Facebook stopped pulling metadata for certain blog posts despite all posts using the same PHP template - facebook

I'm currently using Drupal 6 with a special content type template for all blog posts. At the moment we're not using OG tags but I have it pull the main metadata with content-type, title, image, and description tags and it was working just fine until today.
Despite at least the last 3 posts still displaying properly in URL Linter, the newest for today won't pull any of the metadata. A few other ones I tested at random from the archive aren't pulling information properly either, but the majority are still working.
What would cause a discrepancy in Facebook's URL Linter between pages using the same template?

What is the url? Are the tags in the header? Are you able to test switching to their new OG open graph tags? Facebook has been known to deprecate old functionality with little to no warning - and perhaps the old url's are working still because Facebook has already cached the data. It looks like a lot of people are having this same issue - and I am assuming Facebook will fix it soon if it isn't already fixed.


Having issue with Facebook debugger not scraping new data

I've updated my Meta Description in WordPress (using SEO by Yoast), but Facebook continues to use old data. This is after using the debugger. Any suggestions?
If you are referring to the OpenGraph tags, once facebook scans a value and logs it you can't update it without changing the values. I ran into a similar issue before. If you Google search some you'll find explanations from Facebook Support on the matter.
Even running the 'Scrape new data' or whatever the action is it will inform you that you are trying to change xxxxxx value. After my research I ended up changing the meta property value with an extension on the url and Facebook scraped the data and updated it correctly. However all of the page likes were lost in this process.

Facebook Like/Share (Mostly) not working on my Wordpress blog

Facebook LIKE/SHARE functions are generally not working on my wordpress blog. I cannot LIKE or SHARE any new posts, but oddly if I have already LIKED a page, the SHARE function works fine.
The problem with SHARE is that the normal sharing window pops up, but there is no metadata populated in it. I've looked at the metadata in my blog posts and as best I can tell it is populated correctly by Wordpress. Additionally, I cannot find any differences in the metadata or code between posts that I have previously LIKED and ones that I have have not.
I've tried running the FB debugger/linter for a number of posts on my site and each one returns the message:
Error Linting URL: An internal error occurred while linting the URL.
I've tried googling this error, but cannot find any useful advice on what might be causing it.
Here is a sample post for people to examine this problem:
You should use Open Graph tags (see "Use proper Open Graph tags and large images to generate great previews" and "Using Self-Hosted Objects") in the header of your webpages to help Facebook determine what metadata needs to be shared.
Since you are using WordPress, you could either edit the template file in your theme that defines page headers (normally header.php) or use Facebook's official plugin.

OpenGraph now showing shares count for some pages

I've got a problem on a website I've made.
Facebook opengraph is not showing the shares count for some pages...
For example, I have only the id and the share count here:
But on these 2 pages I have all the other infos, but not the shares count:
The pages have the same template (it's a website in WordPress and all those pages use the same php template file...)
Did I do something wrong?! How can I fix it?
Why a page that has basically the same template is showing different information?
I've checked on https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
and I don't have any error on my og tags..
Thanks a lot!
Ok, so I had the same issue. What I did was tried running the URL through the graph without the trailing slash. For example:
This would show the count. If you run it with the slash like you had, it wouldn't.
I thought I fixed the issue. It works for my older pages, but the newer ones aren't working.
Here is an example:
Not sure what FB has been doing lately.
I'm having the exact same problem. (Not WP, but PHP template pages). Absolutely no OG errors in the debugger ... I've Googled the issue and re-read the OG docs to no avail. The only pattern I can see is that any page published prior to a certain date works, everything after does not. Possible that I unwittingly changed something vital and FB is caching info from the old versions? However, as I said, the debugger scrape is current and there is no difference in the old and more recently published pages.
No shares showing:
Shares showing:

Facebook no longer picking up *any* meta data from my WP blog

I've been running a blog for years now, and sharing blog posts (with the correct thumbnail, title and description) on Facebook always worked fine. Last week however, when sharing new blog posts, all the meta data was obviously missing - Facebook didn't even pick up the title of the page. When debugging the new blog posts, I get:
Response Code : 503
Missing Required Property: The og:url property is required, but not present.
Missing Required Property: The og:type property is required, but not present.
Missing Required Property: The og:title property is required, but not present.
-for http://www.discodemons.net/2012/02/16/moullinex-peaches-maniac/
When debugging old posts (and by old I mean posts published before that day when Facebook suddenly decided to stop reading meta data from my site), everything's there, I can share the link with picture, thumbnail and description.
There are two things troubling me:
1) I have all important meta tags explicitly specified in my header and my functions.php - when viewing the source code for the blog posts (see for yourself here: http://www.discodemons.net/2012/02/16/moullinex-peaches-maniac/
) , everything's there. I didn't change anything on my blog for weeks (or maybe months), and yet, from one day to another, I can't share my links on Facebook correctly anymore - even though all the required meta data is there.
2) Facebook is able to pull title, image etc. from even the most simple sites, that don't have any meta data included. I've tried and removed all the meta data from the header and functions.php, and yet facebook couldn't pull any information from my site?!
I've tried disabling all comments, tested some WP plugins that put the correct meta data in your source code, disabled them again, even removed all FB-related plugins such as like/sharing button etc. Any help on this much appreciated, I haven't got a clue how I could possibly fix this!
It seems as though your WP server is returning a 503 server error for all scrapes from Facebook. It may be that this is a security feature you enabled recently, or a plugin that attempts to serve different content to Facebook for the purposes of scraping.

Working with Facebook like API and opengraph

The Documentation from facebook isn't understandable, atleast for me.
I have never worked before with facebook and had a basic requirement of putting a like button on Product pages.
So yesterday, I added the OpenGraph meta tags and like button to my Product pages as stated in this documentation, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/. I also created an app, as the document stated that it has extended the basic meta data to add a required field to connect your webpage with Facebook: fb:app_id.
The like button has been set but i have few queries which are as following :-
For some pages, the like button doesn't read the og tags. Rather than publishing the whole thing in a story manner by reading og tags, it just shows a link. During googling, I read it happens because of facebook caching and since, I shared the link on facebook before putting the meta-tags, this is happening. So, Is there any way that I can direct facebook to reset all the caching for my pages or scraping that it has done earlier.
Though I have created the App, I actually have no idea what to do with it. Why is it needed and what matters it can help me with.
I tested one of my URLs here: Facebook Linter but it shows some error and stuff which i can't understand. Below is the image. Please tell if I have done anything wrong and why it's showing these errors
Documentation for OpenGraph on Facebook containing outdated information about pre-defined types, see OpenGraph Types. You probably need to define your custom Object Type "Product" in for your Application/Site using Developer Application in Open Graph settings.
You may want to read Documentation for OpenGraph beta too.
There is a similar question about exactly this og:type: Opengraph meta tag og:type set to “product” errors (like button & URL linter/debug)