Continuous Integration with Jasmine and Play framework? - scala

Were doing some TDD at uni and I'm wondering if it is easy enough to get continuous integration with a tool like Jenkins or Bamboo for a javascript based app using the Play Framework (with a tiny bit of Scala) and looking to use testing frameworks like Jasmine (and for the scala scalatest or JUnit)?
i found this post which describes a way to set CI up with Jasmine:Guard and Jenkins.

There is an SBT plugin for Jasmine. I used it recently with Play 2.2.3 based on this excellent guide by Pere Villega and was able to run the Jasmine tests together with the other tests using play test. You should be able to execute them this way using a CI server without much effort.

This plugin integrates Jasmine with Play.
This one integrates Jenkins with Play.


Why protractor deprecated in jhipster?

I am curious to understand why jhipster 7.8.1 deprecated the protractor. Is there roadmap to include any other end-to-end testing framework?
Because it was very flakey in CI tests. We found that Cypress is much more reliable, so that's the default now.

What is the difference between TestNG and Jenkins? Are both used to run Selenium test cases and two similar options?

I have 3 sets of related questions:
1.Are both TestNg and Jenkins competitive tools in the industry. Do they have the same function?
2. Are both used primarily to run Selenium Test Cases?
3. Can both be used to run test cases on IDE's like Eclipse?
1.Are both TestNg and Jenkins competitive tools in the industry. Do they have the same function?
No they are not. Jenkins is an Orchestrator tool that is predominantly used for Continuous Integration (As and when developer checks-in code, it must be compiled, unit tests should be run on it and if the tests pass, it should be deployed to some place) and Continuous Delivery (All of Continuous Integration + run functional tests on the deployed code and if the functional tests pass, promote the code to the next environment and eventually ship to production in an automated fashion). Jenkins cannot do this by itself. So it makes use of build tools such as Ant/Gradle/Maven to help it compile the code and run tests on top of it.
TestNG is a test framework, that lets developers write unit tests and also lets test engineers build their functional automation using it. Its pretty much like JUnit, except that it lets a test engineer visualise a test just as he/she would do in the real world. So they both have totally different functions.
Are both used primarily to run Selenium Test Cases?
Jenkins is agnostic to what it orchestrates. So it doesn't care whether you are using it to build selenium tests or production code. To Jenkins a build is a build. TestNG on the other hand can be used to run Selenium Tests as well. TestNG merely cares about running tests. What goes inside the test is left to the engineer who is building those tests.
Can both be used to run test cases on IDE's like Eclipse?
Jenkins is usually started and left running as a standalone server and one usually interacts with it via a Web UI. So it has got nothing to do with an IDE. TestNG can be run via the below 3 mechanisms :
Via command line
Via build tools.

GAE: auto running tests for “Run As Web Application” or “Deploy to App Engine”

I am developing a simple GAE project with Eclipse and just added my first unit test (using JUnit). How can I let my tests run automatically when starting the web application locally or before deploying it to the GAE server?
Is maven mandatory here or is there a simpler way to do this?
Well, not exactly what I was looking for, but probably good enough:
This plugin runs the tests each time code was modified.

Can a qunit Tests case be written in ecplise?

Recently i have given a task of Qunit with Eclipse plugin.I could find the information regarding the tests cases written in Qunit and the conversion and building the solution for it in JS-test runner using Quint-Adaptaer. But My Question is do i have any Environment in ecplise where i can write tests cases in Qunit and run with JS-Test Runner?
I think you are asking about a development tools for JavaScript. I would recommend installing VJet. This provides tools like a JS editor, content assist, navigation, hovers, validation, etc.
See the page here for more information:
Here is the update site to use to install:
If you need advanced content assist for QUnit (or other JavaScript frameworks like Angular, dojo, jQuery, node, etc), I suggest you that you install 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT (not released today). The 0.10.0 version provides a support for QUnit:

Integrate automated GWT GUI testing with build system

I am in flux for integrating an automated GUI testing with my build system. My GUI application is developed in GWT. I use HUDSON as my automated build system. I would like to perform sanity test of my application. As I understand, the entire test setup will have following steps.
Build and deploy the application in predefined application server. In my case, it would be create and install the application in Android emulator.
Start/Launch the application.
Perform pre-defined user actions(UI Test cases) and validate them.
Somehow include validations for different browsers. I am really not sure how can I do this.
Generate report of test cases performed.
I am not posting the details of application as I think this detail will not make any difference in the approach. Can somebody guide me using past experience if this is possible and if it is then to what extent. The best UI automation tool (preferably open source) which can fit easily here.
We use TeamCity as build server for a GWT application. We just use it as a build server with two tasks: compile sources into Javascript, and deply war file to Tomcat application server. Although I didn't manually set it up yet, I believe it's possible to add a third task for UI testing using Selenium (which we used for another JSF web application testing).
A fairly good example of using Selenium automated testing is RichFaces. If you download its source code package, it includes hundreds of UI-testnig codes written generated by Selenium.