Netlogo Patch can't access a turtle variable without specifying which turtle - netlogo

Im trying to setup a procedure to change the colour of the outer patches of my cell-like patches so that it can be easily identified which cell is which. So far I have the below code but im getting issues when trying to go-once the program. Code is below
globals [
patches-own [
to setup
set radius 2
create-turtles #cells [
ifelse mode = "Restricted"
[ setxy random-float #units - random-float #units random-float #units - random-float #units ]
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
to go
to expand-cells
set radius radius + 1
ask turtles [ ask patches in-radius radius [
if pcolor = black or CellID = [who] of myself + 1 [
ask patches with [ pcolor = black ] [
set patch-state "X"
to build-up-cells
set pcolor [ color ] of myself
set CellID [who] of myself + 1
to make-membrane
ask patches with [pcolor != black] [
ifelse not any? neighbors with [ CellID = [who] of myself + 1 ]
[ set patch-state "I" ]
[ set patch-state "M" ]
ask patches with [ patch-state = "M" ] [
set pcolor pcolor - 1
to trim
Error im getting is this:
A patch can't access a turtle variable without specifying which turtle.
error while patch 40 6 running OF
called by procedure MAKE-MEMBRANE
called by procedure GO
called by Button 'go-once'

The error results from the wrong usage of who. If you take a look into the Netlogo dictionary, you will see that who is a turtle variable, but you run make-membrane on the patches.
I guess, what you want to do is check, if there are any neighbors, that don't belong to the same cells (i.e. don't have the same CellID), and if so, make that patch a membrane patch.
ifelse any? neighbors with [ CellID != [CellID] of myself]
[ set patch-state "M" ]
[ set patch-state "I" ]


NetLogo - Have an agent identify one of two other types of agent closest to it and perform actions conditional on which agent type is identified

Suppose I have 2 breeds of agents, sharks (stars and dots) and fish. The stars (large sharks) can eat dots (smaller sharks) and fish that are in-radius 0.5 of a star. A star should eat what is closest to it, either a dot or fish. For simplicity purposes, agents cannot move, and whether or not a star can feed depends on its spatial proximity to dots and fish during setup.
But i'm struggling to get the code to work. Specifically,
I am encountering an "expected reporter" error message in my code and i cannot figure out how to solve this, although I don't know if fixing the code will achieve the aim. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Below is my code:
; Create the agents
breed [sharks shark]
breed [fishes fish]
x0 ; Starting x-cor
y0 ; Starting y-cor
to setup
; Always start with this
ask patches [set pcolor gray]
create-sharks 666
set color blue
set energy 100
ifelse who >= 15
set shape "dot" set size 2.5
set shape "star" set size 3.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
create-fishes 300
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set x0 xcor
set y0 ycor
set shape "fish"
set size 2.5
set color white
; this procedure gives an "expected reporter' error
if shape = "star"
ifelse min-one-of turtles with [shape = "dot"]
ifelse any? sharks with [shape = "dot"] in-radius 0.5 ; namely here
fd 0
set energy (energy + 100)
set color green
] ; End of 2nd ifelse
if min-one-of turtles with [shape = "fish"]
ifelse any? fishes with [shape = "fish"] in-radius 0.5
fd 0
set energy (energy + 1)
set color yellow
] ; End of 1st ifelse
] ; End of 1st if
You core issue is you are using ifelse min-one-of turtles with [shape = "dot"] as though min-one-of will give a true/false, but it will report a turtle. The error message NetLogo is giving is not great in this case. What I think you want to use any? in those cases (there are two of them that I see).
After those are resolved you have a context error, where you are checking if shape = "star" , but you aren't inside an ask [...] block where that check would have a turtle context to be valid. Maybe that's just a copy/paste issue in getting this question code ready, but I thought I'd note that, too.
Ok after many hours of blood, sweat and tears I finally arrived at the solution. In case the issue/objective is of interest to anyone else, the working code is as follows:
; Create the agents
breed [sharks shark]
breed [fishes fish]
x0 ; Starting x-cor
y0 ; Starting y-cor
to setup
; Always start with this
ask patches [set pcolor gray]
create-sharks 666
set color blue
set energy 100
ifelse who >= 10
set shape "dot" set size 2.5
set shape "star" set size 3.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
create-fishes 300
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set x0 xcor
set y0 ycor
set shape "fish"
set size 2.5
set color white
ask turtles [
if shape = "star"
let turtleID min-one-of other turtles [distance myself] ; Create a variable that identifies nearest turtle to apex
ifelse [shape] of turtleID = "dot" ; Evaluate whether the nearest turtle is a small meso
ifelse distance turtleID < 0.5 ; check if prey is still close enough
; do this if within radius 0.5
set color green
; do this if not within radius 0.5
set color yellow
if [shape] of turtleID = "fish" ; Evaluate whether the nearest turtle is a fish
ifelse distance turtleID < 0.5
; do this if within radius 0.5
set color red
; otehrwise do this if not within radius 0.5
set color orange

Pedestrian environment: turtles do not recognise patch-type and surroundings

Recently I've started working on a pedestrian model simulation. I'm currently having a difficult time with controlling the movement patterns of my turtles. My code and blueprint.png is uploaded to Github.
So first, I upload a floor plan and tried to setup-variables and ask patches with pcolor = 0 to set as walls, pcolor = white to set as the ground, pcolor = red for doors, etc.
I'm able to create turtles, and let's say they start at the doors. I've tried to instruct them to avoid walls, yet the code breaks with runtime error: MOVE-TO expected input to be an agent but got NOBODY instead. Why can turtles start at patches with a colour but not a patch-type?
Even just the way the turtles are walking is unlike previous models I've tested in the model library. Any feedback would be welcome and appreciated. Thanks
Netlogo Code
extensions [ time ]
globals [
patches-own [
to setup
to go
to import-dwg
import-pcolors "blueprint.png"
to update-time
let minutes floor (ticks / 60)
let seconds ticks mod 60
if(minutes < 10)[set minutes (word "0" minutes)]
if(seconds < 10)[set seconds (word "0" seconds)]
set time-passed (word minutes ":" seconds)
to setup-turtles
create-turtles 2 [
move-to one-of patches with [ patch-type = "ground" ]
set heading towards one-of patches with [ pcolor = 65 ]
ask turtles [
set speed 1
set wait-time 0
set size 2
set color blue
to move
ask turtles [
If any? Patches with [ pcolor = white ]
[set heading towards one-of patches with [ pcolor = white ]
fd 1]
to setup-variables
ask patches with [ pcolor = 0 ] [
set patch-type "walls"
ask patches with [ pcolor = 15 ] [
set patch-type "doors"
ask patches with [ pcolor = white ] [
set patch-type "ground"
ask patches with [ pcolor = 65 ] [
set patch-type "art"
set time-passed "00:00"
Cross-posted to Reddit and found my answer (link):
You're going to hate this - in your setup function, setup-variables needs to be before setup-turtles, otherwise it doesn't know what "patch-type" is.
Edit: Also using "neighbors" for your move so they're looking at
adjacent patches, may help them not walk through walls and art.

How I can stop agent reach an other netlogo

I need a function of an agent against an agent which they stop when they reach each other
i tryed this psodo code
ask turtles [
if heading = 90 with [pcolor = red] [ stop ]
and thanks a lot.
The following code will stop if the patch ahead (whatever heading the turtle is facing) is red:
ask turtles
[ if [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 1 = red [stop]
If you want a particular direction, such as your code implies with heading = 90 then you need something like:
ask turtles
[ if [ pcolor ] of patch-at-heading-and-distance 90 1 = red [stop]
In response to the additional information that the check should be for a turtle rather than a patch... This code makes no assumption about the number of turtles on each patch and stops if at least one such turtle is red.
ask turtles
[ if any? turtles-at 1 1 with [ color = red ] [stop]

NetLogo - selecting edge patches of patch-set

I'm trying to select the patches along the edge of a contiguous patch-set but am having trouble doing so. The patch-sets represent territories of animals. All patches in the territory touch another patch in the territory. I thought I could select the neighbors4 of the territory patch-set and then ask those neighbors to in turn select their neighbors that belong to the territory. That way just the edge of the territory would theoretically be selected. It runs but does not appear to select the right patches. Here is the code snippet I'm working with:
let neighbor-test no-patches
let territory-edge no-patches
ask territory
; assign owning animal to territory patches
set owner-animal calling-animal
set neighbor-test (patch-set neighbors4 with [owner-animal != calling-animal])
ask neighbor-test
set territory-edge (patch-set neighbors4 with [owner-animal = calling-animal])
If I understood your situation correctly, any patch of the territory that has a neighbor outside the territory is an edge. And "outside the territory" means not having the same owner. One way to express this in NetLogo would be:
patches-own [ owner-animal ]
to-report edge-patches [ territory ]
report territory with [
any? neighbors with [
owner-animal != [ owner-animal ] of myself
And here is a fun little demonstration, to see it in action:
to setup
ask n-of (2 + random 8) patches [
sprout 1 [
let territory patches in-radius (2 + random 8)
ask territory [
set owner-animal myself
set pcolor [ color ] of myself - 2
ask turtles [
let territory patches with [ owner-animal = myself ]
ask edge-patches territory [
set pcolor [ color ] of myself + 2

Optimal Path on a given graph

I am working on a project in netLogo in which i have a random network in which each and every link is assigned a bandwidth. The algorithm chooses a random Source and Destination by itself and after which it has to choose an optimal path between these two.
My question is how to choose the optimal path by exploring all the possible paths.
hereby attaching the sourcecode of my model:
breed[nodes node]
breed[ants ant ]
globals [nodename nodenumbersource nodenumberdestination relaynode dead-network num ]
nodes-own[visited ]
links-own[visit bandwidth]
to cr11
ask nodes with [label = "Source"]
set num count (link-neighbors)
create-ants num ;num-ants
let n one-of nodes with [label = "Source"]
setxy ([xcor] of n) ([ycor]of n)
set current-node n
set color white set size 0.95
set distance-gone 0
set distance-to-go 0
set target-node one-of nodes with [ label = "Relay Node" ] ;nobody
to face-targets
ask ants ;with [ target-node]; = node 4 ] ;nobody ]
let d 0
face (one-of nodes with [ label = "Relay Node" ]);target-node
ask current-node [
set d distance (one-of nodes with [ label = "Relay Node" ]);target-node)
set distance-to-go d
to move-forward
ask ants [
while [ distance-gone < (distance-to-go )]
fd 1
set distance-gone (distance-gone + 1)
ask ants [
if distance-gone < distance-to-go
set current-node target-node
setxy ([xcor] of current-node) ([ycor] of current-node)
set distance-gone 0
set distance-to-go 0
;This is used to design the Network
to setup
ask links [set color white
set visit false
set bandwidth (5 + random 10) ;min bw 5 max 15
to setup1
set dead-network 0
create-nodes number-of-nodes
setxy (random-xcor * 0.95) (random-ycor * 0.95)
set shape "circle"
set color green
set visited false
set label who
;Links are created for the nodes
to setup-spatially-clustered-network
let num-links (6 * number-of-nodes) / 2
while [count links < num-links ]
ask one-of turtles
let choice (min-one-of (other turtles with [not link-neighbor? myself])
[distance myself])
if choice != nobody [ create-link-with choice
repeat 10
layout-spring turtles links 0.3 (world-width / (sqrt number-of-nodes)) 1
;This is to Generate Message for nodes
to test1
ask one-of nodes
set color red
set label "Source"
set nodenumbersource who
ask one-of nodes with [color = green]
set color red
set label "Destination"
set nodenumberdestination who
to test3
ask turtles with [label = "Source"]
set label "ants moving"
ask my-links
set color green
ask link-neighbors
set color blue
ask min-one-of turtles with [color = blue and my-links] [distance turtle nodenumberdestination ]
ask max-one-of my-links [bandwidth ]
set color red
set color white
set relaynode who
set label "Relay Node"
; face-targets
to test4
ask turtle nodenumberdestination
while [color != white]
ask turtle relaynode
set label ""
ask my-links
set color green
ask link-neighbors
set color yellow
ask turtles with [color = yellow]
set color violet
ask turtles with [color = violet] with [visited = false]
set color magenta
ask min-one-of turtles with [color = magenta] [distance turtle nodenumberdestination]
set color white
set relaynode who
set label "Relay Node"
set visited true
to test6
ask nodes ; turtles
set color green
set visited false
set label ""
ask links
set color white
set visit false
to test5
You can use the NW-Extension for that! Just download it and stick it in NetLogo's extensions folder. Then, in your model, you can start using by adding
extensions [ nw ]
to the top of your code. Then you can use one of the weighted-path-to primitives to get the turtles or links along the shortest path between two nodes.
Note that the nw extension is under active development, though it is well tested. You also must be using the latest version of NetLogo.
If you want to implement it yourself, Dijkstra's algorithm is the classic solution if you have nonnegative weights in your graph.