Pulling a substring for each line in file - powershell

Using Powershell, I am simply trying to pull 15 characters starting from the 37th position of any record that begins with a 6. I'd like to loop through and generate a record for each instance so it can later be put into an output file. But I seem to not be hitting the correct syntax just to return the 15 characters I know I am missing something obvious. Been at this for a while. Here is my script:
$content = Get-Content -Path .\tmfhsyst*.txt | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("6") }
foreach ($line in $contents)
$val102 = $line.substring(36,15)
write-output $val102

Just as Bill_Stewart pointed out, you need to move your Write-Output line inside the ForEach loop. A possibly better way to do it would just be to pipe it:
Get-Content -Path .\tmfhsyst*.txt | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("6") } | foreach{$_.substring(36,15)}
That should give you the output you desired.

Using Substring() has the disadvantage that it will raise an error if the string is shorter than start index + substring length. You can avoid this with a regular expression match:
(Get-Content -Path .\tmfhsyst*.txt) -match '^6.{35}(.{15})' | % { $matches[1] }


Read text file and check for value in a specific position and change when true

I need to loop through multiple text files and check for a $ value in position 7 on each line of text and replace it with an * when found. But ONLY when it is in position 7. I do not want to change it if it is found in other positions. This is as far as I have gotten. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Get-ChildItem 'C:\*.txt' -Recurse |
foreach $line in Get-Content $_ {
$linePosition1to5 = $line.Substring(0,6)
$linePosition7 = $line.Substring(6,1)
$linePositionRest = $line.Substring(8)
if($linePosition7 = "$"){
$linePosition7 = "*"
$linePosition1to5 + $linePosition7 + $linePositionRest |
Set-Content $_
Is there something that doesn't work in your example, or just that all the nested substrings are annoying to work with?
I'd use regex for this one. e.g.
$Lines = Get-Content -Path "C:\examplefile.txt" -raw
$Lines -replace '(?m)(^.{6})\$', '$1*'
To explain the regex:
?m indicates that it's multiline, required because I used raw get-content rather than pulling an array. Array would work too, just needs a loop like you did.
^.{6} line start plus any 6 characters (capture group 1)
$ escaped dollar character
$1* Capture group 1 left as is, dollar replaced with *, anything else not captured and therefore left untouched.
Thanks for code and the explanation. I realized that I left out the -raw option and it did work. Putting it back in it seems to add a line to the end of each file. Unless you can think of reason why I shouldn't I was going to leave it out.
Get-ChildItem 'C:\TEST\*.txt' -Recurse | ForEach {
(Get-Content $_ | ForEach { $_ -replace '(?m)(^.{6})\$', '$1*'}) |
Set-Content $_

Powershell, replace string line by line in a textfile

I have a file called "file123624.TXT" that contains this information:
All i want to do is add an - after the first six characters in the file, except for the last line "CHECKSUM; 0000008"
I have made a small powershell script that almost does the trick:
$file = Get-Content "C:\Users\usr\Desktop\file*.txt"
foreach ($i in $file)
if($i -notmatch "CHECKSUM*")
This script output the lines i need to be changed, but i cant replace them line for line.
The result i want in the "file123624.txt" after running the script is this:
Any solutions or tips on this would be appreciated
You can do the following, which utilizes the Foreach-Object and has a similar structure to your current code.
$file = Get-Content file123624.TXT | Foreach-Object {
if ($_ -notmatch '^CHECKSUM') {
else {
$file | Set-Content file123624.TXT

Powershell/Batch Files: Verify that a file contains at least one entry from a list of strings

Here is my current issue: I have a list of 1800 customer numbers (ie 123456789). I need to determine which of these numbers show up in another, much larger (4 gb) file. The larger file is a fixed-width file of all customer information. I know how I would do this in SQL, but like I said it's a flat file.
When searching for individual numbers, I was using a command I found elsewhere on this site which worked very well:
get-content CUSTOMERINFO.txt -ReadCount 1000 | foreach { $_ -match "123456789" }
However, I do not have the expertise to translate this into another command, or a batch file, which would load list.txt and search all lines in customerinfo.txt for the requisite strings.
Time is not a major constraint, as this is running on a test server and will be a once-off project.
Thank you very much for any help you can provide.
So I appreciate everyone's help. Everybody gave me helpful info that let me get to my final solution, so I appreciate it. Especially to the guy who asked if this was a codewriting request, because it made me realize I needed to just write some code.
For anyone else who runs into the same problem, here is the code I ended up using:
$matches = Get-Content .\list.txt
foreach ($entry in $matches)
{ $results = get-content FiletoSearch -ReadCount 1000 | foreach { $_ -match $entry }
if ($results -eq $null) {
$entry }
else {
This gives a 'found' entry for everything that was found (which is information I don't need), and gives back the value searched for when it's not found (which is information I do need).
The match comparator can work over multiple values, you can separate them with a bar | character.
get-content CUSTOMERINFO.txt -ReadCount 1000 | foreach { $_ -match "DEF|YZ" }
You can also read the contents of a file and replace newlines with a character of your choice. So if list.txt is a list of values to search, such as
Then you can read it and convert it to a bar-separated list using the join operator:
(Get-Content list.txt) -join "|"
Put them together and you should have your solution:
$listSearch = (Get-Content list.txt) -join "|";
get-content CUSTOMERINFO.txt -ReadCount 1000 | foreach { $_ -match $listSearch}

How can I search the first line and the last line in a text file?

I need to only search the 1st line and last line in a text file to find a "-" and remove it.
How can I do it?
I tried select-string, but I don't know to find the 1st and last line and only remove "-" from there.
Here is what the text file looks like:
% 01-A247M15 G70
N0001 G30 G17 X-100 Y-100 Z0
N0002 G31 G90 X100 Y100 Z45
N0003 ; --PART NO.: NC-HON.PHX01.COVER-SHOE.DET-1000.050
N0004 ; --TOOL: 8.55 X .3937
N0005 ;
N0006 % 01-A247M15 G70
Something like this?
$1 = Get-Content C:\work\test\01.I
$1 | select-object -index 0, ($1.count-1)
Ok, so after looking at this for a while, I decided there had to be a way to do this with a one liner. Here it is:
(gc "c:\myfile.txt") | % -Begin {$test = (gc "c:\myfile.txt" | select -first 1 -last 1)} -Process {if ( $_ -eq $test[0] -or $_ -eq $test[-1] ) { $_ -replace "-" } else { $_ }} | Set-Content "c:\myfile.txt"
Here is a breakdown of what this is doing:
First, the aliases for those now familiar. I only put them in because the command is long enough as it is, so this helps keep things manageable:
gc means Get-Content
% means Foreach
$_ is for the current pipeline value (this isn't an alias, but I thought I would define it since you said you were new)
Ok, now here is what is happening in this:
(gc "c:\myfile.txt") | --> Gets the content of c:\myfile.txt and sends it down the line
% --> Does a foreach loop (goes through each item in the pipeline individually)
-Begin {$test = (gc "c:\myfile.txt" | select -first 1 -last 1)} --> This is a begin block, it runs everything here before it goes onto the pipeline stuff. It is loading the first and last line of c:\myfile.txt into an array so we can check for first and last items
-Process {if ( $_ -eq $test[0] -or $_ -eq $test[-1] ) --> This runs a check on each item in the pipeline, checking if it's the first or the last item in the file
{ $_ -replace "-" } else { $_ } --> if it's the first or last, it does the replacement, if it's not, it just leaves it alone
| Set-Content "c:\myfile.txt" --> This puts the new values back into the file.
Please see the following sites for more information on each of these items:
Get-Content uses
Get-Content definition
The Pipeline
Begin and Process part of the Foreach (this are usually for custom function, but they work in the foreach loop as well)
If ... else statements
So I was thinking about what if you wanted to do this to many files, or wanted to do this often. I decided to make a function that does what you are asking. Here is the function:
function Replace-FirstLast {
[Parameter( `
Position=0, `
[Parameter( `
Position=1, `
[Parameter( `
position=2, `
Begin {
$lines = Get-Content $File
} #end begin
Process {
foreach ($line in $lines) {
if ( $line -eq $lines[0] ) {
$lines[0] = $line -replace $Regex,$ReplaceWith
} #end if
if ( $line -eq $lines[-1] ) {
$lines[-1] = $line -replace $Regex,$ReplaceWith
} #end foreach
}#End process
end {
$lines | Set-Content $File
}#end end
} #end function
This will create a command called Replace-FirstLast. It would be called like this:
Replace-FirstLast -File "C:\myfiles.txt" -Regex "-" -ReplaceWith "NewText"
The -Replacewith is optional, if it is blank it will just remove (default value of ""). The -Regex is looking for a regular expression to match your command. For information on placing this into your profile check this article
Please note: If you file is very large (several GBs), this isn't the best solution. This would cause the whole file to live in memory, which could potentially cause other issues.
$txt = get-content c:\myfile.txt
$txt[0] = $txt[0] -replace '-'
$txt[$txt.length - 1 ] = $txt[$txt.length - 1 ] -replace '-'
$txt | set-content c:\myfile.txt
You can use the select-object cmdlet to help you with this, since get-content basically spits out a text file as one huge array.
Thus, you can do something like this
get-content "path_to_my_awesome_file" | select -first 1 -last 1
To remove the dash after that, you can use the -Replace switch to find the dash and remove it. This is better than using System.String.Replace(...) method because it can match regex statements and replace whole arrays of strings too!
That would look like:
# gc = Get-Content. The parens tell Powershell to do whatever's inside of it
# then treat it like a variable.
(gc "path_to_my_awesome_file" | select -first 1 -last 1) -Replace '-',''
If your file is very large you might not want to read the whole file to get the last line. gc -Tail will get the last line very quickly for you.
function GetFirstAndLastLine($path){
return New-Object PSObject -Property #{
First = Get-Content $path -TotalCount 1
Last = Get-Content $path -Tail 1
GetFirstAndLastLine "u_ex150417.log"
I tried this on a 20 gb log file and it returned immediately. Reading the file takes hours.
You will still need to read the file if you want to keep all excising content and you want only to remove from the end. Using the -Tail is a quick way to check if it is there.
I hope it helps.
A cleaner answer to the above:
$Line_number_were_on = 0
$Awesome_file = Get-Content "path_to_ridiculously_excellent_file" | %{
$Line = $_
if ($Line_number_were_on -eq $Awesome_file.Length)
{ $Line -Replace '-','' }
{ $Line } ;
I like one-liners, but I find that readability tends to suffer sometimes when I put terseness over function. If what you're doing is going to be part of a script that other people will be reading/maintaining, readability might be something to consider.
Following Nick's answer: I do need to do this on all text files in the directory tree and this is what I'm using now:
Get-ChildItem -Path "c:\work\test" -Filter *.i | where { !$_.PSIsContainer } | % {
$txt = Get-Content $_.FullName;
$txt[0] = $txt[0] -replace '-';
$txt[$txt.length - 1 ] = $txt[$txt.length - 1 ] -replace '-';
$txt | Set-Content $_.FullName
and it looks like it's working well now.
Simple process:
Replace $file.txt with your filename
Get-Content $file_txt | Select-Object -last 1
I was recently searching for comments in the last line of .bat files. It seems to mess up the error code of previous commands. I found this useful for searching for a pattern in the last line of files. Pspath is a hidden property that get-content outputs. If I used select-string, I would lose the filename. *.bat gets passed as -filter for speed.
get-childitem -recurse . *.bat | get-content -tail 1 | where { $_ -match 'rem' } |
select pspath

Powershell V2 find and replace

I am trying to change dates programmatically in a file. The line I need to fix looks like this:
set ##dateto = '03/15/12'
I need to write a powershell V2 script that replaces what's inside the single quotes, and I have no idea how to do this.
The closest I've come looks like this:
gc $file | ? {$_ -match "set ##dateto ="} | % {$temp=$_.split("'");$temp[17]
=$CorrectedDate;$temp -join ","} | -outfile newfile.txt
Problems with this: It gives an error about the index 17 being out of range. Also, the outfile only contains one line (The unmodified line). I'd appreciate any help with this. Thanks!
You can do something like this ( though you may want to handle the corner cases) :
$CorrectedDate = '10/09/09'
gc $file | %{
if($_ -match "^set ##dateto = '(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d)'") {
$_ -replace $matches[1], $CorrectedDate;
else {
} | out-file test2.txt
mv test2.txt $file -force