Is there a way to have MS Word suppress a full page IF a condition is met for a Mail Merge?
{ IF { MERGEFIELD x } = "True" "insert text here" [SUPPRESS PAGE] }
Perhaps there is another way to look at this if there is no straight forward answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
One possible solution could be to wrap the conditional content in a section and then hide this section. There is some explanation about how to do it here.
Another option is to use some toolkit based on OpenXML to show/hide conditional content. I have done this myself on several projects using Docentric toolkit, which is not free, but can be tailored to all kinds of possible scenarios, including yours. An example of conditional content is shown here.
I hope you will find something of the above useful.
I'm trying to write an extension for vs-code that does the following:
I want to have each of the "XY-#" expressions in the comments of gtests to be highlighted and clickable when holding down ctrl. Each link should open the default browser with an url
e.g. for the first expression in the example https://website/1912603
/// #requirement XY-#1912603, XY-#1884770, XY-#1885273
TEST_P(SomeFixture, Foo)
So what I will probably need is
some kind of regex pattern matching
code highlighting based on the matched pattern
reaction to ctrl-key
Link creation with the parsed and stripped <number>
I've been looking around for a while but couldn't find any example extension with a similar usecase. Any one of you came across some good examples to look into?
Thanks in advance,
You have to use a registerDocumentLinkProvider
Does anyone know how to create a link to the header of a different wiki page?
I know if I have a header ##Header name that I can link to it on that page by using (#header-name) as my link, but I want to link to that header from a different page. Is this possible?
ie. I want to have a table of contents that can link to the sub-sections of each wiki page as well as to the page itself.
Edit: I mean a way besides just using the url link
EDIT 1: So totally wrong about before, I just read up a bit more. So we have this new support as well inside of GitHub Wikis! (Relatively new.)
You can also do something like this:
[[ Link text | page_title#header_title ]]
This might work a lot better for you! TIL because of this answer here. You can see me do this with the Prerequisite link and you can see my other links work the other way. Time for me to do some updates!
EDIT 1: Still useful but definitely NOT THE ONLY WAY.
So I answered a question about this before, you should avoid absolute links on GitHub (i.e.
However, a good way (and kind of the only way inside of Wikis EDIT 1: TOTALLY NOT TRUE TO BEING THE ONLY WAY) of doing what you need can be seen like this:
[Header link](/user/repository_name/wiki/page_name#title).
This is kind of the linking unfortunately that the Wiki would support. This will change your directory page based off of GitHub. You can see that it would be linkage you want to hit)
I have actually began doing something like this in a Wiki I work on here. Inside of my Sidebar, you can see I have a Getting Started Page, and then a subsection into it is a Prerequisite heading and it will properly lead people to where they need to go. You would be able to perform this same thing on any page. It is a tad verbose, but worth it as you can easily change things around if need be. This is also case-sensitive since it will change their location so be sure that in your linkage, the page is the proper case and your heading is all lowercase.
Hope this helps!
You can link to the header by simply assigning an id to header. e.g you've "Extension" header in a page called Abc.
# <a id="extension"></a> Extensions
You have another page "Call center" and you want to go to extension in abc , you can use reference linking of markdown i.e "The [extensions][1] are handled by agents"
[1]: url-of-abc/#extension
I tested Maxwell's "good way" to link to the header of another page in Github in Edit 1 on and it works perfectly.
#[crux-ports Installation](/user/crux-ports/blob/master/
markdown generate slug for the heading and convert it to id, example
# [ topic ][ color ]
will be converted to
<h1 id="topic--color" data-line="643" class="code-line">[ topic ][ color ]</h1>
Thus, to link it you can write it as [color](#topic--color).
If the destination anchor is on another page (assume filename with path relative to current markdown page, then you can write it as [color](
Attach the slugify function from vscode
// excerpt from
const str = '# [ topic ][ color ]';
const slug = encodeURI(
.replace(/\s+/g, "-") // Replace whitespace with -
.replace(/[\]\[\!\'\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\#\\\^\_\{\|\}\~\`。,、;:?!…—·ˉ¨‘’“”々~‖∶"'`|〃〔〕〈〉《》「」『』.〖〗【】()[]{}]/g, "") // Remove known punctuators
.replace(/^\-+/, "") // Remove leading -
.replace(/\-+$/, "") // Remove trailing -
console.log(slug) // "topic--color"
I am wondering if there is a way to add a HTML5 Custom Data Attribute to any Content Element like Text or Text w/ images.
Anyone tried / did this before or is there a good reason not to do this?
You can either add a new field (own extension) or use any of the existing (e.g. layout to define own values. Then you can change the TypoScript rendering based on the value of this field.
... or in addition to #pgampe's answer, which is fine for programmers you can use ie. DCE extension, which allows you to create any HTML structure with usage pure Fluid syntax
Thank's for the answers. I didn't know DCE, looks very interesting.
As I needed a quick solution for just a few elements on one page I did something really quick and dirty. But as it worked for me, I would like to post it in addition to the two other excellent answers.
I used the field Description field to add the content of my custom field. I know it's not intended for this, but as alreay mentioned: quick & dirty. :-)
tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject {
50 =< tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject.default
50.20.10.value = csc-default layout-{field:layout}" data-filter="{field:rowDescription}
50.20.10.insertData = 1
My SSRS report contains 7 input parameters and while running my report the size of the parameter(i.e. length) is increasing.
One of my input parameter(drop down list) may contain 100 characters so the size is not constant but i want to place all parameters in 2 lines or 3 lines(in a row).
Now it is coming 2 parameters per a row
Please advice
As gbn indicates, it's not easy to change the built in report server method of presenting the parameters. SSRS likes to always use two parameters per line, presented in the order that they exist in the report (which must match the dependency order.)
So the alternatives that gbn mentions: Both involve building a "Wrapper" application: some custom code or a web page that you can code however you like to get the parameters. Then you call Reporting Services, either in code or by passing a formatted URL with your parameters. The report can be displayed in a frame, new window, or passed as a stream to where ever you'd like.
The URL access is pretty straightforward and reliable: I often use it either by hand (to create "favorites") or in code.
For what you are looking for, these might be more work than you expected, but they will be extremely flexible for your interface.
You can certainly do that, just right click on the RDL file in the solution explorer and select view code. then move the XML tags named <ReportParameter Name="Nameofparameter"> under <ReportParameters> according to where ever you want to position. And then save it. thats it!!!
The report parameters are kind of floating in values of 2, so if u have 4 report parameters then it will be shown as 1,2 next line 3,4. Best of luck!!
Use ASP.NET for the paramaters and a ReportViewer control or URL access to render. Seriously.
I don't know of any option to present parameters any way other then the default
I believe you could try using jQuery. The report parameters are rendered in a table under a div tag with class sqlrv-ParameterContainer. Write a jQuery or JavaScript function that will extract the full innerHTML from this div ie. the table content and then extract the table row information like the <label> or <input> tags.
Create your desired table structure with <table><tr><td>{extracted sections}</td><td></td></tr></table> or leave it to your requirement...
Then just append this new HTML structure in place of the original default structure.
In jQuery it will be like
which will give you the entire table structure that comes inside the parameter. Use XML parsing and get the input controls and all. Extract these controls as-is, don't change anything.
$(".sqlrv-ParameterContainer table").remove(); // it will remove the SSRS rendered default table from DOM
$(".sqlrv-ParameterContainer table").appendChild('<table><tr>......</tr></table>'); // Append your custom html structure here....
This was something that came to my mind quickly... I would suggest you test it... :)
This doesn't help the OP with SSRS-2008 but in case it helps others - Microsoft have improved this in SSRS 2016 - parameters can now be easily managed via the GUI in Report Builder / Visual studio:
I want to add some text (from a formula) to my crystal report.
the thing is: I want this text only to be visible if I export the report to HTML for instance.
I don't want to see the text if I print the report.
Can it be done?
bye Juergen
Short answer: no. Crystal Reports, even v2008, doesn't have a mechanism to distinguish when it is being printed.
You could use a parameter field to set the field's visibility, but this will be a manual process.
You might be able to write a user-function library (UFL) to use the Windows API to determine the state of the document and return it to the report. The challenge would be to 1) find an API that can determine a document's print state 2) determine the report's 'handle'. I would go the c/c++ route for building such a UFL.
I don't think it's possible. The simplest way around your issue is to make 2 different versions of your CR report, 1 for HTML and 1 for printing.
A little redundant, yes, but it gets the job done.