NetLogo - selecting edge patches of patch-set - netlogo

I'm trying to select the patches along the edge of a contiguous patch-set but am having trouble doing so. The patch-sets represent territories of animals. All patches in the territory touch another patch in the territory. I thought I could select the neighbors4 of the territory patch-set and then ask those neighbors to in turn select their neighbors that belong to the territory. That way just the edge of the territory would theoretically be selected. It runs but does not appear to select the right patches. Here is the code snippet I'm working with:
let neighbor-test no-patches
let territory-edge no-patches
ask territory
; assign owning animal to territory patches
set owner-animal calling-animal
set neighbor-test (patch-set neighbors4 with [owner-animal != calling-animal])
ask neighbor-test
set territory-edge (patch-set neighbors4 with [owner-animal = calling-animal])

If I understood your situation correctly, any patch of the territory that has a neighbor outside the territory is an edge. And "outside the territory" means not having the same owner. One way to express this in NetLogo would be:
patches-own [ owner-animal ]
to-report edge-patches [ territory ]
report territory with [
any? neighbors with [
owner-animal != [ owner-animal ] of myself
And here is a fun little demonstration, to see it in action:
to setup
ask n-of (2 + random 8) patches [
sprout 1 [
let territory patches in-radius (2 + random 8)
ask territory [
set owner-animal myself
set pcolor [ color ] of myself - 2
ask turtles [
let territory patches with [ owner-animal = myself ]
ask edge-patches territory [
set pcolor [ color ] of myself + 2


Netlogo Patch can't access a turtle variable without specifying which turtle

Im trying to setup a procedure to change the colour of the outer patches of my cell-like patches so that it can be easily identified which cell is which. So far I have the below code but im getting issues when trying to go-once the program. Code is below
globals [
patches-own [
to setup
set radius 2
create-turtles #cells [
ifelse mode = "Restricted"
[ setxy random-float #units - random-float #units random-float #units - random-float #units ]
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
to go
to expand-cells
set radius radius + 1
ask turtles [ ask patches in-radius radius [
if pcolor = black or CellID = [who] of myself + 1 [
ask patches with [ pcolor = black ] [
set patch-state "X"
to build-up-cells
set pcolor [ color ] of myself
set CellID [who] of myself + 1
to make-membrane
ask patches with [pcolor != black] [
ifelse not any? neighbors with [ CellID = [who] of myself + 1 ]
[ set patch-state "I" ]
[ set patch-state "M" ]
ask patches with [ patch-state = "M" ] [
set pcolor pcolor - 1
to trim
Error im getting is this:
A patch can't access a turtle variable without specifying which turtle.
error while patch 40 6 running OF
called by procedure MAKE-MEMBRANE
called by procedure GO
called by Button 'go-once'
The error results from the wrong usage of who. If you take a look into the Netlogo dictionary, you will see that who is a turtle variable, but you run make-membrane on the patches.
I guess, what you want to do is check, if there are any neighbors, that don't belong to the same cells (i.e. don't have the same CellID), and if so, make that patch a membrane patch.
ifelse any? neighbors with [ CellID != [CellID] of myself]
[ set patch-state "M" ]
[ set patch-state "I" ]

Netlogo: ask patches in-radius but not the center patch itself

I would like to make things with patches in-radius but excluding the patch with the agent itself, the center patch, so I modify the Myself example from the model library:
to splotch
ask turtles [
ask one-of patches in-radius 2 with [not any? turtles-here] [
set pcolor [ color ] of myself
but this code also excludes other patches with turtles so it should be something like
to splotch
ask turtles [
ask one-of patches in-radius 2 [not self][
set pcolor [ color ] of myself
But this code isn't working and I don't figure out how it has to be.
You need the other primitive. However, other excludes agents of the same type and you are wanting a turtle to exclude a patch. So, you need to get the relevant patch to ask the other patches. Here's one approach:
to testme
create-turtles 3 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
to splotch
ask turtles
[ let mycolor color
ask patch-here
[ ask other patches in-radius 4
[ set pcolor mycolor
If you want something more like the way you were doing it, you can create a local variable to store the patch and then exclude it like this:
to splotch
ask turtles
[ let mypatch patch-here
ask patches in-radius 4 with [self != mypatch]
[ set pcolor [color] of myself

Conditional network neighbours

I want to select the network neighbours filtered by a link attribute rather than a turtle attribute. For example, this might be selecting only the closest friends based on a strength score on the friendship link. I could do this by having different link breeds for close friends, but this would require constantly changing breeds as the condition was or was not required.
Below is an example with a boolean condition.
links-own [flag?]
to testme
ask patches [set pcolor white]
create-turtles 20
[ setxy 0.95 * random-xcor 0.95 * random-ycor
set color black
ask n-of 3 turtles [set color red]
repeat 40
[ ask one-of turtles
[ create-link-with one-of other turtles
[ set flag? random-float 1 < 0.4
set color ifelse-value flag? [red] [gray]
; colour-neighbours
to colour-neighbours
ask turtles with [color = red ]
[ ask my-links with [flag?]
[ ask other-end [ set color blue ]
to colour-neighbours2
ask turtles with [color = red ]
[ ask turtle-set [ other-end ] of my-links with [flag?]
[ set color blue ]
I am currently doing the equivalent of colour-neighbours, but it involves stepping through several contexts. The colour-neighbours2 version is conceptually closer because it is referring directly to the network neighbours. However, because of the of, I get a list of neighbours that I then have to convert to an agentset.
This is for teaching and, while both work, they seem very convoluted when compared to the unconditional network neighbourhood with the link-neighbors primitive. That is, if I didn't care about the flag, I could simply say ask link-neighbors [ set color blue ].
Is there a more direct way to identify network neighbours conditional on a link attribute?
You already cover most possibilities. Another way to do it would be:
to colour-neighbours3
foreach [ other-end ] of my-links with [ flag? ] [ t ->
ask t [ set color blue ]
I would avoid colour-neighbours2 because, as you stated, it requires the conversion from a list to an agentset. Whether you should use colour-neighbours or colour-neighbours3 is, I think, a matter of personal preference.
Just to add a more-convoluted (worse?) option that uses an agentset:
to colour-neighbours4
ask turtles with [ color = red ] [
let flag-links my-links with [flag?]
ask link-neighbors with [ any? my-links with [ member? self flag-links ] ] [
set color blue

NetLogo: calculate geographic center of patch-set

I'm modeling territory selection in NetLogo, where turtles pick a territory center ("start-patch") and then build a territory out from there based on value of patches. Turtles always return to the start-patch after claiming a new patch, then choose, move to, and claim the next most valuable patch. After choosing a territory, the turtle knows which patches it owns, and patches know their owner.
Ultimately, the start-patch of a territory may not actually end up being the true geographic center. After a turtle has selected its territory, how might I ask it to evaluate the territory, identify the geographic center, and calculate proximity of the start-patch to the true center of the territory? (Note: I don't want to force turtles to keep the start-patch in the geographic center--they are free to choose any patches they want. But I may force turtles to re-select a territory if there isn't a close match--these territories are not very efficient otherwise.)
Here's an example of how territory start-patches (black stars) do not equal geographic centers. Some example code is below. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
patches-own [
benefit ;; ranges 0.1-1 and represents food available in the patch
owner ] ;; patches are owned once selected for a territory
turtles-own [
start-patch ;; the selected center of the territory
sum-value ;; sum of values of patches in my territory
territory-list ;; list of patches I've selected
territory ;; agentset of patches I've selected
established ] ;; true/false, true when has settled in a final territory after assessing geographic center
globals [threshold = 25]
to setup
ask patches [ set owner nobody ]
to go
ask turtles [
to pick-center
if start-patch = 0
[move-to best-center ;; (calculated by a reporter elsewhere as moving windows for a cluster of high-benefit patches)
set start-patch patch-here
set owner self
set territory-list (list patch-here)
set territory (patches with [owner = myself])
to build-territory
ifelse sum-value < threshold
[ pick-patch ] ;; keeps picking patches for territory until I've met my threshold
[ assess-geographic-center] ;; once met threshold, assess real center of patch-set
to pick-patch
let _destination highest-value ;; (this is calculated by reporters elsewhere based on benefit / travel costs to a patch)
face _destination forward 1
if patch-here = _destination
[ claim-patch _destination ]
to claim-patch [_patch]
ask _patch [set owner myself]
set sum-value sum-value + (benefit / (distance start-patch))
set territory-list lput patch-here territory-list
set territory (patch-set territory _patch)
move-to start-patch
to assess-geographic-center
;; Once the territory is built, the turtle should identify the actual
;; geographic center of the patch-set it has to do this?
;; Once it knows the center, the turtle should compare the distance to the original start-patch.
;; If >10 patches away, it will move to that start-patch and start over with selecting a territory....
Could you get away with just the mean pxcor and pycor of all patches? Something like:
to setup
let n 70
ask one-of patches [
set pcolor red
while [ ( count patches with [pcolor = red ] ) < n ] [
ask one-of patches with [ pcolor = red ] [
ask one-of neighbors4 [set pcolor red ]
let xmean mean [pxcor] of patches with [ pcolor = red ]
print xmean
let ymean mean [pycor] of patches with [ pcolor = red ]
print ymean
ask patch xmean ymean [ set pcolor blue
Following the previous answer, here is what I came up with. This goes in the last procedure in my original code:
to assess-geographic-center
let xmean mean [pxcor] of patches with [ owner = myself ]
let ymean mean [pycor] of patches with [ owner = myself ]
ask patch xmean ymean [ set pcolor black ] ;; make the geographic center visible
let geographic-center patch xmean ymean
let distance-away distance geographic-center ;; the turtle is on its start-patch when assessing this distance
ifelse distance-away <= 5
[ set established true ] ;; turtle is happy if start-patch and geographic-center are approximately equal, territory "established"
[ move-to geographic-center ;; otherwise, turtle moves to geographic-center,
reposition ] ;; and follows a procedure "reposition" to makes this the new start-patch and repick the territory

Netlogo Sprouting turtles spaced at less than one patch

I want to place turtles on each of the black patches(below Figure) such that there is no gap between turtles at all:
Code I use right now:
ask patches with [pcolor = black][sprout-dead-turtles wall-agents [set color red]]
This gives the following result:
But I want to place turtles in between each of the two patches as well. So that I can cover the showing black part.
Note: Changing the shape of turtles is no use to my purpose though it would cover the black area. My aim to create a replusion force field from these agents and gaps in between are loop holes from where agents may escape.[Somewhat similar to agents bouncing back on a wall].
Here is a fun solution:
breed [ dead-turtles dead-turtle ]
to setup
; draw the background:
ask patches with [ abs pxcor != max-pxcor and abs pycor != max-pycor ] [ set pcolor grey ]
ask patches with [ pycor = max-pycor and abs pxcor <= 1 ] [ set pcolor white ]
set-default-shape dead-turtles "circle"
; sprout a first set of turtles:
ask patches with [ pcolor = black ] [
sprout-dead-turtles 1 [ set color red ]
; create temporary links between these, and use the
; links to place a new set of turtles in between:
ask dead-turtles [
create-links-with turtles-on neighbors4
ask links [
let target end2
ask end1 [
hatch 1 [
face target
fd distance target / 2
die ; remove the link
I'm not saying that it is the only possible solution, but it's simple enough, and it works. (World wrapping has to be turned off, though, which I assume is the case.)