Run executable using wildcard path - powershell

I have an executable in a directory that is versioned, so the directory changes when the tool is updated.
The current command I run is the following:
.\packages\Chutzpah.4.1.0\tools\chutzpah.console.exe .\Tests\chutzpah.json
I want to do something like the following:
.\packages\Chutzpah**\tools\chutzpah.console.exe .\Tests\chutzpah.json
Windows command line doesn't like to expand wildcards but I'm hoping this is possible with powershell.

Simple answer here could be to use resolve-path which
Resolves the wildcard characters in a path, and displays the path contents.
So in practice you should be able to do something like this.
$path = Resolve-Path ".\packages\Chutzpah**\tools\chutzpah.console.exe" -Relative
& $path ".\Tests\chutzpah.json"
Note that Resolve-Path has the potential to match more that one thing.

Actually, Windows will expand the wild cards, but if the non-wildcard portion is not unique, you'll get the (I think) FIRST match.
So I think that really your problem is
"How do I tell which version I should be executing"
Which, if you have project files, etc., you might be able to extract from there.
In fact, you might well be wanting to extract something from the solution packages.config file, assuming that the .\packages\ prefix is there because you are wanting to run tests against files that are in a NuGet package.
Can you supply some more details?
OK, so you probably need to do something like System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(path, pattern)
And depending on what you'd done with "Chutzpah" you'll get one or more matches that you could use to select the correct path.


Name of parent directory in a VSCode task

I want to create a task in .vscode/tasks.json where one of the args should be the name of the directory that contains the current file. For example, if I have the file folder1/folder2/myFile.txt open, I want to get the string folder2. As far as I can tell, none of the predefined variables gives me this. The closest is probably ${relativeFileDirname}, but that gives you the full directory path from the workspace folder , so it does not work for files deeper than one level in the file hierarchy.
If VSCode supported something like shell parameter expansion I could do with it, but since it does not I thought maybe I could use either a command variable or an input variable with "type": "command" in order to run a terminal command that gives me this (for example, in PowerShell it could be something like (Get-Item ${fileDirname}).Name). But I don't know how to do this, or if this is possible at all. Seems like something minor enough that should be possible to do without extensions, but maybe it's not.
I don't believe you can modify the built-in variables in a task, only use them as is or part of a string. But you can get other similar path variables through an extension called Command Variable that has many custom variables of the type you are looking for.
You indicated that extension.commandvariable.file.fileDirBasename will work for you.

How to extract archives from dir/subdir/*.* to dir/%zipname%/

I have a bunch of Archives that I want to extract. Problem is, there's a lot of them, and it's a lot of info to move around. I'd like to do it all at once. It's probably taken more time to research than to do it manually, but research is more interesting.
TL;DR: Would like help with 7-zip command line to extract multiple archives into their own directory. Autohotkey, Powershell, and batch files answers would also be nice if you are feeling extra helpful.
Win10, latest update and all that. I've been using 7-zip, so if there's a better extractor for this it might be a helpful suggestion. I have a little experience with coding, so I can usually pars an example and apply it to my project, but I can't come up with code on my own. So with that said, I'm comfortable using cmd, autohotkey, powershell, batch files, and a few others, but I need an example before I can do anything. haha
So, in my research, I found
(7z x -o"...\Stellaris\mod\Examples\" "...\content\281990\*")
for cmd, which works, except that extracts everything to the same dir since the archive files are in the root archive dir (I think that's why; if they were one folder down, it should work like I want right?). I don't think you can use environment variables in the path(?). Not sure what would make it work here...
Powershell: I only recently started tinkering with it so the one script I found didn't make any sense to me. And never found anyone using AutoHotKey for this.
And finally a **batch file* I found here seemed to come closest (normally I'd comment on that thread cause apparently it's still active, but I don't have 50 rep), but I wasn't sure how to modify it for my purposes:
#echo off
SET "filename=%~1" #Where does the working dir path go?
SET dirName=%filename:~0,-4% #How/where would you put in wildcards?
7z x -o"%dirName%" "%filename%"
I don't mind using any method, though I might prefer AHK? I'm probably most experienced there.
If you made it this far, wow, I'm impressed! I hope it was coherent enough to understand (probably not at first?). And maybe a little entertaining? I think I'm funny. Let me know if I should add or remove anything for the future. I know it's probably way too much context, but I would rather have too much than not enough, and I'm never sure what would be relevant and what would not. I'm not happy with my code format here, but I didn't quite understand what the help was saying about whitespace and I'm not familiar enough with Markdown yet (I wanted comments to be in line). Also, I'm honestly not sure about the tags.
EDIT: Added TL;DR at the top, and...
Found an answer via a program that does this. I'll post it in an answer as well: ExtractNow seems to be a bit outdated, last update was in '17, but it did what I wanted it to.
For interactive use at the command prompt:
for %z in ("\path\to\dir\subdir\*.zip") do #echo 7z "-o\path\to\extracted\%~nz" "%~z"
This won't run 7z, but it will print out the commands. Once you are satisfied that the printed commands look fine, remove the #echo to execute them.
In a batch script you must of course duplicate the % signs.
Found an answer via a program that does this. ExtractNow seems to be a bit outdated, last update was in '17, but it did what I wanted it to with only a few settings changes.
So, in my research, I found
(7z x -o"...\Stellaris\mod\Examples" "...\content\281990\*")
for cmd, which works, except that extracts everything to the same dir...
Assuming you were using Windows, 7-zip would have worked fine to do what you wanted. The only thing you were missing is the * character, which 7-zip expands to be the archive name when used with the -o switch:
7z x "dir\subdir\*.*" -o"dir\*"
So 7z x -o"...\Stellaris\mod\Examples" "...\content\281990\*"
7z x -o"...\Stellaris\mod\Examples\*" "...\content\281990\*"
Also be aware that *.* does not mean any file under 7-zip. 7-Zip takes *.* to be name of any file that has an extension. To process all files just use a "dir\subdir\*" without the extra .*.

Extracting Multiple 7z Files Overrides Same Folder

I'm currently working on a project where I take multiple 7z files and extract the contents of these files in a folder named the same way as the 7z file itself. I also apologize if something like this has been answered already; I spent time trying to investigate this issue but I can't seem to find anyone else who has had a similar issue.
For example:
a1.7z -> <targetpath>/a1/<contents within a1.7z>
The following shell line: a1.7z | % {& "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" "x" $_.fullname "-o<targetpath>\a1" -y -r}
Works like a dream, but only for one 7z file. However, whenever I start extracting a second 7z file, it won't create a new folder but instead will continue to add into the same first folder that is created; second folder is never made. When I manually highlight all of the 7z files I want to extract, right click and select "Extract to "*\", it does what I would like it to do but I can't figure out how to script this action. I should also mention that some of the 7z files, when extracted, can contain subfolders of the same name. I'm not sure if this is throwing off the recursion cycle, but I'm assuming this might be the case.
Any help or advice on this topic would be greatly appreciated!
If you get all the .7z files as IOFileInfo objects (Using get-ChildItem) you can use Mathias comment, as one way to do this with the pipeline, but I recommend you put this inside a loop and look for a better way to choose the names of the folders I.e. "NofFolder_$_.BaseName" just in case of more than 1 folder with the same name.
It really depends on the format you want.

How to use wildcards in nant xmlpoke file path

I am using the xmlpoke task in nant and am looking for a way to use a wildcard when addressing the xml file. Right now I have a file path like project\appFiles\project{versionNumber}\fileToUpdate.xml, I would like to use a wildcard so its something like project\appFiles\project*\fileToUpdate.xml so I don't have to update the version number every time.
How do you get it to respect wildcards?
Looking all over the web, it doesn't look like this is possible, and by design. Like copy command (todir), the file path must point to a single file so no wildcards allowed (Found info on copy command, assuming same applies for XMLPoke, but could confirm exactly).
I ended up changing some design stuff so now the version number is easily calculated by the program calling the script, so passing in not an issue anymore.

rename files& directories {searchstr} with {replacestr}

I have an application (Templify) that creates a templatized directory structure, but it seems to not be able to rename the "__NAME__" with what I've identified as the target.
This is fine if I can find a clean way to rename all files & directories with my replacement text.
I found a method that renames files, and I found some code that removes underscores in file names and replaces it with spaces... but when I modify the code to put in my search terms, it never seems to work.
So, basically, I need to replace "__NAME__" with something like "Project-Name".
I'm happy to modify the search strings for each future reuse, but I'd love to figure out how to create a file to which I can pass ARGS.
I'm on XP and can use cygwin (cygwin doesn't seem to have 'rename' which makes it hard to locate linux-type solutions with using the function called 'rename'....)
I did find this which is easy to use for files in the current directory, but I don't know enough to tell it to recurse into sub-directories.
Any help would be great.
From cygwin:
find /cygdrive/c/mytree -type f | perl -ne 'rename $_, $1/Project-Name if m[^(.*)/__NAME__$]'
Or using python:
import os
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("C:\\mytree"):
for filename in files:
if filename == "__NAME__":
os.rename(os.path.join(root, filename), os.path.join(root, "Project-Name"))