Can't get variable out of Callback function. Already defined as global. Matlab - matlab

I have a serialport bytesavailable callback function.
function readFrame(src,~)
global data
global payloadBytes
message = read(src,payloadBytes,"uint8");
src.UserData = message;
data = message;
I read the buffer into the variable message and then save it as global variable data.
i get the variable in my workspace. Then something happens that I can't explain. I try to save this global variable in a local variable in my Mainscript. Notice: global data is defined in mainscript.
global data;
global payloadBytes;
frameCount = 1;
numFrames = 10;
messageByte = zeros(numFrames,payloadBytes)
%wait till callback triggered and serial data read
while isempty(msg)
%save global variable data in local variable msg
msg = data;
disp("wait for data")
%save msg in an expanding 2D Variable messagebyte
messageByte(frameCount,:) = msg;
%empty msg variable
msg =[]
frameCount = frameCount +1
%stop when 10 frames are caught
if frameCount == 11
app = 0;
Problem is processedData is always empty. So when i want to make a 2D Matrice to save different data like this:
processedData(frameCount,:) = data;
I get an exception: indices doesn't match. Thats no wonder.
Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong.
Thank you.

MATLAB is single-threaded. Stuff doesn’t run in parallel unless you explicitly use the Parallel Processing Toolbox. So for your callback to write to data, your main loop must give the callback a chance to execute. Add a pause to your loop, this will allow callbacks to execute, as well as timer objects.
while isempty(msg)
pause(0.1) % find a suitable pause length here
%save global variable data in local variable msg
msg = data;
disp("wait for data")
The pause doesn’t need to be long, but make it as long as you can tolerate, since that will make your wait less processor intensive.


Create an array that grows at a regular interval on Matlab

I have been thinking about how to create an array that grows at a regular interval of time (for instance every 5 seconds) on Matlab.
I figured out 2 ways, either using tic/ toc or timer function. Later this program will be complexified. I am not sure which way is the best but so far I am trying with using timer.
Here is what I have tried :
period=5;%period at which the file should be updated
a = timer('ExecutionMode','fixedRate','Period',period,'TimerFcn',{#time_append, time,l,freq},'TasksToExecute',3 );
function [time]=time_append(obj,event,time,l,freq)
for i=1:1:l
After compiling this code, I only get a time array of length 1 containing the value 0 wheras it should contain values from 0 to 3x5 =15 I think it is a stupid mistake but I can't see why. I have tried the debug mode and it seems that at the end of the line time=[time;time_append], the concatenation works but the time array is reinitialised when we go out of the function. Also I have read that callback function can't have output. Does someone would know how I could proceed? Using globals? Any other suggestion?
Thank you for reading
You can do this by using nested functions. Nested functions allow you to access "uplevel variables", and you can modify those. Here's one way to do it:
function [a, fcn] = buildTimer()
period=5;%period at which the file should be updated
function time_append(~,~,l,freq)
for i=1:1:l
function out = time_get()
out = time;
fcn = #time_get;
a = timer('ExecutionMode','fixedRate',...
'TasksToExecute',3 );
Note that the variable time is shared by time_append and time_get. The timer object invokes time_append, and updates time. You need to hand out the function handle time_get to retrieve the current value of time.
>> [a,fcn] = buildTimer; size(fcn()), pause(10); size(fcn())
ans =
21 1
ans =
61 1

How can I display progress and track length in the video stream of LiquidSoap

I want to create a audio-video stream using Liquidsoap. And display the progess and total time of current track in the video. I wonder what is the best practice to achieve this. I am current using the following methods, in which:
Current progress is acquired with source.remaining function.
Total length is a global variable track_length, which is modified in on_track callback.
However, the current method has the following problems:
The return value of source.remaining does not change in a constant speed, as in the document metioned "estimation remaining time". In can be 19min, and suddenly jump to 19min20s, and then jump to 18min50. However, as the remaining time is less and less, the estimation becomes more accurate.
The track_length variable does get modified after the current track begins. However, the text drawing function which fetches the variable always get the initial value and never changed.
Thanks for your help!
Here is the relavant part of my script:
# Define the global variable to store the length of current track
track_length = 0
# Define the on_track callback which updates track_length
def process_metadata(metadata)
file_name = metadata["filename"]
track_length = file.duration(file_name)
# Define the audio source and hook on_track callback
audio = fallback([sequence([
audio = on_track(process_metadata, audio)
# Define the function which returns the text to render
def get_time()
"$(cur)/$(total)" % [("cur", string_of(source.remaining(audio))), ("total", string_of(track_length))]
# Create the video frame
video = fallback([blank()])
video = video.add_text.sdl(x=0, y=300, size=40, get_time, video)
There is no such term 'global variable' in liquidsoap
No assignment, only definitions. x = expr doesn't modify x, it just defines a new x. The expression (x = s1 ; def y = x = s2 ; (x,s3) end ; (y,x)) evaluates to ((s2,s3),s1).
So, you should use references:
track_length = ref 0
then modify it (note we also use int_of_float):
track_length := int_of_float(file.duration(file_name))
then get its value:
I believe it will fix your problems

Will returned array be copied by value or returned as reference in MATLAB?

I wanted to ask how values in MATLAB are returned? Are they copied or passed by reference?
take a look at this example with matrix A:
function main
A = foo(10);
function [resultMatrix] = foo(count)
resultMatrix = zeros(count, count);
Does the copy operation take place when function returns matrix and assigns it to variable A ?
MATLAB uses a system known as copy-on-write in which a copy of the data is only made when it is necessary (i.e. when the data is modified). When returning a variable from a function, it is not modified between when it was created inside of the function and when it was stored in a different variable by the calling function. So in your case, you can think of the variable as being passed by reference. Once the data is modified, however, a copy will be made
You can check this behavior using format debug which will actually tell us the memory location of the data (detailed more in this post)
So if we modify your code slightly so that we print the memory location of each variable we can track when a copy is made
function main()
A = foo(10);
% Print the address of the variable A
fprintf('Address of A in calling function: %s\n', address(A));
% Modify A
B = A + 1;
% Print the address of the variable B
fprintf('Address of B in calling function: %s\n', address(B));
function result = foo(count)
result = zeros(count);
% Print the address of the variable inside of the function
fprintf('Address of result in foo: %s\n', address(result));
function loc = address(x)
% Store the current display format
fmt = get(0, 'format');
% Turn on debugging display and parse it
format debug
loc = regexp(evalc('disp(x)'), '(?<=pr\s*=\s*)[a-z0-9]*', 'match', 'once');
% Revert the display format to what it was
And this yields the following (or similar) output
Address of result in foo: 7f96d9d591c0
Address of A in calling function: 7f96d9d591c0
Address of B in calling function: 7f96d9c74400
As a side-note, you don't need to explicitly use return in your case since the function will naturally return when it encounters the end. return is only necessary when you need to use it to alter the flow of your program and exit a function pre-maturely.

Matlab - Is there a way to capture messages sent to the workspace?

I'm working on a GUI (without GUIDE) in Matlab. The GUI will ultimately be compiled to an application and released to my coworkers.
My GUI calls some custom functions I wrote ages ago. These custom functions display status/progress messages to the workspace window.
As I understand it, I could have my executable write those messages to a log file, but then that leaves the user without any status updates on the GUI while the program is running.
I'm working on some pretty intensive 3D data manipulation, which has the potential to run for 5-10 minutes between function calls, so while I could provide status updates between function calls, it still leaves the end user with no idea what's going on and/or the appearance that the program locked up.
What I would like to do is to have something that works akin to the 'try-catch' method, where there's some way I can execute a function and capture messages intended for the workspace and redirect them to a uicontrol text box.
I'm adding this for posterity, in the event anyone wants to use it. This is a functional demo that shows how to implement Peter's answer below.
First, create and save a function called "EndlessLoop":
function EndlessLoop(handles,loopCallback)
if nargin<1
handles = [];
loopCallback = #loop_Callback;
disp('Callback already set!');
abort = false;
while true
statusText = sprintf('Current Elapsed Time:\n%.2f',toc);
abort = loopCallback(handles,statusText);
if abort
statusText = sprintf('Abort request processed.\nEnding now.');
[~] = loopCallback(handles,statusText);
function abort = loop_Callback(~,myText)
abort = false;
Then, create a GUI that calls on EndlessLoop:
function TestGUI
close all;
myTest = figure('Visible','on','Units','normalized','Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8],'Name','Test GUI','NumberTitle','off');
handles = guihandles(myTest);
handles.goButton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','normalized','Position',[0 0.5 0.5 0.5],'String','Go');
handles.abortButton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','normalized','Position',[0 0 0.5 0.5],'String','Abort','Enable','off');
handles.statusText = uicontrol('Style','text','Units','normalized','Position',[0.5 0 0.5 1],'String','Press Go when ready.');
handles.abortButton.UserData = false;
function goButton_Callback(hObject,~)
handles = guidata(gcbo);
hObject.Enable = 'off';
handles.abortButton.Enable = 'on';
handles.abortButton.String = 'Abort';
handles.abortButton.Enable = 'off';
hObject.Enable = 'on';
handles.statusText.String = 'Press Go to start again.';
handles.abortButton.UserData = false;
function abortButton_Callback(hObject,~)
handles = guidata(gcbo);
if handles.abortButton.UserData
handles.abortButton.UserData = false;
hObject.String = 'Abort';
handles.abortButton.UserData = true;
hObject.String = sprintf('Abort pending...');
function abort = StatusUpdate(handles,statusText)
abort = handles.abortButton.UserData;
handles.statusText.String = statusText;
A couple things I found when playing with this trying to get it to work:
I have been just adding variables to the handles structure for whatever I needed. In this case it would have been handles.abortRequest = false;. However, it appears that when I pass handles to the EndlessLoop function it becomes stale - handles never updates again. To get around this, I had to store what I wanted in the UserData section of the abortButton. I think this is because the handle to abortButton is still valid, because it hasn't changed, and I get fresh UserData because I'm able to poll with the valid handle. I can't access handles.abortRequest because it's not an object - I can't poll it; it simply exists, and it exists in the "snapshot" that was when I sent handles to EndlessLoop. At least, this is my understanding.
I needed to set the 'Interruptible' property of the goButton callback to 'on' in order for the abortButton to function while the process "hung" on EndlessLoop. With Interruptible set to off no other callbacks may be processed until that particular callback completes, which will never happen with endless loop.
So, in conclusion, this is a complete functional example that answers my question. Thanks to Peter for the answer - this also includes his ProTip of being able to pass an abort option back to the process that's taking a long time to complete. I've never used callbacks like this before so hopefully others will find this useful in the future.
This answer elaborates on my comment to the question.
Assume you have function that outputs stuff to the command window:
function out = longcomputation(param1, param2)
percent_complete = something;
fprintf('Step result: %f Complete: %f', stuff, percent_complete);
You can make the output function configurable by passing a function handle. Here I'm making it optional by testing nargin:
function out = longcomputation(param1, param2, outputfcn)
function display_progress_to_console(msg, percentage)
sprintf('%s, Complete %f', msg, percentage);
if(nargin < 3) % Supply a default output function if none passed in
outputfcn = #display_progress_to_console;
percent_complete = something;
msg = sprintf('Step result: %f', stuff);
outputfcn(msg, percent_complete);
Now, in your GUI, you can define and pass in a different output callback. This can live right in your GUI code so that the function has access to the GUI objects you need.
ProTip: In addition, have this callback function return true or false to signal the user's desire to abort. The GUI can then present a cancel button to drive that return value, and the long-running code can periodically send the status message AND check if abort has been requested.
You could potentially use the built-in diary functionality to accomplish something similar to what you're trying to do.
diary on % Uses "diary" for filename
diary('logfile.log') % Custom filename
This will write all command line output to the specified file. Then you can periodically poll this file and update your uicontrol with the contents (or last few lines if you want).
logfile = 'logfile.log';
u = uicontrol('style', 'text');
% Check every 5 seconds
t = timer('Period', 5, ...
'ExecutionMode', 'FixedRate', ...
'TimerFcn', #(s,e)populate(s));
function populate(src)
fid = fopen(logfile, 'rb');
contents = fread(fid, '*char').';
set(src, 'String', contents);

Matlab events and listeners: propagate information out of the Event call

I have an object that incorporates an event which is created in my program(specifically, a session based ni daq with a 'DataAvailable' event which fires every time a set number of samples is acquired.) This event will be fired at random times during the course of running my program that will do other stuff independent of recording. When fired, it will collect and save the data chunk in a file.
My issue is that everytime the Event is triggered, i need to increase a counter (i name it "chunk") in my original program. This is critical as a number of features in my program depend on my being able to measure the number of chunks accurately.
QUESTION: how can i propagate the fact that an event has been triggered into my main program?
For people who process (pseudo)code better:
endLoop = false;
while ~endLoop
if ~recording
session = createDAQSessionObject(params);
chunkNum = 0;
recording = true;
endLoop = doOtherStuff();
function saveChunk(src,event,numChunk)
filename = sprintf('chunk%d.mat',numChunk);
times = event.TimeStamps;
data = event.Data;
% but now the next time around we need to get in numChunks+1 (but we never will because we have no way of knowing that the event was called...
Using global or persistent does the job in this minimal example -
Define a class to be the event source.
classdef bar < handle
Build a function that uses a persistent variable num. num is visible only to function foo, but it is "persistent" between calls to foo. It remains in foo's workspace until clear all is excecuted, or Matlab quits.
function foo(~,~)
persistent num
if isempty(num)
num = 1;
num = num+1;
fprintf('hi %d\n', num);
.... and call it from main script
bigjob = bar;
addlistener(bigjob, 'sayhello', #foo);
for ii = 1:10
notify(bigjob, 'sayhello')
hi 1
hi 2
hi 3
hi 4
hi 5
hi 6
hi 7
hi 8
hi 9
hi 10
Build another function that uses a global variable num. num is kept in base workspace, visible to all functions as well as the main script, and is alive until clear global num is called or Matlab quits.
function foo(~,~)
global num
num = num+1;
fprintf('hi %d\n', num);
.... and change the script to declare and initialize the global num
global num
num = 0;
bigjob = bar;
addlistener(bigjob, 'sayhello', #foo);
for ii = 1:10
notify(bigjob, 'sayhello')
hi 1
hi 2
hi 3
hi 4
hi 5
hi 6
hi 7
hi 8
hi 9
hi 10
Efficiency concerns
Using global or persistent is costly. I changed my code to ii = 50000, and muted the fprintf, to perform a benchmark.
According to Profiler, using global takes ~10% of total running time; by "using global" I mean declaring global num in function foo.
.... while using persistent takes ~25% of total running time (it adds up to the total, so running persistent is slower than global); by "using persistent" I mean these lines
persistent num
if isempty(num)