Setting "Log on as a service" and "Allow logon locally" with ADSI - powershell

I am trying to create a powershell script to automate user creation which is working great using ADSI. However I need to set the following properties and I am not sure how (or if ADSI can even do this):
Log on as a service
Allow logon locally
Any ideas how to do this?

The solution to working with GPO's in PowerShell is via a COM+ object called GPMgmt.GPM which is part of the Group Policy Management Console feature. The best article for information I could find on this is:
I have yet to be able to figure out how to set those specific values though.

This might be what you're looking for:

We can set the Logon As A Service right to user in powershell by importing the third party DLL ( Carbon ).
you can download dll from here
$Identity = "DomainName\Administrator"
$privilege = "SeServiceLogonRight"
$CarbonDllPath = "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Carbon-1.5.1\Carbon\bin\Carbon.dll"
[Carbon.Lsa]::GrantPrivileges( $Identity , $privilege )


Is there an alternative way for Set-UnifiedGroup -UnifiedGroupWelcomeMessageEnabled?

A couple of years ago, we made a provisioning script which creates a unified group with PnPPowerShell. While there was no other way to disable the welcome message for new group members, we had to connect with Exchange and disable the welcome message with Exchange Online PowerShell using Set-UnifiedGroup -UnifiedGroupWelcomeMessageEnabled.
Due to changed requirements of the customer as a result of the status of the legacy auth at Microsoft, legacy authentication will no longer be available soon and should be disabled on our customer's environment asap.
And now the trouble begins. As we have an older environment with Exchange Online PowerShell V2 running on PowerShell 5, we can't connect with -ManagedIdentity but we would have to connect with a certificate to run the unattended script.
Now we encountered the next problem: according to this documentation at Microsoft Learn, the commandlet Set-UnifiedGroup will not work with app-only authentication for unattended scripts in Exchange Online PowerShell V2.
So we had a look into the MS Graph API documentation to update groups to find out if there is a property to achieve the disabling of the welcome messgae, but it seems that there is none.
Long story short, is there any way to update the group through an unattended script without legacy authentication, using Exchange Online PowerShell V2 on PowerShell 5? Upgrading PowerShell and the Exchange module would affect a bunch of other provisioning scripts where we are currently already able to connect with the -ManagedIdentity parameter.
It seems to me that resourceBehaviorOptions property on group resource object is what you are looking for.
It specifies the group behaviors that can be set for a Microsoft 365 group during creation. This can be set only as part of creation (POST) (New-MgGroup powershell cmdlet).
One of possible values for resourceBehaviorOptions is WelcomeEmailDisabled. If the value is specified then welcome emails are not sent to new members.
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups
$params = #{
Description = "My new group"
DisplayName = "Groupxxx"
GroupTypes = #(
MailEnabled = $true
MailNickname = "library"
SecurityEnabled = $false
ResourceBehaviorOptions = #(
New-MgGroup -BodyParameter $params

Create Folder on Users' Mailboxes

I would like to create a remote folder inside Inbox with this command wit o365 exchange when execute the following command:
New-MailboxFolder -Parent '\Inbox\Folder1' -Name 'Folder1.1'
However, this command cannot be used to create folders on other user’s mailbox.
The error is:
The specified mailbox “” doesn’t exist
What's the exactly problem with this command? Anybody know any Workaround? Thanks!
The cmdlet you're trying to use is not supposed to work for mailboxes other than your own (even if you have proper rights). From the documentation:
Use the New-MailboxFolder cmdlet to create folders in your own mailbox. Administrators can't use this cmdlet to create folders in other mailboxes (the cmdlet is available only from the MyBaseOptions user role).
Some possible workarounds are:
Use Create MailFolder from Graph API
Use MFCMAPI (probably not trivial to be automated)
More detailed description can be found here.

Is there a way to change the service account from "This account" to "Log in as" using Powershell?

New to powershell but bear with me. I am trying to automate an install of Prosystem Fx Engagement, but need to install a SQL instance. I have already done this part, but I will also need to automate the changing of a services account within services.msc. It will need to be changed from "This account" to "Log in as Local System Account"
The name of the service is MSSQL$PROFXENGAGEMENT, and the display name of the service is SQL Server (PROFXENGAGEMENT).
I don't really want to use the method below because the password is visible on the .ps file. I tried looking around but was not able to find anything. Is this even possible?
$LocalSrv = Get-WmiObject Win32_service -filter "name='MSSQL$PROFXENGAGEMENT'"
As for the method you are saying you don't want to use for the account change activity. You don't have to and should not put plain text password in scripts.
You can prompt for the password, store that in a variable and use it. Yet, that means a human has to be there to address that, so, not very automated.
So, this means you need to set the credentials in a file or other store and call that from your script.
Meaning like what is described below. This of course has to be done in advance of any other use case that will need it.
using secure password with multiple users without prompt
#saving credentials
Get-Credential | Export-CliXml -Path c:\credential.xml
#importing credentials to a variable
$Credential = Import-CliXml -Path c:\credential.xml
A YouTube Video on the topic:
Learn to securely use Passwords with PowerShell
You could also use the Windows Credential Store, and call it from there. Also shown in the above video.
Using Windows Credential Manager

Login-AzureRMAccount returns "Unknown User Type"

As the title implies, I'm trying to automate the login process to AzureRMAccount in Powershell.
I've scoured every forum on every website I can find trying every different combination of solutions (well, except for the solution that works).
Every time I try to automate the login process of my Azure account, I get an error :
Unknown User Type
Yes, I have full access to this account, and Yes it does work fine if I omit all of the parameters and allow for the interactive username/password dialog.
I have even tried to simply call the Get-Credentials and push those into a variable and then call Login-AzureRMAccount using those luck.
Add-AzureRMAccount fails too.
Any help would be appreciated.
I did find one solution, although it's not the most secure solution as it generates a disk file putting your information at risk if someone were to gain access to the machine on which the Powershell code is executing.
You can login interactively and immediately export the context to a json file, Then at a later time, import that json file as the current context to bypass login
PS C:\> Save-AzureRmContext -Profile (Add-AzureRmAccount) -Path C:\test.json
then in a later session, Import the context
PS C:\> Import-AzureRmContext -Path C:\test.json
Again, this is not the most secure option but it did achieve the results. I would love to have a more secure option.

How to get some file from smb share in DSC script?

I am trying to copy one file from share in my custom dsc script. This code below works great in powershell, but not working in dsc resource.
PS C:\Users\user> $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
PS C:\Users\user> $wc.DownloadFile("\\DC1\Downloads\en_sql_server_2012_enterprise_edition_with_service_pack_2_x64_dvd_
4685849.iso", "C:\SQL2012SP2.iso")
Powershell 4/5 has native commandlets for get files from smb share? Or any variants?
As #arco444 alluded to, the way you're doing this is bananas. Why not use Copy-Item?
That aside, I think you would have the problem with Copy-Item as well.
DSC runs under the context of SYSTEM, so you should make sure that your share allows access from the machine account of the machine on which the DSC is to be executed.
Alternatively, you can grant read access to Authenticated Users (which includes all other users as well), or Domain Computers if you're in a domain and want all of the computers to be able to read the contents.
The Credential parameter in file resource is used to connect to the source - so you can specify credentials for the share.
However make sure that credentials are secured as described in this article - [link]