SourceTree keeps asking for Kiln authentication (Windows) - atlassian-sourcetree

Every couple of minutes, SourceTree creates a popup looking for my Kiln username and password. Clicking cancel closes the window but another immediately appears. I didn't have a Kiln account but I created one just to get rid of this popup. I entered my Kiln username and password into the popup but it just continues to pop up. I've checked the "Remember password" button but that had no effect.
How do I prevent this popup from appearing?


Log out of Github website on a different device

I logged into my github account from the website from someone else's computer. I don't have access to that computer. Is there any way to log out of that computer without accessing it? Something like Google Chrome's log out of all devices feature. Note that I've actually not stored any credentials on that computer. I simply logged into the website from Safari, set Remember Password to never, and downloaded a repo as a zip.
The security section of your user settings page should list all of your active sessions and should provide a revoke option if you are logged in anywhere else on any device.
To logout from Github on a device or all devices follow the steps:
Account => Settings => Account Security
Under Session section => See session button => Revoke session button
Go to Personal Settings -> Sessions, there will be a list of devices. Click See More option against the device you want to sign out. The next page will have a red button with Revoke Session option, click on it and your account will be logged out from that device.
Click on your profile pic(on the top right corner). Select 'Settings' from the dropdown.
Click 'Password and authentication' (on the left side).
In that section, you can see all your sessions opened on multiple devices. Click on 'see more' button to go to the screen where it gives you the option to revoke the session.
Note: These directions might need some changes later on as GitHub constantly changes its UI.

facebook Enhanced Auth Dialog but want to display a message to the user before

I am trying to use new enhanced auth dialog instead of old one in a new application,
I want to first of all display a page with a message to the user, then he can click on a button and then he have the enhanced auth dialog.
My worries are when i set up my new application, the auth dialog v2 is displayed and then if the user accept permissions, then he is redirected to my home.php.
Is it possible to use enhanced auth dialog but first of all displaying a page which inform about the application?
Thanks! :-)
Yes it is possible to first display a page to the user before putting up the auth dialog. I have a current production app that does just that.
In your app, have a connect button of your own making that you display to the user when they are not connected to Facebook.
When a user clicks it, redirect to the page you want to show them with the special wording.
On that special page, have the real facebook login button (or a button/link that fires off FB.login())
Well, I have found the answer.
If you don't want that Facebook display the enhanced auth dialog before your application, but do it manually, when you want,
in your app settings, in "auth dialog" tab, don't write anyting in "Authenticated Referrals" !
And that's all :-)

How to find out if the administrator has really installed my facebook Canvas APP

I'm developing an application that will allow users to dynamically load content on their Facebook pages.
The problem is that when they set up their application and press "Install" button, I save their settings in a database and redirect them to:<MY_APP_KEY>&pages=1&page=....."
After redirect, there are two options: "ADD Application" or Leave this app.
Is there any way that I can track whether the user has pressed the "ADD" button? For example if I can redirect the user after he press "Add this app" button, I'll be able to confirm that the user has really installed my application. After all, the user can hit "Leave", "navigate away of this page" or even "Close" his browser....

facebook SDK iOS Login View still pops up after relaunching app

I've got it all working, I've even posted to fb already. I was using the xcode Simulator the first time and it asked for user authentication, i entered my user info, then it gave me a second fb dialog window saying it was authorized and had to press OKAY button. This takes me to my app.
What bugs me is that every time I run the app, it doesn't ask me for my credentials again, but it does pop-up a fb dialog window saying I've logged in fine, and i have to press the OKAY button in the bottom right.
Is there anyway to avoid this, cause still be a pain for my users every time.
u have been asking for permission for accessing the data everytime in facebook
to avoid this ask only one time for permission by setting the if loop with permission with bool ...
i think u understand

Security in asp .net

I have a query related to Login in ASP .NET website.
When a user logs into system, his interface opens. But, when I click back from menu, it goes to Login page again. That is fine. But, when I click Forward from menu it opens User's interface back. This should not happen, it should ask to login again. I wrote Session.Remove(), but still it is not working..
Assuming you're using FormsAuthentication...
To sign a user out, you don't abandon the session, you use FormsAuthentication.SignOut()
To get the desired behavior, put this in the Page_Load event of your login page.
Also, you'll want to ensure that your login page is not cached, otherwise this may not run when the user clicks the "Back" button.
When you say back from menu you don't mean the "back" button on the browser do you?
If not try:-
Also are you setting any authentication tickets? If so you will need to clear these as well.