Export .tga or .png image file to disk in Unity3d - unity3d

There is any way with code to export a .png or .tga file to local disk in Unity?
I need to write a converter that loads asset bundles and converts them to the original
source image files. I need to create those files, in a way that anyone could open them
with Photoshop, for instance. Any idea about how to do it?

void Save(Texture2D texture)
var bytes = texture.EncodeToPNG();
File.WriteAllBytes(EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save PNG", Application.dataPath + "/../", "Font", "png"), bytes);

You can save image in TGA format using Encode To TGA plugin: http://u3d.as/rWt


How can I make assets accessible to players for modding?

My game includes image files and json configuration files that I would like to make accessible in the deployed game's folder structure so that players can easily edit or swap them out.
I have considered/tried the following approaches:
My initial approach was to use the Resources folder and code
such as Resources.Load<TextAsset>("Rules.json"). Of course,
this did not work as the resources folder is compiled during builds.
I investigated the Addressables and AssetBundle features, but they do not seem aimed at solving this problem.
After asking around, I went for using .NET's own file methods, going
for code like File.ReadAllText(Application.dataPath + Rules.json). This seems like it will work, but such files are still not deployed automatically and would have to manually be copied over.
It seems that the StreamingAssets folder exists for this, since the manual advertises that its contents are copied verbatim on the target machine. I assume that its contents should be read as in the previous point, with non-Unity IO calls like File.ReadAllText(Application.streamingAssetsPath + Rules.json)?
So yeah, what is the 'canonical' approach for this? And with that approach, is it still possible to get the affected files as assets (e.g. something similar to Resources.Load<Sprite>(path)), or is it necessary to use .NET IO methods to read the files and then manually turn them into Unity objects?
After asking the same question on the Unity forums, I was advised to use the StreamingAssets folder and told that it is necessary to use .NET IO methods with it.
An example for how to load sprites as files using standard IO can be seen here: https://forum.unity.com/threads/generating-sprites-dynamically-from-png-or-jpeg-files-in-c.343735/
static public Sprite LoadSpriteFromFile(
string filename,
float PixelsPerUnit = 100.0f,
SpriteMeshType type = SpriteMeshType.FullRect)
// Load a PNG or JPG image from disk to a Texture2D, assign this texture to a new sprite and return its reference
Texture2D SpriteTexture = LoadTexture(filename);
Sprite NewSprite = Sprite.Create(
new Rect(0,
new Vector2(0, 0),
return NewSprite;
static private Texture2D LoadTexture(string FilePath)
// Load a PNG or JPG file from disk to a Texture2D
// Returns null if load fails
Texture2D Tex2D;
byte[] FileData;
if (File.Exists(FilePath))
FileData = File.ReadAllBytes(FilePath);
Tex2D = new Texture2D(2, 2);
// If the image is blurrier than what you get with a manual Unity import, try tweaking these two lines:
Tex2D.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
Tex2d.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
// Load the imagedata into the texture (size is set automatically)
if (Tex2D.LoadImage(FileData))
return Tex2D; // If data = readable -> return texture
return null;

Storing images in windows phone 8

I have been really cracking my head trying to write and read png files into a folder in Windows Phone 8. From few blogs sites and codeplex i found that the there is an extension to the WritableBitmap Class which provides few extra functionalities. ImageTools has PNG encoder and decoder. But I really cant find examples to use them.
What Im trying to achieve here is to create a folder called page and then in it a file called Ink File. I want to convert the bitmap to a PNG and store it there. The bitmap is created from the strokes drawn on a canvas. The class ImageTools provides a function called ToImage to convert the strokes from the canvas to image.
For storing
ExtendedImage myImage = InkCanvas.ToImage();
var encoder = new PngEncoder();
var dataFolder = await local.CreateFolderAsync("Page", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
StorageFile Ink_File = await dataFolder.CreateFileAsync("InkFile", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
using (var stream = await Ink_File.OpenAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
using (var s = await Ink_File.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())
encoder.Encode(myImage, s);
await s.FlushAsync();
Is this a correct method? I receive some null exceptions for this. How do i find if the image is saved as png. How is this image saved? Is it encoded and saved in a file or is it saved as a png itsef. And how do we read this back?
I have checked out this, this , this and lot more like this.
I'm developing app for WP8
I have used the PNG Writer Library found in ToolStack and it works :)

iOS - Should we just save image as local file or as binary data (in Core Data object)? Which way is faster?

I'm currently use binary data saved in Core Data object to generate UIImage as code below.
UIImage * postImage = [UIImage imageWithData:image];
double imageRatio = postImage.size.height / postImage.size.width;
[imageContent setFrame:CGRectMake(imageContent.frame.origin.x, imageContent.frame.origin.y, imageContent.frame.size.width, imageContent.frame.size.height * imageRatio)];
[imageContent setImage:postImage];
However, I found there's a little bit slow when generate image.
Should I save image locally when retrieve data from server instead?
Which way is faster?
Save the image locally (e.g. in the Documents or Caches directory) instead of in the Core Data database. You get no benefit from storing binary data in the database as you will never search or index by this data, and it will just bloat your database. Just store an NSString reference to the filename/path you save the image to.
I imagine the UIImage:imageWithData method is slower when compared with reading an image from file that is already in a suitable image format.
save image locally and in your coreData save the location and name "URL" for that image
save your image locally such as PNG or JPEG instead of NSData.

Playing a Sound With Monotouch

No matter what I try (build -> content, NSUrl, filename) I get a 'null exception': file not found when I try to play a .caf sound file in monotouch.
//var path = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("MatchGame", "caf");
//var gameSong = SystemSound.FromFile( new NSUrl(path, false));
var gameSong = SystemSound.FromFile("MatchGame.caf");
I also try combinations using the folder name "images/MatchGame.caf" and moving MatchGame.caf into the root folder.
What am I missing? Thanks a lot.
Here is a link to a video of adding the sound in monotouch. http://www.screencast.com/t/MmE0ZmFh What is wrong?
From looking at your screencast - you are trying to play a mp3 file and not a caf file. Mp3 files are encoded differently and will not play with the SystemSound class that's there (I can't remember if you can do this in Obj-C or not.)
You'll want to use the AVFoundation Namespace and AVAudioPlayer class.
using Monotouch.AVFoundation;
var mediaFile = NSUrl.FromFilename("myMp3.mp3");
var audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(mediaFile);
audioPlayer.FinishedPlaying += delegate { audioPlayer.Dispose(); };
You might need to tweak the code above - I don't have MonoDevelop to hand but that should help you a little further.
You need the first line:
var path = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("MatchGame", "caf");
Then make sure that your audio file is included in the application by making sure that your CAF file is flagged as "Content" in the Properties pane, otherwise the file is not copied to the resulting application package (your .app)
You can follow the steps documented here (they are for images, but apply the same to audio files):
Additionally, this is a good resource for where you should store files:

Using .png files instead of using .ico files in windows programs

hi I have a collection of nice .png files....
meanwhile, I'm developing a win-based software and need some .ico files as icons for toolbar buttons and ....
Is there any way to use .png file as an icon ? or what?
Thank you
As a workaround you can use IrfanView to convert your *.png file to *.ico file (or any other image to ico) & use it.
You can simply convert the images to ico files online Ico Convert.
If you are using .NET this is not a real problem for you, because afaik PNG support is already build in. You are probably talking about native C/C++ development with GDI/win32?
To my knowledge you will not accomplish this by simply using GDI. There are a couple of options where you can set ONE color as transparent then load a simple BMP/JPEG and do some BITMAP tricks however using ICO/GIF will be far easier for this.
What you are probably looking for is a working GDI+ example which will use a PNG with alpha channel? This is just an excerpt and I left out the whole mess loading external functions from a DLL part, but maybe this will help you:
static GpImage *background = NULL;
void LoadPNG(GpImage **image, int resource, HMODULE hInstance)
HRSRC resrc;
GpImage *img = NULL;
resrc = FindResource(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(resource), TEXT("PNG"));
hPng = LoadResource(GetModuleHandle(NULL), resrc);
fByte = LockResource(hPng);
lpstr = SHCreateMemStream(fByte, 200000);
GdipLoadImageFromStream(lpstr, &img);
*image = img;
void CreateBack(HWND hWnd)
HDC hdc = NULL;
RECT rect;
GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect);
hdc = GetDC(hWnd);
memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
curBack = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, rect.right, 44);
SelectObject(memDC, curBack);
/* gdiplus - background*/ {
int e = 0;
GpGraphics *g;
GdipCreateFromHDC(memDC, &g);
GdipDrawImageRectI(g, background, e, 0, 971, 44);
ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdc);
Just a quick note: This GDI+ stuff is really CPU/memory intensive for a couple of reasons. Although fun I did abandoned this approach in favor of gdi and simple BMPs.
If you're loading the images from a resource file, then no, you can't use PNGs, you have to use ICOs. Fortunately, there are a number of tools that can convert PNGs into ICOs, including ImageMagick (great for automation), and MSPaint as a lowest common denominator.
If you're loading image files at runtime, then you can load any type of image format you want (e.g. use libpng for loading PNGs), but you still have to convert them to icons internally before you can do interesting things with them, such as setting them as a window's icon. Once you've decoded the image data, it's not terribly difficult to convert it to the proper format, but it's not trivial, it just involves a lot of data mangling and strange structs and function calls from the Win32 API.