NSSearchField - How to select all text? (Swift/Storyboards on macOS) - swift

It seems everything online is mostly about iOS/UI controls, not macOS/Cocoa NS controls. Anyway, How does one make an NSSearchField select all text in the field programatically? I have tried multiple methods adapted from the iOS UISearchBar implementations, but none of them compiled or worked. I just want to, for instance, press a button and have it hilight the text that is inside the NSSearchField's text field. I can't seem to find a method within it that allows this to happen.
Thank you for your help/consideration!

All editing in NSTextField is handled by NSText (which inherits from NSTextView). So, to select the text in your search field, you need to set the selected range in field's current editor. This example highlights the whole text.
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, searchField.stringValue.length);
NSText *editor = [searchField currentEditor];
[editor setSelectedRange:range];
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: searchField.stringValue.length)
let editor = searchField.currentEditor()
editor?.selectedRange = range


How to search for and highlight a substring in Codemirror 6?

I'm building a simple code editor to help children learn HTML. One feature I'm trying to add is that when users mouseover their rendered code (in an iframe), the corresponding HTML code in the editor is highlighted. So, for example, if a user mouses-over an image of kittens, the actual code, , would be highlighted in the editor.
Mousing-over the iframe to get the html source for that element is the easy part, which I've done (using document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY in the iframe itself, and posting that up to the parent) - so that's not the part I need help with. The part I can't figure out is how to search for and highlight that string of selected code in the code editor.
I'm using Codemirror 6 for this project, as it seems as it will give me the most flexibility to create such a feature. However, as a Codemirror 6 novice, I'm struggling with the documentation to find out where I should start. It seems like the steps I need to complete to accomplish this are:
Search for a range in the editor's text that matches a string (ie.'<img src="kittens.gif"').
Highlight that range in the editor.
Can anyone out there give me some advice as to where in the Codemirror 6 API I should look to start implementing this? It seems like it should be easy, but my unfamiliarity with the Codemirror API and the terse documentation is making this difficult.
1. Search for a range in the editor's text that matches a string (ie.'<img src="kittens.gif"').
You can use SearchCursor class (iterator) to get the character's range where is located the DOM element in your editor.
// the import for SearchCursor class
import {SearchCursor} from "#codemirror/search"
// your editor's view
let main_view = new EditorView({ /* your code */ });
// will create a cursor based on the doc content and the DOM element as a string (outerHTML)
let cursor = new SearchCursor(main_view.state.doc, element.outerHTML);
// will search the first match of the string element.outerHTML in the editor view main_view.state.doc
// display the range where is located your DOM element in your editor
2. Highlight that range in the editor.
As described in the migration documentation here, marked text is replace by decoration. To highlight a range in the editor with codemirror 6, you need to create one decoration and apply it in a dispatch on your view. This decoration need to be provide by an extension that you add in the extensions of your editor view.
// the import for the 3 new classes
import {StateEffect, StateField} from "#codemirror/state"
import {Decoration} from "#codemirror/view"
// code mirror effect that you will use to define the effect you want (the decoration)
const highlight_effect = StateEffect.define();
// define a new field that will be attached to your view state as an extension, update will be called at each editor's change
const highlight_extension = StateField.define({
create() { return Decoration.none },
update(value, transaction) {
value = value.map(transaction.changes)
for (let effect of transaction.effects) {
if (effect.is(highlight_effect)) value = value.update({add: effect.value, sort: true})
return value
provide: f => EditorView.decorations.from(f)
// this is your decoration where you can define the change you want : a css class or directly css attributes
const highlight_decoration = Decoration.mark({
// attributes: {style: "background-color: red"}
class: 'red_back'
// your editor's view
let main_view = new EditorView({
extensions: [highlight_extension]
// this is where the change takes effect by the dispatch. The of method instanciate the effect. You need to put this code where you want the change to take place
effects: highlight_effect.of([highlight_decoration.range(cursor.value.from, cursor.value.to)])
Hope it will help you to implement what you want ;)
Have a look at #codemirror/search.
Specifically, the source code implementation of Selection Matching may be of use for you to adapt.
It uses Decoration.mark over a range of text.
You can use SearchCursor to iterate over ranges that match your pattern (or RegExpCursor)
Use getSearchCursor, something like this:
var cursor = cmEditor.getSearchCursor(keyword , CodeMirror.Pos(cmEditor.firstLine(), 0), {caseFold: true, multiline: true});
if(cursor.find(false)){ //move to that position.
cmEditor.setSelection(cursor.from(), cursor.to());
cmEditor.scrollIntoView({from: cursor.from(), to: cursor.to()}, 20);
Programmatically search and select a keyword
Take a look at getSearchCursor source code it it give some glow about how it works and its usage.
So use getSearchCursor for finding text and optionally use markText for highlighting text because you can mark text with setSelection method of editor.
Selection Marking Demo
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
lineNumbers: true,
styleSelectedText: true
editor.markText({line: 6, ch: 26}, {line: 6, ch: 42}, {className: "styled-background"});
And it seem this is what you are looking for:
codemirror: search and highlight multipule words without dialog
RegExpCursor is another option that you can use:
new RegExpCursor(
text: Text,
query: string,
options⁠?: {ignoreCase⁠?: boolean},
from⁠?: number = 0,
to⁠?: number = text.length
Sample usage at:
Replacing text between dollar signs for Mathml expression.

Localize button Swift

For example I've got an app which has a textLabel and a button which are firstly set as:
mainLabel.attributedText = "labelNewText".uppercased()
mainButton.titleLabel?.attributedText = "buttonNewText".uppercased()
Then I've created a Localization file, where I set a some values for a German language:
"labelNewText" = "Etikette";
"buttonNewText" = "Taste";
And rewrote set ups for label and button like:
mainLabel.attributedText = "\(NSLocalizedString("labelNewText", comment: ""))".uppercased()
mainButton.titleLabel?.attributedText = "\(NSLocalizedString("buttonNewText", comment: ""))".uppercased()
Though, right after after I change my phone language setting to German, the translation only works for a Label but is not working for button. What am I doing wrong and how to localise button titleLabel?
You have to use UIButton's setAttributedTitle:forState: instead of trying to manipulate the text label itself. So for example:
mainButton.setAttributedTitle(myAttributeString, forState: .normal)

Handle paragraphs in swift

Is there a recommended way of handling paragraphs in swift? I am very new to swift so I'm not sure what the recommended solution or any solution for that matter is.
I want to be able to open a .txt file and be able to select a paragraph, selecting the paragraph needs to print the selected paragraph to a label.
I haven't got any code for this yet, other than opening and viewing the text file by doing the following:
let file = "/Users/wade/Desktop/ht.txt"
let path=URL(fileURLWithPath: file)
let text=try! String(contentsOf: path)
textView.stringValue = text
Once the .txt file is displayed I want to be able to click on a paragraph and have the paragraph display in a separate label
I am not fixed on using .txt files if there is a better format for achieving this
I'm guessing that printing to the label should be as easy as
let selectedParagraph = //however we identify the paragraph stringvalue
let thelabel = selectedParagraph.stringValue
But I need to know how to identify and get the text from the paragraph
Create a subsclass of NSTextView and use it to display the whole text. This will always select text by paragraph:
class ParagraphTextView: NSTextView {
override func selectionRange(forProposedRange proposedCharRange: NSRange,
granularity: NSSelectionGranularity) -> NSRange {
return super.selectionRange(forProposedRange: proposedCharRange,
granularity: .selectByParagraph)
Then set a delegate (NSTextViewDelegate) and track selection changes of the text view to update your secondary label with the current selection.

Add Placeholder to UITextField, how to set the placeholder text programmatically in swift?

I'm pulling out a phone number from a database, and when the user begins editing in the text field to change that phone number I'd like to use the number I currently have in the database as the placeholder. Since this information changes with each user, how can I set it programmatically in swift?
You need to get the phone number from your database first (convert them to String), then you set placeholder of your textField to that String, like so
textField.placeholder = phoneNumberString
Swift 3
If your textField has text, you need to first set text property to nil, then set placeholder text:
textField.text = nil
textField.placeholder = "My Placeholder Text"
Important to note for anyone else reading this, setting placeholder text in the main.storyboard seems to nullify this solution, so I had to first clear out my placeholders in the storyboard before implementing this. Once that was done #Khuong and #Himanshu's answer worked perfectly.
Apply this line of code in to View Did Load
new_Password.attributedPlaceholder =
NSAttributedString(string: " New Password", attributes: [NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.white]) // new_Password : our text feild name
Fetch your desired data from your database (Core data) and after converting it into string format... say phoneString
use this line to set this string as a placeholder text
phoneTextField.placeholder = phoneString
Objective-C code:
[usernameText setPlaceholder:#"My Placeholder Text"];
Just a note to say if you have changed your textfield's text and background colors programmatically, you can't do that with the placeholder text's colors and must set up an Attributed Placeholder instead. This is a problem if your device is in put in "dark mode" and are trying to make a non-dark mode screen by hand - you might not be able to see the placeholder!

AutoScroll down in a NSTextField in Swift

I am trying to find a way to scrool down at the end of a NSTextField automatically. The textField is updated in a loop so I wanted to know how to make it display the last text entered each time by scrolling down.
Here is my code:
var tmp = consoleView.stringValue.utf16Count
if tmp >= 25000
consoleView.stringValue = "";
consoleView.stringValue = //[..longStringHere..]
I saw there are some answers in objective-c but I never did any program in it so I don't understand it well...
Thank you
For the scrolling I think you would rather need a NSTextView.
NSRange(location: countElements(textView.string!), length: 0))