Matlab events and listeners: propagate information out of the Event call - matlab

I have an object that incorporates an event which is created in my program(specifically, a session based ni daq with a 'DataAvailable' event which fires every time a set number of samples is acquired.) This event will be fired at random times during the course of running my program that will do other stuff independent of recording. When fired, it will collect and save the data chunk in a file.
My issue is that everytime the Event is triggered, i need to increase a counter (i name it "chunk") in my original program. This is critical as a number of features in my program depend on my being able to measure the number of chunks accurately.
QUESTION: how can i propagate the fact that an event has been triggered into my main program?
For people who process (pseudo)code better:
endLoop = false;
while ~endLoop
if ~recording
session = createDAQSessionObject(params);
chunkNum = 0;
recording = true;
endLoop = doOtherStuff();
function saveChunk(src,event,numChunk)
filename = sprintf('chunk%d.mat',numChunk);
times = event.TimeStamps;
data = event.Data;
% but now the next time around we need to get in numChunks+1 (but we never will because we have no way of knowing that the event was called...

Using global or persistent does the job in this minimal example -
Define a class to be the event source.
classdef bar < handle
Build a function that uses a persistent variable num. num is visible only to function foo, but it is "persistent" between calls to foo. It remains in foo's workspace until clear all is excecuted, or Matlab quits.
function foo(~,~)
persistent num
if isempty(num)
num = 1;
num = num+1;
fprintf('hi %d\n', num);
.... and call it from main script
bigjob = bar;
addlistener(bigjob, 'sayhello', #foo);
for ii = 1:10
notify(bigjob, 'sayhello')
hi 1
hi 2
hi 3
hi 4
hi 5
hi 6
hi 7
hi 8
hi 9
hi 10
Build another function that uses a global variable num. num is kept in base workspace, visible to all functions as well as the main script, and is alive until clear global num is called or Matlab quits.
function foo(~,~)
global num
num = num+1;
fprintf('hi %d\n', num);
.... and change the script to declare and initialize the global num
global num
num = 0;
bigjob = bar;
addlistener(bigjob, 'sayhello', #foo);
for ii = 1:10
notify(bigjob, 'sayhello')
hi 1
hi 2
hi 3
hi 4
hi 5
hi 6
hi 7
hi 8
hi 9
hi 10
Efficiency concerns
Using global or persistent is costly. I changed my code to ii = 50000, and muted the fprintf, to perform a benchmark.
According to Profiler, using global takes ~10% of total running time; by "using global" I mean declaring global num in function foo.
.... while using persistent takes ~25% of total running time (it adds up to the total, so running persistent is slower than global); by "using persistent" I mean these lines
persistent num
if isempty(num)


Create an array that grows at a regular interval on Matlab

I have been thinking about how to create an array that grows at a regular interval of time (for instance every 5 seconds) on Matlab.
I figured out 2 ways, either using tic/ toc or timer function. Later this program will be complexified. I am not sure which way is the best but so far I am trying with using timer.
Here is what I have tried :
period=5;%period at which the file should be updated
a = timer('ExecutionMode','fixedRate','Period',period,'TimerFcn',{#time_append, time,l,freq},'TasksToExecute',3 );
function [time]=time_append(obj,event,time,l,freq)
for i=1:1:l
After compiling this code, I only get a time array of length 1 containing the value 0 wheras it should contain values from 0 to 3x5 =15 I think it is a stupid mistake but I can't see why. I have tried the debug mode and it seems that at the end of the line time=[time;time_append], the concatenation works but the time array is reinitialised when we go out of the function. Also I have read that callback function can't have output. Does someone would know how I could proceed? Using globals? Any other suggestion?
Thank you for reading
You can do this by using nested functions. Nested functions allow you to access "uplevel variables", and you can modify those. Here's one way to do it:
function [a, fcn] = buildTimer()
period=5;%period at which the file should be updated
function time_append(~,~,l,freq)
for i=1:1:l
function out = time_get()
out = time;
fcn = #time_get;
a = timer('ExecutionMode','fixedRate',...
'TasksToExecute',3 );
Note that the variable time is shared by time_append and time_get. The timer object invokes time_append, and updates time. You need to hand out the function handle time_get to retrieve the current value of time.
>> [a,fcn] = buildTimer; size(fcn()), pause(10); size(fcn())
ans =
21 1
ans =
61 1

Can't get variable out of Callback function. Already defined as global. Matlab

I have a serialport bytesavailable callback function.
function readFrame(src,~)
global data
global payloadBytes
message = read(src,payloadBytes,"uint8");
src.UserData = message;
data = message;
I read the buffer into the variable message and then save it as global variable data.
i get the variable in my workspace. Then something happens that I can't explain. I try to save this global variable in a local variable in my Mainscript. Notice: global data is defined in mainscript.
global data;
global payloadBytes;
frameCount = 1;
numFrames = 10;
messageByte = zeros(numFrames,payloadBytes)
%wait till callback triggered and serial data read
while isempty(msg)
%save global variable data in local variable msg
msg = data;
disp("wait for data")
%save msg in an expanding 2D Variable messagebyte
messageByte(frameCount,:) = msg;
%empty msg variable
msg =[]
frameCount = frameCount +1
%stop when 10 frames are caught
if frameCount == 11
app = 0;
Problem is processedData is always empty. So when i want to make a 2D Matrice to save different data like this:
processedData(frameCount,:) = data;
I get an exception: indices doesn't match. Thats no wonder.
Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong.
Thank you.
MATLAB is single-threaded. Stuff doesn’t run in parallel unless you explicitly use the Parallel Processing Toolbox. So for your callback to write to data, your main loop must give the callback a chance to execute. Add a pause to your loop, this will allow callbacks to execute, as well as timer objects.
while isempty(msg)
pause(0.1) % find a suitable pause length here
%save global variable data in local variable msg
msg = data;
disp("wait for data")
The pause doesn’t need to be long, but make it as long as you can tolerate, since that will make your wait less processor intensive.

MATLAB: How to automatically abort failed unit test

I am wondering how I can make a unit test to automatically stop, once an error in the system under test (sut) occurs?
Let's assume, the unit test runs some 1,000 different input combinations, and is supposed to verify that the results are equal to the expectations. Now, let's further assume there is a simple syntax error in sut, which causes an error. In this case I would like the unit test to automatically stop and invoke the tear down method.
Is that possible?
I am borrowing a MATLAB example from their help site ( in order to show more clearly what I mean:
Here you can see the test class:
classdef TestCarpet < matlab.unittest.TestCase
properties (TestParameter)
type = {'single','double','uint16'};
level = struct('small', 2,'medium', 4, 'large', 6);
side = struct('small', 9, 'medium', 81,'large', 729);
methods (Test)
function testRemainPixels(testCase, level)
% expected number pixels equal to 1
expPixelCount = 8^level;
% actual number pixels equal to 1
actPixels = find(sierpinski(level));
function testClass(testCase, type, level)
sierpinski(level,type), type)
function testDefaultL1Output(testCase)
exp = single([1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1]);
testCase.verifyEqual(sierpinski(1), exp)
methods (Test, ParameterCombination='sequential')
function testNumel(testCase, level, side)
import matlab.unittest.constraints.HasElementCount
Here's the system under test:
function carpet = sierpinski(nLevels,classname)
if nargin == 1
classname = 'single';
% original line: mSize = 3^nLevels;
mSize = "That's clearly wrong here";
carpet = ones(mSize,classname);
cutCarpet(1,1,mSize,nLevels) % begin recursion
function cutCarpet(x,y,s,cL)
if cL
ss = s/3; % define subsize
for lx = 0:2
for ly = 0:2
if lx == 1 && ly == 1
% remove center square
carpet(x+ss:x+2*ss-1,y+ss:y+2*ss-1) = 0;
% recurse
cutCarpet(x + lx*ss, y + ly*ss, ss, cL-1)
I changed the definition of mSize to a string to produce an error. Now, if I run the tests, all tests will result in an error. I am wondering if it is possible to stop the tests as soon as possible, i.e. after the occurence of the first error?
The problem that I see is that the test code won't even reach the last line of testRemainPixels (testCase.verifyNumElements(actPixels,expPixelCount)). A fatalAssert does not help at this point, right?
Assuming you are using the test framework built into MATLAB, take a look at the types of qualifications, in particular the bulleted list at the top of this page:
If you want to stop the entire testing session you can use fatal assertions. If you want other tests to continue you can use assertions. If you want to skip all the test methods (and parameterizations) in a single file you can use an assertion in TestClassSetup or just add a basic "smoke" level exercise step of the code in TestClassSetup and if it errors it will behave like an assertion.
Hope that helps.

Using both strings and functions in Matlab UnitTest diagnostics?

Please refer to the documentation for the testCase.verifyEqual method here. The documentation says that only one of the diagnostic features can be used. My requirement is I need two diagnostics at the same time - strings and function handle. The following is simple example of what I'm trying to achieve,
classdef testArrays < matlab.unittest.TestCase
methods (Test)
function testArraysEquality(testCase)
a = 1:10;
b = 1:10;
incrementFunc = #(x)x+1;
for i=1:length(a)
testCase.verifyEqual(a(i),b(i),'AbsTol',10e-3,['Test failed array element# ' num2str(i) ' failure count ' num2str(incrementFunc(failureCount))]);
disp([num2str(failureCount) ' out of ' num2str(length(a)) ' test cases failed']);
The problem is Anonymous function don't store values. On the other hand with the 'assignin' feature shown below, the value can be incremented and stored, but cannot be returned for use inside disp(). Is there any work around for this?
incrementFunc1 = #(x) assignin('caller', inputname(1), x+1);
You can include more than one (as well as more than one type) of diagnostic in the MATLAB Unit Test Framework by simply providing a diagnostic array to verifyEqual. You can actually do this explicitly as follows:
import matlab.unittest.diagnostics.StringDiagnostic;
import matlab.unittest.diagnostics.FunctionHandleDiagnostic;
testCase.verifyEqual(a,e, [StringDiagnostic('some string'), FunctionHandleDiagnostic(#() someFunction)]);
However, the Diagnostic.join method is provided to make that easier:
import matlab.unittest.diagnostics.Diagnostic;
testCase.verifyEqual(a,e, Diagnostic.join('some string', #() someFunction));
In order to do the increment call you are probably going to want to add a failed listener to the testCase in order to increment properly. Note that people/plugins can actually add listeners and execute these diagnostics in passing cases in addition to failing cases. As such your diagnostic messages should not assume that every time they are invoked it is in a failure condition. This not only applies to your incrementing code but also to just the message you are providing. I would suggest that instead of saying:
Test failed array element# 3 failure count 2
you should say:
Tested array element# 3 failure count 2
The framework diagnostic will let you know whether it failed or not. Anyway, takeaway, don't rely on invoking the diagnostics to determine failure count. What then? Take a look at the Events section here. You should listen explicitly for verification failed events in order to add that information to your diagnostics.
For the first solution, I am not sure why you need to provide the failure count for every failure. It seems like that would be very verbose. If you don't need that then you can do something like this:
classdef testArrays < matlab.unittest.TestCase
methods (Test)
function testArraysEquality(testCase)
a = 1:10;
b = 1:10;
failureCount = 0;
testCase.addlistener('VerificationFailed', #incrementFailureCount);
function incrementFailureCount(varargin)
% This is a nested function & has the scope and can see/modify
% the failureCount variable. This could also be done with a
% property on the class ans a method that increments it
failureCount = failureCount + 1;
for i=1:length(a)
testCase.verifyEqual(a(i),b(i),'AbsTol',10e-3,['Tested array element # ' num2str(i)]);
% I suggest using log instead of disp. If you want it to show up most of the time you can
% log it at Terse (1) verbosity. However, if you don't want to see it you can turn it off.
testCase.log(1, sprintf('%d out of %d test cases failed', failureCount, length(a)));
Is that good enough? If you really want to show the failure count in the diagnostics for each failure you can its just a bit more complicated and requires another nested function (or property access).
classdef testArrays < matlab.unittest.TestCase
methods (Test)
function testArraysEquality(testCase)
import matlab.unittest.diagnostics.Diagnostic;
a = 1:10;
b = 1:10;
failureCount = 0;
testCase.addlistener('VerificationFailed', #incrementFailureCount);
function incrementFailureCount(varargin)
failureCount = failureCount + 1;
function displayFailureCount
fprintf(1, 'Failure Count: %d', failureCount);
for i=1:length(a)
testCase.verifyEqual(a(i),b(i),'AbsTol',10e-3, ...
['Tested array element #' num2str(i)], ...
testCase.log(1, sprintf('%d out of %d test cases failed', failureCount, length(a)));
Does that help you accomplish what you are trying to do?

cannot update class definition in Matlab

I am running into an infuriating problem with Matlab, and an earlier answer to apparently the same problem didn't help me, unfortunately. I apologize that the question is rather long - you need quite a bit of information to reproduce the problem (I tried to trim it as much as I could...)
The problem is this: No matter what I do, after I have used a class I cannot "make Matlab forget". Values used seem to be persistent, and edits to the class definition won't "stick". In the latter case, the error message is:
Warning: The class file for 'myClass' has been changed; but the change
cannot be applied because objects based on the old class file still
exist. If you use those objects, you might get unexpected results. You
can use the 'clear' command to remove those objects. See 'help clear'
for information on how to remove those objects.
I get that message even after
>> clear all
>> clear functions
>> clear ans
Somehow the class definition is persistent despite my attempts to clear it. To make matters worse, when I modify a value of an instance of the class, then clear it, the value is somehow not "forgotten". To illustrate, here is the source code of myClass:
% a simple class definition that shows the problem that I cannot
% figure out how to redefine a class without restarting Matlab
classdef myClass < handle
precursors = {'none'};
numPre = {1};
value = 1;
function obj = myClass(pre, num, val)
% constructor
if nargin > 0
obj.precursors = pre;
obj.numPre = num;
obj.value = val;
function v = sumVal(obj)
% find the sum of the value of all precursors
n = numel(obj.precursors);
v = 0;
for ii = 1:n
pc = obj.precursors{ii};
if isa(pc, 'myClass')
if ii==1
v = 0;
v = v + sumVal(pc) * obj.numPre{ii};
v = obj.value;
% only the following named instances may exist:
grandpa ({'none'}, {1}, 1)
father ({myClass.grandpa}, {3}, -1)
son ({myClass.father}, {2}, -1)
In a fresh instance of Matlab, I do the following:
>> son = myClass.son;
>> sumVal(son)
ans =
>> grandpa = myClass.grandpa;
>> grandpa.value = 5;
>> sumVal(son)
ans =
So far, so good. The sumVal function discovers the fathers and grandfathers, and the sumVal is computed correctly (6 * 1 in the first case, 6 * 5 in the second case).
Now I delete "everything" (I think):
>> clear all
>> clear functions
>> clear ans
And I create just one variable:
>> son = myClass.son;
Now comes the kicker - the unexpected answer
>> sumVal(son)
ans =
When I inspect the variables loaded, I find
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
son 1x1 112 myClass
There is no grandpa instance, and the class definition file was not touched. Yet, the value of grandpa (which I created, then deleted) is somehow persistent.
And when I make a small change to the myClass.m file, and try to create a new variable (after a clear all), I get the message shown above. All of which leads me to my question:
Where is Matlab hiding an instance of my class so that variables are persistent after a clear all, and how do I clear the workspace (without restarting) so the class definition is "reset"?
I don't know if it matters, but I'm using Matlab (R2012a)
You have an intermediate instance myClass.father that is not being destroyed by MATLAB. You have to deleteit yourself
>> clear grandpa
>> delete(son.precursors{1})
>> clear son
>> clear classes
>> son = myClass.son
son =
>> sumVal(son)
ans =
Alternatively, you can add a destructor to your class
function delete(obj)
if isa(obj.precursors{1}, 'myClass')
and use delete(son) instead of leaving it to clear function to destroy. You can extend this to your case and recursively delete all instances in your tree.
Those instances are "hiding" in the myClass enumeration class itself. Matlab is storing a reference to each of those named instances so when you reference them like myClass.father you get the same object back, instead of it constructing a new one. Probably similar to how values are stored in Constant properties on classes.
If you have any other classes that refer to the enumerated instances in Constant properties, enumerations, or persistent variables, they could also be holding on to references to them.
Try doing clear classes a few times in a row instead of just once.
To help debug this, you could put a couple debugging printf() statements in the constructor and destructor for this class, so you can see when the instances are really created and cleaned up.
function obj = myClass(pre, num, val)
% constructor
if nargin > 0
obj.precursors = pre;
obj.numPre = num;
obj.value = val;
printf('myClass: created (%d, %d, nargin=%d)\n', obj.numPre, obj.value, nargin);
function delete(obj)
printf('myClass: deleting (%d, %d)\n', obj.numPre, obj.value);