Connecting a plugboard with the computer - raspberry-pi

I've got a plugboard which can be connected to a Raspberry Pi (via GPIO).
Now I would like to connect it with my laptop which haven't any GPIO port or something like that. So is it possible to connect it by USB or does it make no sense?
(I've searched for this, but I got only questions about 'software'.)
I would be glad to get an answer.

A quick google search for USB GPIO returned a number of results.
These should work in a very similar manner to the ones on your Raspberry Pi, albeit with markedly less community support.


How do I create a Near Edge computing system? (Send sensor data with Raspberry Pi/DHT11 sensor)

I am working on edge computing for IoT applications and expected to create a system that acts as a near edge computer with the use of a raspberry pi hooked up to a dht11 sensor. How do I send this data over to a computer that is at the edge? Ideally I want to use my PC as this device but I have no clue how to send this data over in real time.
So far I have created the circuit and can view the temperature and humidity readings on the raspberry pi in python. Unsure of what the next steps are - I don't want to send this data over to the cloud just yet.
Side note: I believe i may be missing knowledge regarding this but is the raspberry pi an edge device because it is hooked up to the sensor directly?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You need to think this through a bit more. What will you do with the temperature and humidity data that you receive?
For example, if you're just experimenting and want to just see the readings in a console on your PC, you can use netcat to send the console output of your Python program from the RPi to PC. No SW development needed, they just have to be in the same network. Not particularly useful for anything else, either.
Otherwise you need to set up some client-server solution between the RPi and your PC. There's a ton of possible solutions, all depending on what you plan to do with the data. You can use MQTT, HTTP, a straight database connection (MySQL, PostgreSQL), etc. You have to supply both sides of the connection. The Python code on client side which connects and sends data; and the server side thing that accepts the samples and stores them somewhere. Plus all the networking, authentication etc.
Or you can just download the Python client libraries for your favourite cloud solution and set that up according to a tutorial. TBH, this sounds a lot less work to me.

Raspberry Pi GPIO Signal Crosstalk

I am building a system which uses a remote attached to the RPi with a ribbon cable from about 3ft away.
The remote has buttons on it which connect the Raspberry Pi's
GPIOs to GND.The system works beautifully when I use a breakout board, plugging the ribbon cable into that.
However, when I tried to connect the ribbon straight to the RPi,
pressing 1 button often triggers 2 others.
Why would this happen only at the RPi, but never at the breakout board? Any help would be much appreciated.
Before I could preview the schemtaic circuit of the breakout board. I doubt it is caused by the drive capability of the pi board,you can mesure and compare the voltage on the button end between using breakout board and without it, it's really a hardware issue and only way to solve is to check the schematic circuit and measure. by the way, the question you asked is off-topic here.

No wireless cards found when attempting to use fluxion

Recently I have installed fluxion on my Pi 2. There wasn't any problem in the installation process, but when I tried to use fluxion, (after choosing the language) I got the message no wireless cards found ....
It is strange because I was able to see wlan0 (and also connect to the internet) before I had selected language. And also the light on my Wi-Fi dongle goes off.
Is there any solution to fix this problem?
Finally, I could solve the problem. I bought a new wireless usb adapter. For those who are curious I will introduce model of the device. I purchased TP-Link TL-WN722N which is suitable for hacking tools in raspberry pi. It also supports monitor mode. For more information you can visit the official website.

Raspberry Pi and LCD screen

I have a pi3 and I want to connect it to my monitor that came from my old computer. The problem is that it is a monitor and a webcam combined, and the cable is too wide for the connectors. I was wondering if I could use the gpio pins, and if so, which ones and how to connect it all.
You can connect them using HDMI-DVI or HDMI-VGA converter.
I am assuming monitor cable to be DVI or VGA. If you can mention details of the cable, you can get precise answer.

Streaming from Raspberry Pi with wireless connection without connecting to the internet

I am new with Raspberry Pi, I want to make video streaming from Raspberry Pi to the laptop without connecting to the internet and with wireless connection.
I want to know what is the best way to do this, what I have understood while searching the internet, that there is two ways:
making ad hoc network
making an access point from laptop and connecting to it
I have not understood much about them and how to use them and if there is any other ways.
Could anybody summarize the ways of wireless connection and which is the best one for streaming?
And if there is good links for tutorials will be great :D
For Streaming, there is a software called "motion".
ad-hoc is not that stable, you need a network switch in order to get good performance.
keep in mind that you can use routers too as they have already the switch functionality if you have one already.