AutoScroll down in a NSTextField in Swift - swift

I am trying to find a way to scrool down at the end of a NSTextField automatically. The textField is updated in a loop so I wanted to know how to make it display the last text entered each time by scrolling down.
Here is my code:
var tmp = consoleView.stringValue.utf16Count
if tmp >= 25000
consoleView.stringValue = "";
consoleView.stringValue = //[..longStringHere..]
I saw there are some answers in objective-c but I never did any program in it so I don't understand it well...
Thank you

For the scrolling I think you would rather need a NSTextView.
NSRange(location: countElements(textView.string!), length: 0))


NSSearchField - How to select all text? (Swift/Storyboards on macOS)

It seems everything online is mostly about iOS/UI controls, not macOS/Cocoa NS controls. Anyway, How does one make an NSSearchField select all text in the field programatically? I have tried multiple methods adapted from the iOS UISearchBar implementations, but none of them compiled or worked. I just want to, for instance, press a button and have it hilight the text that is inside the NSSearchField's text field. I can't seem to find a method within it that allows this to happen.
Thank you for your help/consideration!
All editing in NSTextField is handled by NSText (which inherits from NSTextView). So, to select the text in your search field, you need to set the selected range in field's current editor. This example highlights the whole text.
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, searchField.stringValue.length);
NSText *editor = [searchField currentEditor];
[editor setSelectedRange:range];
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: searchField.stringValue.length)
let editor = searchField.currentEditor()
editor?.selectedRange = range

How to get the index of a cell given the text inside in XCUITest?

I'm testing a tableview the cell content in XCUItest. In my case, I don't know the order of the cell text, nor am I allowed to set an accessibility id for the text. How can I get the index of a cell given the text inside?
For instance, if I wanted to get the index of the cell containing text "Cell 2 Text" I would try something like this:
func testSample() {
let app = XCUIApplication()
let table = app.tables
let cells = table.cells
let indexOfCell2Text = cells.containing(.staticText, identifier: "Cell 2 Text").element.index(ofAccessibilityElement: "I dunno")
I feel like I'm close, but I'm unsure. Can anyone suggest a solution?
I apologize if this question has been asked before. I wasn't able to find anything specific about this.
References I visited beforehand:
How can I verify existence of text inside a table view row given its index in an XCTest UI Test?
iOS UI Testing tap on first index of the table
The most reliable way really is to add the index into the accessibility identifier. But, you can't. Can you change the accessibility identifier of the cell instead of the text ?
Anyway, if you don't scroll your table view, you can handle it like that :
let idx = 0
for cell in table.cells.allElementsBoundByIndex {
if cell.staticTexts["Text you are looking for"].exists {
return idx
idx = idx + 1
Otherwise, the index you will use is related to cells which are displayed on the screen. So, after scrolling, the new first visible cell would become the cell at index 0 and would screw up your search.
for index in 0..<table.cells.count {
if table.cells.element(boundBy: index).staticTexts["Your Text"].exists {
return index

Handle paragraphs in swift

Is there a recommended way of handling paragraphs in swift? I am very new to swift so I'm not sure what the recommended solution or any solution for that matter is.
I want to be able to open a .txt file and be able to select a paragraph, selecting the paragraph needs to print the selected paragraph to a label.
I haven't got any code for this yet, other than opening and viewing the text file by doing the following:
let file = "/Users/wade/Desktop/ht.txt"
let path=URL(fileURLWithPath: file)
let text=try! String(contentsOf: path)
textView.stringValue = text
Once the .txt file is displayed I want to be able to click on a paragraph and have the paragraph display in a separate label
I am not fixed on using .txt files if there is a better format for achieving this
I'm guessing that printing to the label should be as easy as
let selectedParagraph = //however we identify the paragraph stringvalue
let thelabel = selectedParagraph.stringValue
But I need to know how to identify and get the text from the paragraph
Create a subsclass of NSTextView and use it to display the whole text. This will always select text by paragraph:
class ParagraphTextView: NSTextView {
override func selectionRange(forProposedRange proposedCharRange: NSRange,
granularity: NSSelectionGranularity) -> NSRange {
return super.selectionRange(forProposedRange: proposedCharRange,
granularity: .selectByParagraph)
Then set a delegate (NSTextViewDelegate) and track selection changes of the text view to update your secondary label with the current selection.

How to have a subject in RxSwift push values to itself without creating an infinite loop

I have a UITableView, which I want to put into an editing state if certain conditions are met. The primary way to toggling edit is through an edit button.
So the view elements I have are
let tableView = UITableView()
let editButton = UIButton()
And whether the tableView should be in editing mode is fed from:
let editing = BehaviorSubject(value: false)
Which will be hooked up to the tableView using something like:
editing.subscribeNext { isEditing in
tableView.setEditing(isEditing, animated: true)
When the edit button is tapped, I want that to push a new value to editing, that is the negation of the most recent value sent to editing. The most recently value may have been set by a tap on editButton, or it may have come from somewhere else.
I don't understand how to combine the stream for the button press with the stream for editing in such a way that allows this without an infinite loop e.g.
Obervable.combineLatest(editButton.rx_tap.asObservable(), editing) { _, isEditing in
I'm aware that the tableView has an editing property, but I don't want to rely on that as I am looking for a more general solution that I can re-use elsewhere. I'm also not looking to track the value of isEditing in an instance var, or even as a Variable(), as I am looking for a stateless, stream based solution (if this is at all possible).
Thank you!
With some help from the RxSwift GitHub issues forum I've now worked it out :). The key was withLatestFrom. I've included an example of this below in case it will help anyone else. editButton is the primary way to trigger editing mode on or off, and I've included an event sent via tableView.rx_itemSelected as an additional input example (in this case, I want editing to end any time an item is selected).
let isEditing = BehaviorSubject(value: false)
let tableView = UITableView()
let editButton = UIButton()
.map { _ in false }
.map { !$0 }
isEditing.subscribeNext { editing in
tableView.setEditing(editing, animated: true)
Note: This solution sends .Next(false) to isEditing every time an item is selected, even if the table isn't currently in editing mode. If you feel this is a bad thing, and want to filter rx_itemSelected to only send .Next(false) if the table is actually in editing mode, you could probably do this using a combination of withLatestFrom and filter.
What if you define editing as a Variable instead of a BehaviourSubject. A Variable cannot error out which makes sense in this case. The declaration would look like this:
let editing = Variable(value: false)
You could subscribe to a button tap and change the value of editing to the negated current one:
editButton.rx_tap.asObservable().subscribeNext { editing.value = !editing.value }
With changing the value property of editing this method is called
editing.subscribeNext { isEditing in
tableView.setEditing(isEditing, animated: true)
All of this is not tested, but might lead you in the right direction for the right solution.

Auto scroll or End less Scroll in Iphone

I am developing iphone application.
need to display 5 records at a time
and when i reached page end then the next 5 records will need to load using automatic scrolling.
initial 5 records display done.
Scroll not working when i reach page end.
Can any one.
I found the solution. my code as follows,
myTable.addEventListener('scroll', function(e){
if (Ti.Platform.osname === 'iphone')
var offset = e.contentOffset.y;
var height = e.size.height;
var total = offset + height;
var theEnd = e.contentSize.height;
// this condition will check whether the scroll reach end or not?
if (theEnd == total)
//call the function once again.
I hope... some one will use it.
You Can use "ScrollView" with property "contentHeight :Ti.UI.Size (or "Auto")".
When you use "ScrollView" it set default height on your requirement.
You can also enable for
showHorizontalScrollIndicator : true,
for more information read this blog