How can I declare OR-Dependency in smart.json for Meteorite? - meteorite

You define the packages your package is dependent on in the smart.json for example like this:
"packages": {
"package1": {},
"package2": {}
This means my package is dependent on package1 AND package2. Is it possible to declare my package dependent on package1 OR package2?

No, I would be highly suprised if there were such a way to include packages. If you really want to be dependent on one of two packages you are going to have to implement that in your package code (you would be dependant on both packages and your logic would have to choose which package to use).
The next best thing I can think of is editing the package.js file which allows you to create a weak dependency:
It is possible to create weak dependencies between packages. If
package A has a weak dependency on package B, it means that including
A in an app does not force B to be included too — but, if B is
included, say by the app developer or by another package, then B will
load before A. You can use this to make packages that optionally
integrate with or enhance other packages if those packages are
present. To create a weak dependency, pass {weak: true} as the third
argument to api.use. When you weakly depend on a package you don't see
its exports. You can detect if the possibly-present weakly-depended-on
package is there by seeing if exists, and get its exports
from the same place.
Maybe there is an alternative soulution, care to elaborate why you want your package dependecies to be like this?

I have the same problem with one of packages I have developed. what I did was simply NOT indicating any dependancy in the smart.json file and let the user decide which package he/she wants to use, and I have mentioned it clearly on package's getting started guide.
in my case it is a bootstrap3 package I wanted


Yocto - Why do runtime variables (RDEPENDS, RPROVIDES, etc), require package name overrides?

essentially I don't understand why variables like RDEPENDS require a package name conditional override such as "RDEPENDS_${PN}" while other variables, including DEPENDS, do not require this. Isn't putting the package name as a conditional after the variable pointless? I feel like my confusion may stem from some fundamental misunderstanding of the way bitbake works.
When a recipe is built, that single recipe can generate multiple packages. For example, debugging information is in ${PN}-dbg, docs in ${PN}-doc and development headers/files in ${PN}-dev. The "main" files for a recipe would go to ${PN} but many recipes split other pieces into other separate packages by adding entries to PACKAGES (which defaults to the above values).
Since there are multiple output "runtime" packages, runtime variables such as RDEPENDS have to be applied to a specific output package, hence the RDEPENDS:${PN} or for older releases RDEPENDS_${PN} variable name format, otherwise it would be unclear which package they applied to.

How to print Package Variables

How to Print all package variables in Perl.
I have 2 packages in same script, I want to get all the variables used in packageA in packageB
What problem are you trying to solve?
But, there are so many other design issues here.
If there's some central source of truth for values in your program, that package can provide an interface to request a value. This is what I tend to do.
They are package variables, so package B can just use the variables from package A: $A::some_var.
package A could export all of its variables to any other package that wants to use them. Several Perl modules, such as Socket and Fcntl, do this.
If package B is really just a specialization of package A, inheritance might be the answer. You still need an interface though.

Flutter imports: relative path or package?

In Flutter, for importing libraries within our own package's lib directory, should we use relative imports
import 'foo.dart'
or package import?
import 'package:my_app/lib/src/foo.dart'
Dart guidelines advocate to use relative imports :
PREFER relative paths when importing libraries within your own package’s lib directory.
whereas Provider package says to always use packages imports :
Always use package imports. Ex: import 'package:my_app/my_code.dart';
Is there a difference other than conciseness? Why would packages imports would reduce errors over relative imports?
From the same Dart guidelines, further down they give this reason for the relative imports:
There is no profound reason to prefer the former—it’s just shorter, and we want to be consistent.
Personally, I prefer the absolute method, despite it being more verbose, as it means when I'm importing from different dart files (in other folders), I don't have to work out where the file to be imported is, relative to the current file. Made-up example:
I have two dart files, at different folder levels, that need to import themes/style.dart:
One is widgets/animation/box_anim.dart, where the relative path import would be:
import '../../themes/style.dart';
The other is screens/home_screen.dart with the relative import:
import '../themes/style.dart';
This can get confusing, so I find it better to just use the absolute in both files, keeping it consistent:
import 'package:myapp/themes/style.dart';
And just stick that rule throughout. So, basically, whatever method you use - Consistency is key!
The Linter for Dart package, also has something to say about this, but is more about the Don'ts of mixing in the '/lib' folder:
DO avoid relative imports for files in lib/.
When mixing relative and absolute imports it's possible to create
confusion where the same member gets imported in two different ways.
An easy way to avoid that is to ensure you have no relative imports
that include lib/ in their paths.
TLDR; Choose the one you prefer, note that prefer_relative_imports is recommended in official Effective Dart guide
First of all, as mentioned in this answer, Provider do not recommands package imports anymore.
Dart linter provides a list of rules, including some predefined rulesets :
pedantic for rules enforced internally at Google
lints or even flutter_lints (previously effective_dart) for rules corresponding to the Effective Dart style guide
flutter for rules used in flutter analyze
Imports rules
There is actually more than two opposites rules concerning imports :
avoid_relative_lib_imports, enabled in pedantic and lints rulesets, basically recommend to avoid imports that have 'lib' in their paths.
The two following are the one you mention :
prefer_relative_imports, enabled in no predefined rulesets, but recommended in Effective Dart guide in opposition to :
always_use_package_imports, enabled in no predefined rulesets. Which means that it is up to you and to your preferences to enable it (be careful, it is incompatible with the previous rule)
Which one should I choose?
Choose the rule you want ! It will not cause any performance issue, and no rule would reduce errors over the other. Just pick one and make your imports consistent across all your project, thanks to Dart linter.
I personnaly prefer using prefer_relative_imports, as it is recommended by Dart team, with this VSCode extension which automatically fix and sort my imports.
Provider do not need packages imports anymore.
This was a workaround to an old Dart bug: Flutter: Retrieving top-level state from child returns null
TL;DR, by mixing relative and absolute imports, sometimes Dart created a duplicate of the class definition.
This led to the absurd line that is:
import 'package:myApp/test.dart' as absolute;
import './test.dart' as relative;
void main() {
print(relative.Test().runtimeType == absolute.Test().runtimeType); // false
Since provider relies on runtimeType to resolve objects, then this bug made provider unable to obtain an object in some situations.
My 5 cents on the topic are that absolute (package:my_app/etc/etc2...) imports cause much less trouble than relative ones (../../etc/etc2...) when you decide to reorganize/cleanup your project`s structure because whenever you move a file from one directory to another you change the "starting point" of every relative import that this file uses thus breaking all the relative imports inside the moved file...
I'd personally always prefer absolute to relative paths for this reason
This question already has good answers, but I wanted to mention an insanely annoying and hard-to-find problem I experienced with unit testing that was caused by a relative import.
The expect fail indicator for an exception-catching expect block
() => myFunction,
was showing the actual result as exactly the same as the expected result, and zero indication of why it's failing.
After massive trial-and-error, the issue was because the expected InvalidUserDataException (a custom-made class) was being imported to the test file in RELATIVE format vs PACKAGE format.
To find this, I had to compare side-by-side, line-by-line, call-by-call between this test file and another test file that uses the exact same exception expecters (It's lucky, we had this), and just by chance, I happened to scroll to the top of this file's imports and see the blue underline saying prefer relative imports to /lib directory.
No, they're not preferred; they're necessary, because the moment I changed that to a PACKAGE (absolute) import, everything suddenly started working.
What I learned from this is: Use absolute imports for test files (files outside the lib directory)
e.g. inside of src/test/main_test.dart
DON'T: use import '../lib/main.dart'
DO: use package:my_flutter_app/main.dart
Maybe other people knew this already, but I didn't, and I couldn't find anything online with searches about this issue, so I thought I would share my experience that might help others who got stuck around this.
Does anyone know why this happens?
Edit: For context, this happened while using Flutter 2.1.4 (stable) with Sound Null Safety
Do you use Integration Tests?
If the answer is yes, then in most cases you need to use package imports. When you attempt to run your integration tests on a physical device, any relative imports will not be able to find what they're looking for.
You can enforce package imports in your project by using these two linting rules:
I also prefer package imports because they stick even when rearranging your files and folders. Relative imports frequently break and it's a pain to have to remove them and reimport the offending dependency.
One very simple reason to not use package imports: rename your package without editing every dart file
Renaming can happen a few times while the product does not have a definitive name, and you or your product owner decides to change it.
It is much more painful to rename with package imports as your package name is in every import.
Of course you can change it with a find/replace query, but it's a useless edit on every dart file you can avoid with relative imports.
Plus, vscode allows to automatically update relative imports on file move/rename and I have never had any issue with this feature.

How do I make a package in Scala private?

If I have a package hierarchy in Scala like this:
package toplevel {
package a {
// some interesting stuff
package b {
// more interesting stuff
package utility {
// stuff that should not be accessible from the outside
// and is not logically related to the project,
// basically some helper objects
how can I forbid the users of package toplevel to see or import package utility?
I tried with private[toplevel] package utility { ... but got this error: expected start of definition.
I've searched for this and was overwhelmed by false positives: everything I got was about making things package-private and this is not my question.
You can't: packages don't have access levels.
Or rather, you can, by using OSGi and not exporting them, but this is a very heavy-weight solution if you don't need it for some other reason as well.
To reach the same goal as private packages in Java you can use augmented access modifiers. Inside your package utility you restrict access with private[utility]. This way the package member is available only inside the package utility itself.
Hope that helps.
You can only define the enclosing package, within which the code is defined
Answered here.

How to refer to parent package in relative package import?

I'd like to import package from com.example.iop in similar manner to bash expression ../abc.
Is this possible in Scala? I've read couple of articles but they say nothing about my case.
Update: I've discovered code suitable for simple uses (I've seen it in some project while ago):
package com.example
import iop
Your updated package structure has a hint of the solution, but isn't quite right. You can live in multiple packages, including a broad parent package defined by the first package statement – subsequent statements refine the tree.
package // we're in:
package bar // we're also in:
package wibble // we're also in:
import frobble._ // this could be or or
Obviously, things can get confusing if you have multiple packages with the same name, but the compiler asks you politely to sort that out.
That is simply not possible -- same as in Java.