Array query in Scala and ReactiveMongo? - mongodb

I have a MongoDB collection whose documents look like this:
"name" : "fabio",
"items" : [
"id" : "1",
"word" : "xxxx"
"id" : "2",
"word" : "yyyy"
Now, given one name and one id, I want to retrieve "name" and the corresponding "word".
I query it like this and it seems to work:
val query = BSONDocument("name" -> name, "" -> id)
But then, how do I access the value of "word"? I can get the name using this reader:
The reader for this object is like this:
implicit object UserReader extends BSONDocumentReader[User] {
def read(doc: BSONDocument): User = {
val name = doc.getAs[String]("name").get
// how do I retrive the value of "word"?
User(id, word)
But I am very confused about "word".
Additionally, because I am only interested in two fields, how should I filter the query? The following doesn't seem to work.
val filter = BSONDocument("name" -> 1, "items.$.word" -> 1)
Thanks for your help!


Scala play json - update all values with the same key

Let's say I have a JsValue in the form:
"businessDetails" : {
"name" : "Business",
"phoneNumber" : "+44 0808 157 0192"
"employees" : [
"name" : "Employee 1",
"phoneNumber" : "07700 900 982"
"name" : "Employee 2",
"phoneNumber" : "+44(0)151 999 2458"
I was wondering if there is a way to do an update on every value belonging to a key with a certain name inside a JsValue regardless of its complexity?
Ideally I'd like to map on every phone number to ensure that a (0) is removed if there is one.
I have come across play-json-zipper updateAll but I'm getting unresolved dependency issues when adding the library to my sbt project.
Any help either adding the play-json-zipper library or implementing this in ordinary play-json would be much appreciated.
From what I can see in play-json-zipper project page, you might forgot to add resolver resolvers += "mandubian maven bintray" at ""
If it won't help, and you would like to proceed with custom implementation: play-json does not provide folding or traversing API over JsValue out of the box, so it can be implemented recursively in the next way:
* JSON path from the root. Int - index in array, String - field
type JsPath = Seq[Either[Int,String]]
type JsEntry = (JsPath, JsValue)
type JsTraverse = PartialFunction[JsEntry, JsValue]
implicit class JsPathOps(underlying: JsPath) {
def isEndsWith(field: String): Boolean = underlying.lastOption.contains(Right(field))
def isEndsWith(index: Int): Boolean = underlying.lastOption.contains(Left(index))
def /(field: String): JsPath = underlying :+ Right(field)
def /(index: Int): JsPath = underlying :+ Left(index)
implicit class JsValueOps(underlying: JsValue) {
* Traverse underlying json based on given partially defined function `f` only on scalar values, like:
* null, string or number.
* #param f function
* #return updated json
def traverse(f: JsTraverse): JsValue = {
def traverseRec(prefix: JsPath, value: JsValue): JsValue = {
val lifted: JsValue => JsValue = value => f.lift(prefix -> value).getOrElse(value)
value match {
case JsNull => lifted(JsNull)
case boolean: JsBoolean => lifted(boolean)
case number: JsNumber => lifted(number)
case string: JsString => lifted(string)
case array: JsArray =>
val updatedArray = {
case (arrayValue, index) => traverseRec(prefix / index, arrayValue)
case `object`: JsObject =>
val updatedFields = `object` {
case (field, fieldValue) => field -> traverseRec(prefix / field, fieldValue)
traverseRec(Nil, underlying)
which can be used in the next way:
val json =
| "businessDetails" : {
| "name" : "Business",
| "phoneNumber" : "+44(0) 0808 157 0192"
| },
| "employees" : [
| {
| "name" : "Employee 1",
| "phoneNumber" : "07700 900 982"
| },
| {
| "name" : "Employee 2",
| "phoneNumber" : "+44(0)151 999 2458"
| }
| ]
val updated = Json.parse(json).traverse {
case (path, JsString(phone)) if path.isEndsWith("phoneNumber") => JsString(phone.replace("(0)", ""))
which will produce desired result:
"businessDetails" : {
"name" : "Business",
"phoneNumber" : "+44 0808 157 0192"
"employees" : [ {
"name" : "Employee 1",
"phoneNumber" : "07700 900 982"
}, {
"name" : "Employee 2",
"phoneNumber" : "+44151 999 2458"
} ]
Hope this helps!

Query ReactiveMongo by a nested field

I have an object in a collection:
{ "id" : "123", "option" : { "key" : "one" , "value" : "1" }}
I can find the object like this:
collection.find(BSONDocument("option" -> BSONDocument("key" -> "one", "value" -> "1")))
However, what I need is to be able to find the object only by the value ('1' in the example), without having to specify the whole child document.
Is there any way to do it in Reactivemongo?
To query by fields in an embedded or a nested document, use dot notation:
collection.find(BSONDocument("option.value" -> "1"))

Mongodb .Net driver Find case insensitive

Given the following JSON, I'm trying to get all documents that match "". I need a case insensitive filter. I thought if I added i to the value it would perform the search but no luck.
I'm very new to MongoDB so excuse me if this is a simple issue.
"_id" : ObjectId("5aecc56d2a7e7a408c9767e3"),
"Children" : [
"Email" : "",
"Children" : [
"Name" : "Some name",
"Value" : "some value",
var email = "";
var filter = Builders<Subscription>.Filter.Eq("Children.Email", $"/{email}/i");
return await context.Subscriptions.Find(filter).ToListAsync();
There's a dedicated class BsonRegularExpression which can be used as a parameter of Regex method. Simple Eq will try to perform regular equality comparison here. Try this:
var email = "";
var filter = Builders<Subscription>.Filter.Regex("Children.Email", new BsonRegularExpression(email, "i"));
return await context.Subscriptions.Find(filter).ToListAsync();

How to find nodes with an object that contains a string value

I'm struggling to create a find query that finds nodes that contain "Item1".
"_id" : ObjectId("589274f49bd4d562f0a15e07"),
"Value" : [["Item1", {
"Name" : "John",
"Age" : 45
}], ["Item2", {
"Address" : "123 Main St.",
"City" : "Hometown",
"State" : "ZZ"
In this example, "Item1" is not a key/value pair, but rather just a string that is part of an array that is part of a larger array. This is a legacy format so I can't adjust it unfortunately.
I've tried something like: { Value: {$elmemmatch:{$elemmatch:{"Item1"}}}, but that is not returning any matches. Similarly, $regex is not working since it only seems to match on string objects (and the overall object is not a string, but a string in an array in an array).
It seems like you should use the $in or $eq operator to match value.
So try this:
Or run this to get the specific Item
Hope this helps.
var data = {
"Address":"123 Main St.",
data.Value[0][0] // 'Item1'
Copy and paste on repl it works.
There was an error on structure ofr your data

How to serialize/deserialize dynamic field names using Play's json

I'm using Play framework 2.2.2.
I'm trying to handle json request like this one
"id" : "123",
"language" : "en",
"text" : "This is an example of a text",
"Metadata_IP" : "",
"Metadata_date" : "2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-0700"
"id" : "124",
"language" : "en",
"text" : "Some more text here",
"Metadata_IP" : "",
"Metadata_date" : "2001-07-04T12:09:56.235-0700",
"Metadata_name" : "someone"
The Metadata_ field are dynamic field meaning the user can send what ever he want (eg. Metadata_color, etc...)
What is the best way to handle this?
Can I use Readers with deserialize it to case class? How can I do this? I guess the dynamic field will be Map[String, String], but how should I make the reader parse this?
Something like this could work:
implicit object jsObjToKeyValueSeq extends Reads[Seq[(String, String)]] {
override def reads(json: JsValue) = json match {
case js: JsObject =>
JsSuccess(js.fields.collect { case (key, JsString(value)) => key -> value })
case x => JsError(s"Unexpected json: $x")
We have faced the exact problem and solved it using a custom implementation. The solution is detailed here
Scala class
case class Person(name: String, age: String, customFields: Map[String,String])
Default Json representation of above class will be:
"name": "anil",
"age": "30",
"customFields": {
"field1": "value1",
"field2": "value2"
But what we wanted was:
"name": "anil",
"age": "30",
"field1": "value1",
"field2": "value2"
This was not very straight forward. While this could be possible using play framework, we didn’t want to complicate things too much. Finally we found a way to do it by returning a Map[String, String] which represents each class (it’s fields & values) using reflection and handle the behavior for custom fields separately.
case class Person(name: String, age: String, customFields:CustomFields)
case class CustomFields(valueMap: Map[String,String])
def covertToMap(ref: AnyRef) =
ref.getClass.getDeclaredFields.foldLeft(Map[String, Any]()){
(map, field) => {
val value = field.get(ref)
value match {
case c: CustomFields => {
map ++ c.valueMap
case _ => {
map + (field.getName -> value)
Use the covertToMap() to convert any case class to a Map and then convert this map to normal Json using jackson json4s.
val json = Serialization.write(covertToMap(person))
Complete source code is available here