AchartEngine timeseries double value to date - date

I can add the date/time value for the X axis to TimeSeries and if I use getPadding(), it returns a double so how can I convert this double to date again ?
Example returned double value: 1.40669949E12 (Also I tried to convert from string but not worked.)
now I want to convert this value to formatted date, Is it possible ?

The value you are getting needs to be rounded to a long using Math.round() and then using this long you can build a Date that you can format any way you need.

String format = "h:mma"; // for example
Double d = 1.40669949E12;
String formattedStr = new SimpleDateFormat(format).format(new Date(Math.round(d)));


String value converted to double automatically change to decimal value in Swift

Working with Swift.
I am converting value from String to double.
let value: String = "8"
var size: Double
size = Double(value)
size = 8.0 // 8.0
Result should be 8 unless string value is 8.0
Double only stores a numeric magnitude. "8" and "8.0" have the same magnitude, so they get represented by the same Double value. Whether you show trailing 0s or not is a consequence of how you choose to format and present your values.
print does it one way for debugging, but NumberFormatter gives you more control to format numbers for real, non-debugging purposes.

Parsing 24 HR Time to DateTime

I am attempting to convert the following 2HR time in String to a DateTime, so that I manage it appropriately.
This question came close, but no one answered how to convert the String into a valid DateTime.
How to convert time stamp string from 24 hr format to 12 hr format in dart?
Attempt 1:
DateTime.parse("1800") -
Invalid Date Format
Attempt 2:
DateTime.ParseExact("1800") -
This doesn't seem to exist, although it shows up on various
Still no luck and need a second pair of eyes to point out the obvious to me.
The time by itself is not a datetime so you could do something like:
DateTime myTime(DateTime baseDate, String hhmm) {
assert(hhmm.length == 4, 'invalid time');
final _hours = int.parse(hhmm.substring(0, 2));
final _mins = int.parse(hhmm.substring(2, 2));
return DateTime(baseDate.year, baseDate.month,, _hours, _mins);
DateTime.parse expects to parse dates with times, not just times. (You can't even create a DateTime object without a date!)
Some people generate a dummy date string, but in your case you could trivially parse it with int.parse and then apply appropriate division and remainder operations:
var rawTime = int.parse('1800');
var hour = rawTime ~/ 100;
var minute = rawTime % 100;
Also see How do I convert a date/time string to a DateTime object in Dart? for more general DateTime parsing.

Converting time in SPSS from hhmm:ss to hh:mm:ss (TIME8)

After a data export I get a string variable with "2017/02/22 1320:35 +000 4".
compute #TS = char.index(Timestamp_1, " ").
string date (A10).
compute date = char.substr(Timestamp_1,1,#TS).
alter type date (A10 = SDATE10).
I manage to get the date in a separate variable.
The same:
string time (A8).
compute time = char.substr(Timestamp_2,#TS+1,7).
alter type time (A8 = TIME8).
doesn't work for the time because it is in the 'hhmm:ss' format. How do I change the string variable '1320:35' into a time variable '13:20:35'?
You can insert a ":" manually into the time string by using the concat function before you alter the type.
COMPUTE time = CONCAT(CHAR.SUBSTR(time,1,2),":",(CHAR.SUBSTR(time,3))).
Another approach would be to extract hours, minutes and seconds from Timestamp variable individually and to use these elements inside the TIME.HMS function:
COMPUTE #hh = NUMBER(CHAR.SUBSTR(Timestamp_1,TS+1,2),F2).
COMPUTE #mm = NUMBER(CHAR.SUBSTR(Timestamp_1,TS+3,2),F2).
COMPUTE #ss = NUMBER(CHAR.SUBSTR(Timestamp_1,TS+6,2),F2).
COMPUTE time = TIME.HMS(#hh,#mm,#ss).
Statistics has a datetime format and, new in V24, an ISO 8601 timestamp format, YMDHMS. If the string is converted to a regular date/time value, then the XDATE.DATE and XDATE.TIME functions can be used to extract the pieces. The Date and Time wizard may accommodate the format you have (not sure about that +000 4 part at the end).

Converting Date in Extjs

I have a Date string of following format:
How do I convert this into Date of following format using Extjs 4:
I am using IE8.
If you have string "31-OCT-2013", you need to:
Convert it into date object
var myDate = Ext.Date.parse("31-OCT-2013", 'd-M-Y');
Format it to as you want
Ext.Date.format(myDate, 'm/d/Y');
Try something like this:
If your day representation would be 2 digit with leading zero, then apply this
var date = Ext.Date.parse("31-OCT-2013", 'd-M-Y');
console.log(Ext.Date.format(date, 'm/d/Y'));
But if your day representation would be without a leading zero, then apply this
var date = Ext.Date.parse("31-OCT-2013", 'j-M-Y');
console.log(Ext.Date.format(date, 'm/d/Y'));
Check the docs for Ext.Date

Convert numerous date and time values into serial number

I need to convert date and time into a numerical value. for example:
>> num = datenum('2011-05-07 11:52:23')
num =
How would I write a script to do this for numerous values without inputting the date and time manually?
You can store your date strings first in a cell array (or a matrix, provided they are of fixed format), and feed it straight to datenum. For example:
C = {'2011-05-07 11:52:23'
'2011-03-01 20:30:01'};
vals = datenum(C)