Facebook not giving meta preview for new Wordpress posts - facebook

I have had issues with Facebook not showing preview image before, but now Facebook doesn't suggest preview at all on our new Wordpress posts, the oldest one being one month old. And there seems to no difference on those posts OG metadata than with those older posts that does get preview correctly.
This month old post doesn't get preview at all: http://markokaarto.fi/kuinka-sijoitan-asuntoihin/
This one gets:http://markokaarto.fi/vmaiset-remonttimiehet/

Try using a URl shortner are you posting on a specific page or a facebook group please specify, also keep the text discription of the post limited to 90 characters.


Is there a setting to stop Facebook page posts that appear in the news feed showing my own name?

When I post as my Facebook page persona, chronoglimpse, I don't want my own name to appear at the bottom in the news feed.
I've searched through Facebook's docs but I have had no luck finding an answer. Can adding my name be turned off?
chronoglimpse Facebook page
Link to target post, included for those interested only.
I think Facebook is grabbing this information from the meta tags on the shared link:

Likebox working but no feed

Searching for days but can’t find the solution. I saw some stream questions but no solutions.
On the Like-Box Plugin page testing the likebox with page: TestPage.
But no matter what I can’t make the to feed work. (IE and Chrome)
The feeds are new so that isn’t the problem.
Any suggestions?
The Like Box shows recent posts made by the page, all the recent posts there were made by a user account on the page's timeline, not by the page itself

Og:image changed: How to let Facebook refresh link on wall?

I posted a couple of my website's links on my facebook page,
however the image url (og:image) for each of these pages has changed,
so the link posts on my wall still try to show the image from the old url (which doesn't exist anymore).
How can I make facebook recrawl these links, so that the correct image is shown?
Thank you.
In theory, if you input your url in the debugger (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) it will re-crawl your web. It actually shows you the current result of crawl but I had have to wait several days and even weeks to see the results in my wall.

Problem with open graph when posting to facebook

I'm trying to integrate open graph in my website, so that I can post a link to my relevant facebook page and it will display the relevant information (title, description etc).
Yet, even though it worked for some time, now it only displays my domain name regardless of the link I post. No images, no descs, nothing.
I've created a test page to find out what's wrong, but I've come to a dead end.
The test page is W3C valid, the Facebook debugger is parsing all the information correctly, the preview before I post the link to facebook is correct, but when I hit post it displays nothing, just the url.
I've tried several actions such as different doctypes, commenting out the open graph metas, moving js after the metas, removing the meta content-type to no avail, but if you can help me post the test page correctly to facebook, I think I'll be able to find what's wrong with my site.
My website: http://www.accorda.info
The test page: http://www.accorda.info/test.html
My facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/accorda.info
Replace the meta tag or delete some. I don't understand… Facebook OpenGraph Debug tool show IMBb info for your page.
Remember, Facebook don't update page info real-time. New meta tags can be visible in 2 days.

Facebook stopped pulling metadata for certain blog posts despite all posts using the same PHP template

I'm currently using Drupal 6 with a special content type template for all blog posts. At the moment we're not using OG tags but I have it pull the main metadata with content-type, title, image, and description tags and it was working just fine until today.
Despite at least the last 3 posts still displaying properly in URL Linter, the newest for today won't pull any of the metadata. A few other ones I tested at random from the archive aren't pulling information properly either, but the majority are still working.
What would cause a discrepancy in Facebook's URL Linter between pages using the same template?
What is the url? Are the tags in the header? Are you able to test switching to their new OG open graph tags? Facebook has been known to deprecate old functionality with little to no warning - and perhaps the old url's are working still because Facebook has already cached the data. It looks like a lot of people are having this same issue - and I am assuming Facebook will fix it soon if it isn't already fixed.