Remote execute Power Shell scripts to collect data - powershell

I am looking to collect data snapshot on a random interval from various machines in our network that we don't own, but may get access to install an agent to collect these data.
These machines are either in a domain or work-group and kind of data i get are based on the role they play and information they have. The machines are "Windows Server 2003" and above and I do not want to install anything on those machines before i get started, so thought I can use the PowerShell scripts that I can remote invoke form my server and pass the script it has to run to return the data.
I was wondering if this is possible to do that with the PowerShell scripts and as this is supposed to run in a secure environment, is there any major security implications with this approach. i.e. do I need to do anything on the client machines that can make them vulnerable to security threats.
BTW these machines are not exposed to internet and are behind a firewall.
I would appreciate if you point me to any other alternatives that can be useful for my analysis.


Powershell Script to list all Domain connected hosts

I'm busy writing a script as a project to Audit Windows Servers for PCI compliance, One of the things my project lead has asked me to attempt to get to try to get a list of all hosts that are connected to a domain, however this script needs to be able to be run on any windows server without being able to import any modules, so I'm stuck with whatever tool already exists on a bare machine.
Ive already written parts of the script that can rely on the 'active directory' modules but I also need to find a way to get information without any DNS or Domain roles installed.
The closest I can get to achieving this is by using the 'netdom' command however this relies on usernames and passwords that I cannot query for in the auditing script.
Ive tried tools like nslookup and a few other things I've come across while looking for answers online, but most of it seems to rely on modules that I cannot install on the machines that the script will need to run on.
Does anyone know if this can actually be done? and if so how can I achieve this?
Edit: for a bit more clarity, I need a way to get a list of all machines in the domain from machines that are NOT a domain controller and I cannot alter these machines at all.
As per boxdog's comment "([adsisearcher]"objectcategory=computer").findall()" command works just fine

Implementing a distributed grep

I'm trying to implement a distributed grep. How can I access the log files from different systems? I know I need to use the network but I don't know whether you use ssh, telnet, or anything else? What information do I need to know about the machines I am going to connect to from my machine? I want to be able to connect to different Linux machines and read their log files and pipe it back to my machine.
Your system contains a number of Linux machine which produce log data(SERVERs), and one machine which you operate(CLIENT). Right?
Issue 1) file to be accessed.
In general, log file is locked by a software which produce log data, because the software has to be able to write data into log file at any time.
To access the log file from other software, you need to prepare unlocked log data file.
Some modification of the software's setup ane/or the software(program) itself.
Issue 2) program to serve log files.
To get log data from SERVER, each SERVERs have to run some server program.
For remote shell access, rshd (remote shell deamon) is needed. (ssh is combination of rsh and secure communication).
For FTP access, ftpd (file transfer protocol deamon) is needed.
The software to be needed is depend how CLIENT accesses SERVERs.
Issue 3) distribued grep.
You use words 'distribued grep'. What do you mean by the words?
What are distribued in your 'distributed grep'?
Many senarios came in my mind.
a) Log files are distribued in SERVERs. All log data are collected to CLIENT, and grep program works for collected log data at CLIENT.
b) Log files are distribued in SERVERs. Grep function are implemented on each SERVERs also. CLIENT request to each SERVERs for getting the resule of grep applied to log data, and results are collected to CLIENT.
What is your plan?
Issue 4) access to SERVERs.
Necessity of secure communication is depend on locations of machines and networks among them.
If all machines are in a room/house, and networks among machines are not connected the Internet, secure communication is not necessary.
If the data of log is top secret, you may need encript the data before send the data on the network.
How is your log data important?
At very early stage of development, you should determing things described above.
This is my advice.

Deployment not in a domain - psexec.exe or powershell remoting

I am working on an automated deployment process for a web application. The deployment will need to:
Deploy DB changes to database using sqlpackage.exe
Deploy reporting services reports to the reports server using the web service
Deploy web app to web server(s)
Deploy fonts for reports
among other things
The first two are reasonably straightforward to run from the web server, as the web service and db are contactable, and the tools to deploy run over the network.
From reading it appears that powershell remoting should be the way to go, and internally this would not be a problem. However when deploying to production, this will be being carried out in a datacentre, where the machines (2web, 1db) are not on a domain at all. I'd like to come up with a generic process that can run both internally and externally with the appropriate configuration. Powershell remoting, with machines not in a domain appears to require a fair bit of configuration using https etc., as NT credentials can't be validated.
Should I battle out configuring powershell remoting, or would configuring this to just use psexec to execute a powershell script directly on the remote machien, copying the deployment artifacts to a drop folder on the remote machine be the best way to go?
psexec seems to "just work". It appears powershell remoting comes with a lot more pain.
Why not use psexec then? You can restrict it's role to just getting you on to the remote machine, and not let it infect your scripts. I have not attempted to get ps remoting working on a non-domain, but it general I have found it to be fairly high effort to get going. Psexec, as you say, can often be simpler.
Excuse the peddling, but the open source framework I helped build called PowerUp essentially does all this for your. It uses a model in which the powershell (well psake) scripts can move execution to another machine by calling a specific function. This can either be done with powershell remoting or psexec - you wouldn't need to change the script, it just requires a setting per environment to say which you would like to use.
Check other the sample at
Hopefully that shows you enough, but if not let me know and we can go into more detail.

Running a cgi perl script as an Administrator

I'm writing a perl script for a website, and I need to be able to control VirtualBox via the website. I'm not sure where to start, or if I'm even trying to debug in the right area, but here goes.
My server is running IIS7 on Windows Server 2008 R2. I'm also running 2 virtual machines through the vboxmanage command line interface. These VMs are running under SERVER\administrator.
When I open my website, it requests a login. I login to the website as SERVER\administrator and click a link that calls my script using an xmlhttprequest. Now, normally, it doesn't matter what user I run these as, but with vboxmanage, if I run the command as a different user, the list of VMs is different. I tried whoami, which returned SERVER\administrator, but %DOMAINNAME%\%USERNAME% returns the domain that the server is connected to as dommainname and SERVER$ as the username. The vboxmanage command then fails.
On the website, impersonation is turned on. When I turn impersonation off, the whoami request changes to be iis apppool\website. Any ideas on how to get around this?
As a final note, I've thought about using runas, but since it prompts for a password, there's no way to call it through scripting (and that would be a poor security decision, I'd imagine).
This is an oft recurring, well-known and well-solved problem. Instead of having one big program dealing with requests from the Web and managing the VM (strong coupling), separate the concern and write two programs, each doing exactly one task.
The user facing program running in the Web server context can continue with limited privileges. The VM manager is a stand-alone program running with the necessary admin privileges, either repeatedly from the scheduler or as daemon/service.
Have the first communicate with the second over a message-queue.

PowerShell Remoting to many servers across domains

I am DBA. I am trying to write bunch of scripts that I could execute from one central server. Ideal would be to send all the scripts from central server to say 50+ servers across multiple win domains (for databases management purposes).
The problem I am running into is - security. Seems like PowerShell Remoting is the way to go. But when I send a script to another server, I get 'not digitally signed' error.
I could 'self sign'. But that cert if only trusted on local machine. So that option is out.
Maybe Certificate Authority is a way to go. Or adding trusted hosts. I just have no clue on this one, so if you know any blog posts or how to do this - it would be big help.
Well, it's a security risk, but there's always the possibility of setting the execution policy to RemoteSigned, keeping a local repository on each server and calling those as needed via PS-Remoting. I don't like that idea one bit though.
If you are doing remote execution, you will need to sign your scripts. A detailed step by step can be found here. It even covers deploying the cert via GPO so that it's domain trusted.
I would use PowerShell remoting. This would allow you to run it as remote commands instead of remote scripts. If you catch the bottom of this SimpleTalk article, after "Persistent Sessions". It shows the option of executing a set of commands against each server instead of the script. This should prevent having to deal with the remote signed issue and provide a little more control.
The only thing to deal with on remote sessions is your credentials. I have not tried this on multiple domains but a few stand-alone servers.