setValue doesn't work if wrapperElement is display:none - codemirror

I've created a CodeMirror instance using the fromTextArea function. I want to let users hide the editor if they want. I used getWrapperElement to get the wrapper, = "none"; to hide the editor, and wrapper.removeAttribute("style"); to unhide the editor.
The odd thing is that if I use cm.setValue("hello") while the wrapper is hidden and then unhide the wrapper, the editor remains blank. If I do cm.getValue() in the Chrome console, then it returns "hello". If I do cm.setValue("hello") while the editor is visible, it works like normal.
I want to use setValue() to load some code in the background while the editor is hidden and then make it visible when the user unhides the editor.

The answer is to call cm.refresh(); after you make the editor visible.


ag-grid popup cellEditor - how to prevent close on click?

I have an ag-grid popup cellEditor which contains an angular mat-select control. Is there a way to prevent the popup cell editor default behavior of closing on a click outside the cell? When an item is selected the ag-grid popup cellEditor closes. I believe this is due to the click on the select drop down being interpreted as outside the cell. Is it possible to prevent popup cell closure for this case or even in all cases such that I can control it completely via code using gridApi.stopEditing()?
See for information on the select control. I am not including full details here as it is likely not important.
Image of popup editor, You can see how cell is before editor is invoked as well. See where the blue number one appears

How to make a SAPUI5 Custom Control accessible (focus handling)?

I am searching for a way to make a SAPUI5 custom control accessible. I build a kind of tile (based on a VBox control) and try to get this custom control accessible over keyboard (tab) or by clicking the mouse.
My idea was to implement sap.ui.core.Control#getAccessibilityInfo in my control, but this seems never be called. Currently I am trying to debug how other stuff is doing it like but I can't find a way that works.
My control is currently placed inside a table, if I click on it the focus will be set to the table column. If I press tab-key it jumps to an input control inside my control.
My assumption, I miss something so that the control would be considered as focusable somehow.
I think that you are looking for ItemNavigation. VBox wasn't design to support keyboard navigation on it's content, but you could add a hook to onAfterRendering of your custom control, collect all dom refs you need to navigate on and pass them to ItemNavigation.setItemDomRefs.
If you need an inspiration you can have a look at sap.m.List implementation.
The important thing is to add oRM.writeAttribute("tabindex", "0"); // allows selection into the renderer of my own control. That allows to use the tab handling. Full code in a different question: How to copy&paste SAPUI5 controls by pressing Ctrl+C and Ctrl.V?
With this the control can be selected.
Also notice the this._bExcludeFromTabChain = false; in init section.

Access Menu sub form - No default Tab stop

I have a main form...imagine that...that for most of my users will be the only form they use. Naturally, it contains tabs with sub forms.
I have a navigation sub form on the left side of this form that changes based on the user's rights level. Currently, this sub form is all buttons...and 1 always is selected as the default tab stop for that form.
I don't want to highlight any of them at first...and I can remove the highlight by switching off Tab Stops for all buttons. However, I'm not sure that I want to remove that functionality all together...and it still highlights a button. I'd just like for there to not be a default button highlighted.
As you can see, Add Course is 'selected'. I can't seem to find the correct terminology to search for a way to do this. I tried using a smaller button set behind another button, but since it has the focus, it moves to the front. Using a text field with the same colors as the background shows the cursor in a random, blank area...not visually ideal.
I'm sure that there is someone here clever enough to have this figured out. Please enlighten me. I don't care if this can be handled in VBA code or through design view.
"Focus" is the word you're looking for - you don't want any visible control to have the focus when opening the form.
The easiest method is an invisible button: create a button with Transparent = True, and an empty OnClick (i.e. the button does nothing, even when accidentally clicked).
Move this button to the top in the Tab Order, so it has the focus when opening the form.
But if your users use TAB to walk through the buttons, there will be one position where the focus disappears (when circling around from the last to first control). I don't know if it will confuse them.
Create a button on the main form itself.
Named is cmdDummyButton with the following GotFocus event code.
Set the tab order property to 0 (ie first)
Make the button transparent.
This will cause no control on the form to have the focus when it starts up.
Private Sub cmdDummyButton_GotFocus()
Static IveHadFocusAlready As Boolean
If Not IveHadFocusAlready Then
Me.cmdDummyButton.Enabled = False
IveHadFocusAlready = True
End If
End Sub

Show popup/window in a gwt tab

Is it possible to show a popup only in a certain gwt tab or a panel in that tab?
I've found methods to show a popups over the whole page, but not only in specific tabs.
When you switch the gwt tab, the popup should not be visible anymore and new popups should be able to be created, which again are only visible in the switched to gwt tab. Switching back to the other tab should then show the first popup again.
Optionally the rest of the tab, which is not covered by the popup, should not be clickable.
Are there any native methods for this? The gwt Popup Panel only seems to create popups for the whole page.
Edit: I've tried using smartgwts Window which seems to work just the way I want it to. When I switch the gwt-tab, the popup is no longer visible and returns when I switch back. The only problem is, that it isn't displayed right. The frame is placed on the far left side of the browser tab, while the content is displayed on the far left of the gwt-tab. If I move the content, the frame moves too. The frame is visible over the whole browser tab, while the content disappears if I drag it over the gwt-tab edge.
I guess it's because I'm adding a Window to a gwt-Panel. Is there any way to fix this without changing everything to smartgwt?
Not exactly, I think.
But, you can do something in the tab events, like hide the popup in tabs that it doesnt belongs. To avoid the lag of show/hide the popup, you can do this in the BeforeSelectionHandler, like this:
getView().getTabPanel().addBeforeSelectionHandler(new BeforeSelectionHandler<Integer>()
public void onBeforeSelection(BeforeSelectionEvent<Integer> event)
In showPopupupsForTab you can show the popups for this tab (you can handle this with a map or something) and hide the others...
Something like this.
Hope it helps.

how to design hidden field in android and it will appear when we click it

i am try use hidden field like Div tags in android for hiding some field and when we will click that button the related fields will appear.
try setting visibility to GONE this will remove the display. You can then set it to visibile. This will remove the view completely but everything else will still line up properly. If you want to just make it invisible there is an invisible setting too.