Return second string if first is empty? - scala

Here is an idiom I find myself writing.
def chooseName(nameFinder: NameFinder) = {
if(nameFinder.getReliableName.isEmpty) nameFinder.getReliableName
else nameFinder.secondBestChoice
In order to avoid calling getReliableName() twice on nameFinder, I add code that makes my method look less elegant.
def chooseName(nameFinder: NameFinder) = {
val reliableName = nameFinder.getReliableName()
val secondBestChoice = nameFinder.getSecondBestChoice()
if(reliableName.isEmpty) reliableName
else secondBestChoice
This feels dirty because I am creating an unnecessary amount of state using the vals for no reason other than to prevent a duplicate method call. Scala has taught me that whenever I feel dirty there is almost always a better way.
Is there a more elegant way to write this?
Here's two Strings, return whichever isn't empty while favoring the first

There's no need to always call getSecondBestChoice, of course. Personally, I find nothing inelegant about the code after changing that - it's clear what it does, has no mutable state. The other answers just seem overcomplicated just to avoid using a val
def chooseName(nameFinder: NameFinder) = {
val reliableName = nameFinder.getReliableName()
if(reliableName.isEmpty) reliableName
else nameFinder.getSecondBestChoice()
If you really want to avoid the val, here's another variant (generalises well if there are more than two alternatives)
List(nameFinder.getReliableName(), nameFinder.getSecondBestChoice()).find(_.nonEmpty).get
(or getOrElse(lastResort) if everything in the list may be empty too)

Here's a way using Option. It's not that much prettier, but everything is called only once. This assumes you want a String as a result, and don't care if the second string is empty.

Option(namefinder.getReliableName) // transforms a potential null into None
.filter(_.trim.nonEmpty) // "" is None, but also " "
Or better, if you can modify getReliableName to return an Option[String]:
def chooseName(nameFinder: NameFinder): String =
namefinder.getReliableName getOrElse nameFinder.secondBestChoice
Finally, if secondBestChoice can fail as well (assuming it returns an Option[String]):
def chooseName(nameFinder: NameFinder): Option[String] =
namefinder.getReliableName orElse nameFinder.secondBestChoice

If you need it more than once:
scala> implicit class `nonempty or else`(val s: String) extends AnyVal {
| def nonEmptyOrElse(other: => String) = if (s.isEmpty) other else s }
defined class nonempty
scala> "abc" nonEmptyOrElse "def"
res2: String = abc
scala> "" nonEmptyOrElse "def"
res3: String = def

Using the following pattern matching may deliver a neater scalish code,
def chooseName(nameFinder: NameFinder) = {
nameFinder.getReliableName match {
case r if r.isEmpty => r
case _ => nameFinder.secondBestChoice


Combine multiple extractor objects to use in one match statement

Is it possible to run multiple extractors in one match statement?
object CoolStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[SomeInfo] = ...
object NeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[OtherInfo] = ...
// is there some syntax similar to this?
thing match {
case t # CoolStuff(someInfo) # NeatStuff(otherInfo) => process(someInfo, otherInfo)
case _ => // neither Cool nor Neat
The intent here being that there are two extractors, and I don't have to do something like this:
object CoolNeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[(SomeInfo, OtherInfo)] = thing match {
case CoolStuff(someInfo) => thing match {
case NeatStuff(otherInfo) => Some(someInfo -> otherInfo)
case _ => None // Cool, but not Neat
case _ => None// neither Cool nor Neat
Can try
object ~ {
def unapply[T](that: T): Option[(T,T)] = Some(that -> that)
def too(t: Thing) = t match {
case CoolStuff(a) ~ NeatStuff(b) => ???
I've come up with a very similar solution, but I was a bit too slow, so I didn't post it as an answer. However, since #userunknown asks to explain how it works, I'll dump my similar code here anyway, and add a few comments. Maybe someone finds it a valuable addition to cchantep's minimalistic solution (it looks... calligraphic? for some reason, in a good sense).
So, here is my similar, aesthetically less pleasing proposal:
object && {
def unapply[A](a: A) = Some((a, a))
// added some definitions to make your question-code work
type Thing = String
type SomeInfo = String
type OtherInfo = String
object CoolStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[SomeInfo] = Some(thing.toLowerCase)
object NeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[OtherInfo] = Some(thing.toUpperCase)
def process(a: SomeInfo, b: OtherInfo) = s"[$a, $b]"
val res = "helloworld" match {
case CoolStuff(someInfo) && NeatStuff(otherInfo) =>
process(someInfo, otherInfo)
case _ =>
This prints
[helloworld, HELLOWORLD]
The idea is that identifiers (in particular, && and ~ in cchantep's code) can be used as infix operators in patterns. Therefore, the match-case
case CoolStuff(someInfo) && NeatStuff(otherInfo) =>
will be desugared into
case &&(CoolStuff(someInfo), NeatStuff(otherInfo)) =>
and then the unapply method method of && will be invoked which simply duplicates its input.
In my code, the duplication is achieved by a straightforward Some((a, a)). In cchantep's code, it is done with fewer parentheses: Some(t -> t). The arrow -> comes from ArrowAssoc, which in turn is provided as an implicit conversion in Predef. This is just a quick way to create pairs, usually used in maps:
Map("hello" -> 42, "world" -> 58)
Another remark: notice that && can be used multiple times:
case Foo(a) && Bar(b) && Baz(c) => ...
So... I don't know whether it's an answer or an extended comment to cchantep's answer, but maybe someone finds it useful.
For those who might miss the details on how this magic actually works, just want to expand the answer by #cchantep anf #Andrey Tyukin (comment section does not allow me to do that).
Running scalac with -Xprint:parser option will give something along those lines (scalac 2.11.12)
def too(t: String) = t match {
case $tilde(CoolStuff((a # _)), NeatStuff((b # _))) => $qmark$qmark$qmark
This basically shows you the initial steps compiler does while parsing source into AST.
Important Note here is that the rules why compiler makes this transformation are described in Infix Operation Patterns and Extractor Patterns. In particular, this allows you to use any object as long as it has unapply method, like for example CoolStuff(a) AndAlso NeatStuff(b). In previous answers && and ~ were picked up as also possible but not the only available valid identifiers.
If running scalac with option -Xprint:patmat which is a special phase for translating pattern matching one can see something similar to this
def too(t: String): Nothing = {
case <synthetic> val x1: String = t;
<synthetic> val o13: Option[(String, String)] = main.this.~.unapply[String](x1);
if (o13.isEmpty.unary_!)
<synthetic> val p3: String = o13.get._1;
<synthetic> val p4: String = o13.get._2;
<synthetic> val o12: Option[String] = main.this.CoolStuff.unapply(p3);
if (o12.isEmpty.unary_!)
<synthetic> val o11: Option[String] = main.this.NeatStuff.unapply(p4);
if (o11.isEmpty.unary_!)
Here ~.unapply will be called on input parameter t which will produce Some((t,t)). The tuple values will be extracted into variables p3 and p4. Then, CoolStuff.unapply(p3) will be called and if the result is not None NeatStuff.unapply(p4) will be called and also checked if it is not empty. If both are not empty then according to Variable Patterns a and b will be bound to returned results inside corresponding Some.

Type mismatch found Unit, required Future[Customer] on flatmap

I have the below code and in my findOrCreate() function, I'm getting an error saying Type mismatch found Unit, required Future[Customer]. The customerByPhone() function that is being called inside findOrCreate() also contains calls that are expecting Futures, which is why I'm using a fatmap. I don't know why the result of the flatmap is resulting in Unit. What am I doing wrong?
override def findOrCreate(phoneNumber: String, creationReason: String): Future[AvroCustomer] = {
//query for customer in db
val avroCustomer: Future[AvroCustomer] = customerByPhone(phoneNumber).flatMap(_ => createUserAndEvent(phoneNumber, creationReason, 1.0))
override def customerByPhone(phoneNumber: String): Future[AvroCustomer] = {
val query = Schema.Customers.byPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
val dbAction: DBIO[Option[Schema.Customer]] = query.result.headOption
private def createUserAndEvent(phoneNumber: String, creationReason: String, version: Double): Future[AvroCustomer] = {
val query = Schema.Customers.byPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
val dbAction: DBIO[Option[Schema.Customer]] = query.result.headOption
val data: JsValue = Json.obj(
"phone_number" -> phoneNumber,
"agent_number" -> "placeholder for agent number",
"creation_reason" -> creationReason
//empty for now
val metadata: JsValue = Json.obj()
//creates user
val avroCustomer: Future[AvroCustomer] =
case Success(null) => {
//creates event
case Success(customer) => {
val uuid: UUID = UUID.fromString(
//create event
val event: Future[CustomerEvent] =
case Failure(exception) => {
Future.successful(new AvroCustomer)
While Reactormonk basically answered this in the comments, I'm going to actually write an answer with some details. His comment that a val statement produces Unit is fundamentally correct, but I'm hoping some elaboration will make things more clear.
The key element that I see is that val is a declaration. Declarations in Scala are statements that don't produce useful values. Because of the functional nature of Scala, they do produce a value, but it is Unit and as there is only one instance of Unit, it doesn't carry any meaning.
The reason programmers new to Scala are often tempted to do something like this is that they don't think of blocks of code as statements and are often used to using return in other languages. So let's consider a simplified function here.
def foo(i: Int): Int = {
42 * i
I include a code block as I think that is key to this error, though it really isn't needed here. The value of a code block is simply the value of the last expression in the code block. This is why we don't have to specify return, but most programmers who are used to return are a bit uncomfortable with that naked expression at the end of a block. That is why it is tempting to throw in the val declaration.
def foo(i: Int): Int = {
val result = 42 * i // Error: type mismatch.
Of course, as was mentioned, but val results in Unit making this incorrect. You could add an extra line with just result, and that will compile, but it is overly verbose and non-idiomatic.
Scala supports the use of return to leave a method/function and give back a particular value, though the us is generally frowned upon. As such, the following code works.
def foo(i: Int): Int = {
return 42 * i
While you shouldn't use return in Scala code, I feel that imagining it being there can help with understanding what is wrong here. If you stick a return in front of the val you get code like the following.
def foo(i: Int): Int = {
return val result = 42 * i // Error: type mismatch.
At least to me, this code is clearly incorrect. The val is a declaration and as such it just doesn't work with a return. It takes some time to get used to the functional style of blocks as expressions. Until you get to that point, it might help just to act like there is a return at the end of methods without actually putting one there.
It is worth noting that, in the comments, jwvh claims that a declaration like this in C would return a value. That is false. Assignments in most C-family languages give back the value that was assigned, so a = 5 returns the value 5, but declarations don't, so int a = 5; does not give back anything and can't be used as an expression.

Repeating function call until we'll get non-empty Option result in Scala

A very newbie question in Scala - how do I do "repeat function until something is returned meets my criteria" in Scala?
Given that I have a function that I'd like to call until it returns the result, for example, defined like that:
def tryToGetResult: Option[MysteriousResult]
I've come up with this solution, but I really feel that it is ugly:
var res: Option[MysteriousResult] = None
do {
res = tryToGetResult
} while (res.isEmpty)
or, equivalently ugly:
var res: Option[MysteriousResult] = None
while (res.isEmpty) {
res = tryToGetResult
I really feel like there is a solution without var and without so much hassle around manual checking whether Option is empty or not.
For comparison, Java alternative that I see seems to be much cleaner here:
MysteriousResult tryToGetResult(); // returns null if no result yet
MysteriousResult res;
while ((res = tryToGetResult()) == null);
To add insult to injury, if we don't need to doSomethingWith(res) and we just need to return it from this function, Scala vs Java looks like that:
def getResult: MysteriousResult = {
var res: Option[MysteriousResult] = None
do {
res = tryToGetResult
} while (res.isEmpty)
MysteriousResult getResult() {
while (true) {
MysteriousResult res = tryToGetResult();
if (res != null) return res;
You can use Stream's continually method to do precisely this:
val res = Stream.continually(tryToGetResult).flatMap(_.toStream).head
Or (possibly more clearly):
val res = Stream.continually(tryToGetResult).dropWhile(!_.isDefined).head
One advantage of this approach over explicit recursion (besides the concision) is that it's much easier to tinker with. Say for example that we decided that we only wanted to try to get the result a thousand times. If a value turns up before then, we want it wrapped in a Some, and if not we want a None. We just add a few characters to our code above:
And we have what we want. (Note that the Stream is lazy, so even though the take(1000) is there, if a value turns up after three calls to tryToGetResult, it will only be called three times.)
Performing side effects like this make me die a little inside, but how about this?
scala> import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.annotation.tailrec
scala> #tailrec
| def lookupUntilDefined[A](f: => Option[A]): A = f match {
| case Some(a) => a
| case None => lookupUntilDefined(f)
| }
lookupUntilDefined: [A](f: => Option[A])A
Then call it like this
scala> def tryToGetResult(): Option[Int] = Some(10)
tryToGetResult: ()Option[Int]
scala> lookupUntilDefined(tryToGetResult())
res0: Int = 10
You may want to give lookupUntilDefined an additional parameter so it can stop eventually in case f is never defined.

Can extractors be customized with parameters in the body of a case statement (or anywhere else that an extractor would be used)?

Basically, I would like to be able to build a custom extractor without having to store it in a variable prior to using it.
This isn't a real example of how I would use it, it would more likely be used in the case of a regular expression or some other string pattern like construct, but hopefully it explains what I'm looking for:
def someExtractorBuilder(arg:Boolean) = new {
def unapply(s:String):Option[String] = if(arg) Some(s) else None
//I would like to be able to use something like this
val {someExtractorBuilder(true)}(result) = "test"
"test" match {case {someExtractorBuilder(true)}(result) => result }
//instead I would have to do this:
val customExtractor = someExtractorBuilder(true)
val customExtractor(result) = "test"
"test" match {case customExtractor(result) => result}
When just doing a single custom extractor it doesn't make much difference, but if you were building a large list of extractors for a case statement, it could make things more difficult to read by separating all of the extractors from their usage.
I expect that the answer is no you can't do this, but I thought I'd ask around first :D
Parameterising extractors would be cool, but we don't have the resources to implement them right now.
8.1.7 Extractor Patterns
An extractor pattern x (p 1 , . . . ,
p n ) where n ≥ 0 is of the same
syntactic form as a constructor
pattern. However, instead of a case
class, the stable identifier x denotes
an object which has a member method
named unapply or unapplySeq that
matches the pattern.
One can customize extractors to certain extent using implicit parameters, like this:
object SomeExtractorBuilder {
def unapply(s: String)(implicit arg: Boolean): Option[String] = if (arg) Some(s) else None
implicit val arg: Boolean = true
"x" match {
case SomeExtractorBuilder(result) =>
Unfortunately this cannot be used when you want to use different variants in one match, as all case statements are in the same scope. Still, it can be useful sometimes.
Late but there is a scalac plugin in one of my lib providing syntax ~(extractorWith(param), bindings):
x match {
case ~(parametrizedExtractor(param)) =>
"no binding"
case ~(parametrizedExtractor(param), (a, b)) =>
s"extracted bindings: $a, $b"
Though what you are asking isn't directly possible,
it is possible to create an extractor returning a contaner that gets evaluated value in the if-part of the case evaluation. In the if part it is possible to provide parameters.
object DateExtractor {
def unapply(in: String): Option[DateExtractor] = Some(new DateExtractor(in));
class DateExtractor(input:String){
var value:LocalDate=null;
def apply():LocalDate = value;
def apply(format: String):Boolean={
val formater=DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(format);
val parsed=formater.parse(input, TemporalQueries.localDate());
} catch {
case e:Throwable=>{
object DateExtractorUsage{
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
"2009-12-31" match {
case DateExtractor(ext) if(ext("dd-MM-yyyy"))=>{
println("Found dd-MM-yyyy date:"+ext())
case DateExtractor(ext) if(ext("yyyy-MM-dd"))=>{
println("Found yyyy-MM-dd date:"+ext())
case _=>{
println("Unable to parse date")
This pattern preserves the PartialFunction nature of the piece of code. I find this useful since I am quite a fan of the collect/collectFirst methods, which take a partial function as a parameter and typically does not leave room for precreating a set of extractors.

How to use

I want to create a class that takes string array as a constructor argument and has command line option values as members vals. Something like below, but I don't understand how the Bistate works.
class TestCLI(arguments: Array[String]) extends CommandLineParser {
private val opt1Option = new Flag("p", "print") with AllowAll
private val opt2Option = new Flag("o", "out") with AllowAll
private val strOption = new StringOption("v", "value") with AllowAll
private val result = parse(arguments)
// true or false
val opt1 = result(opt1Option)
val opt2 = result(opt2Option)
val str = result(strOption)
Here are shorter alternatives to that pattern matching to get a boolean:
val opt1 = result(opt1Option).isInstanceOf[Positive[_]]
val opt2 = result(opt2Option).posValue.isDefined
The second one is probably better. The field posValue is an Option (there's negValue as well). The method isDefined from Option tells you whether it is a Some(x) or None.
I'm not personally familiar with Scalax or Bistate in particular, but just looking at the scaladocs, it looks like a left-right disjunction. Scala's main library has a monad very much like this (Either), so I'm surprised that they didn't just use the standard one.
In essence, Bistate and Either are a bit like Option, except their "None-equivalent" can contain a value. For example, if I were writing code using Either, I might do something like this:
def div(a: Int, b: Int) = if (b != 0) Left(a / b) else Right("Divide by zero")
div(4, 2) match {
case Left(x) => println("Result: " + x)
case Right(e) => Println("Error: " + e)
This would print "Result: 2". In this case, we're using Either to simulate an exception. We return an instance of Left which contains the value we want, unless that value cannot be computed for some reason, in which case we return an error message wrapped up inside an instance of Right.
So if I want to assign to variable boolean value of whether flag is found I have to do like below?
val opt1 = result(opt1Option) match {
case Positive(_) => true
case Negative(_) => false
Isn't there a way to write this common case with less code than that?