Hexadecimal data processing in Matlab - matlab

I have a string of Hex data streaming out as my data, it looks like this:
"00 E1 08 A2 05 FF"
I need them concatenated and then converted to decimal in column format, something like this:
Finally after conversion to decimal:
Total data available is 70,000.
Anyone can help me? I'm a newbie in Matlab, I tried writing the following code but no luck.
N=140000; %N is the number of data
n=N/2; %n is the number of concatenated data
filename=input('\nFile-name: ','s');
data_import=importdata(filename,' ', 1);
data_str=sscanf(data_char, '%s', [N,1]);
data_out=textscan(data_str, '%4c',n);

importdata based approach -
data_import = importdata(filename,'')
C = regexp(data_import,' ','Split')
C1 = C{:}
t1 = reshape(C1(~cellfun(#isempty,C1)),2,[]).' %//'
data_out = hex2dec([char(t1(:,1)) char(t1(:,2))])
Alternative textscan based approach -
fileID = fopen(filename);
data_import = textscan(fileID,'%s')
t1 = reshape(data_import{:}.',2,[]).'
data_out = hex2dec([char(t1(:,1)) char(t1(:,2))])

filename=input('\nFile-name: ','s');
data_import=importdata(filename,' ', 1);
data_str=sscanf(data_char, '%s', [N,1]);
data_out = [];
for i=1:4:N
a = data_str(i:i+4);
d = hex2dec(a);
data_out = [data_out;d];
Hope this helps..
Example String: 00 D5 00 CE 00 C7 00 C0 00 B9 00 D5 00 CE 00 C7 00 C0 00 B9 00 D5 00 CE 00 C7 00 C0 00 B9
data = '00 D5 00 CE 00 C7 00 C0 00 B9 00 D5 00 CE 00 C7 00 C0 00 B9 00 D5 00 CE 00 C7 00 C0 00 B9';
a = regexprep(num2str(data,17), '\s', '');
sizeOfA = size(a,2);
data_out = [];
for i = 1:4:sizeOfA
a1 = a(i:i+3);
d = hex2dec(a1);
data_out = [data_out;d];


SHA-3: Implementation of Theta function according to FIPS-202 not behaving as expected

I'm implementing SHA-3 following the official FIPS-202 document in Verilog.
My state is represented by a one-dimensional register and I use a macro function to calculate the corresponding state index from the (x,y,z) coordinates in the document:
A[x, y, z] = S [W(5y + x) + z], W = 64 (p. 9)
I'm strictly following the guide on page 11 and came up with this:
// Macros for transforming dimensions
`define sub_1(x) (x == 0 ? 4 : x - 1)
`define add_1(x) (x == 4 ? 0 : x + 1)
`define sub_1_W(x) (x == 0 ? (W - 1) : x - 1)
`define s(x,y,z) ((W * ((5 * y) + x)) + z)
`define s_xz(x,z) ((W * x) + z)
// Wires
wire [0:(1600 - 1)] absorbed_data, after_theta;
wire [0:((5 * 64) - 1)] C, D;
genvar x, z;
for(x = 0; x < 5; x = x + 1) begin
for(z = (W - 1); z >= 0; z = z - 1) begin
// Step 1
assign C[`s_xz(x,z)] = absorbed_data[`s(x,0,z)] ^ absorbed_data[`s(x,1,z)] ^ absorbed_data[`s(x,2,z)] ^ absorbed_data[`s(x,3,z)] ^ absorbed_data[`s(x,4,z)];
// Step 2
assign D[`s_xz(x,z)] = C[`s_xz(`sub_1(x),z)] ^ C[`s_xz(`add_1(x),`sub_1_W(z)];
genvar x, y, z;
for(x = 0; x < 5; x = x + 1) begin
for(y = 0; y < 5; y = y + 1) begin
for(z = 0; z < W; z = z + 1) begin
// Step 3
assign after_theta[`s(x,y,z)] = absorbed_data[`s(x,y,z)] ^ D[`s_xz(x,z)];
The issue I'm currently facing seems to be in the Theta function. For example for SHA-224 and an empty message should yield the intermediate results and the final output as shown in this document.
Strangely, I get the same absorbed_data (06 00 ... 00 80) but different values for C and D:
as is: 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
to be: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
as is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 | 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
to be: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c
Firstly, for C the bit order seems to be different but not on the bit-level but on the byte-level (as 06 stays 06).
Secondly, for D I get 06 00 .. 01 00 whereas the correct result should be 00 .. 00 07. This is never possible for my implementation as, according to FIPS-202, the bit at z can only be shifted by one position ( (z - 1) mod w).
In the to-be case D will yield the correct result because 06 ^ (80 << 1) = 07.
In conclusion, I would say that my implementation behaves as one can expect from the definition in FIPS-202, correct?
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance!
I think I found the solution.
It is described in appendix of FIPS 202 B.1 (starting on page 26). A hint on this topic is given on page 25:
The convention for interpreting hexadecimal strings as bit strings for the inputs and outputs of the SHA-3 examples is different from the convention for other functions on the examples page. The conversion functions between hexadecimal strings and SHA-3 bit strings are specified in Sec. B.1. For byte-aligned messages, the hexadecimal forms of the padding for the SHA-3 functions are described in Sec. B.2.
There is a good explanation on how to circumvent this issue on cryptologie.net.

How to catch data from SIM

I use a CardReader to communicate to a SIM-card.
For example, I need to get an IMSI from the SIM card.
To do this I send some commands (SELECT 3F00/7F20/6F07):
A0 A4 00 00 02 3F 00
A0 A4 00 00 02 7F 20
A0 A4 00 00 02 6F 07
and here I send READ BINARY command
A0 B0 00 00 09
and after that I receive 90 00 --> Ok - normal ending of the command.
Hey! And where is my IMSI stored?? How can I catch data, which were read by "A0 B0 00 00 09" command?
If I try "A0 C0 00 00 00" command (GET RESPONSE) I will get an Error.
You don't need to send Get Response Command "A0 C0 00 00 00" after Read Data.
There are 9 bytes of data in reply to your Read Data Command "A0 B0 00 00 09".

Mifare Desfire Wrapped Mode: How to calculate CMAC?

When using Desfire native wrapped APDUs to communicate with the card, which parts of the command and response must be used to calculate CMAC?
After successful authentication, I have the following session key:
Session Key: 7CCEBF73356F21C9191E87472F9D0EA2
Then when I send a GetKeyVersion command, card returns the following CMAC which I'm trying to verify:
<< 90 64 00 00 01 00 00
>> 00 3376289145DA8C27 9100
I have implemented CMAC algorithm according to "NIST special publication 800-38B" and made sure it is correct. But I don't know which parts of command and response APDUs must be used to calculate CMAC.
I am using TDES, so MAC is 8 bytes.
I have been looking at the exact same issue for the last few days and I think I can at least give you some pointers. Getting everything 'just so' has taken some time and the documentation from NXP (assuming you have access) is a little difficult to interpret in some cases.
So, as you probably know, you need to calculate the CMAC (and update your init vec) on transmit as well as receive. You need to save the CMAC each time you calculate it as the init vec for the next crypto operation (whether CMAC or encryption etc).
When calculating the CMAC for your example the data to feed into your CMAC algorithm is the INS byte (0x64) and the command data (0x00). Of course this will be padded etc as specified by CMAC. Note, however, that you do not calculate the CMAC across the entire APDU wrapping (i.e. 90 64 00 00 01 00 00) just the INS byte and data payload is used.
On receive you need to take the data (0x00) and the second status byte (also 0x00) and calculate the CMAC over that. It's not important in this example but order is important here. You use the response body (excluding the CMAC) then SW2.
Note that only half of the CMAC is actually sent - CMAC should yield 16 bytes and the card is sending the first 8 bytes.
There were a few other things that held me up including:
I was calculating the session key incorrectly - it is worth double checking this if things are not coming out as you'd expect
I interpreted the documentation to say that the entire APDU structure is used to calculate the CMAC (hard to read them any other way tbh)
I am still working on calculating the response from a Write Data command correctly. The command succeeds but I can't validate the CMAC. I do know that Write Data is not padded with CMAC padding but just zeros - not yet sure what else I've missed.
Finally, here is a real example from communicating with a card from my logs:
Authentication is complete (AES) and the session key is determined to be F92E48F9A6C34722A90EA29CFA0C3D12; init vec is zeros
I'm going to send the Get Key Version command (as in your example) so I calculate CMAC over 6400 and get 1200551CA7E2F49514A1324B7E3428F1 (which is now my init vec for the next calculation)
Send 90640000010000 to the card and receive 00C929939C467434A8 (status is 9100).
Calculate CMAC over 00 00 and get C929939C467434A8A29AB2C40B977B83 (and update init vec for next calculation)
The first half of our CMAC from step #4 matches the 8 byte received from the card in step #3
Sry for my English,- its terrible :) but it's not my native language. I'm Russian.
Check first MSB (7 - bit) of array[0] and then shiffting this to the left. And then XOR if MSB 7 bit was == 1;
Or save first MSB bit of array[0] and after shiffting put this bit at the end of array[15] at the end (LSB bit).
Just proof it's here:
Try this way:
Zeros <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
SessionKey <- 00 01 02 03 E3 27 64 0C 0C 0D 0E 0F 5C 5D B9 D5
Data <- 6F 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
First u have to encrypt 16 bytes (zeros) with SesionKey;
And u get EncryptedData.
EncryptedData <- 3D 08 A2 49 D9 71 58 EA 75 73 18 F2 FA 6A 27 AC
Check bit 7 [MSB - LSB] of EncryptedData[0] == 1? switch i to true;
bool i = false;
if (EncryptedData[0] & 0x80){
i = true;
Then do Shiffting of all EncryptedData to 1 bit <<.
And now, when i == true - XOR the last byte [15] with 0x87
if (i){
ShiftedEncryptedData[15] ^= 0x87;
7A 11 44 93 B2 E2 B1 D4 EA E6 31 E5 F4 D4 4F 58
Save it as KEY_1.
Try bit 7 [MSB - LSB] of ShiftedEncryptedData[0] == 1?
i = false;
if (ShiftedEncryptedData[0] & 0x80){
i = true;
Then do Shiffting of all ShiftedEncryptedData to 1 bit <<.
And now, when i == true - XOR the last byte [15] with 0x87
if (i){
ShiftedEncryptedData[15] ^= 0x87;
F4 22 89 27 65 C5 63 A9 D5 CC 63 CB E9 A8 9E B0
Save it as KEY_2.
Now we take our Data (6F 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
As Michael say's - pad command with 0x80 0x00...
XOR Data with KEY_2 - if command was padded, or KEY_1 if don't.
If we have more like 16 bytes (32 for example) u have to XOR just last 16 bytes.
Then encrypt it:
Now u have a CMAC.
CD C0 52 62 6D F6 60 CA 9B C1 09 FF EF 64 1A E3
Zeros <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
SessionKey <- 00 01 02 03 E3 27 64 0C 0C 0D 0E 0F 5C 5D B9 D5
Key_1 <- 7A 11 44 93 B2 E2 B1 D4 EA E6 31 E5 F4 D4 4F 58
Key_2 <- F4 22 89 27 65 C5 63 A9 D5 CC 63 CB E9 A8 9E B0
Data <- 6F 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
CMAC <- CD C0 52 62 6D F6 60 CA 9B C1 09 FF EF 64 1A E3
C/C++ function:
void ShiftLeft(byte *data, byte dataLen){
for (int n = 0; n < dataLen - 1; n++) {
data[n] = ((data[n] << 1) | ((data[n+1] >> 7)&0x01));
data[dataLen - 1] <<= 1;
Have a nice day :)

SCL011 contactless Card Reader and Mifare 1k(classic) authentification

I have SCL011 Card Reader and need to read/write Mifare 1k cards. But I just can't get over Authentification step....
Card Reader should handle Mifare 1k cards:
Antenna ISO/IEC 14443 compliant design
Baudrate up to 848 Kbps
Supported standards:
ISO/IEC 14443-4 Typ A & B
MIFARE: Classic 1K and 4K, DESFire, Ultralight, MIFARE Plus
NFC forum tag type 1, 2, 3, 4
I have also updated to the latest firmware (1.20)
card is connected and I can read the UID of the card with ff ca 00 00 00
I have also tried to read the sector directly without authorization ff b0 00 00 10 and I get message:
69 82 : Command not allowed. Security status not satisfied.
it means I need authorize myself, but if I try ff 82 00 00 06 ff ff ff ff ff ff or any other standard keys I always get back:
69 88 : Command not allowed. SM data objects incorrect.
funny thing is, that I can read and write this card without problems with my Nexus and Lumia phones...
What I'm doing wrong? Thanks for any help!
keys I have already tried:
* ff 82 00 00 06 ff ff ff ff ff ff
* ff 82 00 00 06 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 f0
* ff 82 00 00 06 a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1
* ff 82 00 00 06 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
* ff 82 00 00 06 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5
* ff 82 00 00 06 4d 3a 99 c3 51 dd
* ff 82 00 00 06 1a 98 2c 7e 45 9a
* ff 82 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
* ff 82 00 00 06 d3 f7 d3 f7 d3 f7
* ff 82 00 00 06 aa bb cc dd ee ff
Solution: Please google/search "Multiprotocol contactless mobile reader, Reference manual" or "SCL01X Multiprotocol contactless stationary reader".
It is a very nice references to start with SCL reader's APDUs. There are some examples inside.
Answer: In your case P2 value in the APDU Command incorrect and you got SW1SW2 = 0x6988 - "Key number not valid".
Where P2 can have the following values (please refer to MIFARE documentation from NXP for
further details on what is key A and Key B):
• 0x60 to use the Key A
• 0x61 to use the Key B

How do I find what is the value of offset of this byte?

So somehow from the following hex data (03 00 21 04 80 04) the values below were obtained.
Can anybody can tell how how can I do this and how it was achieved?
Band = 3 (40,6)
Duplex_Mode = 0 (46,1)
Result = 0 (47,1)
Reserved_1 = 0 (48,8)
Min_Search_Half_Frames = 1 (56,5)
Min_Search_Half_Frames_Early_Abort = 1 (61,5)
Max_Search_Half_Frames = 1 (66,5)
Max_PBCH_Frames = 0 (71,5)
Number_of_Blocked_Cells = 0 (76,3)
Number_PBCH_Decode_Attemp_Cells = 1 (79,3)
Number_of_Search_Results = 1 (82,4)
Reserved_2 = 0 (86,2)
The parameters in paranthesis is the Offset/Length I am told. I don't understand how based on that information should I be able to unpack this payload.
So I have written
my $data = pack ('C*', map hex, split /\s+/, "03 00 21 04 80 04");
($tmp1, $Reserved_1, $tmp2) = unpack("C C V", $data);
And now help. How do I unpack the table values above from $tmp1 and $tmp2 ?
EDIT: Hex Data = "00 00 00 7F 08 03 00 21 04 80 04 FF D7 FB 0C EC 01 44 00 61 1D 00 00 10 3B 00 00 FF D7 FB 0C 00 00 8C 64 00 00 EC 45"
You might want to define a set of bitmasks, and use bitwise AND operations to unpack your data.