Today Extension doesn't appear on other devices - plugins

I'm facing a very weird error, I'm curious if anybody here faced it before. I'm developing a Today Extension, and it works flawlessly on the development device (an iPod Touch), but when I try running it on other devices, the widget has no body, just a title.
All of the devices are registered, and all of them are in the provisioning profile of the app and the extension as well. I tried clean, rebuild, release version, adhoc install, all to no avail. Any idea on what might be wrong? (of course all of the other devices are on the same firmware)

My mistake, be sure to compile for 64 bits as well. :)


XCode 4 project falls apart in XCode 4.2

I have a 6 month old app on the AppStore, which compiles and runs without problems using XCode 4.0.2 on Mac OS 10.6.8, and has no issues on any devices when purchased.
Recently, I wanted to roll out a new version and made some improvements that do not even involve a change in code. All looked good in the simulator, but when I tried to install my Ad-Hoc build, I ran into a problem: my devices are now running iOS 5.1.1 and it wouldn't install.
Restoring back to iOS 4 proved impossible, so I installed XCode 4.2 with iOS 5 SDK. (I'd be ok with upgrading to Lion as well but...)
The App completely fell apart when I tried to run it in the simulator, with about 50 issues here and there, and wouldn't even get past the first screen.
Although I can find my way around in the written code, I'm not a programmer, and have no clue as to how I could fix all those issues. Apart from hiring a programmer with each new iOS release, is my only option to directly release it on the AppStore and do my testing with a live product? (E.g. under a disposable App ID)
I just can't wrap my mind around as to why a product that runs perfectly fine on the actual device can not be run on the test bed.
Thanks for putting up with my rookie question, I really would appreciate your guidance.
(Screenshot of warnings: )

Xcode - No provisioned iOS device is connected

I was using Xcode this afternoon and debugging an app on my device just fine. When I got home from the office and plugged in my phone to keep working, XCode would no longer let me debug on my device. The error I received was:
Error Starting Executable. No provisioned iOS device is connected.
So I hopped over to the Organizer, and here is what I saw:
So what gives? Anyone seen this before?
Well I don't know why this helped, but if anyone else sees this thread the thing that "fixed" the problem was to remove the SDK from my machine, restart XCode, then plug in the device. XCode then popped up an alert view asking to collect the debugging symbols from the device, which I allowed it to do. From then on it worked like a charm.
You may be testing your application on simulator and accidentally, device is selected instead of simulator. It help me to sort out this problem.
Make sure you have upgraded to the latest Xcode 3.2.5 with iOSK 4.2.1 SDK.
I had another way of fixing this problem.
I tried upgrading my device to iOS5 Beta 7 test my app in iOS5
Once i finished testing it, wanted to get back to iOS4.3.5 on my device...
it took a little pain but managed to restore it back to the original
but then the debugging didn't work and got the same error as mentioned here.
So i wanted to see what i see in that snapshot that you have : and there it was...
A button called "enable for debugging" if i'm not mistaken.
Worked like a charm.... :)

My app reboots iPhone on 4.1 iOS

I've upgraded my iOS on iPhone 3G to 4.1 and now I run my app on the device.
Firstly, I couldn't install it becouse Xcode was saying I don't have certification etc. (I have jailbroken iPhone). Finally, I succeeded and installed it.
But know something strange happens....
After I had installed my app on the device I run it.
Then, "cocos2d" image appears on the screen and just a second later device switch off! It simply reboots.
What's more - when the device launchs again and I run my app - it works!
I have no idea what's going on. This app works fine on 3.1.3 iOS (even with the same Xcode - 3.2.5)
What should I do?
Do you think the problem is caused by Xcode or iPhone itself?
Maybe reinstalling Xcode may help?
It could be one of two problems.
It could be a problem with your device. Maybe something got sort of wonky with your jailbreak.
Secondly, it could be a problem with your app. Maybe it's crashing. Have you checked your crash logs?

Xcode "The program being debugged is not being run" error

I saw the other question here with the similar error yet their fixes did not help.
I have a jailbroken iphone 3.1.2, and I just purchased apple's $99 dollar thing and I'm trying to make it so I can debug my apps on the phone. The device installs but will not run when clicked build and go.
If I click on the icon made on the iphone it works.
Any ideas? I already uninstalled and reinstalled my provisioning profile.
This sometimes happens, i usally fix it by unplugging and plugging in my device, or shutting down xcode and bringing it back..
I don't know how to fix it without doing this but I took a gamble and downloaded the latest SDK only available for paying developers and that fixed the issue. Won't let me make the base sdk anything below 4 however.

iPod touch debugging: Error on install/run only if app exists on device already?

I am using an iPod to test an app. The device is all set up with the right provisioning profiles, etc-- that's not really the issue.
But every time I start the app from Xcode on the device, I get the "A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted." error from the Organizer window.
Wait, I know, you think it's a provisioning profile problem.
But here's the kicker: if I just delete the app from the iPod (using the main screen) and try again, it works fine. I only get this error when the app is already installed. The other kicker is that this behavior doesn't happen on an iPhone that I have for occasional testing-- on that device, I can start/restart/restart indefinitely. But using the iPod, my compile-run-test cycle is annoyingly slow since I have to manually delete the app each time.
Any ideas?
I'm using Xcode 3.2.2 (prerelease) FWIW. The iPod has stock OS 3.1.2 on it.
I had a similar problem with the original 3.2 beta 1 and my iPhone running 3.1.3. However, I did not need to delete my app to workaround it. I was able to get around it by using the clean all targets. It seems you've done that though. :(
That said, with the 3.2.2 beta 2: IDE 1643, Core 1644, ToolSupport 1631 - my problem went away.
From the release notes Beta 2:
FIXED: In iPhone SDK 3.2 beta 1, some users saw the message "A signed resource has been added, modified or deleted…" when rebuilding their projects. This has been fixed for beta 2.
Are you sure you're running Beta 2? Perhaps a re-install of xcode might help? I assume you've tried power cycling the iPod Touch?
The only thing I can tell you is file a bug with apple here and hope they fix it
I had the same ussue a couple of days ago. My problem was I had created a distribution build and installed it on my iPod through iTunes. After removing the app from iTunes and syncing the iPod Xcode stopped complaining when making new builds.
Otherwise you could try "Clean all targets" under "Project" in Xcode.
Also had this problem, try turning off the passcode lock: