Add two bars on page bottom - sapui5

I want to add 2 bars in the bottom area of a page (a normal bar with buttons and another bar with the current navigation path).
I used SplitApp but I forgot the current location when I navigated the menu on the left.
I want another bar over the black bar but I can't add 2 bars in the footer.

There is no way to add two bars to the footer.
The setFooter method of sap.m.Page only accepts sap.m.IBar as parameter.
There are APIs of sap.m.Bar. You can define Controls in left and right position to meet your requirements.
contentLeft : sap.ui.core.Control[]
contentMiddle : sap.ui.core.Control[]
contentRight : sap.ui.core.Control[]


Wix horizontal bar similar to tab component

I am new to Wix and to be honest kind of confused if there is a way to add a horizontal bar in my website.
So I have a multistate box with different states so when you press a button it takes you to that state.
What I want to do, is to somehow fit these buttons in the mobile version. I have seen that there are some components called tabs which could do the trick because they come with a default horizontal scroll bar or arrows when the content does not fit. Is there any alternative or an actual component I can add to my buttons and fix that issue?
Thank you in advance!

How to remove border of a dynamically colored search bar in Swift?

Click to see my current search bar
What I am trying to do is to remove the two lines on top and at the bottom of the search bar (without changing anything else). I have tried using
but that makes the inside of the bar white, which is not what I want. I tried setting the style of the search bar to be minimalist, but am not sure how I can make the bar tint dynamic (previous dynamic-coloring code doesn't work anymore)
I have researched a lot and saw similar questions where people are ok with the search bar being white, or not having dynamic color. For the app I'm working on (kind of like a todo-list), the search bar in the view controllers with items under each category will have a different color, depending on the color of the category. Therefore, the color of the search bar is dynamic.
Is there anyway to just remove the two border lines?
searchBar.backgroundImage = UIImage()
searchBar.backgroundImage is not a function.
Not sure how you did that without xcode giving you an error.

Custom ScrollBar Implementation for GWT [SmartGWT]

I am trying to make a custom scrollbar for my gwt project, same as the one in the attached picture. It behaves like when the container overflow horizontally, an icon with the arrow will be shown on the right side, instead of showing the horizontal scroll bar, and on clicking on this arrow, it will act the same way as the scrollbar would.
I tired to search for similar components, but got no result [may be i am not searching for it with the right key words :( ]
Could any one help me in building/finding such a component using GWT/SmartGWT
Scroll Bar marked in red on right side

Swift - Auto constraints

I am trying to use the auto size classes from the storyboard on xcode 7 to position UI elements in a controller. The problem that I'm running into is that when I try to use the "Add missing constraints" function (located at the bottom right corner of the console), it positions my UI elements correctly except for the last elements (pictures describe better). The first image below shows the storyboard file where I just want 3 buttons (stacked above eachother) to be the same width and length to be on the top right corner of any screen.
However, when I add constraints and run the simulations, it seems like the top two buttons are positioned correctly with the correct length and width but the third button is out of place (image below).
So my question is, am I forgetting a step to make all buttons position themselves? Or should I try to convert everything to a percentage and place UI elements based on the percentage of the screen (if so, how would I go about doing that)?
I've also tried adding another blank button (removing the button label) underneath the 3rd button and adding constraints like that but it didn't work for me. Let me know if you have any suggestions, thanks!
In you case, Autolayout the constraints you need to give to UIButton is 4 constrains.
If you miss any of them, then surely you will get an error. So, what's your error is?
To the third UIButton, you have not given the height, while to the above two buttons you have given.
So, just remove the bottom constraint of UIButton and give the equal height to above UIButton.
FYI, never use Add Missing Constraints without any confirmation from your side.
Check this video to remove trailing or leading margin:
You can actually see the solution in action if you use the Preview screen while setting up your auto layout constraints. I just created a similar view and buttons and stepped through the process. I coloured the buttons and named them to make things obvious.
I added the three buttons. At this point, none of the buttons show up in the preview.
I then setup the auto layout constraints for Button1. If you want the buttons anchored to the top right, then you don't need to worry about the leading constraint. You need width, height, top, and trailing.
Now Button1 will snap to it's position in the top right corner of the preview screen.
Now do the same thing for Button2. Set width, height, top (vertical space to Button1), and trailing.
Button2 will now snap into place in the preview.
Now the same thing again for Button3. You anchored the first button to the top right of the screen. Then Button2 to the bottom of Button1 and the right edge of the screen. Then again for Button3. You could also align the edges of the 2nd and 3rd buttons, if you prefer that to trailing space.
Now you'll see in the preview that your buttons are correctly positioned, regardless of device.
As long as you specify height and width for each button, you don't need to worry about the left edge or the bottom edge of the screen at all. They each know to "stick" to the top right and they know what size to be.
** Note: If you're not familiar with the "Preview" option...
With your storyboard open, hold Option and select storyboard again to get another copy of the storyboard on the right side. Highlight the view controller you are interested in on the left side. On the right side, select the Preview option as shown below.
Now you have your storyboard and the preview side by side, so you can see the exact impact of any auto layout changes you make. You can also add or remove devices to the preview.

JavaFX 8, how to hide a pane in Splitpane?

I have a splitpane created from FXML that consists of Three panes left to right. I want to be able to hide the rightmost pane but I can't find anything to hide it. If I turn of the visibility it hides the pane content. What I want is to temporarily hide it, so the pane is removed visually.
As a temporary workaround I move the divider to 100%, but this leaves the divider visible. Another side-effect is that if I resize the main window the divider doesn't stay at the rightmost position.
Any tips on hiding one pane in splitpane?
Or any tips on the best way to achieve this without splitpane(rightmost pane needs to be resizable when not hidden). General pointers to techniques/containers would be appreciated since I'm new to Java/JavaFX but not to programming :)
Seems I've found it, even thought it's not a plain hide/show deal. My splitpane is named "mainSplitPane", and the one I want to hide/show is the third. Upon initialization of the controller I retrieve the third pane and store it in "componentsPane".
Declared in controllerclass:
Node componentsPane;
Called in initialize method of the controllerclass:
Code to hide:
And code to show:
mainSplitPane.getItems().add(2, componentsPane);
mainSplitPane.setDividerPosition(1, 0.8);
A side effect is that I have to set dividerposition since it's removed.