Where are jplephem ephemerides api documented? - pyephem

I am working on what is likely a unique use case - I want to use Skyfield to do some calculations on a hypothetical star system. I would do this by creating my own ephemeris, and using that instead of the actual one. The problem i am finding is that I cannot find documentation on the API to replace the ephemerides with my own.
Is there documentation? Is skyfield something flexible enough to do what I am trying?
To clarify what I am asking, I understand that I will have to do some gravitational modeling (and I am perfectly willing to configure every computer, tablet, cable box and toaster in this house to crunch on those numbers for a few days :), but before I really dive into it, I wanted to know what the data looks like. If it is just a module with a number of named numpy 2d arrays... that makes it rather easy, but I didn't see this documented anywhere.

The JPL-issued ephemerides used by Skyfield, like DE405 and DE406 and DE421, simply provide a big table of numbers for each planet. For example, Neptune’s position might be specified in 7-day increments, where for each 7-day period from the beginning to the end of the ephemeris the table provides a set of polynomial coefficients that can be used to estimate Neptune's position at any moment from the beginning to the end of that 7-day period. The polynomials are designed, if I understand correctly, so that their first and second derivative meshes smoothly with the previous and following 7-day polynomial at the moment where one ends and the next begins.
The JPL generates these huge tables by taking the positions of the planets as we have recorded them over human history, taking the rules by which we think an ideal planet would move given gravitational theory, the drag of the solar wind, the planet's own rotation and dynamics, its satellites, and so forth, and trying to choose a “real path” for the planet that agrees with theory while passing as close to the actual observed positions as best as it can.
This is a big computational problem that, I take it, requires quite a bit of finesse. If you cannot match all of the observations perfectly — which you never can — then you have to decide which ones to prioritize, and which ones are probably not as accurate to begin with.
For a hypothetical system, you are going to have to start from scratch by doing (probably?) a gravitational dynamics simulation. There are, if I understand correctly, several possible approaches that are documented in the various textbooks on the subject. Whichever one you choose should let you generate x,y,z positions for your hypothetical planets, and you would probably instantiate these in Skyfield as ICRS positions if you then wanted to use Skyfield to compute distances, observations, or to draw diagrams.
Though I have not myself used it, I have seen good reviews of:


Implementating spell drawing/casting mechanism in Luau (Roblox)

I am coding a spell-casting system where you draw a symbol with your wand (mouse), and it can recognize said symbol.
There are two methods I believe might work; neural networking and an "invisible grid system"
The problem with the neural networking system is that It would be (likely) suboptimal in Roblox Luau, and not be able to match the performance nor speed I wish for. (Although, I may just be lacking in neural networking knowledge. Please let me know whether I should continue to try implementing it this way)
For the invisible grid system, I thought of converting the drawing into 1s and 0s (1 = drawn, 0 = blank), then seeing if it is similar to one of the symbols. I create the symbols by making a dictionary like:
local Symbol = { -- "Answer Key" shape, looks like a tilted square
The problem is that user error will likely cause it to be inaccurate, like this "spell"'s blue boxes, showing user error/inaccuracy. I'm also sure that if I have multiple Symbols, comparing every value in every symbol will surely not be quick.
Do you know an algorithm that could help me do this? Or just some alternative way of doing this I am missing? Thank you for reading my post.
I'm sorry if the format on this is incorrect, this is my first stack-overflow post. I will gladly delete this post if it doesn't abide to one of the rules. ( Let me know if there are any tags I should add )
One possible approach to solving this problem is to use a template matching algorithm. In this approach, you would create a "template" for each symbol that you want to recognize, which would be a grid of 1s and 0s similar to what you described in your question. Then, when the user draws a symbol, you would convert their drawing into a grid of 1s and 0s in the same way.
Next, you would compare the user's drawing to each of the templates using a similarity metric, such as the sum of absolute differences (SAD) or normalized cross-correlation (NCC). The template with the lowest SAD or highest NCC value would be considered the "best match" for the user's drawing, and therefore the recognized symbol.
There are a few advantages to using this approach:
It is relatively simple to implement, compared to a neural network.
It is fast, since you only need to compare the user's drawing to a small number of templates.
It can tolerate some user error, since the templates can be designed to be tolerant of slight variations in the user's drawing.
There are also some potential disadvantages to consider:
It may not be as accurate as a neural network, especially for complex or highly variable symbols.
The templates must be carefully designed to be representative of the expected variations in the user's drawings, which can be time-consuming.
Overall, whether this approach is suitable for your use case will depend on the specific requirements of your spell-casting system, including the number and complexity of the symbols you want to recognize, the accuracy and speed you need, and the resources (e.g. time, compute power) that are available to you.

How to make simulated electric components behave nicely?

I'm making a simple electric circuit simulator. It will (at least initially) only feature batteries, wires and resistors in series and parallel. However, I'm at a loss how best to simulate said circuit in a good way.
Specifically, I will have batteries and resistors with two contact points each, and wires that go between two contact points. I assume that each component will have a field for its resistance, the current through it and the voltage across it (current and voltage will, of course, be signed). Each component is given a resistance, and the batteries are given a voltage. The goal of the simulation is to assign correct values to all the other fields in real time as the player connects and disconnects components and wires.
These are the requirements:
It must be correct, including Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws (I'm modeling real world circuits, and there is little point if the model does something completely different)
It must be numerically stable (we can't have uncontrolled oscillations or something just because two neighbouring resistors can't make up their minds together)
It should stabilize relatively quickly for, let's say, fewer than 30 components (having to wait a few seconds before the values are correct doesn't really satisfy "real time", but I really don't plan on using it for more than 10 or maybe 20 components)
The optimal formulation for me (how I envision this in my head) would be if I could assign a script to each component that took care of that component only, possibly by communicating field values with neighbouring components, and each component script works in parallel and adjusts as is needed
I only see problems here and no solutions. The biggest problem, I think, is Kirchhoff's voltage law (going around any sub-circuit, the voltage across all components, including signs, add up to 0), because that's a global law (it says somehting about a whole circuit and not just a single component / connection point). There is a mathematical reformulation saying that there exists a potential function on the points in the circuit (for instance, the voltage measured against the + pole of the battery), which is a bit more local, but I still don't see how to let a component know how much the voltage / potential drops across it.
Kirchhoff's current law (the net current flow into an intersection is 0) might also be trouble. It seems to force me to make intersections into separate objects to enforce it. I originally thought that I could just let each component have two lists (a left list and a right list) containing every other component that is connected to it at that point, but that might not make KCL easily enforcable.
I know there are circuit simulators out there, and they must have solved this exact problem somehow. I just can't find an explanation because if I try googling it, I only find the already made simulators and no explanations anywhere.

Getting displacement from accelerometer data with Core Motion

I am developing an augmented reality application that (at the moment) wants to display a simple cube on top of a surface, and be able to move in space (both rotating and displacing) to look at the cube in all the different angles. The problem of calibrating the camera doesn't apply here since I ask the user to place the iPhone on the surface he wants to place the cube on and then press a button to reset the attitude.
To find out the camera rotation is very simple with the Gyroscope and Core Motion. I do it this way:
if (referenceAttitude != nil) {
[attitude multiplyByInverseOfAttitude:referenceAttitude];
CMRotationMatrix mat = attitude.rotationMatrix;
GLfloat rotMat[] = {
mat.m11, mat.m21, mat.m31, 0,
mat.m12, mat.m22, mat.m32, 0,
mat.m13, mat.m23, mat.m33, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
This works really well.
More problems arise anyway when I try to find the displacement in space during an acceleration.
The Apple Teapot example with Core Motion just adds the x, y and z values of the acceleration vector to the position vector. This (apart from having not much sense) has the result of returning the object to the original position after an acceleration. (Since the acceleration goes from positive to negative or vice versa).
They did it like this:
translation.x += userAcceleration.x;
translation.y += userAcceleration.y;
translation.z += userAcceleration.z;
What should I do to find out displacement from the acceleration in some istant? (with known time difference). Looking some other answers, it seems like I have to integrate twice to get velocity from acceleration and then position from velocity. But there is no example in code whatsoever, and I don't think that is really necessary. Also, there is the problem that when the iPhone is still on a plane, accelerometer values are not null (there is some noise I think). How much should I filter those values? Am I supposed to filter them at all?
Cool, there are people out there struggling with the same problem so it is worth to spent some time :-)
I agree with westsider's statement as I spent a few weeks of experimenting with different approaches and ended up with poor results. I am sure that there won't be an acceptable solution for either larger distances or slow motions lasting for more than 1 or 2 seconds. If you can live with some restrictions like small distances (< 10 cm) and a given minimum velocity for your motions, then I believe there might be the chance to find a solution - no guarantee at all. If so, it will take you a pretty hard time of research and a lot of frustration, but if you get it, it will be very very cool :-) Maybe you find these hints useful:
First of all to make things easy just look at one axis e.g x but consider both left (-x) and right (+x) to have a representable situation.
Yes you are right, you have to integrate twice to get the position as function of time. And for further processing you should store the first integration's result (== velocity), because you will need it in a later stage for optimisation. Do it very careful because every tiny bug will lead to huge errors after short period of time.
Always bear in mind that even a very small error (e.g. <0.1%) will grow rapidly after doing integration twice. Situation will become even worse after one second if you configure accelerometer with let's say 50 Hz, i.e. 50 ticks are processed and the tiny neglectable error will outrun the "true" value. I would strongly recommend to not rely on trapezoidal rule but to use at least Simpson or a higher degree Newton-Cotes formula.
If you managed this, you will have to keep an eye on setting up the right low pass filtering. I cannot give a general value but as a rule of thumb experimenting with filtering factors between 0.2 and 0.8 will be a good starting point. The right value depends on the business case you need, for instance what kind of game, how fast to react on events, ...
Now you will have a solution which is working pretty good under certain circumstances and within a short period of time. But than after a few seconds you will run into trouble because your object is drifting away. Now you will enter the difficult part of the solution which I failed to handle eventually within the given time scope :-(
One promising approach is to introduce something I call "synthectic forces" or "virtual forces". This is some strategy to react on several bad situations triggering the object to drift away although the device remains fixed (? no native speaker, I mean without moving) in your hands. The most troubling one is a velocity greater than 0 without any acceleration. This is an unavoidable result of error propagation and can be handled by slowing down artificially that means introducing a virtual deceleration even if there is no real counterpart. A very simplified example:
if (vX > 0 && lastAccelerationXTimeStamp > 0.3sec) {
vX *= 0.9;
You will need a combination of such conditions to tame the beast. A lot of try and error is required to get a feeling for the right way to go and this will be the hard part of the problem.
If you ever managed to crack the code, pleeeease let me know, I am very curious to see if it is possible in general or not :-)
Cheers Kay
When the iPhone 4 was very new, I spent many, many hours trying to get an accurate displacement using accelerometers and gyroscope. There shouldn't have been much concern about incremental drift as device needed only move a couple of meters at most and the data collection typically ran for a few minutes at most. We tried all sorts of approaches and even had help from several Apple engineers. Ultimately, it seemed that the gyroscope wasn't up to the task. It was good for 3D orientation but that was it ... again, according to very knowledgable engineers.
I would love to hear someone contradict this - because the app never really turned out as we had hoped, etc.
I am also trying to get displacement on the iPhone. Instead of using integration I used the basic physics formula of d = .5a * t^2 assuming an initial velocity of 0 (doesn't sound like you can assume initial velocity of 0). So far it seems to work quite well.
My problem is that I'm using the deviceMotion.and the values are not correct. deviceMotion.gravity read near 0. Any ideas? - OK Fixed, apparently deviceMotion.gravity has a x, y, and z values. If you don't specify which you want you get back x (which should be near 0).
Find this question two years later, I just find a AR project on iOS 6 docset named pARk, It provide a proximate displacement capture and calculation using Gyroscope, aka CoreMotion.Framework.
I'm just starting leaning the code.
to be continued...

Graph/tree representation and recursion

I'm currently writing an optimization algorithm in MATLAB, at which I completely suck, therefore I could really use your help. I'm really struggling to find a good way of representing a graph (or well more like a tree with several roots) which would look more or less like this:
alt text http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/3232/graphe.png
Basically 11/12/13 are our roots (stage 0), 2x is stage1, 3x stage2 and 4x stage3. As you can see nodes from stageX are only connected to several nodes from stage(X+1) (so they don't have to be connected to all of them).
Important: each node has to hold several values (at least 3-4), one will be it's number and at least two other variables (which will be used to optimize the decisions).
I do have a simple representation using matrices but it's really hard to maintain, so I was wondering is there a good way to do it?
Second question: when I'm done with that representation I need to calculate how good each route (from roots to the end) is (like let's say I need to compare is 11-21-31-41 the best or is 11-21-31-42 better) to do that I will be using the variables that each node holds. But the values will have to be calculated recursively, let's say we start at 11 but to calcultate how good 11-21-31-41 is we first need to go to 41, do some calculations, go to 31, do some calculations, go to 21 do some calculations and then we can calculate 11 using all the previous calculations. Same with 11-21-31-42 (we start with 42 then 31->21->11). I need to check all the possible routes that way. And here's the question, how to do it? Maybe a BFS/DFS? But I'm not quite sure how to store all the results.
Those are some lengthy questions, but I hope I'm not asking you for doing my homework (as I got all the algorithms, it's just that I'm not really good at matlab and my teacher wouldn't let me to do it in java).
Granted, it may not be the most efficient solution, but if you have access to Matlab 2008+, you can define a node class to represent your graph.
The Matlab documentation has a nice example on linked lists, which you can use as a template.
Basically, a node would have a property 'linksTo', which points to the index of the node it links to, and a method to calculate the cost of each of the links (possibly with some additional property that describe each link). Then, all you need is a function that moves down each link, and brings the cost(s) with it when it moves back up.

Dijkstra algorithm for iPhone

It is possible to easily use the GPS functionality in the iPhone since sdk 3.0, but it is explicitly forbidden to use Google's Maps.
This has two implications, I think:
You will have to provide maps yourself
You will have to calculate the shortest routes yourself.
I know that calculating the shortest route has puzzled mathematicians for ages, but both Tom Tom and Google are doing a great job, so that issue seems to have been solved.
Searching on the 'net, not being a mathematician myself, I came across the Dijkstra Algorithm. Is there anyone of you who has successfully used this algorithm in a Maps-like app in the iPhone?
Would you be willing to share it with me/the community?
Would this be the right approach, or are the other options?
Thank you so much for your consideration.
I do not believe Dijkstra's algorithm would be useful for real-world mapping because, as Tom Leys said (I would comment on his post, but lack the rep to do so), it requires a single starting point. If the starting point changes, everything must be recalculated, and I would imagine this would be quite slow on a device like the iPhone for a significantly large data set.
Dijkstra's algorithm is for finding the shortest path to all nodes (from a single starting node). Game programmers use a directed search such as A*. Where Dijkstra processes the node that is closest to the starting position first, A* processes the one that is estimated to be nearest to the end position
The way this works is that you provide a cheap "estimate" function from any given position to the end point. A good example is how far a bird would fly to get there. A* adds this to the current distance from the start for each node and then chooses the node that seems to be on the shortest path.
The better your estimate, the shorter the time it will take to find a good path. If this time is still too long, you can do a path find on a simple map and then another on a more complex map to find the route between the places you found on the simple map.
After much searching, I have found an article on A* for you to to read
Dijkstra's algorithm is O(m log n) for n nodes and m edges (for a single path) and is efficient enough to be used for network routing. This means that it's efficient enough to be used for a one-off computation.
Briefly, Dijkstra's algorithm works like:
Take the start node
Assign it a depth of zero
Insert it into a priority queue at its depth key
Pop the node with the lowest depth from the priority queue
Record the node that you came from so you can track the path back
Mark the node as having been visited
If this node is the destination:
For each neighbour:
If the node has not previously been visited:
Calculate depth as depth of current node + distance to neighbour
Insert neighbour into the priority queue at the calculated depth.
Return the destination node and list of the nodes through which it was reached.
Contrary to popular belief, Dijkstra's algorithm is not necessarily an all-pairs shortest path calculator, although it can be adapted to do this.
You would have to get a graph of the streets and intersections with the distances between the intersections. If you had this data you could use Dijkstra's algorithm to compute a shortest route.
If you look at technology tomtom calls 'IQ routes', they measure actual speed and travel time per roadstretch per time of day. This makes the arrival time more accurate. So the expected arrival time is more fact-based http://www.tomtom.com/page/iq-routes
Calculating a route using the A* algorithm is plenty fast enough on an iPhone with offline map data. I have experience of doing this commercially. I use the A* algorithm as documented on Wikipedia, and I keep the road network in memory and re-use it; once it's loaded, routing even over a large area like Spain or the western half of Canada is practically instant.
I take data from OpenStreetMap or elswhere and convert it into a directed graph, assuming (which is the right way to do it according to those who know) that any two roads sharing a point with the same ID are joined. I assign weights to different types of roads based on expected speeds, and if a portion of a road is one-way I create only a single arc; two-way roads get two arcs, one in each direction. That's pretty much the whole thing apart from some ad-hoc code to prevent dangerous turns, and implementing routing restrictions.
This was discussed earlier here: What algorithms compute directions from point a to point b on a map?
Have a look at CloudMade. They offer a free service for iPhone and iPad that allows navigation based on your current location. It is built on open street maps and has some nifty features like making your own mapstyle. It is a little slow from time to time but its totally free.