GitHub - how do I replace files in repo with new ones? - github

I have a Jekyll blog that I have hosted on GitHub Pages. What I am trying to do is update the existing repo with my new files. I wasn't sure what to do because I didn't want to delete the repo, and I didn't want duplicate files (old and new), just my new files from my new directory.
My question is (giving another breakdown first)-
I have deleted the old directory locally that included my hosted GitHub Pages Jekyll blog files.
I re-made a new Jekyll blog locally under the same name as my previous directory (using *jekyll new *)
I still have my old blog files in my jekyll blog repo on GitHub.
I would like to delete the old files (but not the repo), and update that repo with my new blog files. How would I go about doing that?

Assuming it's a normal git repo, you should be able to link it with the upstream repo in the usual way (further details to come in an edit).
Jekyll/Github docs:
You should be able to run git push from your new repo, and it should just work. If not, hopefully a git pull beforehand should solve it. If not, post a comment and I'll see if I can help.


How to download and re-upload a repository?

I'm new to using GitHub and most of the resources online are beyond my understanding.
A few years ago I had to commit certain labs and assignments to GitHub, and the repositories were in a "classroom." Forking is disabled on these projects. I don't remember much, other than that we cloned the projects and edited/pushed from Eclipse.
I've long deleted the local copies of the projects I had, and I'm hoping to showcase some of them on my profile. However, even after a few tutorials from GitHub, I don't know how I'm supposed to download the "classroom" repository locally and then re-upload it to GitHub on my own account.
When I download a zip file of a given project, I re-attain a local copy of the project. But when I try to upload it via GitHub desktop, there are issues. I can't upload folders, which is a problem. When I try uploading everything inside the folders, github desktop buffers for ages and doesn't finish the task.
It feels like my question is so basic that I can't find pointers on it, since it's taken for granted that people know how to do this. Any pointers would be hugely appreciated.
You should be able to just fork it from the "classroom" repository again if you're just trying to get the original project. Then you can git clone your forked repo.
If that isn't an option you can git clone the "classroom" to your local machine. And create a new repo on your Github where you want the project to eventually be saved. Then go back to the local project you cloned and push the local copy back to your new repo:
git push --mirror <urlOfYourNewRepo>

How to transfer Github Gist to Repository?

I am new to Github. I recently have created a gist and want to transfer it to my repository at
The simpler approach would be to clone your repository, and copy in it your gist, as a new file.
From there, add, commit and push.
Note that you can, from command-line, list your gists with gh girst list and view the content of a particular gist with gh gist view
gh gist view
(you need to install gh first)
You can also, since yesterday, do it online by going to your repository Muhammad-Ammar-Masood/Log-In-Page, and use GitHub Codespace by typing ..
You can add your gist in the online VSCode there.
You can, download Github Desktop on "", log in , create a new repository with GitHub Desktop, then choose a local directory on your PC for the newly created repository.
You can go to your Gist and choose to download as zip at the right end of the options
Screenshot of Gist Url and the download button highlighted
You can extract the zip file to your local directory assigned for the newly created repository.
On your GitHub Desktop : You can commit and push the changes of the repository to your GitHub.

why everytime readme file is being published?

I am struggling to figure out why the only thing I see on github page is the read me file.
I followed the instructions to publish to a github page here :
my repo
Looks like takes priority over index.html.
You can either make orphan gh-page branch and put all your files (except to this branch. Or create /docs folder and copy all your files to the /docs folder except of And after this action enable the relevant sourcesetting in GitHub pages as it is described in the GitHub documentation

Install BigBluebutton from your forked GitHub Repo, with your settings not the original repository

I create the settings on the git repository so i don't have to config again after the installation. The idea is to install from the github repo.
But, in the case of bigBluebutton, it gets the files from . and when i check the file there is no reference to any github repository... so is not about changing urls only.
Could you put me in the right direction?
I want to do the same with open-edx
This question was asked recently in our bigbluebutton-setup forums
The short answer is we don't have any script that can update a production BigBlueButton instance with changes made to a forked version of BigBlueButton in GitHub. You would need to follow our docs to re-deploy the components that you update.

How do you completely remove a file on github

I've seen the command needed to remove a file and erase it from the history on git. Is there a way to do this with the github website? If not, it looks like I need to know where the file is to do it with a git command. Where does github store the local repositories?
To get a local version of the repository, look up the URL from the repo page on Github and clone as explained in the link above.