Magento invalid email address - email

I'm trying to add my email address in Store Email Address, But it is saying "Invalid email address "admin#mydomain"."
Note that my tld is uncommon.
I think that is the reason for the error message.
I can add .com email address easily btw.
Is there any way to add the email?
Thank you.

in validation.js you have
['validate-email', 'Please enter a valid email address. For example', function (v) {
return Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v) || /^([a-z0-9,!\#\$%&'\*\+\/=\?\^_`\{\|\}~-]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z0-9,!\#\$%&'\*\+\/=\?\^_`\{\|\}~-]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*#([a-z0-9-]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z0-9-]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*\.(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]){2,})$/i.test(v)
You will have to play with this regular expression.
if you look into this expression you will find a . jsut remove every thing excluding ] from . till end and should solve.

I had the same issue, but your suggestions were misleading.
The error message comes up not from this java script, but app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Model/System/Config/Backend/Email/Address.php
The error is generated from lib/Zend/Validate/EmailAddress.php, because it calls hostname verification from Hostname.php in the same directory.
There you can find in row nr. 117 an array called $_validTlds
there put your domain ('works' or in my case 'wien'), take care alphabetical order, and quotes and commas. save and try again,
it will work. Good luck.


Email Error: missing or malformed local part

I am noticing that I get an email from my server each time an order is placed. It looks like the customer confirmation emails are not sending.
This is part of the error message:
A message that you sent contained one or more recipient addresses that were
incorrectly constructed:
=?utf-8?B?R3Vlc3Q=?= <>: missing or malformed local part
This address has been ignored. The other addresses in the message were
syntactically valid and have been passed on for an attempt at delivery.
------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------
To: =?utf-8?B?R3Vlc3Q=?= <>
Subject: =?utf-8?B?SW50ZWxsaWdlbnQgV29ya3Nob3A6IE5ldyBPcmRlciAjIDEwMDAwMDAzMA==?=
It looks like it’s only when the user checks out without registering
=?utf-8?B?R3Vlc3Q=?= <>: missing or malformed local part
The error message is quite obvious: There should be an email address between <>, but there is none. The local part is the part of the address before the #, and as there is nothing at all here, there is no local part. Thus your server is complaining.
You have to fix whatever application is trying to send mails to <> to get rid of the error.
The email address is not written in proper format, please use <>
I really don't Understand what you are trying to do. But This is what I found out playing around with this error.
$to = "'Name of Person' <>";
$headers = "From: ".$_POST['theirName']."<".$_POST['theirEmail'].">\r\n";
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$messageBody = $_POST['message']."\r\n ---\n This Message was sent from ".HOME." contact form.";
Notice that around the 'Name of Person' has single quotes. If you are trying to send emails with an additional name, title or anything else in front of the emails. With the single quotes will let PHP know that it is not an email but a string, and it will add the string but be ignored as an email, not giving you the error anymore.
The header where it states from does not need to have the single quotes.
=?utf-8?B?R3Vlc3Q=?= <-This line I don't know what it supposed to be doing.
But it's not an Email on the $to/$recipient and for that reason it giving the error. Once again, must have only emails: "," other than that: 'String' with single quotes no error will produce...

How can I be sure an email address is unique?

There's a pub in my town whereby, if you sign up to their newsletter using their website and provide a "unique" email address, you get a free drink. On a whim, I decided to sign up a second time using It let me. I'm now sitting on a nice comfy pile of free drink vouchers.
This got me thinking about a system we have here, where the email address is considered the unique identifier. Checking the code, sure enough, if we were offering vouchers in our business, someone else would be sitting pretty.
The basic, stab-in-the-dark, fix is to check for the "+" character and ignore everything after it (up to the #), and compare using that. But I am unsure if this was the intent for the + character. Would that work?
Secondly, are there any other caveats that would allow a user to sign up multiple times with a seemingly different email address, but which actually would always end up in the same mailbox?
This question is language-agnostic.
While using a plus sign as an e-mail address alias is a known feature of gmail, other mailers do either not allow it or use a minus sign instead. '+' is a legitimate character to be used as part of an email address according to the RFC.
The use of '.' is also a gray area. and send also both to the same email address and look different.
In order to validate the uniqueness of an email address you will have to prepare a rule base for your application, keep it up to date and still expect surprises...

"Illegal address in String" email template in CQ5 javax.mail

Working on a customised email template in CQ5, I have created in following text file under etc/notification. The workflow is triggered when a form is filled in by the user.
From: Order Brochure <>
To: ${}
Subject: Order Brochures Confirmation ${payload.BrochureID}
Dear ${payload.Name},
Thank you for your Brochure Order, your reference is ${payload.orderBrochureID}.
Your email address is {$}.
Everything in this template works fine, except for the "To: ${}". Even the "Your email address is {$}" part displays the user inputted email fine. It also works if I input a static email address in "To:".
What am I doing wrong here? Below is the error in logs
Process execution resulted in an error:
javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Illegal address in string ``'' javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Illegal
address in string ``''
Remove the "CC:" it's attempting to parse the email address for this header and it's a null.
When you're dealing with these types of problems when the error is occurring within a CQ library. I recommend using a custom logger to assist with the troubleshooting.
Details of logging can be found at Logging -
Here's an example OSGi log configuration for your issue.
This error might be cumming because you are using a string as an Internet Address.
you need to typecast ${} to Internet Address.

Magento - How to format the email address in "Store Email Addresses"?

What I'm trying to do is format the email address like so Foo Bar <> so email clients (including web based like gmail) will show the sender as "Foo Bar" and not just "foo" since that is the prefix on the email.
Is this possible in Magento 1.5? If I try to put the formatting in the field itself I get an error message.
That's what the Sender Name field does. This is what my setup looks like and what it looks like in Thunderbird (my webmail client formats it similarly, too):
You may look at code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Email.php for the actual mail implementation. You may notice it uses Zend_Mail. Now, here is the catch:
For security reasons, Zend_Mail filters all header fields to prevent header
injection with newline (\n) characters. Double quotation is changed to single
quotation and angle brackets to square brackets in the name of sender and recipients.
If the marks are in email address, the marks will be removed.
What you can do though is to make a module to rewrite the current class Mage_Core_Model_Email and overwrite the send() function. I covered rewriting classes before in this question's answer. Then, in this new rewritten class, you could PHPmailer, invoke shell mail commands, or whatever PHP library you would happen to know that would allow this behaviour.
Best of luck.
I'm not sure if it can work. In magento inside is a Zend_Validate which does validation of such email addresses. And I dont think so that email like 'Foo Bar ' is valid. But I think the display in customer's email client depend on client, no?

Change 'From' field of magento contact form email to the sender

How would one go about changing the 'From' field of the contact form email to that of the sender's? For instance, if a customer was to fill in the form with the email '', how can I make the generated email be from ''?
I've looked at the 'email sender' field in the system admin panels, but this only allows for a range of preset store emails.
Many thanks
The place where this gets sent is in app/code/core/Mage/Contacts/controllers/IndexController.php at abouts line 100. It looks like the reply-to address for the emails is already set to the email address from the post, so if you're just looking to get easier replies, I'd suggest not fooling with it.
Another issue that you'll likely see is that sending email with a spoofed "from" address may cause your site to quickly become blacklisted from many email providers, which may affect the rest of your business.
That said, if you still want to do this, in that file change this code a bit:
$mailTemplate->setDesignConfig(array('area' => 'frontend'))
Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_EMAIL_SENDER), // change this
array('data' => $postObject)
Hope that helps!
Magento Contact Form - been receiving email from myself is a newer duplicate of this question and Joe's answer got me on the right path. In my answer to the duplicate question, I wrote a custom module to override app/code/core/Mage/Contacts/controllers/IndexController.php and ended up changing the indicated line above to array('name'=>$post['name'], 'email'=>$post['email']), to make the fix.
IMHO, when I do urgent small fixes in the core that have to stay until properly overloaded, I'm sure to end each line with a comment with my initials twice //CKCK hack to fix ___ and then you can grep for this and see all of your mods via ssh shell: app/code/core$ grep -rn "CKCK" *
I'm also using github for version control, which helps, too.