Why protractor deprecated in jhipster? - protractor

I am curious to understand why jhipster 7.8.1 deprecated the protractor. Is there roadmap to include any other end-to-end testing framework?

Because it was very flakey in CI tests. We found that Cypress is much more reliable, so that's the default now.


When is jUnit4 going to be deprecated?

Since junit5 out there, how long jUnit4 going to be supported? Any plans for deprecation, when is it going to be? We are just trying to gauge whether we need to migrate existing jUnit4 test cases to jUnit5 now or later at some point. The user guide says the following but wanted know more clearly how long (a year, two or more from now)? Appreciate your response.
"since the JUnit team will continue to provide maintenance and bug fix releases for the JUnit 4.x baseline, developers have plenty of time to migrate to JUnit Jupiter on their own schedule."
JUnit 4 hasn’t seen any functional upgrade in a decade. What the JUnit team does is maintain the JUnit 4 engine, called Vintage, which runs JUnit 4 on the JUnit 5 platform. As long as the platform engine API stays downwards compatible this is very likely to work. The two events that could break JUnit 4 are:
The platform changes in a highly incompatible way and the Vintage engine will no longer be supported. This is not to be expected in the near future.
Java changes in an incompatible way so that the original JUnit 4 code no longer works. I don’t see that looming either.
That said, using just JUnit 4 decouples you from all innovation in the field of Java test automation. Many extensions already do not support JUnit 4 anymore. My recommendation: Start using the platform at once using Vintage. Write all new tests with Jupiter and the other test engines you need. Migrate old JUnit 4 tests when you have to adapt them anyway.

adding tests to ionic v3 prior to v4 upddate

I have a (complicated, live, in production) ionic app that is currently on ionic-angular 3.9.2 but has been around since (I think) the v1 days. There are no tests (yikes).
I see that Ionic 4 ships with some e2e testing support which is great, but does me little good since it's not compatible with the version that I'm on.
I'd like to get some e2e tests in place prior to biting the bullet and migrating up to v4 and all the many changes that will entail.
Are there any resources available that can help me add tests to a v3 app in a way that will be compatible with v4 as I go through the update process?

Run Protractor without node

I am building an AngularJS web application with Java as backend.When I look for an end to end testing framework, Protractor found to be a better option.But it is highly dependent on node.js(since it's built on top ofnode). Is that correct?
what I need is , I want to run Protractor with maven and tomcat. Can we run it without the dependency of node.js?
No, Protractor is dependent on Node.js So you have to use it.
There are two separate questions:
Can you run protractor without node? The answer is no. Protractor is a node project and requires node dependencies.
Can you use Protractor in a maven project? The answer is yes. I have not tried it but I've seen community members comment on this. A quick search to maven and protractor, I came across this stackoverflow for maven + protractor with the corresponding maven plugin project on github.
I hit this question since I'm wrestling with the same problem. This is what I've figured out.
Protractor (and Karma for the jsunit testing of Angular) requires node, but this isn't a large obstacle since you can pull in and install node using Maven, and use it to pull in yarn to get angular setup and built at deploy and test time. It is also possible to set up a proxy server from the node server to the Spring Boot App so that the REST endpoints will work.
What I want (and what I'm guessing the original poster wants) is to figure out a way to start up protractor without starting the node server. I don't want that server started because as part of the end to end testing I want to verify the spring app is serving the necessary static files correctly, not just the REST endpoints.
If I find an answer I'll update this.

Continuous Integration with Jasmine and Play framework?

Were doing some TDD at uni and I'm wondering if it is easy enough to get continuous integration with a tool like Jenkins or Bamboo for a javascript based app using the Play Framework (with a tiny bit of Scala) and looking to use testing frameworks like Jasmine (and for the scala scalatest or JUnit)?
i found this post which describes a way to set CI up with Jasmine:Guard and Jenkins.
There is an SBT plugin for Jasmine. I used it recently with Play 2.2.3 based on this excellent guide by Pere Villega and was able to run the Jasmine tests together with the other tests using play test. You should be able to execute them this way using a CI server without much effort.
This plugin integrates Jasmine with Play.
This one integrates Jenkins with Play.

Can a qunit Tests case be written in ecplise?

Recently i have given a task of Qunit with Eclipse plugin.I could find the information regarding the tests cases written in Qunit and the conversion and building the solution for it in JS-test runner using Quint-Adaptaer. But My Question is do i have any Environment in ecplise where i can write tests cases in Qunit and run with JS-Test Runner?
I think you are asking about a development tools for JavaScript. I would recommend installing VJet. This provides tools like a JS editor, content assist, navigation, hovers, validation, etc.
See the page here for more information:
Here is the update site to use to install:
If you need advanced content assist for QUnit (or other JavaScript frameworks like Angular, dojo, jQuery, node, etc), I suggest you that you install tern.java 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT (not released today). The 0.10.0 tern.java version provides a support for QUnit: