Swagger-Springmvc: Getting unknownFields in JSON - rest

I have a REST API which I have configured as follows
#Api(value="rest", description="Sweet blah!!!")
public class abc{...}
A method in abc is annotated as follows
#ApiOperation(value="Create Account",
notes="Sweet Blah",
produces= "application/json,application/xml",
consumes="application/json, application/xml")
{ #ApiImplicitParam(name="body",value="Sweet Blah.",
required=true, paramType="body", dataType="com.trrr.Account"),
#ApiImplicitParam(name="accountId", value="provides account Id for the new
account",required=true, paramType="path", dataType="Integer")
#RequestMapping(value = "/accounts/{accountId}", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public ResponseEntity<?> createAccount(#PathVariable("accountId") Integer accountId,
#RequestBody Account acct){ ... }
My generated documentation using Swagger UI shows everything find however is unable to generated Model json for Account which is my model class.
Account is composed of few variables, in addition to an array of User Defined class 'Sharing'.
It is composed of another User defined class User.
Account class is annotated as follows:
#XmlRootElement(name = "Account")
public class Account {... }
The generated documentation displays for Model Response and Request
"unknownFields": {}
Kindly guide as to what may be going wrong here. How to have a json version of Account object displayed. Thank you.

Well, the same thing worked on a next day. Not sure why it was not working on day one. Its appears idiotic but only purpose of me writing this is to ensure that nobody else doing the right way and gets confused with my post.


Getting method name related to a rest service

I wanted to know if there exist a way of retrieving the actual method name associated to a rest service provided. Lets suppose my url is http://localhost:8080/v1/mytesturl now i want to retrieve the actual method name that is associated with this url.
Actually we are maintaining some key/value pair specific to the method that we have created and i need to make some checks based on the method name that gets executed using these values.
Plz let me know if there exist some way to do that..
Simply get the method name from the Object class.
public class HomeController {
public String getMethodName() {
return new Object(){}.getClass().getEnclosingMethod().getName();
i got the solution by using this
Map<RequestMappingInfo, HandlerMethod> handlerMethods = RequestMappingHandlerMapping.getHandlerMethods();
HandlerExecutionChain handler = RequestMappingHandlerMapping.getHandler(requestr);
HandlerMethod handler1 = null;
handler1 = (HandlerMethod) handler.getHandler();
this provide me with what i wanted..

ASP MVC EF6 Code first Multi tenant get tenant id

we keep fighting with out multi tenant application.
This is an ASP MVC EF6 Code First web application.
We initialize a list of tenants in the Application_Start, getting a pair of values:
So we can associate any host with one TenantId, and store that list in cache.
We have configured a custom filter to get the current tenant.
public class TenantActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
filterContext.HttpContext.Items.Add("TenantId", GetCurrentTenant(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Host));
The GetCurrentTenant function just access the list in cache and get the current one based on the host passed.
Is it correct to store the current tenant in an item in the context?
After that, we have created an Interceptor to get any query and add a filter to filter by TenantId. This is done and working good, we just need to add the tenantId from the context:
The problem we have is where we get the TenantId for each request.
if (HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler == null) return;
var clientId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Items["ClientId"]);
foreach (DbParameter param in command.Parameters)
if (param.ParameterName != TenantAwareAttribute.TenantIdFilterParameterName)
param.Value = clientId;
We don't know if this is the correct approach since there is a lot of informationon the net.
In my experience, the persistence of the tenant Id in the HTTP context is not right, as in some cases, the HTTP context becomes null.
You can try to get the tenant Id from the claims of the current principal. Creating a static class with a tenant identifier property that reads from the claims and gives is more reliable. Assuming you are using the owin pipeline, this should be easy to do. You can take a look at the reference sample application from github here
It looks like the below block,
public static class UserContext
public static string TenantId
return Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.FindFirst("tenantid");

Can't extend my class to Eloquent while it's already extended to BaseController

I have a ListingsController that extends BaseController which is fine, my app works.
But now I intend to create a new ContactController and create a relation between it and ListingController.
Each listing should have 1 contact and there's a contact_id field in listings table.
The problem is, to use that, I need to extend my class to Eloquent and it's already extended to BaseController and if I change that my app crashes down.
Is there a solution for this?
As SUB0DH said, relationships should be declared in the Model, not in the Controller, you'd want to have something like this in your Listing model:
public function contact()
return $this->hasOne('Contact');
and in your Contact model you can link the contact to a listing by using
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('User');
Be sure to read http://laravel.com/docs/eloquent#one-to-one

Mapper's toForm method does nothing on submit?

I have a very simple snippet to add a new row to the books table in the database:
def add = Book.toForm(Full("Add"), { _.save })
Calling this snippet in my template generates a form just fine, and submitting the form gives me a post request, but nothing happens, it never tries to talk to the database, no errors or exceptions occur:
09:03:53.631 [865021464#qtp-2111575312-18] INFO net.liftweb.util.TimeHelpers - Service request (POST) /books/ returned 200, took 531 Milliseconds
I am not sure if my model's save method is just not being called, or if the save method is not working. Based on examples in the book "Lift in Action", I am under the impression that the default Mapper save method should just work, and that is what I am using right now. My model class is simply:
class Book extends LongKeyedMapper[Book] with IdPK {
def getSingleton = Book
object name extends MappedString(this, 100)
object Book extends Book with LongKeyedMetaMapper[Book] {
override def dbTableName = "books"
Am I missing something in my model, or does this appear to be correct? If this should work, how do I debug it not working?
Forms don't work if you don't have a session (so you need cookies enabled). The session maps the form name to a function on the server. Unfortunately, lift doesn't log an error when the form's handler function isn't found.

Dependency Injection & Model Binding (ASP MVC, Autofac), When to use what?

This is more like a conceptual question. When to use Model Binding (in ASP.NET MVC Framework) and when to inject objects using IoC (lets say Autofac here) ?
One specific scenario is like lets say, I have the following action method
public ActionResult EditProfile(string UserId)
// get user object from repository using the the UserId
// edit profile
// save changes
// return feedback
In the above scenario, is it possible to inject a user object to action method such that it automatically gets the user object using the UserId ? The resulting signature being:
public ActionResult EditProfile(UserProfile userObj) //userObj injected *somehow* to automatically retreive the object from repo using UserId ?
Sorry if it all doesn't makes sense. It`s my first time using IoC.
This is the way to do it > http://buildstarted.com/2010/09/12/custom-model-binders-in-mvc-3-with-imodelbinder/
You can do what you need using a custom action filter. By overriding OnActionExecuting, we have access to the route data, and the action parameters of the action that will be executed. Given:
public class BindUserProfileAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override OnActionExecuting(FilterContext filterContext)
string id = (string)filterContext.RouteData.Values["UserId"];
var model = new UserProfile { Id = id };
filtextContext.ActionParameters["userObj"] = model;
This attribute allows us to create the parameters that will be passed into the action, so we can load the user object at this point.
public ActionResult EditProfile(UserProfile userObj)
You'll probably need to get specific with your routes:
new { controller = "Account", action = "EditProfile" });
In MVC3 we get access to the new IDepedencyResolver interface, which allows us to perform IoC/SL using whatever IoC container or service locator we want, so we can push a service like a IUserProfileFactory into your filter, to then be able to create your UserProfile instance.
Hope that helps?
Model binding is used for your data. Dependency injection is used for your business logic.