How to use wildcards in nant xmlpoke file path - nant

I am using the xmlpoke task in nant and am looking for a way to use a wildcard when addressing the xml file. Right now I have a file path like project\appFiles\project{versionNumber}\fileToUpdate.xml, I would like to use a wildcard so its something like project\appFiles\project*\fileToUpdate.xml so I don't have to update the version number every time.
How do you get it to respect wildcards?

Looking all over the web, it doesn't look like this is possible, and by design. Like copy command (todir), the file path must point to a single file so no wildcards allowed (Found info on copy command, assuming same applies for XMLPoke, but could confirm exactly).
I ended up changing some design stuff so now the version number is easily calculated by the program calling the script, so passing in not an issue anymore.


How do I configure mplayer to use a default edl file name?

I want to configure mplayer to look for an edl when playing a video. Specifically, I want it to use "show.edl" when playing "show.mp4", assuming both are in the same directory. Very similar to how it looks for subtitles.
I can add a default edl in the config file by adding the following:
And this will look for the file "default.edl" IN THE CURRENT DIRECTORY, rather than in the directory where the media file is. And it isn't named after the media file either, and thus even if it did look in the right place, I'd have one single edl file for every media file in that directory.
Not really what I wanted.
So, is there a way, in the "~/.mplayer/config" file, to specify the edl relative to the input file name?
Mplayer's config file format doesn't seem to support any sort of replacement syntax. So there's no way to do this?
MPlayer does not have a native method to specify strings in the config file relative to the input file name. So there's no native way to deal with this.
There's a variety of approaches you could use to get around that. Writing a wrapper around mplayer to parse out the input file and add an "-edl=" parameter is fairly general, but will fail on playlists, and I'm sure lots of other edge cases. The most general solution would of course be to add the functionality to mplayer's config parser (m_parse.c, iirc.)
The simplest, though, is to (ab)use media-specific configuration files.
Doesn't require recompiling mplayer!
Well defined and limited failure modes. I.E. the ways it fails and when it fails are easily understood, and there aren't hidden "oops, didn't expect that" behaviors hidden anywhere.
Construction and updating of the edl files is easily automated.
Fails if you move the media around, as the config files need to full path to the edl file to function correctly.
Requires you have a ".conf" file as well as an EDL file, which adds clutter to the file system.
Malicious config files in the media directory may be a security issue. (Though if you're allowing general upload of media files, you probably have bigger problems. mplayer is not at all a security-hardened codebase, nor generally are the codecs it uses.)
To make this work:
Add "use-filedir-conf=yes" to "/etc/mplayer.conf" or "~/.mplayer/config". This is required, as looking in the media directory for config files is turned off by default,
For each file "clip.mp4" which has an edl "clip.edl" in the same directory, create a file "clip.mp4.conf" which contains the single line "edl=/path/to/clip.edl". The complete path is required.
Automatic creation and updating of the media-specific .conf files is left as an exercise for the student.

Name of parent directory in a VSCode task

I want to create a task in .vscode/tasks.json where one of the args should be the name of the directory that contains the current file. For example, if I have the file folder1/folder2/myFile.txt open, I want to get the string folder2. As far as I can tell, none of the predefined variables gives me this. The closest is probably ${relativeFileDirname}, but that gives you the full directory path from the workspace folder , so it does not work for files deeper than one level in the file hierarchy.
If VSCode supported something like shell parameter expansion I could do with it, but since it does not I thought maybe I could use either a command variable or an input variable with "type": "command" in order to run a terminal command that gives me this (for example, in PowerShell it could be something like (Get-Item ${fileDirname}).Name). But I don't know how to do this, or if this is possible at all. Seems like something minor enough that should be possible to do without extensions, but maybe it's not.
I don't believe you can modify the built-in variables in a task, only use them as is or part of a string. But you can get other similar path variables through an extension called Command Variable that has many custom variables of the type you are looking for.
You indicated that extension.commandvariable.file.fileDirBasename will work for you.

Is there a way to use babel plugins relying ont he current filename with babel-loader?

I wrote a plugin for babel that relies on the opts.filename and opts.filenameRelative properties. It seems to be working within babel-loader for the purposes of analyzing the adjacent files, but the filename itself seems to be modified.
I'm wondering if theres a way, using babel-loader, to get access to the full source file path to use for generating a legible id and hash.
babel-loader does indeed pass the filename into the transform function. In my particular case, I was preprocessing typescript files with awesome-typescript-loader, and that was messing with the file path.

Run executable using wildcard path

I have an executable in a directory that is versioned, so the directory changes when the tool is updated.
The current command I run is the following:
.\packages\Chutzpah.4.1.0\tools\chutzpah.console.exe .\Tests\chutzpah.json
I want to do something like the following:
.\packages\Chutzpah**\tools\chutzpah.console.exe .\Tests\chutzpah.json
Windows command line doesn't like to expand wildcards but I'm hoping this is possible with powershell.
Simple answer here could be to use resolve-path which
Resolves the wildcard characters in a path, and displays the path contents.
So in practice you should be able to do something like this.
$path = Resolve-Path ".\packages\Chutzpah**\tools\chutzpah.console.exe" -Relative
& $path ".\Tests\chutzpah.json"
Note that Resolve-Path has the potential to match more that one thing.
Actually, Windows will expand the wild cards, but if the non-wildcard portion is not unique, you'll get the (I think) FIRST match.
So I think that really your problem is
"How do I tell which version I should be executing"
Which, if you have project files, etc., you might be able to extract from there.
In fact, you might well be wanting to extract something from the solution packages.config file, assuming that the .\packages\ prefix is there because you are wanting to run tests against files that are in a NuGet package.
Can you supply some more details?
OK, so you probably need to do something like System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(path, pattern)
And depending on what you'd done with "Chutzpah" you'll get one or more matches that you could use to select the correct path.

Programmatically change text config files in Linux with minimal effort

I am looking for a tool that would ease the modification of text configuration files for tasks like:
Set ForwardAgent yes on /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Append HGUSER to AcceptEnv in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (that's more complex as it does accept several params, if yours is not alread there it should add it)
Most important:
running it several times should have no side effects.
if something looks weird, it should complain (for example if you find the same line several times in a file, or if the expected syntax does not match).
Is there any linux tool that can easily be used to automate things like this?
The whole point is to be able to write these config patches somewhere so you can deploy them on several machines or on a new machine when needed.
I would certainly do this with bash scripting. Here is a great tutorial.
to change a line in a file you could do something like:
check the file exists
grep for the value you want to change - error if it appears multiple times or something
use sed to change that line
to append something to a file
check if file exists
grep to ensure it hasn't been appended to already
echo whatever >> file - the double greater than appends to a file
with each of these I would make a backup copy of the file first, just in case something goes wrong
You might want to have a look at the Unified Configuration Interface (UCI) used in Embedded Linux systems. If you have the flexibility to adapt the UCI format for your config files, this is pretty similar to what you are looking for.