Is there a way to schedule a SikuliX script to run automatically? - scheduled-tasks

I've managed to run the script from the command line thinking that i could possibly use windows Schedule Task to run it, but it doesn't run command prompt or anything. When i go and check the task it says it completed. Im running windows8. Any help would be appreciated.

You can make a .bat file to execute your sikuli sript. .bat files can be scheduled with Windows 8, but you may need to schedule that task as SYSTEM or as the admin.


PowerShell script does not execute by task scheduler "CylancePROTECT"

I try to execute a backup script (.ps1) from task scheduler but that execute with error
CylancePROTECT Script Control has blocked access to this PowerShell script
It works manually.
Do you have any idea?
It is being blocked by the third-party program CylancePROTECT. You will need to speak to whoever manages that to have them unblock it. Most likely the program is blocking scripts being run non-interactively or blocking them from running as whatever user your task is set to use.

Run a bat file when a specific application is opened in Windows XP

I want to know how can we run a bat file when a specific application is opened?
Eg: I would like to run a bat file whenever mspaint is opened.
I have successfully performed this in Windows 7 and Windows 10 using Task Scheduler. But the task scheduler available in Win Xp is very basic.
You could use another batch file that runs on startup of windows. use while loop with an appropriate sleep to detect when Paint.exe runs.
then you could write more commands to do anything you want. For example, as you said, you could run another batch file...
I found this solution by an investigation of these topics:
Syntax for a single-line Bash infinite while loop
How to check if a process is running via a batch script
Batch program to to check if process exists

How to invoke an opened Exceed window to run a Perl script using a Schedule Task

To schedule a perl script which is executed on a specific time / day in a week
In a schedule Tasks, I have created a new Task by which the Task will call a batch file with below contents
cd "DRIVE\FOLDER\Hummingbird\Connectivity\14.00\Exceed\"
cd mDrive/bin
perl -publish -location XXX -email
Wen I run the scheduler, the prompt opens up the ABCD.xs exceed file window seperately file but the below commands are executed in the command pronpt itself
I want the commands
cd mDrive/bin
perl -publish -location XXX -email
to be executed in the exceed window
Any kind of solution wud be great
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you need to start getting into either SendKey stuff (Win32 packages) or else look into writing Exceed/Hummingbird scripts and just executing those.
Some other things to look into... does the remote server have a telnet or ssh server running? Or are there other methods of executing code on the remote server?
For example, my work's mainframe is accessed via a Hummingbird terminal emulator, but I can also telnet to the mainframe and execute commands as well as FTP batch job directly into the JES spool. So when I execute things on the mainframe by way of my PC (Perl scripts, etc.), I don't even fool with Hummingbird.
Good luck...

simple command prompt one line into exe

I have a perl script that I run from the command prompt: 3 times a day, the problem is now I need to run it every two hours. Im not going to be on an episode of lost so I need some help. Here is the command:
Perl C:/test/scripts/
Does anyone know how this above one line command can be made into an executable (.exe) file so I can use the task scheduler to run?
If there is another way to do this with the task scheduler to run once every two hours every day then I could do that as well.
Thanks for your time.
Can you not simply create a batch file that runs the script, and set that batch file to run every two hours? I know from a quick test there that I can schedule a batch file to run from Task Scheduler on Windows XP at least.
You can actually use the task scheduler to run that exact command without a batch.
The task scheduler should allow you to pass some arguments to the script without a problem (I have done this on a few Windows servers in order to have them run PHP scripts)

How do I get Powershell to execute in scheduled task?

I have created a Powershell script and set it up to run within a .bat file. When I click on the .bat file the Powershell script runs like a champ. I then set up the .bat file to be run as a scheduled task. Again it works like a champ when I right click on it and launch it interactively. Problem is it fails when the task scheduled to run unattended in the evening.
Not sure if this matters but I am using Powershell v.1 on Windows 2003 Server 64.
Thanks in advance for your help.
The status on the scheduled task is "Could not start". Perhaps fails was the wrong choice of words because the task probably doesn't even start running.
The task is set up to run as my user and I am set up as a local administrator on the box.
Check if scheduled task's security setting
Scheduled task might be running under a credential that does not have access to the batch file.
When you are adding a new task, you are asked to enter a credential
And you can check for already created task's credential
The status on the scheduled task is "Could not start". Perhaps fails was the wrong choice of words because the task probably doesn't even start running.
Make sure that Task Scheduler service is running
Is the task set to run with your useraccount or as System? Check the access rights on cmd.exe and powershell.exe.
Also if you go to the sheduled tasks you can do a 'view log' in the advanced menu to check for error messages.
Just a guess, but could it be something to do with the account/security context from which the script is running? If it's running on the System account, then that could certainly be a problem. (I suspect it's just running on your user account however.) Check that all your path variables are set correctly when the script runs, for a start. Otherwise, could you perhaps provide any more information on how exactly it fails (i.e. any error messages)?
Maybe the current directory is not set as you expect when running from the task manager. Try running your bat file from the command line, while you are not in the same directory as the file (and your .ps1 script) are.
Otherwise: check permissions.