How can I modify various settings inside either a new or exisitng App Pool using Powershell?
I am interesting in some of the "Advanced" settings such as Enable 32-Bit Applications, Managed Pipeline Mode, Process Model Identity, etc. Any ideas on how I can do this? I tried using the xWebAdministration module but that seems to have very basic settings.
Yes, a custom DSC resource is the only way to do this with DSC. If you are able to use PowerShell scripting without DSC, you can use the WebAdministration module module to create the pool, and then modify it from there.
$appPoolName = "MyAppPool"
New-WebAppPool -Name $appPoolName
$appPool = Get-Item "IIS:\AppPools\$appPoolName"
$appPool.processModel.identityType = 3
$appPool.processModel.username = "someUser"
$appPool.processModel.password = "somePassword"
$appPool.managedRuntimeVersion = "v4.0"
$appPool.managedPipeLineMode = "Integrated"
Update 1/31/2015
In the community DSC modules, someone made a cWebAdministration pull request that apparently includes "37 app pool config options". Might be a great solution.
You need to write your own custom DSC resource for doing that.
This is a good starting point.
However, I recommend that you take a look at Script resource to build the logic required for all three functions in a DSC resource and experiment before writing a resource.
In a DSC configuration script for IIS, I am trying to remove the defaultPath lock from the httpErrors section but the way in which the feature delegation works does not apply to this section. Hence to do the following:
appcmd set config /section:httpErrors /lockAttributes:
I've tried using the xWebConfigProperty as follows:
xWebConfigProperty httpErrors_lockAttributes
Filter = "system.webServer/httpErrors"
PropertyName = "lockAttributes"
Value = ""
Ensure = "Absent"
However this fails with an error saying the lockAttributes attributes does not exist. And yet it is definitely in the ApplicationHost.config
My only remaining workaround is to run the appcmd as Script in the DSC (a little ugly). Any ideas?
You could use below PowerShell command to remove lock from the default path:
Remove-WebConfigurationLock -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' -filter "system.webServer/httpErrors/#defaultPath"
I know this is old as all heck. But what I've found is a lot of these modules and resources were built for specific tasks and are less modular than other DSC tools. You may have to create a custom resource that handles Remove-WebConfigurationLock in its set/get/test functions if you want a "pure" DSC solution. If not, a DSC script resource will do what you need.
What is the difference between WebCommitDelay and IISCommitDelay?
MS docs says the same for both:
Instructs the IIS configuration system to delay the commitment of changes.
So what should I prefer and why? It looks like they have some differences indeed, because if I use WebCommitDelay, I can't use New-WebApplication ... -Force if the same application is exists, but I can do this if I use IISCommitDelay.
As far as I know, the IISAdministration PowerShell module which was a new way to manage IIS.
This module included numerous improvements over the existing WebAdministration cmdlets.
So the IISCommitDelay is the new method which is used to management the IIS.
Detials, you could refer to this article.
I'm trying to move some of my resources (Azure Web Apps, Azure SQLs, Redis caches) from one resource group to another. I'm using the Azure Resource Manager PowerShell cmdlets.
Here's what I've tried:
PS C:\> Move-AzureResource -DestinationResourceGroupName NewResourceGroup -ResourceId "/subscriptions/someguid/resourceGroups/Default-Web-WestEurope/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/somesite"
PS C:\> Get-AzureResource -ResourceName somesite | Move-AzureResource -DestinationResourceGroupName NewResourceGroup
just Move-AzureResource, hitting enter and supplying the parameters one by one.
None of the commands seems to work. They just don't do anything. No error, no output.
When I changed the debug preference to $DebugPreference = "Continue" I got only the following:
DEBUG: 12:16:06 - MoveAzureResourceCommand begin processing with ParameterSet '__AllParameterSets'.
DEBUG: 12:16:06 - using account id 'my#account.tld'...
Please note that I'm able to create a new resource group (New-AzureResourceGroup), list resource groups (Get-AzureResourceGroup), list resources (Get-AzureResource), etc.
Note: you have to call Switch-AzureMode AzureResourceManager before you can use the cmdlets. The authentication is done by Add-AzureAccount.
Articles I've been referring to:
Moving resources between Azure Resource Groups
Using Azure PowerShell with Azure Resource Manager
GitHub - Using Azure PowerShell with Azure Resource Manager
Reading this azure forum it looks like they have implemented the cmdlet but not all resources support being moved yet.
We have released a new powershell cmdlet to move resources across resource groups. Not all resources have support yet, but the "main" ones do like hosted services, virtual machines & storage accounts.
Looking back at the example I was following, this does only use VM's. So based on this I think websites aren't supported yet. That fact that no error or warning is returned for unsupported resources is a bit poor.
Though not all resources are currently supported, I understand the current version - 0.9.1 - does have a bug which means that even a supported resource may not be moved with the symptoms as seen by the author of the question. I understand this is being worked on for the next release, but in the interim (as a temp. work around) the previous powershell cmdlets release of 2 versions ago should work fine.
The original issue is fixed in the 0.9.4 release. I just tried and it works.
FYI. To move a VM using Move-AzureResourceGroup you need to move the containing cloud service and all its VMs at the same time. For example:
Get-AzureResource -ResourceGroupName OriginalResourceGroup | where { $_.ResourceType -match 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute' } | Move-AzureResource -DestinationResourceGroupName NewResourceGroup
By default, the resources in a cloud service are put in a resource group with the same name as the DNS name of the cloud service.
For some reason, Azure PowerShell Version 1.0 has trouble moving over web apps from one Resource Group to another. If you follow the instrctions below, you will be able to move the web app over via powershell.
Download Azure PowerShell Version 1. The below instructions only work for this version. Type the commands below in order.
1) **Login-AzureRmAccount** (a login window will pop up asking for your azure credentials, type them in)
2) **Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName "NameOfResourceGroup" -ResourceName "WebAppName"** (if you are moving over a website, you will see 2 files, you need the one that is a resource type of Microsoft.Web/sites)
3) **Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName "NameOfResourceGroup" -ResourceName "WebAppName" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/sites"**
4) Assign value 3 to a variable of your name choice. I Chose $a, so **$a = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName "NameOfResourceGroup" -ResourceName "WebAppName" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/sites"**
5) **Move-AzureRmResource -DestinationResourceGroup "DestinationResourceGroup" -ResourceId $a.ResourceId**
6) It will ask you if you are sure type "Y" and hit enter.
I am trying to copy one file from share in my custom dsc script. This code below works great in powershell, but not working in dsc resource.
PS C:\Users\user> $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
PS C:\Users\user> $wc.DownloadFile("\\DC1\Downloads\en_sql_server_2012_enterprise_edition_with_service_pack_2_x64_dvd_
4685849.iso", "C:\SQL2012SP2.iso")
Powershell 4/5 has native commandlets for get files from smb share? Or any variants?
As #arco444 alluded to, the way you're doing this is bananas. Why not use Copy-Item?
That aside, I think you would have the problem with Copy-Item as well.
DSC runs under the context of SYSTEM, so you should make sure that your share allows access from the machine account of the machine on which the DSC is to be executed.
Alternatively, you can grant read access to Authenticated Users (which includes all other users as well), or Domain Computers if you're in a domain and want all of the computers to be able to read the contents.
The Credential parameter in file resource is used to connect to the source - so you can specify credentials for the share.
However make sure that credentials are secured as described in this article - [link]
I am trying to create a powershell script to automate user creation which is working great using ADSI. However I need to set the following properties and I am not sure how (or if ADSI can even do this):
Log on as a service
Allow logon locally
Any ideas how to do this?
The solution to working with GPO's in PowerShell is via a COM+ object called GPMgmt.GPM which is part of the Group Policy Management Console feature. The best article for information I could find on this is:
I have yet to be able to figure out how to set those specific values though.
This might be what you're looking for:
We can set the Logon As A Service right to user in powershell by importing the third party DLL ( Carbon ).
you can download dll from here
$Identity = "DomainName\Administrator"
$privilege = "SeServiceLogonRight"
$CarbonDllPath = "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Carbon-1.5.1\Carbon\bin\Carbon.dll"
[Carbon.Lsa]::GrantPrivileges( $Identity , $privilege )