote session. Or just use CTRL-R.