Xcode - No provisioned iOS device is connected - iphone

I was using Xcode this afternoon and debugging an app on my device just fine. When I got home from the office and plugged in my phone to keep working, XCode would no longer let me debug on my device. The error I received was:
Error Starting Executable. No provisioned iOS device is connected.
So I hopped over to the Organizer, and here is what I saw:
So what gives? Anyone seen this before?

Well I don't know why this helped, but if anyone else sees this thread the thing that "fixed" the problem was to remove the SDK from my machine, restart XCode, then plug in the device. XCode then popped up an alert view asking to collect the debugging symbols from the device, which I allowed it to do. From then on it worked like a charm.

You may be testing your application on simulator and accidentally, device is selected instead of simulator. It help me to sort out this problem.

Make sure you have upgraded to the latest Xcode 3.2.5 with iOSK 4.2.1 SDK.

I had another way of fixing this problem.
I tried upgrading my device to iOS5 Beta 7 ...to test my app in iOS5
Once i finished testing it, wanted to get back to iOS4.3.5 on my device...
it took a little pain but managed to restore it back to the original
but then the debugging didn't work and got the same error as mentioned here.
So i wanted to see what i see in that snapshot that you have : and there it was...
A button called "enable for debugging" if i'm not mistaken.
Worked like a charm.... :)


iOS Simulator could not find the SDK, SDK may need to be reinstalled

Here I am stuck in another problem,am working on an iOS Application today and as i run my Application for iPhone 5.0 Simulator got some weird issue on that simulator only.
There were two window pop Over alert on my MacBook Screen when i was trying run again and again getting same issue for that simulator only.that pop over alert windows showing below quotation.
"iOS Simulator could not find the SDK. The SDK may need to be reinstalled."
"The simulated application quit."
It seems that this issue occurring due to the improper installation of that simulator.
Please help me by suggesting related to this issue.
Whether i have to reinstall that simulator again on my Xcode or need something else.
Any suggestion would be appreciated from the bottom of my Heart.
I've seen this on coworkers computers and it was because they had dock icons not pointing to Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/iPhone Simulator.app
I would try launching the simulator from that directory or deleting the Application/Xcode.app and reinstalling from the Mac App Store.

Xcode doesn't see my iOS device but iTunes does

I have a strange problem.
I have an iPad with iOS 5.0.1 (9A405) and iOS SDK 5.0.1 with Xcode 4.2 (Build 4C199) installed on my Mac.
Xcode doesn't see my device. It says "iOS Device" not "Sauron's iPad" as usual.
(I am sure that device is connected because I see it in iTunes.)
Xcode denies to start my application on device.
It says:
"Xcode cannot run using selected device. No provisioned iOS devices
are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device
with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose
an iOS simulator as the destination."
Xcode sees my other iPad with iOS 4.3.3 and can run applications on this device.
I have tried to restart my Mac - without result.
I also checked provisioning profile, developer certificate, etc.
Does anybody have ideas?
Even though this one does not address the specific problem of the OP, it might be a solution for other people finding this question.
In some circumstances, Xcode will not recognise (won't even see) a connected device that was previously recognised, even though there were no changes in Mac OS/iOS/Xcode versions. This seems to happen if you connect the device while the Mac and/or the device are locked when you connect them. The device will ask if you want to trust the computer even though you already did so, but the device will still not be visible in Xcode.
Restarting Xcode or the device do not seem to have any effect. One solution is to reboot the Mac. Another much quicker solution is to restart usbmuxd:
Quit Xcode
Disconnect the device
In a terminal window, type: sudo pkill usbmuxd (it will be restarted again automatically)
Restart Xcode
Connect the device
Your device should now be visible again in Xcode!
Select Window ➜ Organizer in Xcode.
Now under Devices, select your device.
If it is not ready for development then click use for development.
If above doesn't solve your problem then from your project settings, set deployment target to one which your app is developed for or lesser.
Otherwise there is some issue with certificates and provisioning profiles. Make sure your device's UDID is added in the provisioning profile you are using.
Had the same problem , restarted xcode and it found my phone again.
I get this problem once, using a not official Apple cable.
Hope it helps.
I ran into this issue today where Xcode 8.2.1 suddenly decided the connected ipad (ios 10.2) was no longer connected. Unplugged, plugged back in, rebooted my macbook, and tried numerous recommendations above.
The thing that fixed the issue for me was shutting down and rebooting the ipad device itself.
To others who might have the same issue and the answers above don't work: Make sure that the iOS version installed on your device matches the iOS SDK version you have installed on your mac. If these don't match you are unable to build to the device.
In my case I did next steps
Quit XCode
Disconnect device
In your terminal sudo launchctl stop com.apple.usbmuxd
Relaunch Xcode
Connect device
May be my answer is helpful to new developer.
Just follow these step , You can connect your iPhone/iPad with X-code.
I just barely tried every solution suggested above. The only thing that worked and resolved my issue was to go into xcode's "Organizer", right click on my iPhone, click on "Remove from organizer" and then wait about 10 seconds while xcode automatically re-added the device.
I previously plugged in my phone and itunes recognized it fine and synced with it, etc, but all xcode said in the organizer was "Device is not currently connected", which it was most definitely connected if itunes was syncing with it and not syncing over wi-fi.
Why xcode needed me to delete and re-add the phone is beyond me, but it works great now that I did this.
I tried all of the above to no avail. I had been using the phone for ages and suddenly the Organizer thought "this device is currently not connected". A reset of the phone fixed it for me (hold Home & Power until the Apple logo). I did so with it still connected to the MacBook, but it shouldn't be necessary.
For Xcode 7 (and possibly above),
go to Window -> Devices,
hit the plus sign at the bottom and select the device connected and hit next, then Use for development.
This only works if Xcode is reading your device, but you aren't able to run your app on the device.
Also make sure the device's OS version is greater than or equal to your app's Deployment Target OS version.
If none of these work, try simpling restarting your iphone or device! Works every time for me (:
Here is how I figured out the problem. Go to Xcode -> Window -> Device and Simulators -> Devices. There you could see Errors and Warnings. I found that my Xcode has to be updated because IOS version of my device is higher.
Xcode did not see my iPad, iTunes also did not see my device.
Rebooting Mac corrected the situation.
Had same problem with some non-licensed cables. Works fine with Apple's & Belkin's USB cables.
My app worked on all simulators but not on my device. I tried just about all the steps from each comment and didn't have any luck. I went to my device settings and switched my "Personal Hotspot" from off to on. Then it was all good!
Have you tried to delete and re install the device in your Apple Developer portal? If yes, try to upgrade your xcode to 4.3.2, I remember that I needed to update to xCode 4.3.2 after updating my iPhone to iOS 5.1
After updating my iPhone to 10.3.3, Xcode 8.3.3 cannot find it in the Device window but iTunes can. Restarting Xcode fixed the problem.
After 20 minutes of debugging, I realized I had to hover over the up button (🔼) at the top of the Devices picker in the top left hand corner, to the right of the run app button 😂
The error I had in XCode was "iOS version lower than deployment target", which I didn't know how to fix. The error was displayed where the iPhone should have been indicated as a Device (upper left). I selected the project in Project Navigator and noticed that the iOS Deployment Target was set to 11.3 but when I checked my iPhone it was set to 11.2.1 (or something lower than 11.3). So I opened Settings on the phone, scrolled down to General and tapped Software Update. Since the update said it was scheduled but didn't start, I decided to take the SIM card out of my other phone and put it in the iPhone I was using for testing. Then the upgrade started quickly. After the Update finished on the phone, however, XCode still didn't recognize the phone. I unplugged the USB cable but didn't hear any sound, so I plugged it into another USB port on the computer and then heard a sound. Then XCode noticed the phone. So the problems were that the iPhone didn't inform me that I had an Update (or I ignored it and forgot about it) and it may have needed the SIM card, and I had a bad USB connection.
Had the same problem. In my case it was my usb cord.
I had this problem. I somehow registered the device for generic team on apple. I don't remember how I did it now. Then I was able to overcome this error.
Just unplug the cable of iPhone with your mac and then plug cable in mac work for me.I hope it's work for someone.
Xcode 6.3 didn't see my iPhone running iOS 8.3 even after a computer restart. I then restarted my iPhone and everything worked again. Love buggy software!
When you trying to build and run the current scheme but encounter this alert message:
"The run destination iPhone is not valid for Running the scheme."
Plus you already check your phone and it is connect to your Mac properly,
all you need to do is just simply restart your Xcode and build it again. That will do the job.
Ran into this issue having upgraded from XCode 9 to 10.1. No devices at all were appearing in XCode, despite performing all the steps listed in other answers.
For me the solution was to do a clean CMake build, deleting the old Xcode project files.
Xcode 10.2.1 was not recognizing my ipad mini. I unplugged and rebooted the mini and it became visible.
The problem was solved for me when I used an original cable. You also get an original cable.
I tried all the ways here but still didn't work. I plugged the cable that I connected the phone to the computer instead of another socket and it worked.
This is absolutely bizarre!
Xcode has been working fine with my iPhone for weeks, and today it stopped working. None of the tips above worked.
Finally I switched the cable from the left hand side port to the right hand side port, and now Xcode is recognizing my phone! PHEW!
But only on that specific port. Going back to the left hand side port still doesn't work!?!?!

My app reboots iPhone on 4.1 iOS

I've upgraded my iOS on iPhone 3G to 4.1 and now I run my app on the device.
Firstly, I couldn't install it becouse Xcode was saying I don't have certification etc. (I have jailbroken iPhone). Finally, I succeeded and installed it.
But know something strange happens....
After I had installed my app on the device I run it.
Then, "cocos2d" image appears on the screen and just a second later device switch off! It simply reboots.
What's more - when the device launchs again and I run my app - it works!
I have no idea what's going on. This app works fine on 3.1.3 iOS (even with the same Xcode - 3.2.5)
What should I do?
Do you think the problem is caused by Xcode or iPhone itself?
Maybe reinstalling Xcode may help?
It could be one of two problems.
It could be a problem with your device. Maybe something got sort of wonky with your jailbreak.
Secondly, it could be a problem with your app. Maybe it's crashing. Have you checked your crash logs?

Xcode "The program being debugged is not being run" error

I saw the other question here with the similar error yet their fixes did not help.
I have a jailbroken iphone 3.1.2, and I just purchased apple's $99 dollar thing and I'm trying to make it so I can debug my apps on the phone. The device installs but will not run when clicked build and go.
If I click on the icon made on the iphone it works.
Any ideas? I already uninstalled and reinstalled my provisioning profile.
This sometimes happens, i usally fix it by unplugging and plugging in my device, or shutting down xcode and bringing it back..
I don't know how to fix it without doing this but I took a gamble and downloaded the latest SDK only available for paying developers and that fixed the issue. Won't let me make the base sdk anything below 4 however.

iPod touch debugging: Error on install/run only if app exists on device already?

I am using an iPod to test an app. The device is all set up with the right provisioning profiles, etc-- that's not really the issue.
But every time I start the app from Xcode on the device, I get the "A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted." error from the Organizer window.
Wait, I know, you think it's a provisioning profile problem.
But here's the kicker: if I just delete the app from the iPod (using the main screen) and try again, it works fine. I only get this error when the app is already installed. The other kicker is that this behavior doesn't happen on an iPhone that I have for occasional testing-- on that device, I can start/restart/restart indefinitely. But using the iPod, my compile-run-test cycle is annoyingly slow since I have to manually delete the app each time.
Any ideas?
I'm using Xcode 3.2.2 (prerelease) FWIW. The iPod has stock OS 3.1.2 on it.
I had a similar problem with the original 3.2 beta 1 and my iPhone running 3.1.3. However, I did not need to delete my app to workaround it. I was able to get around it by using the clean all targets. It seems you've done that though. :(
That said, with the 3.2.2 beta 2: IDE 1643, Core 1644, ToolSupport 1631 - my problem went away.
From the release notes Beta 2:
FIXED: In iPhone SDK 3.2 beta 1, some users saw the message "A signed resource has been added, modified or deleted…" when rebuilding their projects. This has been fixed for beta 2.
Are you sure you're running Beta 2? Perhaps a re-install of xcode might help? I assume you've tried power cycling the iPod Touch?
The only thing I can tell you is file a bug with apple here and hope they fix it
I had the same ussue a couple of days ago. My problem was I had created a distribution build and installed it on my iPod through iTunes. After removing the app from iTunes and syncing the iPod Xcode stopped complaining when making new builds.
Otherwise you could try "Clean all targets" under "Project" in Xcode.
Also had this problem, try turning off the passcode lock: http://bencollier.net/2010/03/debugging-on-iphone-requires-app-deletion/