How to refer to parent package in relative package import? - scala

I'd like to import package from com.example.iop in similar manner to bash expression ../abc.
Is this possible in Scala? I've read couple of articles but they say nothing about my case.
Update: I've discovered code suitable for simple uses (I've seen it in some project while ago):
package com.example
import iop

Your updated package structure has a hint of the solution, but isn't quite right. You can live in multiple packages, including a broad parent package defined by the first package statement – subsequent statements refine the tree.
package // we're in:
package bar // we're also in:
package wibble // we're also in:
import frobble._ // this could be or or
Obviously, things can get confusing if you have multiple packages with the same name, but the compiler asks you politely to sort that out.

That is simply not possible -- same as in Java.


matlab: cannot import package

Probably a basic mistake, but the cause is eluding me. I am trying to import a package, but I get an error saying it cannot be found or imported.
First I set the current directory to the parent directory of the package, and this does not work.
Second, the docs say that the parent folder of the package must be added to the matlab path. I tried this, and still no luck.
It is not due to using plot as the package name as I get the same error when trying to import analysis.
What I can do is to import using: import plot.* or import analyse.* and then go on to use the functions in the packages, but I want to use the namespaces (i.e. not use .*).
I'm having this problem on both versions I have installed: 2015b and 2016a.
The answer is that, somewhat counterintuitively, you don't need to call import at all. The docs state that
The parent of the top-level package folder must be on the MATLAB path.
Which is what your addpath(pwd) does and then state that (emphasis is mine):
All references to packages, functions, and classes in the package must
use the package name prefix, unless you import the package.
Meaning at this stage you should be able to call
If you were to import analyse.testFunc you would then be able to call testFunc without prefacing it with the namespace but since you want to retain the namespace the answer is to not call import at all.

Package name lookup rules in scala

I came out to scala programmin from Java so it's not clear to me how we should use relative imports in Scala and what is the exact name lookup rules? Suppose I have the following:
I need to import MyClass.scala into AnotherClass.scala. Since Scala supports only relative imports I wrote the following:
import _root_.pack.age.MyClass
and it worked fine. But when I tried to delete _root_ from there, there was no compile time error either.
import pack.age.MyClass
works fine as well.
So, what is the package name lookup rules in Scala?
I believe there is an order of operations here. If you had package.age.MyClass within com.age (ie. com.age.package.age.MyClass), as well as package.age.MyClass, the former would be picked up. If you wanted the latter, you would need to use the root syntax.
As there is only one place this class can be picked up from (in root), that is the package picked up.
All imports are relative, so sometimes collisions can appear. For example, if you have package then next import scala._ looks up for system package too. _root_ is implicit top package that can be utilised for simulation of absolute path.

Best way to solve imports of file in same package but in different directory with Gatling

I want to clean my code structure and put class/object files in another directories in my gatling project.
If i put all simulation class and utils class in the same directory and same package i do not need an import statement and everything works fine.
Let's say my structure is as follow :
I have tried several import or naming configuration to be able to use Router in my Simulation.
Follow package naming as directories structure
Put simulations and utils class in the same package
I have also tried different style of import
//using package
import packagename.Router
//another try
import packagename.Router._
//without package name
import Router._
My attempt to search a solution on scala docs or stack overflow didn't helped me.
This is the error given after executing gatling.bat
not found: value Router
You can't do that this way: there's one single source folder, which is by default /user-files/simulations.
If you want to use folders/packages (which is a good thing), you can have a structure such as:
Then, in Scala, packages and folder hierarchy are not related, BUT it's a good practice to use the same convention as in Java.
So, you would have:
package utils
object Router
then in MySimulation:
import utils.Router

Why "import javax.jdo.* "caused error?

I have a class uses the following lines, it works fine in a Google App Engine project:
import javax.jdo.annotations.IdGeneratorStrategy;
import javax.jdo.annotations.IdentityType;
import javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable;
import javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent;
import javax.jdo.annotations.PrimaryKey;
But when I included this class in another project, it cause error :
package javax.jdo.annotations does not exist
What should I do to find javax.jdo.* ?
Add the JDO jar file to the class path.
The star notation for imports isn't working the way you think it does.
It's not recursive - it only applies the child classes in javax.jdo, not the child packages.
If you want all the classes in javax.jdo.annotations, you'll need to import javax.jdo.annotations.*, too.
I'd recommend not using the star notation. Better to type out the imports for every class individually. Use an IDE to help you. It's clearer for you and other programmers who come after you where those classes came from.

How do I import the entire package but exclude some in Clojure?

I want to import the entire weka.classifiers.functions package but dont want to import RBFNetwork class.
(ns com.wekatest
(:import (weka.classifiers Classifier Evaluation)
(weka.core Attribute FastVector Instance Instances)))
Edit: (weka.classifiers.functions) doesn't import the entire package. How do I do that?
Clojure does not provide a way to import every class in a Java package without specifying each class explicitly. See here for Rich Hickey's response to essentially the same question:
This does not preclude you from writing code that would add this functionality, but Rich also mentions why this could be difficult (Java packages are not enumerable, so you would have to walk the classpath to know what classes are inside each package).