why everytime readme file is being published? - github

I am struggling to figure out why the only thing I see on github page is the read me file.
I followed the instructions to publish to a github page here :
my repo

Looks like readme.md takes priority over index.html.
You can either make orphan gh-page branch and put all your files (except readme.md) to this branch. Or create /docs folder and copy all your files to the /docs folder except of readme.md. And after this action enable the relevant sourcesetting in GitHub pages as it is described in the GitHub documentation


Display README.md in repository directories

Github repo I'm referencing: https://github.com/Dallas-Marshall/PersonalProjects/tree/master/discord_bot
I have a Personal Projects Repository on Github and have a README.md file in the root folder explaining the repo. However, the issue I am having is that inside a directory of the repo I have created another README.md file to explain that specific project but Github is not displaying it.
I have ensured the file is named correctly, is up to date on Github and have scanned settings to try and find an option to display it to no avail as yet.
Does anyone know how to get this file to display when viewing the directory that I have linked above.
Many Thanks,
Dallas Marshall
Your readme in the linked repo folder is empty. GitHub will start displaying it once it got content in it.

Change the default opening file github pages

So i create a simple test repository https://github.com/mugas/imdb/.
The branch is gh-pages and I have an index.html file but it still opens the readme.md file instead. How can I change it to open the index.html?
Github Pages does not effect your normal repository page. It effects your github.io page.
You'll want to read the Github Help for Pages Basics and the instructions for Configuring Github Pages.

Why is my Jekyll blog not on my Github page?

http://leongaban.github.io/leongaban-10/ (<- displaying the default github page theme)
Here is my repo with a jekyll blog that works 100% locally, I did create the gh-pages branch. Below is a screenshot of what the blog should look like on my github page:
Do I need to change anything here in my _config.yml?
Site settings
title: Leon Gaban
email: leongaban#gmail.com
description: "Leon Gaban"# this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "http://leongaban.com" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
twitter_username: leongaban
github_username: leongaban
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
The name of your repository must end in github.com/github.io i.e. rename your https://github.com/leongaban/leongaban-10/ repo to: https://github.com/leongaban/leongaban.github.io
Add this to your _config.yml:
input: GFM
in order to keep the same markdown GitHub will use.
Also, if it is your user website username.github.io it's better move it to a master branch. gh-pages branch is supposed to be applied to project websites only.
Your _site folder is not supposed to be there. It contains the site already build. Normally it's useful for local preview and when you're hosting with a service that doesn't build Jekyll automatically, like an Apache server. Also when you use Jekyll plugins that are not allowed by GitHub, so you choose building the site locally and uploading the static site only to GH.
I see two approaches: weather you remove the _site folder and move your project to the master branch, or you remove the rest of the content and upload to your repo only the content of the _site folder (not the folder itself).
Hope to have helped!

Adding README.md to Hexo on GitHub Pages

I built a Hexo blog and hosted it on GitHub Pages. Since Hexo has no default README.md file, I'd like to add one myself.
I manually added the README.md through the console as 'hexo deploy'. The README file disappeared.
Then I copied the README file into a non-specific local folder and redeployed the website. Hexo parsed the README.md file into README.md.html, which I'm not interested in.
Adding README.md into the public or .deploy folders and running 'hexo g' also results in deleting the file.
I have answer a same question here.
you must do as follow two steps:
put README.md under source folder.
declare REAMDE.md after skip_render field in _config.yml.
this method is suit for hexo 3.0.1, and I have successed.

GitHub - how do I replace files in repo with new ones?

I have a Jekyll blog that I have hosted on GitHub Pages. What I am trying to do is update the existing repo with my new files. I wasn't sure what to do because I didn't want to delete the repo, and I didn't want duplicate files (old and new), just my new files from my new directory.
My question is (giving another breakdown first)-
I have deleted the old directory locally that included my hosted GitHub Pages Jekyll blog files.
I re-made a new Jekyll blog locally under the same name as my previous directory (using *jekyll new username.github.io *)
I still have my old blog files in my jekyll blog repo on GitHub.
I would like to delete the old files (but not the repo), and update that repo with my new blog files. How would I go about doing that?
Assuming it's a normal git repo, you should be able to link it with the upstream repo in the usual way (further details to come in an edit).
Jekyll/Github docs: https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages
You should be able to run git push from your new repo, and it should just work. If not, hopefully a git pull beforehand should solve it. If not, post a comment and I'll see if I can help.