Change 'From' field of magento contact form email to the sender - email

How would one go about changing the 'From' field of the contact form email to that of the sender's? For instance, if a customer was to fill in the form with the email '', how can I make the generated email be from ''?
I've looked at the 'email sender' field in the system admin panels, but this only allows for a range of preset store emails.
Many thanks

The place where this gets sent is in app/code/core/Mage/Contacts/controllers/IndexController.php at abouts line 100. It looks like the reply-to address for the emails is already set to the email address from the post, so if you're just looking to get easier replies, I'd suggest not fooling with it.
Another issue that you'll likely see is that sending email with a spoofed "from" address may cause your site to quickly become blacklisted from many email providers, which may affect the rest of your business.
That said, if you still want to do this, in that file change this code a bit:
$mailTemplate->setDesignConfig(array('area' => 'frontend'))
Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_EMAIL_SENDER), // change this
array('data' => $postObject)
Hope that helps!

Magento Contact Form - been receiving email from myself is a newer duplicate of this question and Joe's answer got me on the right path. In my answer to the duplicate question, I wrote a custom module to override app/code/core/Mage/Contacts/controllers/IndexController.php and ended up changing the indicated line above to array('name'=>$post['name'], 'email'=>$post['email']), to make the fix.
IMHO, when I do urgent small fixes in the core that have to stay until properly overloaded, I'm sure to end each line with a comment with my initials twice //CKCK hack to fix ___ and then you can grep for this and see all of your mods via ssh shell: app/code/core$ grep -rn "CKCK" *
I'm also using github for version control, which helps, too.


Set "reply-to" header field for mailgun

Is it possible to set the "reply-to" header field in a Mailgun list? While conversations are sometimes nice, people are getting annoyed at the volume of mail from one particular list, in which respondents ignore the instruction to send the message to a certain email address and hit reply, resulting in dozens (or more) messages containing things like "Got it!" or "I'm coming!" when only one person needs to see the response.
For this particular list, the ideal situation would be to limit the allowed senders to just a few people, but as none of them use services quite as nice as Gmail or a standalone email client (additional SMTP logins cannot be established), I've not found any way to limit the inanity. Does anyone know how to do this?
I am not sure if you are still looking for the answer, but you can set the Reply-To header using the API.
I have been using it with an email hash - each user gets a unique hash in the reply-to field so I know who is replying. Basically the reply-to looks like this:
"h:Reply-To" : ""
In the routes panel add the following and you can redirect to your email or to an HTTP endpoint:
Hope that helps.
You can programmatically add the header "Reply-To" in the data you are sending.
For example, this snippet works well in Python:
import requests
url = ''
auth = ('api', 'YOUR_KEY')
data = {
'from': 'Info <>',
'to': ['', ''],
'subject': 'test email',
'html': '<b>hello!</b> that's all.,
'text': 'plain text here',
'o:tag': ['categoria 1', 'categoria 2']
data['h:Reply-To']="My name <>" # <------------- HERE!
res =, auth=auth, data=data)
Please check this issue in mailgun-js
You just need to add 'h:Reply-To' to your email configuration object:
const options = {from, to, subject, text, html};
options['h:Reply-To'] = replyToAddress;
That will add new header to the e-mail :)
I have been looking for the exact same functionality and have not yet found one. I even tried using the Routes but that did nothing more than forward an email before sending it out to everyone else. I opened a ticket with support and received the same reply. There is not a way to set that at this time.

How can I be sure an email address is unique?

There's a pub in my town whereby, if you sign up to their newsletter using their website and provide a "unique" email address, you get a free drink. On a whim, I decided to sign up a second time using It let me. I'm now sitting on a nice comfy pile of free drink vouchers.
This got me thinking about a system we have here, where the email address is considered the unique identifier. Checking the code, sure enough, if we were offering vouchers in our business, someone else would be sitting pretty.
The basic, stab-in-the-dark, fix is to check for the "+" character and ignore everything after it (up to the #), and compare using that. But I am unsure if this was the intent for the + character. Would that work?
Secondly, are there any other caveats that would allow a user to sign up multiple times with a seemingly different email address, but which actually would always end up in the same mailbox?
This question is language-agnostic.
While using a plus sign as an e-mail address alias is a known feature of gmail, other mailers do either not allow it or use a minus sign instead. '+' is a legitimate character to be used as part of an email address according to the RFC.
The use of '.' is also a gray area. and send also both to the same email address and look different.
In order to validate the uniqueness of an email address you will have to prepare a rule base for your application, keep it up to date and still expect surprises...

Magento - How to format the email address in "Store Email Addresses"?

What I'm trying to do is format the email address like so Foo Bar <> so email clients (including web based like gmail) will show the sender as "Foo Bar" and not just "foo" since that is the prefix on the email.
Is this possible in Magento 1.5? If I try to put the formatting in the field itself I get an error message.
That's what the Sender Name field does. This is what my setup looks like and what it looks like in Thunderbird (my webmail client formats it similarly, too):
You may look at code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Email.php for the actual mail implementation. You may notice it uses Zend_Mail. Now, here is the catch:
For security reasons, Zend_Mail filters all header fields to prevent header
injection with newline (\n) characters. Double quotation is changed to single
quotation and angle brackets to square brackets in the name of sender and recipients.
If the marks are in email address, the marks will be removed.
What you can do though is to make a module to rewrite the current class Mage_Core_Model_Email and overwrite the send() function. I covered rewriting classes before in this question's answer. Then, in this new rewritten class, you could PHPmailer, invoke shell mail commands, or whatever PHP library you would happen to know that would allow this behaviour.
Best of luck.
I'm not sure if it can work. In magento inside is a Zend_Validate which does validation of such email addresses. And I dont think so that email like 'Foo Bar ' is valid. But I think the display in customer's email client depend on client, no?

Is it possible to include comments inside a non email host name?

I am working on a more complete email validator in java and came across an interesting ability to embed comments within an email both in the "username" and "address" portions.
The following snippet from has this to say about comments within an email.
Comments are text surrounded by parentheses (like these). These are OK but don't form part of the address. In other words mail sent to will go to the same place as first(a).last(b)#example(c).com(d). Strange but true.
Do emails like this really exist ?
Is it possible to form hosts like this ?
I tried entering an url such as "google(ignore).com" but firefox and some other browsers failed and i was wondering is this because its it wrong or is it because they dont know about host name comments ?
That syntax -- comments within an addr-spec -- was indeed permissible by the original email RFC, RFC 822. However, the placement of comments like you'd like to use them was deprecated when that RFC was revised by RFC 2822... 10 years ago. It's still marked as obsolete in the current version, RFC 5322. There's no good excuse for emitting anything using that syntax.
Address parsers are supposed to be backwards-compatible in order to cover all conceivable cases, including 10-years-deprecated bits like the one you're trying to take advantage of here. But I'll bet that many, many receiving mail agents will fail to properly parse out those comments. So even though you may have technically found a loophole via the "obsolete addressing" section of the RFC, it's not likely to do you much good in practice.
As for HTTP, the syntax rules aren't the same as email syntax rules. As you're seeing, the comment section from RFC 822 isn't applicable.
Just because you can do it in the spec, doesn't mean that you should. For example, Gmail will not accept that comment format for address.
Second, (to your last point), paren-comments being allowed in email addresses doesn't mean that they work for URLs.
Finally, my advice: I'd tailor the completeness of your validator to your requirements. If you're writing a new MTA (mail transfer agent), you'll probably have to do it all. If you're writing a validator for a user input, keep it simple:
look for one #,
make sure you have stuff before (username) and after (domain name),
make sure you have a "dot" in the hostname string,
[extra credit] do a DNS lookup of the hostname to make sure it resolves.

cakephp Activation Email Sending slow

I have a simple email sender for user account activation. Depending on which email address I use, I get significantly different response times: University email - 1 minute, Gmail - 3-4 hours, Yahoo - 1 or 2 days -- which seems bizarre. Has anyone else seen this phenomenon?
There weren't many responses (even for a bounty), but I'll try to explain my problem more clearly.
This probably isn't greylsting -- If I so a simple:
php mail ($to, $subject, $body) // this delivers instantly.
My cakephp code:
function __sendActivationEmail($id) {
$User = $this->User->read ( null, $id );
$this->set ( 'suffix_url', $User ['User'] ['id'] . '/' . $this->User->getActivationHash () );
$this->set ( 'username', $User ['User'] ['username'] );
$this->Email->to = $User ['User'] ['email'];
$this->Email->subject = ' - ' . __ ( 'please confirm your email address', true );
$this->Email->from = '';
$this->Email->template = 'user_confirm';
$this->Email->sendAs = 'text';
$this->Email->delivery = 'mail';
$this->Email->send ();
Causes delays from 13 minutes (ok; we'll deal with it) to 5-6 hours (less okay, since this is an activation email). For some of my users, it works instantly, but for other users (of the same service provider, i.e., gmail, it sees these delays).
Any clues?
The code looks fine, but it of course doesn't tell anything about the mail server's configuration.
3-4 hours I would put down to Greylisting, but 1-2 days is definitely too much. Is this reproducible? How many addresses have you tried this with?
What do the full headers of the (received) mails look like? The "received from: .... "path should tell you at which point it took 1-2 days to deliver.
Maybe you can install PHPMailer as a Vendor and create a Component called "Mail"...
And don't forget to authenticate with your SMTP server! :)
Ignore the whole PHP element of it for a moment.
If its a linux server for example, send a mail from the command line e.g. mail
see if the same thing is happening that way. Its quite likely its a server configuration issue not a php or cakePHP issue.
Look up a few basics like having a FQDN and maybe look into setting up SPF records for your email. Make sure the emails are coming from your domain name not someone elses e.g. not the users email.
Also check if you have email spam software set up that could be grey listing you email on the way out (unlikely but possible). the mostly like thing is the destination spam filter is delaying it. Try send to a gmail account and see if it gets through fine or goes into spam.
Do all this without touching PHP, if all is going fine there then set up a basic php script to do a basic email not using CakePHP, if that works fine then you know its CakePHP etc but I doubt it.
So after further digging, I realized that it was our server host's problem. We use Slicehost, and it just so happens that a range of ips that had been blacklisted included our own ip. We got our name off the list, and we're good to go.